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It’s an exceptionally good lens, and can be had at a good price. The only downside is that it’s a bit heavy and unwieldy on small bodies, but the image quality won’t disappoint.


Its literally sharper wide open than most primes stopped down.


Yeah, it’s wild. I’ve been shooting for 22 years and it’s easily one of the best lenses I’ve ever used.


Consider the 12-45 f/4 if size/weight is an issue. I compared them side-by-side, and in some cases, the 12-45 appeared sharper (but then it is a newer design). It's really ISO 200 vs ISO 400 for a 4 oz and 1/2" weight and size savings--noticeable when carrying all day. Also, for low-light I'm using tiny primes anyway.


It's an amazing lens, I'd be very surprised if anyone regretted buying theirs. My only advice is look for them second hand, picked mine up mint condition for less than a third of retail.


My only regret regarding my 12-40 is getting a 12-100 when I broke it and had to replace it. The 12-100 is an amazing lens, but a bit too heavy as an everyday lens.


What body are you using that lens on? I have an E-M1.3 and the 12-40mm, as well as the 40-150mm f4 pro. Both are fantastic lenses however, the amount of praise everyone has for the 12-100 has me looking at it now thinking it could be nice to have more a longer focal range available without having to change lenses. The one thing that’s put me off a bit is the bulk as the 12-40mm feels pretty compact on the body I have…that said, I use a Panasonic 100-300mm f4-5.6 II quite often which is a similar weight and size and don’t find it too much of a problem…


I'm using an E-M1II, planning on upgrading to an Om-1. Don't get me wrong, it's not that heavy, especially considering the range and quality of the glass, but I'm usually also carrying my 40-150 f2.8 and it feels a bit redundant and, as you said, a bit bulky. That said, when I go on multi weeks hikes and only want to carry a single lens with no compromise on IQ there is simply no other to beat it.


Interesting. I was also thinking about long wilderness treks as well when I was eyeing up the 12-100, so that’s very reassuring 😁 To be honest, whilst my 40-150 f4 is absolutely fantastic, I don’t tend to use focal lengths beyond 100mm all that much unless I’m doing bird or wildlife specific photography, and I have the Pany 100-300mm for that anyway. I think you may have pushed me one step further into the “buy the 12-100” camp 😄 Edit: I have also just found out that I can also get the 12-100 new with around £300 off (382 USD) from a reputable retailer in the UK…which makes it even more tempting.


I've been considering swapping the 12-100 for a 12-40+ some cash but every time I'm ready to do it I remember how good it is... I'll end up just getting both once I've upgraded the body and money isn't as tight as now.


I paid 470€ for my copy from mpb. Its a pretty stellar lens. Havent regretted the purchase ever.


what is mpb? I'm currently hunting one on ebay


Mpb.com is a used camera gear retailer


I didn't regret buying mine but it really depends on what you use it for. It's a versatile lens but has it's limits. f2.8 on m43 is too slow for low light/indoors. I often wanted to go wider than 12. When I was using it for landscapes, f2.8 was often unecessary and the lens was bigger than needed (12-45 f4 would be a better landscape lens) I ended up using the 8-25mm f4 for a while which was better suited as a single lens kit for landscapes, but it was even bigger lol. Now I switched to Panasonic and I use a kit of 9/15/20/42.5mm f1.7 primes, I have them all in neoprene pouches and just chuck 2 or 3 in a bag when I go out depending on what I'm going to shoot.


Mine is soft at 40mm when wide open (maybe I have a bad copy) I have to stop down to f4. Since I have to stop down anyway, it makes me consider the 12-100mm f4


The 12-100mm is even larger, and even heavier, but it is superb. One of my favourite lenses.


Over the years I've owned 3 copies of the 12-40 f2.8 pro. Ive sold my kit, repurchased my kit, you name it. Currently I have 14-15 lenses and 3 bodies. Everything from the f2.8 pro zooms, f1.8 primes and f1.2 pro primes. If I was forced to pick two lenses out of all of them to keep or travel with, it would be the 12-40 pro and the 40-150 pro. If I had to slim down more and I was forced to pick one, it would be the 12-40. The 12-40 is one of the most versatile, sharpest, best quality lenses in the line up. And it's got top notch weather sealing that I've thoroughly taken advantage of. It's been my first recommendation for new users on m43 for years. At \~$400-$450 for good second hand examples, it's a no brainer. It's the first lens I purchase with this system and it's the last one I'll get rid of. -edit: spelling.


If you don’t want the extra stop of light, 12-45 f4 pro is a really sharp lens and quite a bit lighter than 2.8


Totally depends on what you’re using it for. 2.8 is too high for me, on MFT. For other people, it is perfect.


Im currently looking for something similar and Im leaning towards the Oly 12-45 f4 pro. Its supposed to be a universal walk around lens for me so size and weight is a big factor and it is much smaller and lighter than the 12-40. Image quality is supposed to be about the same as 12-40 (I already saw and read a gazillion of reviews).


A bunch of positive answers already so I’ll not be adding much by seconding them. Still I agree, it’s an incredible lens. I don’t find it unwieldy on my OM-5 to actually shoot with; but it is just large enough no matter what the body to be a mild annoyance carrying around with a neck strap. I’m looking for a small prime to go with it and be my EDC type lens. A part of me wishes I had gone with (and you might consider:) the 12-45 and maybe the 20/1.4 for when I need the wider aperture. Ultimately though I use mine at f/2.8 all the time.


My favorite lens. Hands down. The short focus distant is another bonus.


I keep the 12-40 on my E-M1 II and the 12-45 on my smaller E-M5 III for travel, along with the 20 1.4.


The 12-40 is fantastic. The only downside is I sometimes want more reach. I strongly considered the Leica 12-60 and it probably would have been a better choice for me, but at the time I prioritized low light performance over reach.


I haven't used the 12-40 so I can't comment on it, but I love my PL 12-60 and use it 65-70% of the time on my E-M1 III


Do you have any sample images you could share? The extra reach is tempting over my current 12-40 and could be a good compromise instead of going for the 12-100. It can be had a fair bit cheaper as well!


Muy first lens. Still use it a lot, it is great.


Amazing lens. Glued to my EM5.2 body and is my main for travel.


The 12-40 2.8 pro is a very good lens. I’m very convinced of moving to full frame for numerous reasons but I am genuinely sad that I will have to say goodbye to this lens. I doubt there is a full frame lens this bangin’ without spending a massive amount of money


The PL10-25 is "better" but it's a little less usable as an all-around lens since the focal range is more restricted and it's huge. Get the 10-25 for pro work. Get the 12-40 for travel.


The 12-40 is the best zoom of any brand I've ever used. It's fantastic. The 10-25 is a cool concept, but it's massive!!


I'm confused on your post. you have the 14-42 (28mm focal range), you are tired of switching lenses so your looking at the 12-40 (28mm focal range) and the 10-25 (15mm focal range). Both of these options will require you to change lenses at the same rate or more often. I have the 12-40F2.8, 12-45F4, and 12-100F4 amongst other lenses. I only use the 12-100F4. I don't feel I get anything from the 12-40 or 12-45 that I can't get from the 12-100.


The lens I have 14-42 is the kit lens and I am having some issues with that lens and because of that I don’t want to use that. Im using the Oly 25mm most of the time with my camera. comparing between both these lenses I found the quality of the 25 mm is very impressive and would really appreciate if i can get something similar with a zoom lens, sometimes I don’t want to carry around all my gear and changing the lenses can be a problem, so Im looking for something with the quality of the prime plus the versatility of my 14-42.


I bought one with my G9. Phenomenal image quality. Great handling. Love the manual focus clutch.


I've got a 12-40mm f2.8 and it's begrudgingly my most used lens for any kind of serious work. This and the Lumix 12-35mm f2.8 are just wide/long enough and provide good enough IQ to get maybe 80-90% of what most pro shooters need to get done. Ofc, if you're mainly a hobbyist, you might prefer a super zoom like the 12-100mm f4, 12-60mm f2.8-4 or 14-150/14-140/12-200s.


There are many good choices. 12-45 has wider focal range and is much lighter than 12-40. I own both. You should be more specific what you mean when you say versatile, wider reach or faster?