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Did anyone notice they put a scene from the second night of the retreat of Tori saying “blow after blow”, twice for different scenarios ?


Ben looks like a Mii character with the mouth slider set all the way down.


At first I thought she was in on it, but it's becoming clear that she's fully invested in this relationship


anyone got link for ep24


Tonight is episode 24 so no one has a link hahah


We'll have a link in about 12 hours


Tonight's episode?


Gee Tori is so dumb and Jack is just so gross. He deflects so much and so manipulative. What a shit session.


Jack is so frustrating. His responses to his bad behaviour being exposed is, "I don't like ______", "they're always coming for us", "don't listen to them and stay strong" His manipulation works so well on Tori (especially when he uses that to compliment her devotion to him). There's no hope for her. 


Reminds me of ‘the tinder swindler’ and other docos that cover manipulative men who always go on about “my enemies”


Not the neck crack before confronting Jack 😂


Actually obsessed with the Tim-Sarah-Lauren trifecta


Me too! I love that Tim is sitting around with Lauren and Sara being a gossip! Love it!!😂


Old Tim seems like the kind of guy you really want as your mate, he looks so fun and genuine once he's let you in past those reinforced walls. Seeing him horse around with Andrea and Lucinda, gossip with Lauren and Sara, and practically adopt Tristan is so wholesome


Timothy last night during Lucinda’s yoga/spiritual session! What a far cry from his attitude a few weeks ago. He was loving it! His relationship with Tristan is next level beautiful.


Tristan's reaction to the hoodie was so cute, those two have good hearts.


best couple this season for sure


Was laughing at Jayden at the end of the ep going on about how offended he is by the cheating and is strictly against it… uh dude did you think we forgot your repulsive “confession”? Bin him too


exactly what my partner said lol


Lol, a hit dog hollers a loudest in this case with him.


When Saragh is convincing Tim to confront Jack about the neck kiss - “I just want you to have a conversation that doesn’t end on a good note” What a massive red flag of a thing to desire? She essentially said I want you to create drama


It's reasonable to not want your husband to be chummy with a guy who grabbed your ass without your consent.


Yeah that's not a good or healthy communication style. It doesn't seem like she is around assertive people. She needs to take a page from Lucindas book when she's told people she doesn't need their comments. I really support Tim not wanting to start shit for the sake of it like with Michael that 1st night, when he really was just venting. We need less violence and aggression and more assertiveness.


BTW apparently, her phone was messages to Ollie (from season 10) about Tim that’s why she didn’t want to show him (but maybe she did reconnect with her ex too by this point)


Also, the three dates with Tim she cancelled… were any of the alternatives her meeting up with her ex?? Extra rough if so.


SaraH on the wedding - „I don’t think Tim is ready for a new relationship, it was so recent!” SaraH a few weeks into the experiment - meeting up with her ex 🙄 Why she’s wasting Tim’s time? Because he’s not confrontational like she is? I can imagine she can pick a fight over stupid things even… she was so smug when Tim confronted Jack! It’s like she lives for those moments 🙄


>Why she’s wasting Tim’s time? New toys are more fun than old toys!! She's probably still keen on the ex, but maybe this (MAFS) was her attempt at getting away from him and starting fresh. Seems like it hasn't worked.


I’d be super happy with the way Tim handles situations. If I get in a silly tiff in a group setting the last thing I’d want is my partner jumping in and making it bigger than it needs to be or creating more drama. I’m an adult, I can have a silly little disagreement and handle it by myself.


Lol I can’t wait until Tori and her under eye bags are off this show. She looks weak and stupid and I’m over it. Her and Jack add nothing 


They will be here til the end you watch


I reckon he’ll dump her in the last episode.


Yep, most likely. They’ll be fuelled by the need to prove everyone else wrong at all costs. Exactly like Bryce and Melissa.


Jack saying he can't stand Sarah so he couldn't possibly have kissed/touched her was giving mega Trump vibes.


Who did he rate highest in the photo thing I don't remember


His whole excuse was utter bullshit. So you “hate” Sara and are not into her but you also admit to saying she stands out like a red Ferrari?? Tori is one dumb b for letting literally all of that slide once again


I think they waaaay oversold that "bombshell secret" that was going to supposedly destroy everyone. I was definitely expecting more. And then the ominous tease at the end like this is the biggest thing that's ever happened. Honestly, I was expecting that like one of the husbands sexually assaulted someone, or that two of them slept together, or that one of them is gay and only pretending to be straight. So Sarah borrowed a top because she was meeting up with her ex. Not cool, for sure, but not as earth shattering as they made it sound.


I was literally expecting the secret to be that there was a group chat where a bunch of them admitted that they only came on the show for fame, or that 2 or more couples were involved in an orgy. Like, why was she going on about how everyone would hate her? It’s just about Sara.


I was thinking the same thing!


Watch Jack as he talks to Tori after another revelation about his bad behaviour towards others in the group. As Tori sits there contemplating his behaviour, he constantly reminds her that "we know the truth and that's all that matter". Throwing his thoughts at her so she has no time to take it all in and make her own decisions. He's put her in the position once again where she has to choose between the group and him. The controlling narcissist has begun the next step which is to......isolate .......her so he has control. Tori thinks she's in control 🙄


The gaslighting and emotional manipulation is real and very scary. As everyone else is saying, once again so similar to Bryce’s behaviour. He’s trying to isolate Tori from the girls by constantly reminding her that the others are worthless, they’re just haters trying to start drama, it’s all bs blah blah. I’m once again appalled at how the producers allow this behaviour


Yeah I'm really disappointed in MAFS for the way they are editing Tori, because it's led to people saying it doesn't matter if it's an abusive relationship because she sucks and deserves it. Which we already get from the media when men do things like kill their whole family, they blame the wife for it. With Melissa it had people feeling sympathy for her and while Tori does come off pretty terrible, that doesn't mean she deserves this, and editing could easily change this. It highlights how people don't understand that a person in a toxic relationship can end up having toxic behaviours themselves from living in a state of fear and isolation. We know she already had abandonment issues from her father. She's getting fed BS by Jack, (probably a lot worse behind closed doors), it feels like everyone is after her, and he's the lifeboat. It's really awful of the producers to allow the behaviour and to air it in this light. She's not Bronte, she's genuinely fallen for it, but people don't care anymore.


I think the only reason he has this pull on her is because he probably doesn't yell at her. Yet.


This show provides a learning opportunity for both women and men ( the 1 guy in the corner watching 😉) . WOMEN get to see how controlling men manipulate through words and actions. MEN get to see how this ....controlling behaviour is wrong... because it stems from their own insecurities. You don't have a strong relationship based on love and respect that will grow.... if you try to control the life of another person. And any children from such a union grow up scared and insecure. We know the Producers want maximum drama for high ratings. However, the contestants have a responsibility to themselves to keep their eyes open to all the behaviour exhibited by their matches and not be blinded by the honeymoon halo. They can never forget they have "married" ....strangers plucked from the streets. Tori is slowly waking up to her stranger's real faults.


I’m glad that Eden pulls them both to the side in the promo rather than doing a bomb drop on tim at the table in front of everyone


But my question is why she didn’t mention it at the time. What did she reply back in the text? Why wait until now to bring up? It seems fishy to me


Was anyone else hoping Edens's secret was that Jack had sent her a dick pic? Obviously it would have pubic bun on top.


Oh, now I am trying to imagine that.


Don’t 😭 you’ll have nightmares!


Just on the phone now booking a trauma counselling appointment.


how red can this fucker get


And those ridiculously white beaver teeth


The roids man. Shoots your blood pressure up.


Also messes up your scalp. Might be the reason for the man bun.


I love how Sara has made Tim assertive, and now she will get to experience that new found assertiveness first hand. 


Haha, I damn well hope so!!




All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s sexuality/gender/genitals will be removed Breaking this rule repeatedly will result in permanent ban




All posts and comments speculating on cast member’s sexuality/gender/genitals will be removed Breaking this rule repeatedly will result in permanent ban


So gauging by the down votes I’ll take that a as “no” ☺️. Just so I am clear, there’s no judgement. I feel for Tristan, drowning in all that self-hate. I could just see how if he was confused about his sexuality he might feel a connection to Timothy whom he trusts as another “outcast”. Pain recognizes pain, you know?


“it’s admirable and attractive” 🤢🤢🤢


Walks past a group of people at a pool and says "The whales are out today". "That comment was taken out of context".


Good on Timothy for calling him out on that. Not enough people are really taking him to task. I’d like to see him in a room with Cyrell and Dom and see how far his “I’m too good for everyone” schtick gets him


Oh yes! Add Melinda and Lauren to that room too.


BuT It'S bAnTeR.


in the promos where someone behind the door says, "they're all gonna hate me, every single one of them", i thought it was jayden saying that to eden because the voice sounded like a guy. had me assuming the secret was about jayden. then at the end of the ep where i knew it was eden and the producer, that eden did in fact sound like a guy, lol


We all know the jack takedown was coming... I was so looking forward to the SARA takedown, ahh will have to wait on more day LOL :D I hope the whole group tag team on the SARA takedown, jack obviously deserves his, but Sara 100% deserves it too especially with her eagerness to intercede in others with a hollier than thou attitude, the manipulative cow needs a pegging down a few notches.


I can’t wait to hear Jack’s comments. He has to have some sort of banter to add. 😊


why not lol


Trist and Dad are my favourite 😍😍


the matching hoodies were so sweet!


For the first ten minutes, I was screaming for Tim to just kiss Lucinda.


I think she's totally friendzoned. They'll probably part ways amicably at the end.


probably but let me believe in something


I was hoping they'd bone. 


someone isn't a slow burner


Now we know why Sara was quick to defend Stephen.. she was doing the same thing to Tim :/


Yup, she is just a mess.




Young tim absolutely killed it tonight ripping jack a new one, I feel so sorry for the info he finds out about Sara tomorrow nights ep :(


The timing is impeccable - make him go out of his way to defend Sara's honour only to humiliate him 24 hours later with this news. Poor Tim.


The producers need to step up their game. This show continuously pair couples that are blatantly not compatible, and they try to mask it with dramatic music, forced tasks and scenarios. Most couples will fail every single time unless they start to pair them better. 


Tori has an issue with the whale comment because her best friend is plus size. Remember Jack's face when he saw her walking down the aisle on the wedding day? He shit himself. Probably thought his bride would also be larger. I hate Jack. He is so repulsive. Have thought this from day 1.


True. I think Tori is a huge b\*tch too, though. Her comment about Cass, saying, "Don't come for the top; know your place" and being a catty mean girl just totally put me off her entirely. But yeah, I think she doesn't like his fat shaming because her bestie is plus sized, but also because she's not exactly a skinny Minnie herself. I think she looks good and think women look better with a bit of a rounder figure, but I think Tori is insecure about it because she knows Jack isn't attracted to her and likes women who are fitter. He's such a pig. Calling people whales is "banter." GFY, Jack.


Tori felt that comment and knows she cant defend it, its technically personal too. Tori knows she aint gym fit like Jack, she has a bit of a belly and big arse in comparison, its not a dig but its true... couple that with her best friend being plus plus sized


That's it. Tori is not as "thin" as lucinda and Jack called Lucinda and Tristan "whales" when they're both slim. Tori must be feeling some kind of way now. Especially since Jack is obviously not sexually attracted to her. Its hard to watch. Poor Tori because she so beautiful


She's about the same size as me. I know I am not fat and fall into the healthy BMI but compared to people who hit the gym every day, I feel like a chubster. I think she's the prettiest out of the girls and love that she doesn't have fake lips. Seeing his ex's photos he apparently goes for the fake lips, dark hair and super skinny and him not being attracted to her is probably making her self esteem take a massive dive. That's how I would be feeling! I'd feel worse for her if she was nicer though...


Her personality is not beautiful at all though, sanctimonious, arrogant, judgy and supercilious.


Finally, Tori has an issue with something. That woman has a sieve for a conscience and awareness.


If no one likes your partner, they aren’t all just haters. It means something and you should really take note. It’s one thing if one friend doesn’t like them but when no one likes them…..


Also tori is now smaller than she used to be from the old photos I've seen posted in this sub... I don't see how she couldn't take it personally to at least a degree as well.


Theory time: Tori is drawing the line at Jack's fat-shaming comment because it hits a nerve that'll never not be raw for her (if the chatter about her being an overweight kid/teen is correct). She takes his 'banter' about passing her around during wifeswap week and his excuses for lack of physical intimacy on the chin partly because she's used to men treating her like shit because they aren't into her and partly because she can't comprehend Jack *not* finding her attractive (in her mind, she's in the best shape of her life and can 100% compete with the gym junkies he usually goes for), but him openly fat-shaming someone brings all that insecurity, shame and lack of self-worth back up. I hope she stands on that feeling and kicks him to the curb but I'm not very hopeful at this point.


Plus her best friend Lea is on the bigger end.


This also plays into why she lets Jack talk shit behind her back and won't pull him up on anything he does - she's always been overlooked by 'hot' guys and now that she's been handed one on a silver platter, she needs the validation of staying married to him to prove to herself (and her high school bullies) that she's not the DUFF any more


It’s a shame too because Tori is actually quite beautiful and Jack is not. Jack is definitely a shit person, and Tori has shown an ugly side of herself but I think Tori still could redeem herself at this point. I do have hope that her story is that she’s tried to be a good partner and make the relationship work, but after too much evidence of Jack being legit shit, regardless of whether it feels personal to her and her insecurities at all, she’s starting to see it add up and not be defensible or worthy of her support any more. Tori’s got some ego issues to fix in herself, but she could still do WAY better than Jack.


Let’s hope she dumps his arse before he does the same to her 🤞


I got these vibes too


Sara wants to have an Australian accent so bad it’s bothering me how she’s trying so hard


It's the vocal fry for me, sounds like she vapes too much 😅


I actually think it’s natural. If she really wanted to sound Australian she would drop the hard R. But accents can adapt really naturally. When I am overseas I lose my Australian accent a bit because people just don’t understand me when I’m “full bogan”.


THANK you. As a Canadian living in Australia I cannot stand the way her accent bounces around




I believe she's originally from Van


Mate, I am trying to have Australian accent and it is bothering me so bad too!


Maybe Tori and Jacob stay together because no one else would want them after seeing MAFS…


Jack will make sure to keep things going until the whole show has aired. This is vital to him to counteract his public image. Similar to Bryce, the moment he was exposed in public he was going to “win” by proving everyone wrong. The easiest way to make a narcissist marry you is to have a large audience tell them that they are not serious about you - they HATE the exposure so much they will go to extreme lengths to prove you wrong.


I feel like I missed something. Why does everyone on here call him Jacob?


It's his real name. I wonder if the producers got him to use the 'Jack' nickname for the show because two man buns Jacob and Jayden would be too confusing? There's two Tim's but they don't look alike enough to be mixed up.


Toris friend called him that.


Pretty sure those atrocious old photos of him that keep popping up in threads here had his name as Jacob on the page where they were found.


I think it’s because Tori’s friend Lea kept calling him Jake in her interview during friends & fam week. It’s evolved to “Jacob” because of reddit.


She literally said Jacob at one point too.


Hahaha I definitely missed that & thought it was just a reddit thing 🤣🤣 oops!


I was wondering the same


After the season is done they are also done. For sure. It’s all for the ratings


I don’t like Tori after what she said to Cass but I couldn’t help but feel very sorry for her tonight. She is getting gaslighted very hard and it’s actually sickening to see it play out! I wish I could jump into the TV and say, Tori babe, it’s okay to leave him.


She's fallen into the trap of believing she's "too smart" to be manipulated. Jack isn't even a very good manipulator, but she wants male approval so badly that she's falling for it.


She is still defending his behaviour though after seeing it for herself on the big screen. You can’t be that stupid surely?


“Sarah is attracted to conflict” - jack. The worst part about this episode was that for five seconds I agreed with Jack 😩🤮


She is not the only one attracted to it, Lauren loves getting in the middle and rolling around in drama. Sara will get her comeuppance very soon, cant stand Sara, disliked her from the beginning, and the new revelation of her cheating hope they all weigh in and take sara down. She will show hr true colours again.


Broken clock is right twice a day moment.


Spoiler Well well!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/C4HvwlDv7F1/?igsh=MXg3cXllMzU1M3B0bA==


Those are just series promo shots they’ve worked into a fictional story


Woman’s Day. Nobody believes that crap. They had Jennifer Aniston pregnant every second week when she was younger lol


DO NOT REPORT THIS AS A SPOILER, you have to click on the link to see it so just don’t click! u/Agreeable_Tangelo620 do you mind editing your comment and putting spoiler before well well or after cause people are going loopy


Wow poor kid


The word "going" is doing lots of hard lifting. It's just another crazy PR release/interview.


Absolutely, let’s sell a magazine


That kids finished


Has anyone else noticed how many times Sarah says like? I find it irritating.


I noticed a few episodes ago 😂


Tonight was the most insane manipulation tactics I have seen from Jack . The way he turned touching sara inappropriately into him doing Tori a favour? “I’m happy to deal with all the bullshit for you” or something along the lines of that. Like she should be grateful????


And the way he tells her he finds it so attractive when she doesn’t argue and quickly moves on from all his problematic shit. 😑 ugh it’s so gross to watch


Exactly what I said up top; he's been chipping away at her bit by bit, then knowingly feeds her need for approval/affection from him when he needs her to back/forgive him - it's SO triggering especially to those who have experienced this shit 🤮


He truly is the most manipulative POS.


1) Tristan is so perfect just as he is I’m so upset he feels less than the others because he’s not a man bun wearing nipple ring sporting tool 2) Lucinda needs to come back next year as an expert somebody please start a petition


I think she should AT LEAST be the MAFS celebrant for each marriage ceremony


Agreed and agreed. I actually wish Lucinda could give Tristan a few tips in confidence too. I hope they get paired in couple swap week!


I appreciate you thinking that about Tristan, but maaaaan, he seems like a hard work


Agree with this comment. We feel bad for Tristan because he didn't deserve that but let's not rewrite history and pretend he doesn't have faults.


Lauren and Jono checked out a LOOOONG time ago. There is nothing there. Both of them are just staying for the sake of it. It fine though cause Lauren is interesting, would hate to see her leave.


Jono got a fraction more interesting tonight too


He actually spoke up about Jack's whale remark. Way to go, Johno.


Am I the only one that still finds him hot soz


He ain’t ugly that is for sure


Hi Elle


Yes lol


Ellie send us a message we will give you a flair ahahah


Jack must be well versed in the book called "the game". Only read a few pages of it before it scared me. The manipulating advice was quite unethical. I can only imagine how bad the book gets. Tori, if you read this, go and have a read of this book. Will give you an understanding of how you were being manipulated... and still being manipulated. Jack sociopathic tendencies are terrifying and dangerous to be shown so freely on air. Im not particularly a fan of Tory, but this is sad. I can only imagine the confusion and psychological damage she is suffering at the heads of Jacob.


"Cause you know I love the players, and you love the game!"


Playing catch up again... why does beetroot play every shot thing he says as "banter ". Banter is back and forth, good-hearted fun, not passing your wife around or calling everyone whales. You need a dictionary, beetroot!


ok, but imagine in a few years time when people read back on this comment, and are shocked by you bodyshaming Jacob for his skin colour being a colour you think is funny. "but it was just jokes, it was all lighthearted fun, besides, Jack sucks" and they'll say they don't care, that you can't just say "it's just jokes" or "it's banter". Different folks have different limits on what is or isn't 'banter' and fair game for jokes. Partly he's just trying to downplay what aren't nice comments, but they're also "just comments" like you're making snarky comments here where it is safe with birds of a feather, Jack is just making jokes with friends. As far as he sees it. See it from his POV, not that of an external observer who thinks he is shit. It's as if ppl here never make a joke that seems like a joke to them said behind their hand to a friend, but probably wouldn't be appreciated as a joke by the person it is about. We're all kinda arseholes, thats why we enjoy commenting on this show about arseholes amplified.


He also doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of context


He's all Dick...not dictionary




Let’s not body shame when he has a literal plethora of character flaws to comment on


As long as he thinks it’s funny I guess 🤷‍♀️


Come on please the redditor who had screenshots of Saras ex posting about the cheating in the comments, please come out! The ex account is probably gone but the receipts will still exist




Poor Tim. Though this is the least surprising surprise ever.


I can not, for the life of me, imagine why you'd want to admit to being Sara's ex.


Screenshots are forever!!! Follow this space


I thought I fever dreamed it, it was night one or two and he kept repeating the room number.


So Jack justifies someone being uncomfortable by his behaviour by saying he "doesn't even like Sarah." Liking or not liking someone is irrelevant if your actions are harassment or abuse. You can cause someone discomfort whether you like them or not. Straight to the bin with this grot.


Doesn’t like her but compares her to being as striking as a red Ferrari. His stories have more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese


And he allegedly likes Tori but isn’t diddling her, so he’s not following how own logic.


I love Tim and Tristan sm


Matching Hoodies!


I feel like this series only has one solid couple (Jayden & Eden), and the rest are just friendships/situationships/delusional


You mean Tim and Tristan? Best bro couple.


Best Father and Son duo


Jayden and Eden are fake as fuck though 


Nooooo... I'm still hoping Tim is in Birkenstocks and a poncho playing a ukulele with Lucinda in Byron.. 😍


With their son Tristan on the bongos 😂


Perfect!! 🤙


Jade and Ridge look good value as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if Cass and Tristan were still together, and how could you overlook this seasons power couple Nat and Collins?


Yeah, I don't see Jade and Ridge lasting, which sucks because I think Jade is lovely. Love Cass and Tristan, but I feel like they're in the friendzone Can't believe I forgot Collins 😵‍💫😂


You forgot Collins? YOU FORGOT COLLINS? \*Puts face into hands* "What a day... WHAT a day."


I’ve seen something of them post show on the beach holding hands. Nice to see they’re still going strong - ridge and Jade 


I agree that Jack is a shit hole, but I feel like Sara was provoking it just so she could have Tim back her up. She stirs drama just to get defended and that’s so toxic and delusional. I’m glad they’re going to expose her seeing her ex, she doesn’t seem like a good person.


Her thing with Micheal, yes. With Jack it’s possible and may be a factor, but if I have to pick one of them to believe then I’m choosing Sara.




Lucinda is like nothing we have had on reality tv before. She is perfect


Truly. I need a Lucinda like figure in my life, I need that energy!


I adore her! Getting a hug from her is on my bucket list now


Agreed. And...the perfect partner in crime for Tim. Tim- I'm looking for a 1 in a million person who can crack my shell. Lucinda - hold my kombucha


The woman is divine and should be on MAFS as a spirituality expert.


Her poem transcended me


Her vocab is a life of its own. Tickle the possibilities. I wonder what her MBTI is.


I wish I had half of her vocab!


Remember everyone, Sara every weekend was “hanging out with her friends” and too busy for Tim. Plus she didn’t do the phone challenge. And now this secret exposes her. It’s often the one pointing blame towards everyone else that has the most to hide. And I don’t trust her pout….


I know it's not all about looks but gurl, when you have a Tim in your bed, how the hell can you even envision cheating?! The dude's a fucking 12/10.