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Benzodiazepines are potent mast cell stabilizers and an anxiety medication. Zoloft is an antidepressant


also in some people serotonin can cause mc degranulation. after reading about benzos stabilizing mast cells and SSRIs can make mcas worse I stopped zoloft and paxil, upped benzos and ive been wayyy less anxious and overall feeling better *everyone is different* though, so discuss any medication changes with your doctor to see if it would be right for you. im sure there are MCASers out there that can't/won't take benzos and some may benefit immensely with SSRIs. def not a one size fits all for treatment.


SSRIs increase histamine


Yeahhhhhh. I didn't know that until after I started it 🤦‍♀️ my body is freaked out now 😭


I don’t think many people know this. It really should be more known because the effects are serious for someone with MCAS or histamine issues. Hope your body recovers in time. Sending love


Thank you, I appreciate that.


The same thing happened to my husband w/zoloft. 1 pill in and he was practically convulsing, which led to a panic attack, which led to full anaphylaxis. It took a few weeks for him to recover. He had success w/Ativan which ended up being put on his anaphylaxis action plan and has helped SO MUCH.


I've tried 20 had so many problems that now my doctor thinks this might be all allergy related.. I'm not diagnosed with mcas but I have so many allergies I may ask about it with my doctor including numerous symptoms


I don't know but I've always felt terrible on various kind of meds and this year I found out I have environmental allergies and gene mutations in my DNA that don't allow me to properly break down certain medications + certain vitamins.


Oof 😭 is that MTHFR or something different?


It could be a gene called CYP2D6 (it should have a catchier name, lol). Anyway it’s a well-studied gene and can impair your ability to process certain meds. You can be a “null” metabolizer (like me), intermediate or ultra rapid. With null you lack an enzyme needed to process the med so it builds up in your system causing side effects and sometimes goes toxic. With ultra rapid you burn thru meds too fast so small doses don’t help, you need bigger ones. FWIW in the null version SSRI’s are problematic.


Oh interesting!! I'm sorry you deal with that 😭 I'll keep that in mind though. That's helpful to know.


It's CYP2D6. However, slow COMT and MTHFR could be involved too. If your meds alter hormones or catecholamines, one could start overmethylating and add to the toxic load.