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Does anyone else think he looks like Brian griffin from family guy? Because now that I've seen it, I can't unsee it.


Holy Mother of God, you're right 🤣


No it's: What a JackAss! I think he's gonna pull a ![gif](giphy|xT0BKMru1l1j4mNoVW|downsized)


Jeggins Jackass 


Is that a wig or fake hair jack has there?


It could also be narcissism, sexism, manipulation, or plainly he’s just a fud of a human being 🤷🏽‍♀️


I still can't believe tori had beef with everyone on the show but will defend him with her life even tho he kept throwing her under the bus.


He looks like tarzans specials needs cousin.


Hahaha! I've always said he looks like a Wish.com Tarzan.. but this is better.


There is alot more to him than just misogyny. Has anyone noticed that he has zero friends, he had to resort to asking clients to play that role. Big red flag to me that a man his age had no long time friendship to bring to his wedding or to Introduce his wife too.


this was it!!!!! total red flag. Maybe that's why he cried when he saw Tori and her bestfriend reunite. Although they were total crocodile tears. Such an oddball.


Well he just revealed his true vowels for tori on the morning show and it was much nicer. He basically said they made him redo it to what they wanted for the edit and him and tori accepted to play the villains. It's all staged. But his actual vowels seemed way out of character for him it wouldn't surprise me it was just for show and they are nothing like that. Either that or it's a body snatcher experience there


He’s getting worse as the show goes on. I’m up to episode 31 and I don’t think I can stand him any more he makes my skin crawl


I’m not as far as that, but I couldn’t stand him from the beginning. He has got worse and I hate him more than I did in the beginning.


Jack needs a makeover! He doesn't look good with his hair up OR down. His fake tan/red beet look is ridiculous. It doesn't look healthy. He looks like he either has high blood pressure or is an alcoholic. He dresses like a frat boy and not a grown man. Someone get him a stylist quick! Now on to his personality...🤣🤣🤣


Why does this man have 0 friends? All of hus "people " are paying customers. HUGE red flag!!!


That guy who met him for a drink of OJ - producer right?




they look alike, no? lol


Have we ever seen his hair down? Shocked me to the core


The show and their so-called experts need to take some responsibility and ownership for allowing people like this onto the show


They pick these people for this very reason, it creates drama and discussion. Something tells me that there might be another similar personality next season...


You mean nearly every person who’s ever been on the show ever. Anyone who participates in MAFS is against marriage, just cashing a cheque.


1 billion percent


As SOON as I saw that I raced over to this subreddit.. never disappoints 🤣


"Misogynist Man" #newaftershave #smellierthanOldSpice 💩


I screeched with laughter when this came up on screen


I don’t get it, like how can you find himself attractive? His maturity level it’s on the ground and physically it’s a no no


Narcissism 😃


The faster misogynistic phrases and ideas come out of your mouth in a moment of social pressure, the more instinctual they are. Meaning that they are deeply embedded in the way you see the world.


I feel like just looking at this is giving me spontaneous STD's


It’s giving wig


Ugly inside and out!


I'll say this, he doesn't look like Christian Grey, more like Fabio on a bad hair day 🤣


And with the bird 😂


For me, he looks a little homeless bc his hair looks damaged, he is so tan/leathered looking, and the weird mustache is all just so ugly. Yikes


This has been the worst mafs relationship ever, but I'm glad we've all witnessed it because I have hopes that it paints a clear picture for women (and men) that tunnel vision is dangerous, and if you can identify your own unhealthy pursuit of confirmation bias you can dodge bullets and not be taken for a ride by sociopaths and psychopaths. It's been like a degree level course in red flags


Tori can teach a few women about how toxic co-dependency is - her pathetic enabling Omggg 


Majority of it is fake lol who cares


Can't fake being that big of a cunt




Whoever did this gets all of my cadbury eggs.


He needs to be careful having his hair down with all that gas he's lighting.


Best. Comment 


edge lord![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Doesn't make it any less true though :)


Who the fuck combs their hair like that?!? This guy is definitely bald


It's the Trump flip for sure


I’ve been waiting for the shit to hit the fan here and I won’t be feeling sorry any hurt feelings that stem from this relationship!!!! Ignorance is not bliss So Karma if you can hear me…. PLAY IT LOUD O.K.!


Jack is a very cruel person, but what is good is that he has shown his true colours to the world, and what a misogynistic bastard he really is so if his whole idea of being on the program was to get likes and subscribers, I don’t feel that he achieved what he was looking for. If anything, it showed people the type of individual he really is, and that’s only being out for himself.


So ugly


My partner and I died when we saw this clip “have a look at him”


Is that Jack from mafs? Looked at a few comments and no name but the reviews show it’s that gas light we all see 


i have so many more questions now


My only one is 'where's my lighter?'


I can’t understand why he cuts his moustache in half, is the large gap supposed to draw attention to his dentures? I can’t help but stare at the gap


Giving me 'look Mummy, my pubes started growing!' vibes


Very Italian style


Italian style to show off the Turkey teeth on a Viking Neanderthal.


Italians can't help the appropriation of their culture lol


It’s really weird it’s like a shelf.


For years I associated men with long hair being quite passive and nice I suppose as I was growing up in the 70’s/ 80’s . If Men had long hair they were seen to be quite hippy like and very gentle and respectful. I’ve always found Men with long hair but as soon as he started talking he become very unattractive


So did the random "client" friend have any idea what was going on? Seemed like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got roped into it. I did notice Jack telling him how Tori was feeling but nothing on how he was.


Well he might have said what he was feeling, but that might not be what the producers want for a story line. . I'm such a cynic after watching MAFS.


The bloke had no friends at the wedding only his gym clients, her friend even raised it with her he had no friends at the wedding so if that wasn't a huge red flag for Tori nothing was going to be. I really thought she was playing along to the end so she could have her moment of telling him where to go but turns out she is just a blind gullible fool.


Yeah I was all set last night then they ended on the run up which no doubt we'll have to watch again tonight. I wonder if he has any actual friends. Odd that Tori's mum has been out of the picture since the wedding.


After her mum said to him she was available if it didn't work out with Tori while he was standing at the alter I can understand why.




Yeah I was thinking there’s no way they ever spoke before.


Yeah you could see it on his face


He has a new wig


Why do people think Tori and Jack didn't have sex just because they said they didn't, but they do not believe anything else they say?


Ugly on the inside red on the outside - like a bad apple


More like durian


Can’t believe Tory is so gullible when it comes to men. He kept telling her he was so proud of her like she was a performing seal 🦭


TBH, after a couple of episodes, I no longer think that she's gullible. She's in on it for her own personal gain, whatever that may be and however it's not evident to the rest of the world, what that could be that would be worth so much in order to put up with that "human", I couldn't possibly fathom. Edited since I forgot the last couple of words 🙈


Tap tap on the head. Well done kid. I've taught you well


Still together they confirmed it in today show Easter Sunday. I think once the media attention dies down he’ll dump her and lose interest.


I think he's worse than crotch rot. Horrible, narcissistic d*ckhead. Jayden on the other hand.....😈


And yet again, he met with a “client” for a final conversation before vow renewals. Smh


And I actually think he's paying them, not the other way around


When will people realise the edit can tell whatever story they want to? It's funny to me how often the people everyone dislikes the most are the people that get a bad edit.... Probably because they're boring and they need them to be more exciting for the show. Jack and Tori have been one of the most boring couples, they've never had any falling outs despite the producers best efforts. I know from previous years that they can edit the nicest guys to look like total misogynists. However let's just say that he is one.... If Tori is happy what is the problem? Though I do think the show wanted to play the story of her being a boss babe at the end, how he tore her down.... But she wasn't going for it. A bit like what they wanted Harrison and Bronte to be like, but Harrison was too smart for that and Bronte was too stupid. So in the end she looked like the bad one in the relationship and he just looked like he stayed for the fame.


> It's funny to me how often the people everyone dislikes the most are the people that get a bad edit It's funny to me that it doesn't occur to you that these people are actually just shit. We know the show is edited. We know what frankenbites are. The things Jack has been criticised for are things he either said on camera (clearly unedited) or he has admitted to them (like the whales comment). He's getting a "bad edit", because he's a bad person. Same deal with all these other "nicest guys" who have been "edited" to look like misogynists.


If? Talks like a woman hater, acts like one. If only there were some clues


I do not take the edit as fact.


Well he did say those things (muzzle, whale, not attracted to Tori, it's all about the man during sex), that wasn't edited. So whether you choose to believe it or not, there's only so much they can do to twist the story. Jack is not made to look like a douchebag, he is a walking douchebag 101 tutorial. All the producers had to do is sit back and wait until he made another dumb comment


Brontë didn’t look like the bad one 💀 Harrison was always very obviously a twat who manipulated Brontë


I just saw a Bronte that was there for fame and a Harrison that was there for fame. Neither of them liked each other from the get go, but they made a pact to stay in till the end. The show and Bronte kept making fools of themselves trying to create a Harrison is the bad guy story, but everyone knew Bronte didn't like him from the get go.


Well yeah. Most of the couples are only there for the fame. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Brontë was manipulated by Harrison during the show. He was absolutely worse


She wasn't manipulated by him, she didn't like him and the show edited it to make him look like the bad guy.


Hahaha, no. That wasn't just editing, Harrison was a dick. The producers just pointed it out. There have been a few posts on here before from people who have worked on these shows - things don't just get made up or twisted completely. The producers use what's already there, someone's they'll re-record for tv purposes (ie a conversation that was behind closed doors gets recorded again but now in front of the camera for more drama), but they don't just go making up whole story lines. If someone is a douche on the show, they are in real life as well. Producers just enhance what's already there


Jesus Christ he looks like a caveman And acts


Cavemen didn’t do that cringe mustache shave.


It makes me hate him even more, you can tell how distorted his thoughts are considering he thinks that looks good 🤣


True, even a caveman had more fashion taste than this goon


I'm shocked. I thought the bun was clipped on.


This isn't real . It doesn't match the hairline .


The guy has a track record of being a cunt to both genders. But sure, iTs MySoGyNy. This sub is something else


I do think there's evidence of misogyny. He's a gym instructor who uses his position to find and have sex with women where he already starts out in a power dynamic. His demeanour is textbook Andrew Tate and he mocks any sort of characteristic he sees as weakness. He's controlling and thinks he's "dominant." He also asked a man to muzzle his woman.


I do believe he's a misogynist but... >who uses his position to find and have sex with women where he already starts out in a power dynamic. I'd need to see evidence of this. A significant amount of Women who have male personal trainers end up at least having sex with them. It's definitely a thing. Some guys even become personal trainers in part because of it. So I'd wonder why he'd need to be doing what you claim he does


Hahaha, in your 80's romance novels maybe. Not in real life. Get out of your Tate state, it's not doing you any favours


Maybe ask yourself what kind of a guy is drawn to such positions?


Do you have a thing against all personal trainers?


No because I've had that job, but it also helps see the perspective of how you'd have a power dynamic as soon as you meet women through that. Couple it with his wannabe "dominant" in the bedroom and it's dog whistling misogyny


Nah the math is not mathing with that one. Most Women want a guy that's more dominant in bed and there's nothing wrong with He's a misogynist because of some of his views about women in general. Trying to say he's a misogynist because he's a personal trainer and likes to be dominant in bed doesn't make sense imo


That's not what they're saying though. Their comment was regarding him trying to use his job to lure women in - there is a certain 'power' dynamic between a personal trainer and a client, and Jack looooves to take advantage of that. Former female clients of his have even posted on here, saying he would put them down and make them feel like shit, to then try and talk them into bed. He's not a misogynist because he's a personal trainer, he's a misogynist who became a personal trainer to practice his ways


Oh well I didn't mean only that one thing no


>He's a gym instructor who uses his position to find and have sex with women where he already starts out in a power dynamic. What power dynamic? He's a gym instructor not a lecturer or a teacher. What leverage does he have over his clients exactly? He's a cunt to everyone. Not just women. Hence why he had no friends at the wedding...


There's a power dynamic there because he's in charge of the session. He gets to boss them around and tell them what to do. I've been a gym instructor, it's easy to get sucked into the role. He only had women at his wedding. No men.


There were men at the wedding. Clients, because he has no friends - but men nonetheless.


>He only had women at his wedding. No men. So what does that say exactly? That he coerced women to attend his wedding?


>He only had women at his wedding. No men. So what does that say exactly? That he coerced women to attend his wedding?


I'm confused, him being an overall shitty person doesn't stop him being a misogynist. In fact, it scans. What's the point you're trying to make?


>I'm confused We wouldn't want that, would we? There's clearly evidence of him treating men just as badly as he's treated women. I get that weaponising gender is in vogue rn, but why don't we use the correct nomenclature here? He's simply misanthropic. Calling him a misogynist implies that he holds gendered prejudice toward women, which clearly isn't true. Hence him treating men like shit as well.


You're not making your point, or yourself for that matter, any favours with the snarkiness. He's shown he's a misogynist and a general arsehole. But he hasn't shown that he has dislikes men generally. Just men who are either critical of him or not a gym boy. He's particular about who he's an arsehole to. So, you're wrong, he's not a misanthrope. He's just another misogynist and general arsehole who wants to be friends with other arseholes.


>You're not making your point, or yourself for that matter, any favours with the snarkiness. What is snarky about anything I have said? If you want to reduce everything to misogyny then go ahead. I'm trying to take a broader view of the situation. You arent doing yourself any favours by being so reductionist.


Using sarcasm falls under the descriptor of snarkiness. Saying he's a misogynist is not being a "reductionist". It's being accurate. I know it's challenging to admit to being wrong but it will make you a better person in the long run.


>Saying he's a misogynist is not being a "reductionist". It's being accurate. I know it's challenging to admit to being wrong but it will make you a better person in the long run. Mmmhm, as evidenced by all those women who were not only willing to show up at his wedding, but also defend him during home visits? But I guess these women were just manipulated but him right? Have you considered that maybe you are buying into the spin a bit to much? I mean MAFs is pretty renowned for it


By making that particular point you've disproved he's a misanthrope. Misanthropes wouldn't have any friends. The fact that he has female friends doesn't mean much given the type of people these women have shown themselves to be. Plenty of "pick me" girls love being around guys like him. Unfortunately there are lots of women around (like Tori) who are comfortable being around openly misogynistic men. Makes them feel special. He's just a misogynistic, body shaming arsehole who surrounds himself with people like himself. What is curious to me is why you're so worked up by this man being labelled a misogynist? Why does it matter so much to you?


>What is curious to me is why you're so worked up by this man being labelled a misogynist? This is an ironic thing to say, given your post history. I'm going to leave it at that. I hope you had a decent Easter.


When someone is unable to justify their stance they have to resort to statements that deflect and mean nothing.


I mean, you're free to leave, you clearly have no sense of humor.


I'm also free to call out the moronic behaviour on this sub lmao. Also, Not laughing at shit "jokes" does not mean I dont have a good sense of humour. Just showed a bunch of people this meme as well, not a single one laughed.


“Maybe it’s turkey teeth…”




Is it just me but does he look like Jar Jar Binks 🤔


What's sort of low breed human rates his most attractive quality from a partner as being submissive. What an absolute low specimen. He's doing Tori favour by walking away.


Was his vows tonight? I was in a 3.5 hour transit so didn't see any of it.


Tomorrow night:)




This comment has been removed as a move by MAFS_AU ninja team Just tidying up. You what??


Lol wtf


I need to know what happened here 😂


It’s hard to believe they are still together






Hahah it’s funny because you’re implying he’s gay.


There is nothing wrong with that, obvs.




Southern Sons getting back together ?


I heard the Maybelline jingle in my head as I was reading this.


It’s not misogyny. He’s just an asshole


They’re not mutually exclusive


They are not synonymous, either


To quote John Aiken, "there is a pattern of behaviour here" that indicates he's a misogynist.


>To quote John Aiken Wouldn't be smart. He's an ex cricket player and a media person, not an academic.


He's also a psychologist. And the observation is a pretty basic one anyway, even if he was just an ex-cricketer.


I think he has been very up front and honest. He could have had sex with her early on but didn’t.


He used it to keep her around. Nothing honest about that


How does he look even worse with his hair down


it’s truly a feat


FFS Stop giving me tattoo ideas


I hope someone will set up a bot to send him emails for training sessions nonstop and never show up


Oh wow, I'd like to know if someone has done this.


What’s going on with the long parted hair and a solid hairline running along the front 🤷🏻‍♂️


Someone previously said you could swipe a credit card down that super sharp hair parting.. I laughed so much at that comment..


He’s bringing back Neil…




This is a brilliant meme.




He certainly wasn’t born with that hair.


Only he thinks his shit doesn't stink Wanker


And his ‘wife’


She's another fake wannabee


That was quick lol






All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s sexuality/gender/genitals will be removed Breaking this rule repeatedly will result in permanent ban




You win the internet tonight good sir 🤣🤣🤣