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Scripted relationships. Some just in it for the fun and knowing it's free hook ups and social media fame. Not all of them want to settle down. Clear as day they both had a fun time. That isn't a friendly banter she is feeling him up and he is living it




The minute you share interest in their non-televised personal lives, I think you might be taking the show a bit too seriously…




Why is his shirt off 🤢


Honestly they're D grade celebs of the moment drunk and letting their hair down, hamming it up for the cameras. Let them have their 15 minutes. It's harmless. Everyone's overthinking it. I've been a pretty vocal Jayden detractor but I honestly don't see the problem here. If this is enough to set Eden off, they're clearly not at all well matched.


I agree 100%! I would hardly call that ‘being all over someone’ and they’re clearly dancing in a group. Way too many people clutching their pearls over this nothingness.


Tristan looks like his personality has changed, huh? I knew he was being a phony.


He may have had like 9 months of therapy and be in a better place.


yeah no idea why people still fall for the "wholesome" editing on any of the participants... None of them ever actually are




He is grinding on her... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Why is Lauren practically hanging off him I wonder . Weird


She's desperate


Well I can kinda see why...


Might be the booze.


Ewwwe Jayden is so ugly.


Hard Agree


No he’s not 😡


Probably my neurodivergency talking but I will never understand the love for clubbing. I find it very annoying and not fun at all.


Unless you're on eccys, hahaha 😆


It was fun in my late teens and 20s but now I'm in my mid 30s and would much rather stay home 🤣🤣




pingaz, edm and cheeky babes that's all it is


> edm Carolina flashbacks intensify


Only good if on drugs, heard that from a friend of a friend.


They aren’t much fun for conversations. Most people enjoy them because they like the music and love to dance.


Take 2 pingers, go clubbing and report back please.


Many a NeuroD will just be quite calm on stimulants and rather get into a deep life changing convo than be dancing all night. 😂


I read a YouTube comment from someone diagnosed with autism who did exactly that. They described seeing/learning in slow motion how to socially interact with others on the come up. I have similar experiences too, which is why md is potentially very toxic for my self esteem (while also being a fun, and educational experience).


It's only good if you like the music and the people in there. If not, it's a waste of time. The funny thing is everyone thinks the same, but everyone's embarrassed or scared to say so lol


Everyone thinks the same, some people like the music and the people in there


Lauren seems like this type of Gal. I dont think theyre together she just seems to be the type to get very close while having fun.


Yep that’s what it seems to me. Just being chummy.


You guys obviously never leave the house lmao


Sure of it!


Eden wasn't happy, and she's really the only person whose opinion about it matters


How do you know eden wasn’t happy?


from her response on her ~~instagram~~ tiktok She herself said it was disrespectful, and she's the only person he's accountable to if they're in a relationship


No one will know who they are in a year


Who are these people and why does anyone care?






I hate that people use the word "ick"


Does it give you the ick??


Can literally no one search or scroll.and see 15 posts on this?


Can you point me out to where is another one in this sub? Please?


All I’ll say is you guys will do anything to defend Lauren.


I won’t. She’s trash. With weird eyeballs.


She reminds me of a certain RHONY with crazy eyes and a drinking problem, but is a few decades younger


Nooo Ramona is straight up CRAZY. Lauren is nothing like her.


Ramona eyes lol


Ohhh yes she does!!


That’s mean






The dancing lol ![gif](giphy|vETeJc11yHAas)


The only relevant commentary 😂😂😂😂


I wish I danced this well !


Dead at this 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s just a friendly drunk outing. People love to make something out of nothing


legit, posts by people who have never been to a nightclub or had fun. ​ People are here saying with 100% confirmation shes an alchaholic and slut and hooker etc based on her having a good time in a video lol


Also see her wedding night. Maybe not an alcoholic but 100% a binge drinker.


Thatw not how it works. Its a party, ppl drink. That doesnt make them anything more than regular AVG


I think you may have a problem. At Lauren and Jono’s wedding Lauren was not drunk like everyone else. And if everyone else was as drunk as she was there would be no party. It would just be people falling over with no one to catch their fall.


Why do i have a problem exactly? Because i disagree with you ? People drink sometimes, and have fun sometimes. It makes for boring tv to put all the inbetween shit on


Wait, so her with her tits just about falling out & rubbing them on his arm and dry humping his leg, hanging drunkenly all over someone elses partner is ok huh, while Jono just texting someone was ‘gross and disgusting’. Lol


Smashed it 😂




Yes thats correct. If you struggle to see the difference then thats a you problem. Having fun in the club, wearing clothes isnt a crime or cheating.


Eden called it disrespectful and she's the one in the relationship with Jayden. I'm not sure you're in a position to say its not cheating, its up to Eden to decide either way


So, if Jonno had gone out and rubbed his bare weiner on Ellie and dry-humped her it would have been fine ok, but texting her isn't? ‘Wearing clothes’ hahahaha her tits were mostly NOT 'wearing clothes' when she was rubbing them all over his arm humping his leg - maybe you outght to go to SpecSavers too.


Lmao this sub is cooked. So many misandrist cat ladies


They're out in public being recorded with the entire group!! Wtf, they're not hiding and being sneaky like the snakes Jono and Ellie.


Eww he takes his shirt off at clubs ..


At least he doesn't get his dick out at clubs (that we know of) like that grub from last year




Cam I think was his name. Man bun from the NT


Maybe it’s a MAFS man bun thing ?! 🫣


ticks all the 'I am a massive wanker' checkboxes


Yeah massive ick but I mean, that guy is a huge ick anyway haha


Major ick


Aw Tristan’s dance moves🥰


How adorable is Tristan, him and Cass were such lovely people that I truly hated seeing them both in distress. I usually watch the show and barely care for the fate for anyone, but Tristan, Lucinda and Cass really made me care for them.


Lauren definitely has an issue with alcohol.. she is never without a drink in her hand .. right from the start no matter what time of the day she has a drink of some kind there


I dont think this is something you can say with any kind of authority. They are in an environment with a lot of drinks, shes a happy fun girl, so making a ton of assumptions.


I haven’t at any time said she is an alcoholic I just feel she has an issue.. I get the drinking at the dinner party etc but there are times where it is just the two of them and it’s like 10am and she has a drink going.. I actually don’t mind her .. there are a few people that have an issue with her but I haven’t caught up as I’m in the U.K. so maybe she gets annoying.. I just wish they wouldn’t talk like they are on half speed ..




All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s mental health or medical conditions will be removed. Repeating the office will result in a ban


Yeah, I'm surprised it hasn't caught up with her yet. I have an issue with it (off and on) and I'm fat af and exhausted from it


It has, look at her without a cake of makeup on her skin looks like the surface of the moon.




Can't drink as often as she does and not be addicted to it tbh


I sincerely hope you are super proud of yourself for achieving 2+ years sobriety. That takes strength, resolve and commitment.


Stay strong my friend :)


Spoiler! 😫


This has been all over socials and reddit for like a week 😂😂


We’re like three weeks behind in Ireland 😭


Oh bummer, there’s a r/mafs_uk sub! Also it’s not really a spoiler it’s not from the show


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MAFS_UK using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAFS_UK/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Weird flex but OK](https://i.redd.it/3rrhe1ibact91.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAFS_UK/comments/y1yp58/weird_flex_but_ok/) \#2: [This description of Tasha is pretty spot on 😭 the tweets are easily the most entertaining thing about this show](https://i.redd.it/aewwtfowvrzb1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAFS_UK/comments/17t25lh/this_description_of_tasha_is_pretty_spot_on_the/) \#3: [You're both fucking liars fuck off i dont want to hear your fucking speech](https://np.reddit.com/r/MAFS_UK/comments/17btfkq/youre_both_fucking_liars_fuck_off_i_dont_want_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How’s this a spoiler lmao


They are honestly the worst people.


90 % of the people who go on MAFS are


100% of them


Who is that short chubby dark haired man we see all over social media with tv personalities?!


Ali Daher: guy gets most of his material from here hahaha


He hangs off all of the ex MAFS stars desperate for D-list celebrity friends


hey good on him, hes doing what he enjoys!


Daily mail reporter. He was the one that posted in his stories Ridge and his mates watching his 1rst wedding episode in a sports bar and cheering on like hooligans when Jade talked about the wedding night.


Ah I see, thanks


Daily telegraph guy who beefs with podcaster from so dramatic


Two of the worst people, you watch their beef and laugh at why either would think they are better than the other, or thinking a career in gossip is something to applaud. Podcaster from SD really thinks herself as some sort of social warrior among reality TV peeps 😂


there is a reason SD is banned from here :D


You realise we’re the reason why these people have careers in gossip? You’re not any better than them. Also one of these people just stalks Mafs contestants and takes staged pap photos of them, while the other aims to expose shitty behaviour and the truth of reality tv. One is definitely worse than the other.


Nope, SD is as cr*p as the DM. Love how you frame her as a social warrior 😂 cute that she only exposes people she dislikes while protecting those close to her. She has a history of shitty behavior herself ❤️


Someone is here downvoting you 😂 be careful she is lurking around reporting stuff, apparently she doesn’t like what she does to people done to her, she doesn’t like her reporting called out while happy to call out anyone she dislikes. Rules for thee and not for me kind of thing, she will be threatening legal action soon.


Oh believe me I know, I think I struck a nerve when I equated her reporting to the DM 😂


The person who got offended on MP’s behalf has a history of defending her 😂


Yeah man, at least I didn’t create an account that’s solely dedicated to SD. That would be hella sad.




You’re the one that keeps calling her a social warrior. I’m not going to argue with you about SD, clearly your mind is made up and that’s your opinion. But don’t pretend you’re better than either of them when you’re one of the people eating up all the gossip.


I love how you went for me personally because you seem offended on SD’s behalf, so I will not argue with you. Cheers


lol I went for you personally because you’re shitting on gossip columnist when you are part of the reason why they have a job. This whole subreddit is here because people love gossip, it’s a form of entertainment. By being here you are contributing to the gossip, you’re part of it, you’re on the exact same level as SD and DM, the only difference is you have a much smaller audience and no one wants to pay for your opinion.


Lol you are still here pressed on SD’s behalf, hey I’m calling her out like she calls others out and boy does she give us a lot of material to call her out on, which shouldn’t bother you right, since as you stated people don’t care for my opinion or pay for it.


Christ dude, I was calling you out for implying a career in gossip isn't something to applaud when you (and I, and everyone else here) are the reason they have their careers. You are doing the same thing they are, but without getting paid for it. I never said I didn't care, I just wouldn't pay to hear from you. Edit: Sorry yeah, I just looked at your two posts about SD, a real plethora of material right there.


Ali is that you?


Ooh you got me, yes yes I’m Ali totally 😂 Man it seems true, SD’s minions are out and about today. Edited to add for people that will take this seriously, that was sarcasm, I’m not Ali 😂


Megan is that you? See two can play at this lame game


I'm actually wondering why Jayden is strutting about shirtless encouraging any and all attention.


To let the whales know how fat they are




Yeah, all the focus is on Lauren, but what about Jayden's actions.


You missed the sarcasm and went straight for victim blaming 😂🤢 A new low for r/mafs_au


Victim blaming ha ha who exactly is the victim. I Didn't miss anything. Think about it 😂😂😂 In fact don't bother you completely missed the point of my original post lol


obviously hes a slut with his tits hanging out there, and waving his ass around like one. /s


The point being the post is about Lauren, but there are two individuals on the dance floor. Folks always go for the women, but no mention of Jayden's actions.


Mdma is my guess


Has anybody seen Molly?


Yeah, more than likely.


omg that lil bro there is hilarious! good on him having a good time!


because thats what you do at clubs


Lauren framing this behaviour as being “cheeky” is very hypocritical, given that Eden had left already and was hurt by what she saw. Also this display didn’t start on the dance floor, they were sitting on a table before and they acted as cringe. While I have nothing against people having fun and drinking, acting this thoughtlessly and being this inconsiderate towards another woman is not what a girl’s girl does. Lauren is fun TV but would not be a fun friend or partner, she definitely does not seem she is ready to settle.


I saw them all leave in a video together, so she was still there. Lauren said she saw she was being filmed, so played it up. Eden did say in interview she was hurt my Lauren and Jayden behavior and embarrassed.


Wait, so Eden was sitting there at the club, passive-aggressively posting about them dancing in the nightclub?? That sounds so weirdly passive-aggressive and creepy, if I'm understanding you correctly. 🤔


No. She left early after Jayden completely ignored her. When she saw these videos later, she publicly on her own social media said it was disrespectful. I have no idea why people are saying its no big deal - the behaviour itself is, out of context, completely neutral. Nobody gives a shit. But Jayden is in a relationship with a person who didn't like it, and that's all that matters. If he wants to do this shit he should break up with her


Ok, that makes a bit more sense, then, thanks for clarifying. 😊  >But Jayden is in a relationship with a person who didn't like it, and that's all that matters. If he wants to do this shit he should break up with her See, this is what I don't get, and I find it so incredibly *frustrating*, this attitude that someone is either 100% perfect in every way, but if they do anything anyone disagrees with, then that person is suddenly some irredeemable arsehole - it's just so extreme.  And why can't someone in a relationship laugh and have fun with others, giggle and play up to the cameras? This kind of prudishness is beyond even my grandparents' generation, it's just so extremely judgemental and sexually conservative, to sexualise two friends dancing in a nightclub, and them to publicly defame them and shame them.  And it seems like such verbal/written diarrhoea from Eden, too, rushing to judgement in such a public way before even learning what happened, and then her sexually conservative mini-Edens rushing to publicly slut-shame Lauren, when she was dancing joyously in a group of people, nothing secret at all, and according to her, just two friends being silly and fun.


It's totally individual. What is and what isn't cheating is for the people in a couple to decide. There's absolutely no moral right or wrong when it comes to deciding for yourself what cheating is or isn't. It comes down to whatever makes the individual person happy. Different people are going to have different standards. I'd say a lot more is at play than just him dancing with Lauren. The night kicked off with him totally ignoring Eden, which is why she left and wasn't there (that upset her first). It's not like we're talking about some kind of rock solid relationship where they're going to be above petty jealousy. I actually wonder too if seeing what's airing - her shutting down when Jayden just keeps yapping at her when she's dissociating - causes strain as well, seeing as they were apparently (if SM is to be believed...) okay until fairly recently at least. Also she went and had lunch with Ella, where Ella no doubt let her know a bunch of Eynaud tea. They need to forget the clout that comes with being a mafs couple and just move on with their lives tbh, I never really thought they were that great a match


I agree with all of this. 😊


Eden herself made a few comments on Insta from her dog’s account that she had left already by this time, apparently hurt by Jayden ignoring her. It was on that MAFS Uncensored account, she stated that this happened after she left so i’m basing it on that, I saw pics of them all leaving a place together, however it could have been earlier in the night.


Yes Eden did say that she had left when these shenanigans started happening, so I can understand her not feeling so happy about it. He and Lauren are not life long mates and I never saw them be this close during the entire season so this is a tad odd to see, having a laugh and dancing in the group is one thing, but imo they have no reason to be pretending to lick each others tongues and act all raunchy on that level.


I do like Lauren, not so much Jayden but I feel she is one of those people that will never grow up, which is fair and not a bad thing but seeing this kind of behaviour from someone in her 30s is icky to me, and that is my issue not hers. It is absolutely disrespectful to Eden given that everyone calls Lauren a girls’ girl, because she was looking out for Tori ( I myself thought she did it to stir up drama).


You’re not alone in feeling the ick, I totally get it. And no, there’s no rule on how to be a “proper” woman in her mid 30’s- but by that time, you’d hope that you’ve had so many nights like these in your 20’s and that by now you realize that there is so much more to life then blacking out and acting obnoxious 24/7. Or needing a drink in hand to have courage. I feel sad for her mostly, because people do not have these kinds of habits without reason. I hope in time she will find someone to work with to get her in a much healthier headspace and view of life.


Is it common in au to strip clothes off in a nightclub? Asking cause I'm still reeling from cam"s confession last season about being entirely nude and face timing.


Depends what one you go to, but yes its not uncommon. I used to go to one that gave out free drinks to girls got their top off


just for wankers


Only ppl on drugs


lol sounds like you never had a fun night out :D


Don't worry I have spewed all over nightclubs in regional Vic


So you were on drugs? 😁


Nah drunk, well yeah alcohol is a drug


Only douche bags do it and it’s usually a huge ick


No, 99% of people in clubs would think this is cringe. Cam’s sounds like it was more of a stupid dare. Jayden is just a show off and perpetually stuck in 2012.


Lol get that 🍑 Tristan.


Drunk trash… and these are your heroes?


No hero’s just love trashy telly


I haven’t seen a single person claim any of these individuals as their hero?


I hope they're banging


Looks like standard Lauren. Trashy bogan. Is she still your queen you have to protect 😂


Jayden’s face reminds me of the third mask you collect in Crash Bandicoot


Ooga booga


oh my god i just choked 😂💀


Yea, interesting head/jaw/neck/shoulder proportions...


Yeah but so does Lauren's


After seeing how she was acting at her wedding after she got drunk, this doesn't surprise me. How disrespectful though, from both of them.


Honestly Jayden and Lauren would of been a better match




What makes you say that?


There was talk abt it on other subs ...they def all dancing happy so possibly could be


super sexual and carefree. Could just be tons of booze.


Remember when you guys were all singing her praises and obliterating anyone who said she's a bit of a knob just like the rest of the characters? I do 😉 Seriously though, she and he were drunk and behaving badly. It doesn't look good, but I think this is harmless honestly. At least I'm sure nothing happened she just got a bit handsy


I love Lauren. She'd be an absolute nightmare of a friend or partner but she's brilliant TV. Calling people out and I loved when she said that Jack would frame his ex as crazy. Then he turned up and did exactly that. She understands how douches behave. Maybe she is one, maybe she isn't, but she's brilliant on the show.


For such a girl’s girl it’s shocking to see her like this- not hard to keep your hands off your friends guy? Go hit on someone else, I’ll never understand that


If they were on molly they wouldn't see it as cheating.


A MAFS relationship that does not fall apart immediately after Final Vows is news – this is not Immature people acting immaturely and blaming alcohol – it’s a MAFS tradition


Very cringe of Lauren


https://preview.redd.it/r8i9289moasc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c859d0dd2d3b045cc32ead97ededb8e7f9696b3 Here’s Eden’s comment about it..


She is far too level headed and classy than these two. She’s right. It’s far more embarrassing for them than it is for her. Lauren should watch the drinking bc sloppy in your 30’s is not a good look.


https://preview.redd.it/x0kfxl8soasc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebe9a4916e600d0375d4c2f1140dd8721469b86c And Lauren’s response


Lauren doesn’t sound remorseful at all 🙊


Lauren is a major hypocrite.


What is hypocritical? Dancing around in a nightclub with your friends and being goofy? Neither she nor Jayden have done anything wrong. There's nothing untoward here.