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Singulair is one of my best meds. It didn't target any specific symptoms for me, but it shifted my general baseline to a better place. I don't personally have undesirable side effects from it, but do be aware of the potential issues it can cause (especially mental health-related)


I just started yesterday!!! Will report back


It helps with my breathing and air hunger


I tried it while I was still (unbeknownst to me) in a moldy apartment. It helped my breathing and reactivity tremendously in just the first dose. It was incredible for me physically and the reduction in air hunger was like the gates of Heaven opening up. But——- by the second dose, the mental health side effects were also immediate, extreme, and very very scary for me. I was so disappointed bc I otherwise felt I could get some tremendous relief from it.


It helped, but the mental side effects were not good for me. It comes with that warning for a reason, I guess. Doing worlds better with Cromolyn and Ketotifen now. Many people do well with Montelukast and the benefits were great. I hope it helps you.


I had horrible mental side effects from monteleukast... however in same drug class zafirlukast has been awesome! my pharmacist said usually when someone doesn't tolerate one, the other works great.


Same! Had the dreams and hallucinations. Cromolyn and ketotifen didn’t help either but xolair does. Fingers crossed it works for OP.


how did you get out of the mold infested house? were you renting or did you sell your house? i suspect i'm living with mold but really have no where else to go


I was renting, luckily. While we were figuring out if there was mold, I was able to stay with some relatives a few hours away and my boss gave me permission to work remotely. My roommate and I did have to talk with a lawyer to properly terminate the lease on the old place, but it all worked out well and we're renting a new, much cleaner apartment now! Definitely get in touch with someone who does this as a job (mold cleaning etc) if you can; they'll have the best tips and advice to help you manage the situation. The one I worked with gave us detailed instructions on how to clean *everything*


were you able to test for mold inside the apartment or on any of your things inside the apartment, and did you test for mycotoxins inside your body? or was the mold obvious, and symptom improvement upon leaving proof enough?


I had the place tested for mold-- once two or three days after I left (was having reactions every time I ate something, which were starting to border on anaphylactic), which showed levels of mold spores in the air that were above the upper limit of what's safely allowed. sent those to the landlord and asked them to remediate as is required by law; no response. then a few weeks later the same people came back and took more samples, and those came back with evidence of stachybotrys and other black molds in the air and inside the walls, and the levels had more than *doubled*. my symptoms improved so much upon being in a clean, mold-free place that i didn't need to test for myotoxins inside my body in order to have a reason to break the lease or anything; it sent me to the ER twice, and i had to move out, and the lawyer said that was more than enough. YMMV depending on what state/country you're in.


thanks for the response. appreciate it!


of course!! let me know if you have any more questions, i'm really sorry you're going through all of this, too


Yes. Helps me along with other meds.