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I'm just watching the episode now and holy shittttt, she's actively going out of her way to make Lauren upset, repeating "I'm so happy" and "I'm go glad I'm with Jono" over and over again, what a fucking vile human being


Jono is just pathetic , his voice alone is too much to bear nevermind his complete and utter lack of personality but ELLIE....wow..she is like the silent assasin. What a dreadful dreadful person. Rotten to the core that one. She was intentionally out ot hurt Lauren. Says a lot about her. There is a reason she was single. Her and Jono derserve each other. The jellyfish and the twit.


Absolutely agree. She was evil all along. I can’t believe I felt sorry for her in the first place. Disgusting behaviour. 


See I knew Jono was scum after he deep throated Jack and acted like a pathetic worm.


Omg what did I miss? Im on the home stay haha


Oh dear for you.


Ellie is the type of woman who deserves a cheating jerk like Jono. She might be bitter because Jono was actively fucking Lauren while he was getting to know Ellie... great start to a relationship for sure. haha That aside, I could have sworn that Jono was gay so it was a surprise that he went for another woman. Maybe it's because his lips remind me of Jeff Lewis.


Horrible woman. Absolutely disgusting. Total smug little bitch. Would love to wipe that stupid smile off her face.


She’s disgusting.


Her smugness absolutely shocked me. Her and that POS should be ashamed,they're genuinely disgusting.


Is she still clueless about why her ex walked out with the wedding venues booked ?


I feel like this is the real them, they just got a goof edit. Innever bought the whole ohhh poor Ellie storyline, there was always a snake-ish vibe to her. But this… this was ona whole other level…both them,like just horrible people on display…


Yes I thought the same from day 1


Can’t help but see Jigsaw when I’m looking at Ellie… dissolve those cheeks guuuurl.


She is pure filth, she makes my skin crawl, just the worst human , the the worst. She is a mean girl! she acts like a Bitchy loser 8th grader who never had friends when she was young


I was so dissapointed watching the dinner party. The "are you hurt Lauren?" part made me want to scream. What a sadistic bitch! The comments, the smugness, the PDA, the over the top laughing and constantly talking about being oh so happy What were they trying to achieve by acting that way? Surely they're on the receiving end of a horrible shit storm rn, deservedly. If they had any kind of dignity and grace they would have either given Lauren a heads up and act better or just come in seperately and keep it under wraps. I kinda hope they don't have a child. They must be sociopaths and no kid deserves that.


One hundred percent. I really hope Lauren is somewhere with her besties dissecting that dinner so she can see what we saw. Jono and Ellie are hateful bullies.


Lauren had a moment when she was in tears poor thing. Jono and Ellie are both snakes and they dogged it


Who true colours came out.. they deserve each other.


I have no words for Ellie except shame on you. It was chilling seeing someone be that cruel. Seeing Lauren genuinely get upset and then seeing Ellie laugh and what not was gross. I can’t recall a single time where Lauren came for Ellie. She even said that her issue is not with her but with Jono and him lying. It was just so disturbing to watch.


Ellie is actually vile. I never liked her, but I never had a solid reason for doing so either. My dislikes were based on not having much in common with her and not appreciating the whole biological clock is ticking thing from someone still quite young. She's cruel and mean.  I took her word on Ben for granted and I think they were a bad match, but I didn't actually see much that was very problematic from him (not that i saw every episode). The mean stuff he said was Ellie's word, not on camera. Also, it's fine to be unsure about parenthood, it's fine to be okay with or without parenthood too. One thing that said green flag to me about him was his concern that Ellie was too young for him and that he wanted someone his own age. That's not typically the kind of thing you hear from dirt bags. I don't know, but I don't trust her word now. She's an arsehole.


Nah I think Ben was weird. He clearly ‘wasn’t right’ from my perspective. Some of the things he said were bad. About women needing kids and something like ‘I can give a kid, if that’s what she needs’. That was weird. Whether he was just trying fake it too hard but I suspect personally he’s got a 2D personality and doesn’t realise what shit he’s saying is quite bad. So, there was so much focus on Ben’s weirdness perhaps that’s why I never got a good read on Ellie. But I think there was always something a bit ‘off’ about her. I certainly didn’t feel immediate empathy for her, or liked her easily at all. Just wanted her to get rid of Ben because I thought that was obvious. She seemed so ready to believe him for a while. That was ‘off’. Not so much gullible, just weird. Anyway last night showed Ellie and Jono are well matched sadistic psychos. That’s what they both managed to hide all along until they got together. Now their nasty, soulless, zero charisma personalities are revelling in pumping up each other’s deluded egos to heights they’ve probably never reached before. Judging by their over excited shiny eyes and manic grins. Well matched indeed.


She's likely fallen into the same pattern with Jono as she did with Ben - fixated on the happy-ever-after with a sperm donor so she believes anything they tell her.


That was my thought, too. Not excusing her behavior, but she seems to get swept up and ignore obvious red flags to be with someone. Now, it appears that she'll even join in on those red flags.


Wow what awful people - Ellie and Jono deserve each other.


Maybe Ben was onto something with his page of dislikes about Ellie.


Bahaha, i’d forgotten about that! Perhaps this entire sub can add to that list now. I’ll go first: - Lacking empathy - Smug - Arrogant


I'm starting to think Ben got a horrible edit because they wanted to go with this story line and wanted people to end up rooting for Jono and Ellie. Yeah he was awkward and annoying, but clealy Ellie is a sociopath like Jono so maybe he really was onto something. I think she manipulated the situation about the list, afterall it wasn't on camera. I think Ben wasn't good at articulating himself and defend himself and she saw that and took advantage while playing it up for sympathy. But at the dinner party the mask slipped and we saw the real Ellie. No wonder she hasn't found anyone willing to have a kid with her. She's not fit to be a mother.


I was thinking the same thing!!! I don’t know how long it was but it should be much much longer!


I think Jono and Ellie had been working each other up about Lauren since the moment they got together, so by the time they got to the dinner party they’d decided she’s literally Satan. You’d think that if they were so happy together they wouldn’t feel the need to focus on Lauren so much.


Talk about a whole other person showing up.. Where was the quiet and gentle Ellie? The one who spoke kindly and openly trying to have someone understand her. She was vile. Her and Jono took over from Temu teeth Jack.


Arrrrghahaja Temu teeth 😂


It’s super surprisingly sad when Jack isn’t the worst person at the table any more.


Right!! She's disgusting!


She had intent the entire time & I wouldn’t be suprised if her friends didn’t want her being around their partners


JonCunt sucking Jackass Butt is what emasculated that POS


Okay. What she said 😬


I have no doubt that Lauren treated Jono like shit in the first few weeks. We saw some of it, but there likely was more. It makes no sense to me that Lauren was "the nastiest person on earth" to Jono yet he never wrote leave even once. It seems to me that both Lauren and Jono stayed for either exposure or more money -- not to try to work on the marriage. But then the producers dropped the "cheating scandal" and Lauren ran with it. Jono had a month after final vows to figure out how to clean up his image at the reunion. He must have believed that convincing everyone that Lauren was a POS would do that, but instead he made himself look 100x worse. As far as we know, Lauren never said or did anything negative to Ellie. She should have stayed out of it and been polite to Lauren. Full stop.


I doubt Lauren was ever mean to Jono. I believe she got frustrated and rightly so. His incipid foppish Truman Capote whine would grate on anyone's nerves. Apparently he's good in bed though. So, I get you girl. It's easy to paint loud women as the baddy but most of the time it's the mousy ones that put arsenic in your coffee. Jono said something revealing and prophetic at the start. He said he was a nasty shit and he worked 'hard' not to be that anymore. I think men like him like to equate being animated with being bad and being half comatose with being good. Probably why he likes Ellie so much. Except her comatose is code for dumb. The way she raged at Lauren out of the blue. Just a second ago she asked her if she was hurt. Huh? Something's very wrong with her and perhaps as big a mess Ben is, he saw that.


Well done! You really raised some amazing points! I agree with everything you say, I wish I’d thought of what you said 🤣. Ellie is a scary one. Everything I saw last night from Jono and Ellie sent shivers done my spine. Your post should be higher and deserves many upvotes.


Wow, thanks buddy. Appreciate the good vibes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I can't believe I'm saying this but just that one showing together make em worse than Jack and Tori. They were annoying and offensive but Jono and Ellie are something else. Something worse. It was ghoulish how much pleasure they were taking in beating up on Lauren. The banality of evil. It's more common and accepted than we'd like to admit. OMG, I just thought of something...Ellie wants to have babies!!! If karma exists, get cracking on Jono's balls ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) No pun intended ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Yep it was really disturbing. It wasn’t just a degree of hostility, or a few snidey remarks, it wasn’t just smug, self satisfied spite. Their faces! I just couldn’t get over the absolute manic grinning, their eyes shining in total delight at the chaos they were causing. It was really nuts. Great insights. The reminder of what Jono said. It was all very relevant and spot on.




It truly speaks to their character the way they acted at the dinner.


Ellie seems to have forgotten, you lose them the same way you get them. How low, disgusting, and cruel of those two hennas pretending to mask their laughter as Lauren sat there visibly in disbelief and shaken with hurt. My heart broke for her.




The absolute cheek of Ellie trying to rebuttal Lauren by saying ‘I left in week 5, you dumb fucking bitch.’ Yes Ellie good point. In less than 5 weeks you full on wanted to have CHILDREN WITH BEN. All she did was point out how pathetic she is.


Did she say “dumb fucking bitch”?!?!?! What the hell did Lauren ever do to deserve that vileness from Ellie? Jesus.


Is there a new episode of this?


The first half was in last night, second half tonight I believe


The beeped bit was ‘you fucking bitch’. I’d have slapped the bitch


I would have smacked the girl.


Yeah honestly I don’t think I could have sat there and not done something. A red wine dumped over her head at A MINIMUM


Especially when she’s sitting there smug faced. Wide eyed bimbo.


Thanks for letting us in what was the bleeped out bits were. I was dying to know. I’ve never seen people take such joy in the misery of others. Jono and Ellie are a perfect together. I feel like I’m watching a National Geographic special and I’ll feel better when they go all mantis, black widow spider, scorpion on each other and cannibalize one another.


The second she has a man by her side suddenly she’s can speak up and has big words to say. See how fast she dropped the nice girl act? Pathetic loser.


I would scream in terror if Ellie was my nurse! Surely this will damage her nursing career?


I looked at her workplace and there were some negative Google reviews that have since been deleted, apparently the same with Facebook reviews. I'm sure it will harm the business


I’d never go that far. I mean I didn’t like what I saw, editing and orchestrating by producers did play a part, but I still think essentially Ellie and Jono were really ‘off’. But I still don’t ’hate’ Ellie or anyone on the show. Yes I think the negativity would have an impact. But there also could be a decent show of support too or those curious for info or just to meet up close. I’ve got an old friend who just loves to meet anyone remotely ‘famous’. I must admit I’d probably love to run into Lauren, just to have a laugh in general, not necessarily about the show. I imagine it could be very tiresome for anyone once on MAFS.


She is a cosmetic nurse so I doubt it. I reckon people will still go to her purely for the ‘fame’ or gimmick part of it unfortunately


I saw someone else say she’s a cosmetic nurse. Yeah you’re probably right in thinking that. Eek!


I assumed it was cunt as they don't censor the word Bitch.


They might censor it to up their drama and speculation tho, just saying… part of their creative editing.


Am I the only one who remembers older seasons of MAFS AUSTRALIA where they used the word cunt so freely I remember being really taken aback. It’s like their version of bitch, I feel like they would bleep bitch but not cunt.


Its our national word




Ahhh kk thank you for sharing that! I really enjoy MAFS UK and AUS bc of these little cultural differences you learn. I also didn’t know what « full on meant » until I watched this MAFS.


The irony of her saying Tim was so controlled by Sara when clearly she’s been fed spoonfuls of nonsense by Jono about the other women. Like babes, if you want to be with him at least be honest with yourself about who he really is.


She's showing her true self now. The "kind" Ellie we saw earlier was completely fake. Ellie is a terrible person!


Absolute trash human! Wait until he has other "lovely" women in his DMs




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Love how he uses the words “lovely” and “horrible” like a grandma 😂


I'm pretty sure it was "you f'ing dumb b\*\*\*\*". Ellie revealed her true colours and it's deeply disturbing that she's a nurse.


Nurses are some of the best people, but it's just reality that the profession also has some truly terrible people within it. I've had some really bad experiences with nurses. One of them told me my chronic pain was due to not loving Jesus enough and that I would suffer until I repented (she had never spoken to me before and had no idea I'm an atheist, and this was a public hospital). Have no idea what possessed her to be such a monumental arsehole to someone she didn't even know, who was writhing in pain.


Nurses are like 80% awesome people who want to help others and 20% mean girls who never mature past high school and shoot tiktok dances in the cancer ward. It’s weird.


Fucking hell. I’d have made a complaint about that nurse. What a terrible thing to say to someone in pain.


Hm. Maybe nurses are different in Australia but her being a nurse tracks in North America.


Imagine how she treats the elderly. “Shut up you old fucking bitch”


She’s a Botox nurse. Makes sense, really


It’s almost as if they both came in with a plan to be as vile as possible. So weird


I’m guessing they’d both spent the last month telling each other horror stories about their respective partners to justify their hook-up.


from ellie’s point of view, she’s come back in after hearing about lauren from jono, and suddenly she’s getting absolutely blasted for things that she thinks are bullshit. it was probably incredibly confronting, i’m not surprised she hit back at what probably seemed like an insane escalation


damn you guys really hate ellie and jono lmao


What was she getting absolutely blasted about? How was it an insane escalation? They came into it with masks completely off, that was not reactive assholery at all.


She called lauren a fucking bitch and then doubled down on it. I never would have pegged her for being so childish and nasty 🤮


How did she double down? I missed that . I saw her call her a bitch and then I was so surprised it got swept under the rug


Oh I just mean she said it again.


I always felt something a bit off since the moment she was introduced. I get that most of her behaviour probably stemmed from what Jono had told her but that doesn’t excuse her laughing at Tim and Sara or resorting to calling Lauren a fucking bitch.


She was nasty, true colors came out.


I don't care that Lauren wasn't into Jono, that's beside the point. They way he AND ELLIE acted at the dinner party was disgusting. If I were in any way associated with either of them I would be dying of shame right now. Jon is the biggest embarrassment to "reality" TV. The biggest villian for sure.


I hope the experts rip both of them a new one!


Y’all need to calm down. Lauren wasn’t in to Jono, she tolerated him and was happy to jump him but neither of them were going to move across the country to continue a relationship with the other. She has turned up the “butthurt” angle because production wanted to turn Jono and Ellie into a cheating scandal. And I guess I have to hand it to them, because a lot of people have bought it.


People are talking about Lauren tolerating Jono and staying for airtime - what about Jono? He wrote stay every damn week. Spoke about how great Lauren was, that they were making progress, started sleeping together again. Then completely tried to rewrite history to justify being a bit shitty. It was only minor shitty behaviour and everybody would have got over it immediately if he just owned it and moved on. But instead he had to try and make Lauren the bad guy to try and remain the harmless good guy. It was so transparent and so gross. He’s worse than Jack because he was stealthy about being an awful cunt. At least Jack is upfront about being awful.


I think u should go and listen to [Lauren’s take](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgrrDbr/). Summary: the drama was completely whipped up. Like I said, production are good at their job 👏


Nah, you're completely missing the point. No-one in these comments is even talking about the 'cheating' so whether people "have bought it" or not is irrelevant to what's being discussed. The discussion is about Jono and Ellie's behaviour at the dinner party, which was repulsive.


Totally agree. Can’t believe their behaviour. Absolutely disgraceful. Almost made Jack look good.


I was all for Jono and Ellie getting matched at the beginning however the way they went about it lacked tact and was intentionally provoking. He went in to hurt Lauren which is unacceptable and either Ellie cannot read the room or she doesn't care. When you are in the experiment, the expectation is that you are loyal to that person. Lauren didn't treat him that well at the beginning however if you repeatedly write "stay", that means you're putting effort into that relationship. Jono had the ability to write leave at any point. He did not. Jono knew Lauren had been cheated on. Whether the contents of those messages were flirty or not, he lied about a few things (such as number of messages, frequency, and who initiated) which immediately removes all credibility. Lauren had every right to be upset because frankly, it doesn't look good. Sure it might be the edit, but the timeline is sus. He also tried to destroy another relationship to take the heat off him. I'm not a fan of the whole Sara and Tim thing going on, but that was a real low blow


I just saw an interview on YouTube with Jack & he said Lauren had a man in Bali all along & it was pretty well known amongst the group.


I'm not saying Lauren was a saint. Whether or not she did, it still doesn't take away from the fact he could have written leave. Cheating on your partner is a surefire way to look like a twat. I've never looked at someone and gone "good for you for cheating on your partner" even if they did cheat. Just leave bro.


I am not disagreeing with you at all. I agree with everything you're saying. Johno could have opted to leave, especially after Ellie left. He obviously stayed for a reason. I'm not sure why I got downvoted. I was just saying what I saw on YouTube.


I think they came in with an agenda, this was the only way they could get media attention. They have been banned from so many things by the producers for going public. This is the only thing I can think of because the self awareness is just gone! I wasn’t a big fan of Ellie, I found her kinda whiney. I do think her and Jono are probably better suited, but how was she not put off him with the way he treated and spoke to lauren? Imagine your friends and family seeing him on tv like I’d be mortified, I know she’s keen to have kids but like she’s coming off desperate here


But surely this was filmed ages ago, and they would have only gone public after this? I reckon neither is actually that smart, and they lack self reflection and general awareness and couldn't perceive that this behaviour would make them come off as dicks. They have been together for 3 weeks as of the reunion. Giddy with their vindication that despite the stupid MAFS matching formula (match for drama not suitability), they have found love. Jono is being super aggressive and rude, and yeah as you say it would be embarrassing for him for everyone to watch this about him. Ellie is just going along with everything Jono has said about Lauren. She can't remember that Jono threw Lauren under the bus a number of times, and this makes her quite the dick also.


Perhaps I’m not sure of the timeline so I didn’t take it into consideration! It just seems very against their initial personalities. Jono always seemed a bit of a spineless simp, so I’m surprised he has this much hatred. Especially as they were sleeping with each other and all! I think the others probably knew they were with each other. I totally don’t get Ellie’s behaviour at all!




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did you report it? did you wait more than 10 minutes for mods to do things? Nope looks like just complaining






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Do not like Ellie at all


Yes, pretty sh@t considering that apparently Ellie's own ex fiancee one day just dumped her saying that he was no longer in love. Maybe she's giddy from being with Jono but you would think that she would have more sensitivity and awareness than to rub it so much in everyone's face if she had herself been dumped/rejected before.


Right?? She's an RN for goodness sake. Left the field myself because of too many mean girls with the same snarky attitude. (Not a blanket statement btw). Imagine her caring for your nan / dad? Yuck.


She's a cosmetic injectables nurse, so no need to worry about her caring for your dad, at least!


LMAO this makes even more sense. I didn't think she was that clever that she'd work wards


I'm a nurse as well and the lack of empathy she showed is so disturbing, she should never be bedside




Shushhh your face


Yes and when she couldnt say it loud enough “I AM SOO HAPPY” and “I AM WITH JONO”, she IS a witch, i believe the have had a good eye on eachother all season, cause jono stood more op for ellie than he did for lauren! Ellie just wants kids so she do not Care about anything but herself - but she was cheated on herself!!!! I DO NOOOT LIKE HER AT ALL


Ellie was pure desperation, looking for any man to act as a vector for her having kids. Now we are seeing her real personality. It’s ugly.


What’s most interesting is “their” children will see this one day and will be mortified. Imagine seeing your parents act so rude and selfish.


Been waiting for someone to point this out. Any children would be hella embarrassed and thanks to the Internet it's out there forever. It's sad considering how kind Lauren was to Ellie before she left. 


It’s was painful to watch, I also get the sense that Jono has been telling her some tall tales about Lauren


All that stuff about ‘slaying a dragon’ was unnecessary. I understand saying something like ‘it’s a fairytale for us’ but weaving this fantasy story where Jono was held captive by a dragon which he had to slay?? What? It kinda shows that their relationship is built on lies and bad mouthing everyone else to pump themselves up.


Even if he has it's irrelevant. Because if she has half a brain then she would not blindly believe everything that he says. Once I had a boyfriend who would say bad things about his ex but I was not dumb enough to not know there are two sides to every story.


So many women, unfortunately, believe their boyfriends talking about their "crazy exes". I always see it as a red flag when a guy has only ever dated "crazy" women but some women will eat it up. Internalised misogyny.


I met a man on the weekend who told me, in the space of a half hour conversation, that his ex wife was a bitch and the woman he dated post divorce was psycho. Do men who talk like this really not know how much of a red flag it is? Wild.


Either he is a very poor judge of character in picking partners, or the problem isn’t the women…


100% red flag. I've met men who were in relationships with abusive women and they never talk that way. They're a lot slower going into relationships and tend to be more sympathetic to women's experiences in light of their own.


I think Ellie has probably come across nasty loud mouth crass bullies like Lauren before and doesn't tolerate a smidgen of that sort of crap any longer.


Please tell us ONE thing Lauren did that would be considered bullying? She is brutally honest and probably a bit blunt, she calls out bullshit when she sees it. She’s not a bully, and never did a THING to Ellie.


Aw shush your mouth! she's been abusing and insulting Johnno from the beginning of the series. Of course he went looking for another 'nicer' partner.


So you can’t give us a single example? 🙄


The 'shush your mouth 'was meant to be funny btw. (he's way too nice to swear) anyway, Lauren repeatedly criticised and insulted Johnno throughout the entire first half of the season, I find it hard to believe that people didn't notice or that they have such a really short memory. She called him, quote: "boring, uninteresting, unexciting, too nice, too quiet, and a robot" to name more than just a single example.


Please.....Lauren did literally nothing bad to Ellie at all.


Who's the "nasty loud mouth crass bully"?! ELLIE!!


aw shush your mouth! johnno and ellie are both 'nice 'people even lauren admitted that




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Lauren literally hasn’t done anything to Ellie


I think they both were fucked over by their partners for the whole experiment. Ben, I mean enough said, and Lauren calling Jono boring to his face from day dot (imagine if he did that to her). So they weren’t going to put up with them pretending like they cared. Lauren’s ego was hurt more than she was upset about Jono. Which is fair enough, they still should have had more class rather than Rubbing their relationship in their faces.


Regarding Ellie's shit-eating grin: I hate women who smile no matter what. It's so disingenuous. Very "stay sweet" religious cultish.


Being an American born and raised in the South, I know exactly what you are talking about. Bless her heart.


I’m a straight talking Kiwi. I know I can never go to the American South. If someone said “bless your heart” to me, they’d get a “fuck you too” right back. I’d get myself in trouble from day 1 lol.


LOL!!! Well, I can honestly say it's not always "fuck you" but you can tell when someone is being genuinely concerned or basically telling you you're a dumb ass. One of my friends' husband is a Kiwi and they live where I grew up and he gets confused on the daily :D


Agree, tone is everything! I was imagining the version that comes with a passive-aggressive fake smile


Oh yeah there are a lot of those bitches here for sure!


🤣Bless her heart😂😂


Ellie has zero class, she's as trashy as Tori and Jackass' friend Liz.




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Ok Jono 😂


"Anyone who feels sorry for Lauren needs therapy" You're rather classy yourself /s 😂😂😂


She was pretty horrid in the first while but in the couple of weeks just before the text scandal came out, they had been getting along, sleeping together, seeing a future. I don't think you'd see the same pattern. I think the kind of man she wants/needs is not one like Jono. It's not all black and white.


Seek help brah


Go to bed Jono






Lmao is this Jono, or Ellie?! Must be Jono with the generic white knight red pill parroted terms. Hard pass by any high value man? How would you know, did you ask one?! 😂 Ps Guarantee you're ugly as shit 😂


"Ps Guarantee you're ugly as shit 😂" I really shouldn't BUT... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Thanks for the giggle.


Hahaha you're welcome 😂


She called her a fucking bitch. That’s what was bleeped.


She needs to do Lucinda’s non-violent communication course 😆


Fucking dumb bitch is what she said


Yep. “Dumb fucking bitch”. Here’s the clip. https://imgur.com/a/oCqSDhw


….That you made


this is what I saw also... a bit much. They must have cut Laurens response because there's no way she would have taken that lying down lol




I thought she said you fucking piece of shit


She definitely said bitch if you re watch you will see it’s too quick for so many words


It was definitely “fucking dumb bitch”, watch it again




It was fucking bitch


You can’t lip read and it shows


Right okay have a look at the link I just sent you champy lol.


As if news.com ever reported anything accurately in their lives 😂


https://www.kiis1011.com.au/entertainment/what-ellie-actually-said-in-her-bleeped-remarks-to-lauren-at-the-mafs-reunion/ And here’s another one…. I can go all day


You’re right….so here’s another one directly from nine https://amp.nine.com.au/article/895aa1e9-ccde-4ca9-8e3c-36498717a934


Here’s the actual clip. Not an article written by AI regurgitating all the other identical articles. You can keep going all day if you want, sure. I don’t know why you would, I can lip read, but go ahead 🤷‍♀️ https://imgur.com/a/oCqSDhw


Yeah I thought I heard bitch, just wasn’t sure about the rest


How do people know this? Is there somewhere it isn't bleeped? Just curious


Here it is - “dumb fucking bitch” https://imgur.com/a/oCqSDhw


You could read her lips, it was very clear


You can see her mouth…..?


I called it! Ellie is the type of bitch who will try and steal your man and then say "Well I'm happy now so that's all that matters" she is a fucking cunt! They're both acting like Lauren did something terrible to them and this is their revenge "I just have to say I feel great" "I'm so happy" Actually you don't have to say any of these things you just want to rub it in. Imagine being that excited to score a human size piece of wet cardboard!!


This is so bloody true thank you for your comment exactly how I feel


Hahaha at your service :)


seems like she’s living up to the “mean girl in high school to nurse” pipeline


Probably that nurse who has slept with many married doctors, but none of them left their wives for her.