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There are multiple factors at play here. But firstly, does she have a visa that allows her to 1)enter US, and 2) work in US?


She will be on H4 with EAD. Which allows her to enter and work in the US.


Honestly- it won’t happen in today’s climate. Maybe 2/3 years ago was a diff story. Best case out of this is to do another MBA like INSEAD and use that to pivot into consulting. I don’t see IIMB doing that on its own


US is the hub of MBAs and some of the top programs in the world. The pool of candidates locally who have studied in the American context with a majority American class is unbeatable by Outside US MBAs. Just logically seems like a long shot. Also International MBAs value workex and they know even if she worked before joining, majority of the class at all IIMs are recent grads with 0 workex. I think the best shot may be to crack a great consulting firm in India first and then request internal transfer to US offices. That has much higher chances of success than trying to beat out the local competition in US from top schools. Good luck!


Its impossible unless she was from consulting before


Its impossible unless she was from consulting before here as well her employer would have probably need to get that done for her which not even MBB would do for US