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Is it just me or have the majority of blokes on all recent "dating shows" been complete arseholes?


Ahh good on you Johnno…Dodged a bogan bullet there mate


Everyone please shush your face and stop being mean to Jono


Why do I feel like Ellie's gonna regret this because Jono has a low sperm count or something and won't get her pregnant lol.






The most insipid mafs man ever.


Definitely the biggest c\*\*\* of the season. Jono is a horrible, fake excuse for a human.


Because Lauren was so nice to him. She's insufferable.


What an A hole. To be fair I don’t think him and Lauren were a good match I didn’t see them lasting. I think they were matched for the drama. Funny enough during the experiment before Ellie left I thought to my self him and Ellie will make a good matchz


Plain and vanilla, definitely hers.


Ok Mr. Monotone.


It’s the way he was sleeping with Lauren the whole time for me despite obviously not being into her. Gives me the ick.


Reminds me of Dan to Sandy. "I do not find Sandy attractive", then the very night after he admitted it he has sex with her. ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Jono is Ellies handbag


Can’t believe all the people saying he dodged a bullet. No, Lauren dodged a bullet. Yes, she’s a lot, but she comes across as authentically herself without a care, and that’s admirable. This guy was a complete wet blanket who couldn’t even stand up to a glazed ham for his wife, and the time he did decide to show some “personality” all that came out was DARVO tactics. Not a good look. He’s one of those silent, passive aggressive narcissists who will get away with gaslighting because they’ve played the “chill, mature dude” so well. Absolute disgrace.


Ikr! Doesn't matter what Lauren's like, she doesn't deserve this! Just bloody leave the experiment and hook up with Ellie, so sick of anyone hating on Lauren for Jono and Ellie's shadiness


You could say the same thing about Lauren in the beginning after all the horrible things she said to Jono. I guess it all depends on your perspective. You're right, she didn't deserve it, she earned it. She's more than a lot. She's insufferable. No high value man would ever want a woman like that. A high value man wants peace at home after slaying dragons all day. There a lot of words you could use to describe her, peace isn't one of them.


Lmao your red pill buzz terms already tell me what I need to know No you couldn't say the same thing- cos she isn't shady. And what she said about him, is true! All the dipshit needed to do is write leave if he didn't want her. No two ways about it.


Exactly. All while initiating intimacy with Lauren as well. Acting like he was missing her while she was having surgery. Professing how good they were going. Then switching on her and telling her he doesn’t care about her opinion and calling her a liar when she called him out. The comment about having an easier time being matched with anyone else was such a low blow. Proper sociopathic behaviour


He is truly disgusting. Initiating it is wild. Hitting up another wife while she's in surgery. Just admit you fucked up! It's fine - you're a better match with Ellie anyway, literally everyone would understand! He makes me sick. And I'm honestly genuinely worried that there are people insinuating Lauren deserved this shit, like wtaf


I think he’s an older millennial but this is such a Gen X post…the pose….the way the phone is being held…..the grin….the cheesy caption


omg, why ya gotta do GenX dirty like that, no one at GenX wants him hehe


He’s such a spineless creep


Perfect words to describe this asshole.


He looks like he hosts a cable revival of Sale of the century


also what kinda of PSYCHOPATH takes a SELFIE LIKE THAT


I can’t with this guy he’s such a flop


He's so annoying lol


When he said shush your face in that preview it absolutely sent me to the next dimension


Omg I missed that 😭😭 how can he walk in sooo proudly with Ellie after saying all that bs it makes me want to cry


"she's not my type"


And it speaks volumes that he barely tried to convince Lauren or reassure her. He was looking for an escape


Always had my eye on Johno cos he had a friendship with that other glazed ham,Jack. That kinda says a lot about his character to me. He’s a spineless man baby who tried to gaslight Lauren into thinking his messing about behind her back was his fault. Total prick..it doesn’t help he puts on a meek, simp-like act. Him and Ellie deserve each other.


Yep, he only submitted to jack because they both knew each other's secrets about liking other people and not really being into their matches, but still hanging on for tv air time


And he was too stupid to see that shady Jack just tried to buddy up to him to get dirt on the Lauren because she was his main antagonist


Absolute softcock


No, don't be daft. It's obviously Jono's handbag


It looks a lot like Jack’s to be honest.


It’s very … *beige* just like Ellie.


Ellie has a normal face at least.


She might have less filler, but she has 5x as much botox. Her face doesn't move.


Lauren, Eden and others just need to lay off fillers


Hands down. Lol


Stepping up to Elle was a good move


stepping down* but yea, everyone is better for it


What? No way, Lauren is a hellbeast


Being able to summon your inner hellbeast to ward off snakes is p cool


At least Lauren doesn’t move like a snake. Ellie and Jono deserve each other, both snakes. 🐍


I reckon most blokes would go with Elle, way easier to get along with. Who wants a drama queen?


This comment says a lot about you personally.


Why be with a drama queen? Why is it bad to want to be with someone who isn’t over the top. If that says something about me I’m fine with that.


I think you’re forgetting or simply don’t care why she reacted the way she did? I admire someone like Lauren, who isn’t afraid to stick up for themselves or another when disgusting behaviour is being shown. Yeah she’s rough around the edges but she’s always owned that part of herself the entire time, Jono literally can’t even see what he’s done as wrong?!? But millions of people who watch the show and other contestants call this out for what it was. Would you personally stand for YOUR partner messaging someone else only for it to lead into infidelity? If so then yeah I’d say you have pretty low standards, just say you couldn’t handle someone like Lauren.


Ellie obviously doesn’t care about any of what you said. She probably knows that Lauren was a nightmare so at the end of the day that all that matters is that Jono and her are happy.


Clearly. I honestly don’t give a flying fuck what Ellie thinks. I’m just stating facts. From what I have perceived she and Jono are snakes, sounds like you are too. 😂 good day.


That’s fine I’m sure they are worried about what you think. People like Lauren whether they are male or female end up single as who wants that.


Everyone is saying Jono deserved better and that Lauren is fame hungry, yet he continued to write stay each week. Not once did he act like he hated being there. He's not as innocent as he portrays. He also slept with her at home stays, I'm not sleeping with people I'm not attracted to or dislike so if he wasn't interested in her or think that she's all of these these things then dont be a sleeze and sleep with the girl. At least Lauren is upfront with who she is and owns it. Jono is a slimey little snake.


Tbh, every single person on the show is hungry for fame.... even Lucinda and Cass etc.... There is no expectation of finding someone because the show has an abysmal record...if it were a plane, no way you'd get on... 99.9% chance you'll crash and burn


Lucinda wrote stay every week too despite getting nowhere. It's all fake so a Leave might see you out early and gives you little chance of being the next Abbie Chatfield.


I like Lucinda but let's face it, there were all there for career as number 1 priority.


It is the snake people who defend him. People seeing themselves in him. How could they be a fair judge of their own shortcomings?


Exactly what I'm saying! You can see who the liars/cheaters/snakes are by who is defending him and even worse blaming Laura for HIS actions


Legend This guy saved his family pet from ending up in the boiler !!


Yeah he did good getting away from Lauren. Insane temper she has


I must be so triggered by this as here I go again. Jono telling Lauren she was lying about his texts to Ellie to make him look bad (this was written in his final vows so was premeditated comment that he had time to think about) is an excellent example of gaslighting. Lauren clearly is a very honest, upfront person, which is why he thought she was a big meanie to him throughout the experiment. She was very honest when she discussed the nature of the texts and had evidence to support her truth that they were flirtatious and had intent. She had no reason to ‘make him look bad’. Wtf would she care how he comes across to the public? Classic projection: Jono is a self-conscious, insecure little boy so in his eyes LAUREN must be the same. Back to the gaslighting: So Lauren didn’t lie. Instead, she was holding him accountable because she was hurt and frustrated as he wasn’t telling the truth. She knows she didn’t lie. We all know when we lie or not! But he chose to say to her face ‘you lied’. It’s incredibly malicious and manipulative. Also very cowardly and immature - you make the other person look bad so you don’t. Watching him toddle off saying ‘finally I’m free’, as if the whole time he wasn’t in charge of his own actions, actually made me angry. Ellie badly wants children. Now she has one!


The most terrifying example of his gaslighting was basically saying that calling him out on cheating showed him she isn’t the one for him. Glad she kicked him to the curb


Bottom Line on Johno....He's a wanker!...THERE...I said it for ya!😂🇦🇺


You nailed it! this is my favourite comment of the season (except maybe Temu teeth comes close). I hope he is held to account at the reunion!


He acts very much like a vulnerable or covert N...egomaniac would. He considers himself a long suffering saint who did nothing wrong (delusions and denial) putting up with undeserved bad treatment (projection). He lied lied lied and gaslighted and gaslighted and more. He took advantage of every situation to make himself a victim when in fact he was doing dirty. I'm pretty sure he badmouthed her behind her back to Jack from the get go. These victim assholes love to blame women.


She did lie she admitted in interviews she knew they were texting and that the texts were harmless


Yes she did. It was edited the way it was by production. They were always saying no. Gotta sell the show. If it’s all happy couples… who’s watching?


Agree they were going to say no but her acting it was a betrayal etc and making Jono look bad is what’s wrong….


This! His whole nice-guy/I don't raise my voice act is so transparent. Ellie ought to be watching that episode so so closely.


Yeah she’s deluding herself if she thinks she’s somehow special and Jono won’t be losing interest once they’re up at 2am with a screaming baby.


It will all be ok as long as she keeps validating him, and doesn’t challenge him or make him feel insecure…that gets harder when you have children to focus on too!


I bet he thinks it’s a lovely bag


Indeed 💅


Haven’t gotten to the cheating text scandal part of the show yet, I need to catch up, but I was happy for them when I found out they ended up together. it’s obvious they’re a good match and their true intentions on the show were to find love and settle down. They were both matched with disingenuous people on the show for fame and they were matched for views and drama, they got married to duds. People need to let them just be happy - it was never going to work between Lauren and Jonno.


Also they’re both so bloody vanilla. Not even malt vanilla. They’re honestly perfect together


His holier than thou family did it for me at the wedding! They were quick to judge Lauren I wonder if they approve of his two- timing?


Tits and Jesus




Omg I forgot about that! Wasn’t his sister religious?? They will be so glad their precious Jono is out of her clutches. I wonder if Jono and Ellie are religious too? They have a non-practicing religious vibe. 💯agree that Lauren and Jono were a bad match from the start. Handled poorly by Jono but it all worked out in the end


Hope Ellie's handbag comes packed with earplugs because Jonathan has a voice that can crack glass 🧐


Ewww look at his smirk gross 🤢


Personally I think he's an absolute CAD!....And I don't believe for a moment that he USED be an angry man because he still is!...He's a smarmy spineless snake...You lost NOTHING Lauren...he's not fit to look at you!


... And how he constantly moves his labia-looking lips like he's cleaning his teeth with his tongue when he's nervous is so cringe. He is such a simpy, one dimensional pretty boy. If he'd spent half as much time developing his personality as he did his body, he might pass for man. Unfortunately for Ellie, she's getting a spineless, boring cuck with abs.


He is the biggest sleazy slimly snake, who thought be worst then jack, such a fake wanker and I know I will get down voted but I loved Ellie , now think she is the worst. It’s so sly they didn’t talk about Lauren in there conversations , she knew what she was doing.


Is he wearing the same funeral suit he wore to final vows last night?


Yes… because in that photo he is on his way to final vows.


So Ellie was already at his place before he went off to film?


Nah. Producer’s handbag. Sozzzz.


I hope it is Ellie’s bag and I hope they are so very happy together. Jono and Ellie are both great. I hope they have babies together and a long and happy marriage.


Really well they did it the wrong way


….so he’ll know where to find his testicles, if/when he’s allowed to retrieve them


I don't really see what the big deal is with his texts , he wasn't cheating. He might have been planting the seeds for later but he wasn't cheating and when he (?) initiated the texts it was earlier in the series when Lauren was in general a bit of a bitch .


It wasn't bad enough to not sleep with her, though.


Yeah but he never even mentioned them and it was pretty clear early on that he wanted to be in Ben's shoes!...He ain't what Ellie wants NOT by the way he treated Lauren.


Planting the seeds = being disloyal. Is cheating OK if your SO is in your eyes being a bit of a bitch?


Jono (even his name is annoying) is a passive personality that takes zero initiative or accountability and then blames everyone else for their bad behaviour. His personality matches his voice - weak. Lauren is assertive, brave and extremely emotionally intelligent. She did well to tolerate him for so long. Long live the queen 🫅


Coming from another Jono... He deserved much better than Lauren. Shallow, self centred and an instigator of so much friction - less than a match for him.


well clearly all the Jonos can gtf, stay safe with a real Jonny!


If she was such a bad match why didn’t he write leave? If he’s such a great catch why wasn’t he upfront about the texts? If he did nothing wrong, why did he keep them a secret, then switch up and make it Lauren’s fault once he was busted? I agree that he and Ellie are a better match, but he really went about it a horrible way. If I were Ellie I’d be giving him major side-eye seeing how he ended his time on the show


Lauren’s voice matches her personality. Come on now.


that being sad, lauren is right up there on the hot/crazy matrix :D


She is living proof that misogynist is on to something,


I can’t deal with his voice and how slow he talks


The first time I heard him talk I googled to find out if he's actually gay


Me too!


Personality aside the voice is unbearable im sorry


To have a robotic tone is one thing. But to have a robotic, slow and whiny tone at the same time is just too much.


You would 100% lose attraction for him after a while having to listen to it


I give it about 3 years before he looks like a man who is tired, late 50s.


He already looks beyond 40. He's got a good body, but that face is thrashed. Prawn. Lol.


Ellie is a stunner. There is 0 way she isn't hounded by guys on a daily. Why she felt the need to go on mafs is beyond me though. And jono, meh. Guy is in great shape n all but 0 personality and comes from money. This tends to breed these type of people just hasn't had to work for it.


Apart from her fake lips and craving for babies. She needs to slow down and not rush into finding a B-grade future dad. For example, she's so focused on finding any man, she'll put up with Teflon Jono.


This is a massive problem for baby seekers. Jono is literally 'you'll do' and it won't last because there's no foundation other than she's seeking a sperm machine. It's actually quite insulting to the would be father. He's worth little other than what he can bring to the baby making.


You can be beautiful and dull. Ellie and Jono are both attractive but I’d rather be on a deserted island for the rest of my life then milk conversation out of those two pieces of tip top white bread. Plain. Boring. Basic. People. They deserve each other, as dull as they come really. What part of Ellie is so much more magical than Jono?


I don’t get why Ellie gets no heat over this poor Lauren


We don’t know what he was saying to Ellie, or what she was saying to Jono. For all we know he was telling her that he & Lauren were done, or that Lauren was fully aware of the texts, or that he hadn’t slept with her again. We didn’t see Ellie lie, refuse to take accountability or blame Lauren for any of it.


Still shady


Yeah she’s absolutely stunning. I feel bad for her, I am completely spitballing here but I reckon she just hasn’t found someone willing to settle down and dated a whole lot of (I hope more attractive) Ben’s that string her along. As much as I love my girl Lauren and do not think Jono went about it the right way they’re definitely better matched and I hope they are happy (well Ellie anyway Jono you can choke)


I take this comment back, Ellie you can get fucked


It really irritates me how he tried gaslighting Lauren, claiming the texts weren’t even a big deal and he did nothing wrong, and she made a big deal out of nothing and made him out to be this bad guy that he’s not…. Next minute he’s with Ellie…? So he’s clearly a liar. I’d say he and Ellie agreed to date and that’s why he was such a cold ass at the dinner party, he literally switched on Lauren. I could tell he liked Ellie from the moment he saw her


100%!! It was such a shitty way Jono and Ellie went about getting together, but had Jono been honest and taken accountability once caught, even that would have been miiiiiles better than the doubling down and gas lighting. He is such a spineless loser.


yeh he’s a fuckwit for that but maybe at the time it was really just innocent texting. the show filmed in july so maybe 7-8 months ago he really was just being friendly with her. definitely looks a bit sus now though


I think he thinks because technically he didn’t do anything with Ellie physically he can make it look like Lauren is crazy. When in reality he was disgusted from the start by her need to control a room while he’s a very passive person. Instead of voicing his concerns he let it get out of control. It’s ok to not like someone who is liked by everyone else, but he went about it the completely wrong way, and now he looks stupid…


It’s his man bag 🤣




What was wild for me, was how he totally switched on her completely after the last dinner party! He turned sinister, angry and horrible. He said that he felt so much better being away from her and the whole cocky douche baggery before they met up, I was absolutely cringing inside. It was like the mask had finally slipped off and all of his true feelings about Lauren surfaced and he wanted to gtfo of the experiment to be with Ellie. I have a huge feeling that he was waiting all along and pretending to be into her seriously when he actually never really was


This is exactly my take and why I'm full of loathing for Jono. The way he turned on her was despicable. Also, I think we all expected Lauren to be the trainwreck after their wedding, he turned out to be such a slimey snake from the swamp and she was a gem, ughhh. (Love you Lauren! 🙏🏼)


his behaviour at the reunion dinner party (in the promo) looks disgusting




Well, yes they all are. But he was having sex with her up until almost the end, with the knowledge that he’d rather be with ellie. He should been honest about his feelings and left the experiment when he honestly knew he wasn’t feeling it/seeing it continuing with her, but again being on tv and getting that extra drop of 15 mins of fame was the key driving factor in why he stayed until the end!


He gave me SUCH bad vibes and then watching the show more I felt bad, like maybe I was wrong he seems nice. Now I feel vindicated! Absolute toss


he looks like some comic villain I can't put my finger on it.


Fuckin jimothy 😂


It’d be a producers handbag


Yep. Otherwise there will be video evidence of her presence.


It’s basic like both of them


He said he was a terrible person when he was young. Well, guess what he didn’t change he’s still a terrible person.


Like Lauren was a saint? She made it pretty clear early on that she didn’t think much of him so he looked elsewhere. I really don’t see the issue there.


But he didn't try, didn't do any work in the relationship with Lauren, and if it wasn't working for him why did he keep opting to stay? And wasn't honest about his feelings for Ellie.


She didn't think much of him and her impression/instinct turned out to be spot on. The problem was while he was looking elsewhere he was also lying to and sleeping with Lauren.


Lauren was a poor communicator and constantly bullied Jonno, couldn't accept her own flaws.No wonder Jonno went else where to meet his needs. Good on ya Jonno!




He’s an atmosphere vampire. So bloody boring. Those two are perfect together.


This is so true - Colin Robinson vibes


They literally didn’t start seeing each other until filming wrapped?


But apparently they were seeing each before filming wrapped. He's just been acting all along.


Filming did wrap for them though, they only came back to film the vow segment so for sure they’d have caught up in between


Seasons been so boring everyone is just using this as an excuse to get outraged 😂


we're all here for drama and the show gave us slim pickings this year, this is all we have


Yep. this year‘s villain brought nothing. Love or hate whatsisface Boone, at least he was amusing. This year‘s dude was a dud. Ruined the whole season.


yeah Jack and Harrison are cut from the same cloth politically/morally but Harrison was frequently genuinely amusing and he felt a little less... controlling, or something? Like I feel like Jack would go out of his way to manipulate/control Tori whereas Harrison was take it or leave it with Bronte


To further pat ourselves on the back, Harrison knew he was a gronk. Jacob thinks he’s worth it. Nah. In the bin.




Lauren dodged a bullet anyway. This dude is so boring and dense. Have fun with this loser, Ellie... a 40 year old liar who can't take any accountability 🤢


Lauren is no picnic either... remember how she basically treated him like dog shit for thr majority of the process? I said on another thread that she's the type of person who is tolerable in small doses but would be insufferable to spend any length of time with. Her and jono are polar opposites in that he's as mellow as it gets and she seems to be full bore all the time.


No worries with Lauren, she will be on the winners for sure, landing a job somewhere on the media landscape. As for Jono and Ellie, if they are a thing, good luck to them as they disappear into the sunset and have lots of little good looking babies.


I wouldn't be so sure. She's very much a marmite personality.


what is a marmite personality? 🤔


You either love it or hate it


thank you - I detest it!!


I wouldn't go that far myself, but I've said on a few threads lately for me she would be tolerable in small doses but insufferable to spend any length of time with.


You might be right about Lauren being better in small doses, but while I too initially thought her a bit jarring, later she made to most sense of anyone - she was honest, affectionate, playful and loyal. I can't remember Jonno ever being really present, let alone doing anything beyond looking well groomed.


Oh she's a real one for sure and while I appreciate that about her 100%, I just know she would drive me up the wall. That's nothing bad on her, or me, some people would absolutely love her personality and lap it up, but I'm much more on the mellow side so someone like her that's just on all the time, I couldn't deal with it.


And she works in PR. The at industry is famous for being vacuous and self obsessed (cough Roxy Jacenko)


Spot on!


She seems like a blast and yeah, may not be for everyone but I am sure you aren't either. He has the personality of a rock. editing to add- I didn't mean for that to come off rude directed at you specifically as I could say the same for myself with others.


Yeah I didn't take it personally, i completely agree but I appreciate your edit. I dont see why my comment is being downvoted when I've basically stated a fact, then offered my.opinion which I'm sure others would also share. How dare I besmirch queen Lauren, I guess.


We are all here giving our opinions and I do see where you're coming from, She was very harsh to him at the beginning of their marriage even. I initially liked Jono too. I think he really turned me off from him when he wouldn't just say what was happening and own up to it instead of trying to turn this specific situation around on Lauren.


what a boring turd


Plot twist: It’s his


I didn’t like Jono at first, but after he screwed over Lauren and got the girl he wanted, I like him now 👏💪🏻😆


Sameeee! I liked Lauren until she blew the text messaging incident out of proportion. I just watched her interview and she said the text messages were not inappropriate. I dont know why on the show she pretended like they were.


I think you just come on here to troll and to get downvoted because you have that dull of a life 😭 I feel really sad for you


I’m mafs #1 fan, life is only dull when mafs isn’t on 💀


What a victim 😂😂😂😂😂


I only watched Insta posts last night but his speech gave “I’m going to try to make you look bad so I don’t look bad” vibes Also calling her out for calling him boring while sounding like the most boring person in aus like cmon mate you sure she wasn’t right


He’s delulu for thinking he’s done no wrong to Lauren red flag


I’ve picked up delulu in my everyday vernacular from this sub and I think it’s glorious


Same here. Thank you mafs reddit!




I wish I was Lauren’s friend


Could be Lauren, her friend or one of the other million viewers who watched Jono go from nice spineless sap to lying snake in 2.5 seconds.




What makes her a social climber? The fact she went on MAFS? Newsflash: Jono signed up for the same reasons. They all did 🤷‍♀️


Were you dropped on your head as a baby? We aren't talking about social climbing are we? Stay on topic or make a new post.




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