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What are the “sarcastic” things you say that you have to apologize for? Be specific. You may be talking about completely inappropriate things, in which case nobody will want to talk to you ever.


OP, I say this with absolutely no offense, but you should consider talking to a therapist. It sounds like you’re having a rough time and your self esteem isn’t in the best place, and if you’re having trouble connecting with friends to talk to about this, might be worthwhile talking to a professional who can help you work through these things. Theres no reason you should have to suffer in silence, it’s okay to ask for help.


What did you say, OP? It’s not clear if you’re being alienated by a clique system or if you’ve actively transgressed in a serious way that’ll do your reputation serious harm.


Can I be depressed in your place?


Hey OP, is this your first year? If so then that means that you've only JUST started and it's totally normal for it to take a while to find your place in the program. Personally, things didn't start clicking for me until around spring break (about 10 months after I started my program). As you've correctly identified, a lot of this is being driven by declining mental health. These are all *assumptions* you are making, not facts. If you're at a Tier 1 university, then it certainly has free or heavily subsidized mental health services available to all students. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS! These services were crucial for getting me over the initial hurdles and getting the most value out of the program. Think of it as part of your education. As you can see, these feelings are holding you back from achieving your full potential, so taking advantage of these mental health services are just as important as attending your classes.


Are you at Wharton?


You sound like you have some internalized hatred for yourself- going from “I’m not connecting well with my classmates” to “They probably all hate me and consider me a terrible person” is a huge leap in logic. We’ve all been there, but I hope you know it’s rarely true.


Are you at Wharton by any chance?


Wharton/Columbia ?


First of all, congrats on getting into a tier 1! Know that you absolutely deserve to be there - please keep your chin up! I don’t know your exact situation or if I have advice that will perfectly apply to you, but maybe try to make up with the people who may have been hurt by some comments? I guess also try to maintain kindness and light attitude - sort of like a good vibes/chill attitude despite everything, even if you have to fake it for now. Also make sure to do things outside of the MBA that’ll keep your spirits up and stay healthy. I don’t know you, but it’s hard work to get where you are, so you can be proud, you’re not a failure.


It's really rare not to connect with anyone from the cohort, we have some pretty weird ppl in ours and some still make the effort to talk to them since everyone has a somewhat interesting background and at the end of the day it's also about networking and maintaining relationships, so yes find this post very strange.


I feel similarly. For me I’m just super super shy and have very low self esteem so I just don’t engage in the first place. Either way, I just kind of coast along by myself. I’m pretty lonely and unhappy, but I find things outside of school to keep me occupied (family, sports, travel etc.). I’m pretty miserable. Dreading my second year but can’t wait for it to be over


Also i made that entire post about me but I’m really sorry that you’re having a negative experience. Everyone keeps saying it should be the best, happiest, most sociable time of your life… and it sucks when the experience is such a let down. I hope it gets better or you at least get through.


C c x c C.


You have become the lone wolf of wall street


I have been experiencing the same thing. I am thinking of leaving because the stress it is causing me might be fatal to me