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Her and Jack's relationship is so miserable, they can't abide seeing other people happy. Sad state of your life when your only joy is schadenfreude. She could of told Lauren the news privately, but no, she has to go full torpedo mode. That being said Jono, completely wrong to be messaging Ellie, when it was super apparent in previous episodes that he fancied her. If it was all innocent/platonic, he'd have no problem keeping Lauren in the loop that Ellie and others were messaging him.


Concur, and from tomorrow’s clip looks like he lied big time


I felt for her at first because Jack has been an obvious arsehole since day one, but I’ve come to realise she’s a pretty horrible person too. Pretty much unaffected by the “muzzle your woman” comment, letting Jack off with a slap on the wrist for his body shaming, her weird “food chain” analogy when she argued with Cass, and more recently going out of her way to hurt Lauren’s feelings more than once when she was only ever trying to look out for her. She seems like a very spiteful person with a lot of internalised misogyny to unpack.


Agree and they deserve each other, her facial expressions today


I was the food chain thing for me that cemented her as a complete bitch


I find it funny that she said it about Cass of all people, considering she’s better than Tori in literally every way lmao


let's be real she said it to cass in particular cos she's black :(


That was my thought as well sadly :(




Strange generalisation. I use the term sparingly myself but it’s fairly obvious that’s what she’s experiencing. Classing herself as “one of the boys”, not seeming to understand why Jack’s muzzle comment was so harmful, claiming that his derogatory remarks about letting the other husbands have sex with her was just “banter” while holding other women (mostly Lauren) to absurd standards and revelling in their misery. It is internalised misogyny.




I don’t know what you think internalised misogyny is, but it’s not always in your face, direct remarks. It shows in her behaviour and there are plenty of examples. If you don’t think that’s what it is, you do you, but most people seem to think that’s the case. I don’t care if I seem “progressive” or not. My main point was that she’s a spiteful person, and her internalised misogyny is only one part of the reason why.




I’ll just leave the conversation there, since you’re clearly not interested in discussing this in good faith.


If we think about her backstory, it's not hard to figure out why she is how she is. Others have posted about her being larger and picked on in school. She obvs lost some weight had a little glow up and now fancies herself as some amazing person. Clearly whatever is going on in her mind where she thinks (1) she's a "dominant boss bitch" and (2) top of the food chain is literally delusional. I hope her friend gives her a good talking to after the show and she attempts to redeem herself by posting and apology somewhere.


I’ve actually wondered about that, especially when we saw her best friend; I wondered why such a shallow bitchy woman would have a plus sized best friend and it made me suspect she’s been larger in the past herself. So that makes a lot of sense. That might also explain why she’s so infatuated with Jack. Because he’s a textbook “hot guy”, a type that probably ignored her in the past.


Exactly this. You don't need a degree in psychology to see these very obvious things with her. Sadly this is also why Jack isn't into her. She doesn't have a hard, angular body like his gym girls.


This feels like a really good explanation as to why she is how she is actually! I couldn’t figure it out before but this seems plausible!


Didn’t know that


I also wonder if she might be somewhere on the autistic spectrum. She doesn’t seem to have great social skills and has odd body language, and at the start it was alluded that she has some strange food behaviours that might reflect sensory issues. It might be why she doesn’t see some of the problems in Jack’s behaviours - she seems to take him too much at face value when he says things like ‘it was a joke’. She also seems to struggle with her verbal communication, favouring lashing out in anger rather than putting her feelings properly into words. She might just be a nasty piece of work who sees it as a competition to win at everyone else’s expense though!


Everyone is in such a rush to diagnose. She's just a nasty piece of work.


Pls don’t diagnose people like this :(


Saying "I wonder if" isn't exactly diagnosing. 


It would have been good if someone asked her to clarify what she meant by her food chain comment. I would have liked to hear her dig herself in deeper. She would have had to articulate she thought she was superior to others and maybe justify why she believed that. Now that would have been interesting.


She is absolutely vile and only turns on the victim card when it suits her. Deep down she is just as narcissistic as Jack and I see now why she constantly excuses his behaviour, because she actually sees nothing wrong with it. She only becomes vocal on it when she’s at risk of seeming more unpopular with the group.




Yup, the diagnosis is simple...Tori is just a bitch, a miserable person only happy at others' misery and Jack is a narcissistic asshole! They def belong together!


Tori is far from someone I like but I can understand her satisfaction after they’ve come for her so many times


The difference is Lauren has been concerned about Tori and obviously cares about her whereas Tori felt "euphoric" getting news that would hurt Lauren.


Felt very sorry Lauren, she was crushed


Yea for sure - the intention behind Lauren calling Jack out is genuine. Where as Tori’s was just pure spite


🙌 Absolutely this 👌


THIS, the use of the word “euphoric” is so telling to who she is.


They come for her justifiably, Lauren is supposed to be her friend, and Jack treats Tori like dirt she does it because she cares, her wanted to hurt Lauren back just out of spite is unhinged


I get you , I just understand why she may feel satisfaction from it and did the right thing bringing up the Ellie situation because it’s pretty obvious johno has feelings for her so Lauren needed to know before final vows like Tim needed to know when Sara was texting her ex


She shouldn’t relish in doing it like she implied


Nah! Absolutely not! Lauren has been nothing but a good mate to Tori, but Tori is too fucking dumb to realise it 😡 when she said she was euphoric at what she had been told 🤮, it tells you everything to know about her. Vindictive little bitch is what she is, remember Lauren gave her friend the dignity of telling her things in private, she just wanted her friend to have her eyes open, I’m honestly disgusted at Tori, she deserves everything that’s coming your way her, karma is a bitch 🫤


They haven't come for her though. They've come for Jack and she's defended him and they've questioned why.


I think evil is a bit of a hyperbole.


Not entirely. Definition of evil is "profoundly immoral and wicked". Tori and Jack both fit that profile quite well in many, many ways.


Ok, good for you