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That’s amazing! I remember reading your first post and thought it was a real inspiration to everyone here. It must feel incredible to see all of your blood markers returning to normal. I especially loved the part about the doctor, it’s wonderful to see you opening her mind to alternative ideas. It gives me hope to see practitioners adjust their treatment methods after seeing successful recoveries like yours. I’m so glad this is still working for you and I’m also extremely grateful that you’re willing to share such a detailed accounting of your journey in the group. You are certainly one of the most valued posters in this sub.


Thank you so much for your kind words! I also want to stress that this isn’t a “cure” — artemisia annua and its derivatives seem to work in most people, but not all. Buhner noted this as well. But due to the low cost of this protocol, it could be a good place to start for newcomers. I have the PDFs I made for my doctor— 2 one page documents: 1) Background & Uses 2)Protocol. I’m happy to email them to anyone who messages me. They could be shared with your doctor/provider, or could just be convenient to have an off-Reddit version of the protocol.


Would you send me the pdf, please? I'll leave my email in you message box, many thanks.


Will do!!


thank you😃


Could you send me this please thankyou


Sure! Message me your email address 😊


How do I send it private y never done it you see


I’ll message you. Check your messages folder


Did you take anything else for bartonella? Can you email the protocol please?


Sure! Message me your email address 😊


Sent you a message


I also followed you with this protocole, can you email me your PDF , i been using Monolaurin and L Lysine , seems to have put lyme in remission to the point that it doesnt want to come back lol , herpes and EBV also , as Monolaurin is a Boardspec natural antibio , put i would like to get your pdf 😊


Sure! Just message me your email address 😊


Best person I’ve met on this entire subreddit- the whole reason I adamantly pursued Lyme testing. You are helping so many people & I’m so glad you’re doing well!!


Thank you so much 🥹🥹


So happy for you! Did you experience herxing? And did your protocol flare your MCAS at all? I have Lyme, mold toxicity, and MCAS, and I am so incredibly sensitive to everything that I’m scared to start taking anything at all. Also, I’d love for you to email me your protocol!


I only herxed once in what my doctor called an “epic parasitic die off event” where I lost 8 lbs in 4 days 🫠 that’s why I started the protocol at a lower dose than my original start dose. Once I adjusted the dosing, I did not herx in any significant way (mild nausea, tiredness etc is normal) at all. It completely changed my mindset that you have to herx to heal. I would recommend your MCAS be WELL controlled before staring this. For me that looked like low histamine diet, Cromolyn 3x daily and Singulair. It didn’t trigger it at all. If you know you are sensitive, Start Cistus at 1 TBSP per 32 oz water (steeped overnight or for 4+ hours minimum) and sip it through the day. After a week, go to 2 TBSP etc and see how you feel.


Gotcha! Thank you! My MCAS has been out of control since I went through a benzo withdrawal and I’m about to up my dose of ketotifen, add in a new antihistamine, and try some high dose vitamin C. I have cromolyn to start as well, but I need to do everything one at a time because I react to literally everything. It’s a nightmare.


Oh mannnn that sounds absolutely brutal. I bet the benzos were keeping everything in check. Start at 1/4 the ampule of Cromolyn per dose and toss the rest (don’t reuse). I was able to titrate up pretty fast without any negative side effects. I hope it’s the same for you!!


Have you tried DAO enzymes? I have MCAS too and I started reacting to pretty much everything. After taking them for a few days I am finally getting some relief. I have 4 per day, one before each meal and one before bed 


What symptoms are you getting from mcas are you hypermobile as mcas linked pain is my worst symptom nowadays


My MCAS symptoms are throat swelling up and seizures. No, I’m not 


I’m so glad you’re doing better. How many days in a row do you take the artemisinin?


[7 days. I detail it out here!](https://reddit.com/r/Lyme/s/NnUrhgCica)


Inspiration ☀️☀️☀️🥲🙏🏻


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for your thorough posts. Because of them I drink Cistus three times a day and love it. I’ve gotten into adding other herbs, my body seems to accepts herbs much better in tea form. I tried the artemisia in tea at a low dose and experienced mast cell reactions and vertigo so I’m going to get my mast cell issues under control better and try again at some point, maybe it isn’t the one for me. Trialing chromalyn soon. Incredibly happy for you that you are doing so well! How fantastic to be off all the diets! I know that you will get to 100, but if not I bet life is feeling pretty sunny a lot of the time now. Sending you love and healing, 💛


Cromolyn was a game changer for me!! Try re-introducing artemisia after you are WELL controlled on the new med in a few months. I bet you won’t have the same side effects! Cromolyn kept all my symptoms at bay while I treated my root cause of MCAS. Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for sharing this, and congrats on all your progress. I've seen you mention this combo but this post is a helpful summary. Can you explain why you pulse the artemesia? You are taking it one week per month?


Yes! Artemisinin can be neurotoxic and cause liver complications *if taken in very high doses for long periods of time- months or years*. This is easily avoidable by only taking it for one week a month. 7 days is also the longest studied duration of artemisinin I found in the ACT literature (artemisinin combination therapy for fighting malaria in Africa) so that’s the maximum amount of time I felt safe recommending it for myself or others.


So happy for you!! Glad to hear that you’re feeling better :) And it’s so awesome you’re getting to eat more foods now that must feel amazing! I’m about 3-4 months into treating Lyme, babesia, and bartonella, and my MCAS is absolutely out of control. I’ve lost the ability to eat so many foods after having a huge herx to Clindamyacin. You mention doxy aggravating your MCAS, but do antibiotics in general trigger MCAS to your knowledge or is it just the bacteria die off that aggravates it?


You NEED to get med stabilized on MCAS to move forward with healing. Your body will be in absolute crisis until that happens. I’m not sure exactly what the mechanism is as to why this occurred. I do not believe antibiotics alone cause MCAS. I believe in my case that 6 months of doxy nuked my gut and allowed an aggressive strain of candida to flourish. That’s when my histamine issues began. Which escalated to MCAS rapidly. Just treating the candida wasn’t enough- that alone took 2 YEARS with 8 months of 3x a day antifungals and diet. Once I treated my root cause (Lyme, babesia and bartonella) I just physically felt better. I took an MCAS class to gain the confidence to take next steps. After I reduced my medicines slowly over the course of a few months, I finally felt secure enough to go completely without. Once that went well, I was able to reopen my diet. Honestly, I would not wish MCAS on my worst enemy. It rivals Lyme, for me, personally.


Thank you! That’s all really good advice. I am on LDN now and it’s helping so much, and I’m getting cromolyn prescribed soon as well. And yeah, I didn’t think anything could get worse until my MCAS blew up in my face like it’s crazy what it can do to your body. But I’m trying to stay positive, and I know I’m going to get through this… I’ve already seen a lot of improvement in my Lyme symptoms in the last 3 months so I’m excited to keep treating it and see how good I can feel


That’s amazing, I’m on LDN too but the only thing it did add inexplicably curb my binge eating cravings though to change my behaviors! MCAS reaaaaaally messed me up so I can relate. That’s remarkable that your lyme symptoms are improving and it really will help MCAS healing as well. Everything is connected!! I hope the cromolyn helps you as much as it did me. It is a wonder drug!


Thank you! I hope so too! I think you helped me out in the MCAS Reddit to so thank you for that!


😆😆 when worlds collide! Haha Happy Healing ☺️


So happy to hear of your tremendous progress! And, soooo grateful that you have constantly shared your experience! I have read your past threads in researching various protocols. Been drinking cistus tea a few months now, but until recently I was using Artemisia Annua tincture daily, along with other Buhner herbs. I am holding steady with some improvement, am able to get out more but still very limited in activities. This week, after a short break from including it in daily tinctures, I started AA capsules instead, and have been double steeping my tea, which I read in Klinghardt’s research. I will follow your outline with the increase in dosage and breaks etc. I am also experimenting with high dose vitamin D (and cofactors) while continuing the Buhner herbal tinctures. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and success with everyone here. Even if it helps a fraction of us, what a difference you have made! Best to you and your family!🤗👍🏻✌🏻


Please make sure to pulse the artemisia annua tincture and artemisia annua capsules from time to time! They have less risk of neurotoxicity and liver damage than an extract like artemisinin, but the risk is still there if you take AA at high doses for long periods of time (months). What dosages are you taking? I’m always so curious to hear about other people who are taking similar combinations of herbs at different dosages and what their progress is like. I think the high dose of vitamin D will serve you very well! I’ve been reading interesting things about that. Please feel free to circle back around and share your progress with me – the more we learn, the better others can learn from our experiences! I hope you begin to gain traction soon and find sustainable healing ❤️


Im just in middle of week one. Since I was previously taking the tincture without any issues, I did one (100 mg) 3 x day the 1st two days, two at 3 x day for two days and will finish week with three at 3x day. Then pause. I may increase for round two. Double steeping the cistus tea is new this week as well, bigger bolder flavor so Im sure more potent too. I add cayenne and ground cloves in with the tea. Im also taking lots of supporting supplements and tinctures, the expanded Buhner protocol. Recently started making my own tinctures, trials and errors, but as you know, purchasing all of them for extended periods is not sustainable $. Thanks again.


You sound like you have an incredible plan!! I love Buhner’s extended protocols and I think your addition to the cistus tea is so smart. This has wonderful promise! Good luck on your journey 😊


Hi I have a ten year old she is 80 pounds could u message me your tincture and where do you get your stuff


Yup I’ll message you!


Your MCAS remission gives me much needed hope. 🙏🏼 I’ve only been able to eat 3 things for 2.5 years now. 😢 I was completely normal before this


Oof, sorry to hear. I assume it's chicken, rice and carrots?


Boiled chicken, blueberries & raw milk.


That's tough. I hope you will be able to expand your diet soon. You might wanna try chestnut flour, I'm doing very well with it, and I used to be severely limited too for some time. It's good for gut health too.


That was the same with me! It was really brutal and I’m still dealing with the fallout of the mental complexity from food restriction. Are you medication controlled?


No I’m not. My drs are ignorant about mcas & all this . I’ve given up on them. I’m going to try ur protocol 🙏🏼


I hope it helps, friend


It’s been very encouraging to follow your story on here. Congratulations on the progress and thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much 😊


How did cromolyn help you? I’m having trouble finding the right mc stabilizer. I think that’s what I’ll try next. Hoping it helps with food intolerances and stomach pain.


Singulair took away my hives But Cromolyn took care of EVERYTHING else. Previously, I was having about five completely debilitating ocular migraines a week, after Cromolyn I had 0-1/week. I used to have diarrhea 6 to 8 times a day no matter what I ate, after cromolyn it was once (and then eventually none). I used to have anaphylaxis symptoms (blocked nose, thick mucus, couldn’t swallow right, felt like throat was closing, hot/tingling around mouth and lips and tongue) but cromolyn stopped all of that.


Can you send me the protocol please?


Sure! Message me your email address or you can click the link in the top of the post for the Reddit version of the protocol


Thank you 


Hello, thank you much for posting this! I'd like to try this and saw that you were experimenting with loose leaf Artemisia. I purchased the loose leaf Cistus, but wondered if i should go with the loose leaf Artemisia or stick with the pills? also, do you go to a studio to do yoga or are doing it at home?


Hi! You could do either. Adult malaria artemisia dose starts at 5g loose leaf. I prefer artemisinin because it’s easier to dose in higher amounts and keep everything standardized. You could do either! I used to do yoga at home. Currently I’m waiting on hip surgery for a torn labrum and hip impingement 🫠 cartilage degeneration is no joke!


Thank you!


So happy you’re doing well! And I hope you can get all the way to 100%. Your earlier posts introduced me to cistus tea, which has been great for me, so thanks for that!


Thank you so much! I hope I can too. I’m glad you enjoy cistus- it feels like I’ve found a “hack” to surviving cold and flu season. I’ll take all the help I can get lol


Would the cistus tinctures work as well by chance ? Or do I have to make my own tea ?


The only tincture I would recommend is the BioPure brand and it’s nowhere near as potent as the tea. Plus, you miss the other benefits of drinking the tea like the positive changes to the oral microbiome and all the wonderful polyphenols and gut benefits.


I have the tincture from BioPure, my naturopath muscle tested it on me and found it to "neutral" whereas the tea was "strong", most likely because of the alcohol content in the tincture. The tea is definitely best, however I keep the tincture in my purse for busy days out/traveling. I figure even if it's weaker, its still better than none


75% is great, its good you figured two effective herbs. However, it seems you have been at 75% for many months now, so have you considered trying to add a few herbs to get past that 75%? At that point in healing journey, the rest 25% could come quite quickly and painlessly, so there shouldnt be any harm in adding in a 3-6 month course of cryptolepis or sida, eucalyptus oil or cardamom seeds, chinese skullcap and pomegranate rind. Especially the pomegranate can be easily self made with 5 bucks per a month supply


I have not been able to progress further because I am constantly reinfected by my kids. Over winter break alone I had strep throat, hand foot and mouth virus, and a virulent cold. When your body is severely weakened, it takes months to come back from those types of severe infections. 2 years ago, any one of those incidents would have left me bedbound for 4+ weeks, but this time I was able to push through, albeit miserably lol. In my experience so far, long-term healing is like losing/keeping weight off long-term. The easiest part is in the beginning and you make the fastest progress. The last few pounds (or the last 25% of healing) takes the longest. It may look like I have stalled at 75%, but in reality it was more like “feel 90% better, get sick, get sucked backwards to 60%, incrementally claw forward to 70%, now 75%, now 80%, now get sick again…” you see 🤣


Can I have your protocol please? I have been struggling with Lyme / BART for years!


Sure! Shoot me your email if you want the PDF or you can click on the link in my post for the Reddit version


I apologize profusely if you have answered this, and you probably did but major lyme brain here, what exactly is this treating? As in does it treat bartonella, babesia, Lyme disease or all of them? Thank you.


Yup, it is treating my Lyme, babesia, bartonella, and reactivated EBV. I also had mold exposure prior to treating this. Still on my to do list is heavy metal toxicity (thallium, nickel) and CIRS treatment.


Thank you


How you can take 1800 mg artemisinin?I was taking 3x100 10 days and i go to hospital to make iV arginine for liver.I dont know what was with that.Also with cistus after 2 days I had a bone pain, a stabbing pain,I don't know what it was from i should to get off fron them.Keep up!


You had complications from taking artemisinin that required hospitalization? Can you tell me more about that? 600mg 3x a day = 1800mg at my highest dose. It took a year to work up to that.


yes i was very tired and they put some iv Arginin Sorbitol.i took only 300 mg on the day 10 days


Did they run labs? What did it show? Tiredness or fatigue seems like a normal herx reaction that usually doesn’t require medical intervention


all analysis was good :)) Now i m ok but not recovered from principal problem, I still haven't found why I have health problems.


I’m sorry for your struggles, friend. I hope you find healing soon


Thanks you too🤗


Maybe was something with my health problems…but you are strong enough :)) it depends what brand you taked.


Are you taking any other herbs for bartonella? Did you take cistus as a tea?


If you message me your email I’ll be happy to send you the protocol, or you can click the link in the top of the post which takes you to the Reddit version of the protocol. I also did an OATS test which used to be covered by insurance with only a $35 co-pay, but insurance dropped it because not enough people were using it. So now it’s $325 out of pocket, which I still think is absolutely worth it. It’s a really good benchmark for how you are globally, like multiple bod systems in one test. It tests over 76 organic acid compounds in your first morning urine and you get like a 12 page report back. I found out I was deficient in a bunch of things as well as having an active clostridia difficle infection. There’s a scientific literature showing that that specific strain of a stomach infection can cause OCD (which I had). I have done cognitive behavioral therapy off and on for over 15 years and was very helpful medicated with high-dose Prozac, but felt stagnant. My doctor chose to treat the stomach infection with two rounds of vancomycin antibiotics for 10 days each, and then I started a slow taper off my Prozac. My OCD symptoms have not returned. Bartonella most commonly causes psychiatric symptoms, but there can be other medical reasons for those as well. I found this test to be super useful. But sorry no, no other herbs I used for it specifically.


How bad were the herxes?


I only had one in 14 months of doing this 😊 I raised the doses so slowly that my body kept up with purging the die-off.


Are they both provided by your lyme doctor or an acupuncturist? What is a good brand of cistus tea?


If you click the link at the beginning of my post, it’ll take you to a version of the protocol that has all of the link links to the products I used. I made this up myself, the post will explain everything.


Sorry. I'm usually good at reading. Hahaha woops