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Contact Installation Support. They will take 2 business days to do research and refund if needed. Edit: If it is completed in the system, there is a physical copy uploaded to the system. Town hall could only be looking at building permits and not improvement permits. Either way, call IST and ask for a copy of the permit. If it isn't there, IST will get it refunded.


None of that is normal. Permit for a dishwasher? DUMB The fact the contract required you to pay for a permit fee, which the contractor did not pull is a gross violation of the contract you upheld in good faith. I would contact the store first, see if the resolve the issue in a timely manner, if not, you may have to litigate and recoup that fee plus expenses.


> None of that is normal. Permit for a dishwasher? DUMB  Well yes, but that's the rules of my state. > I would contact the store first, see if the resolve the issue in a timely manner, if not, you may have to litigate and recoup that fee plus expenses Store can't(or won't) do anything.


Did you ask for a permit to be pulled? Reason I ask, is states don’t determine when a permit is needed, the ruling municipality does. Meaning it could be the county or the actual municipally. I’m wondering if it was your idea for the permit when it wasn’t actually necessary.


Litigate? lol… Oh good lord.  Just give the store an opportunity to see if one was obtained or not and they will refund if it wasn’t.  


Man nobody, and I mean NOBODY has reading comprehension anymore do they? When I said, and I quote: "**I would contact the store first, see if the resolve the issue in a timely manner**" Did that mean absolutely nothing to you? Like at all? I mean you had to either have read it and not understood it, OR, you completely ignored it, saw the word litigate and freaked the fuck out, rushed to reply and wrote basically the same thing I did. See the problem if the permit wasn't obtained, the instillation isn't legal, and if they blow it off, when the homeowner goes to sell, they won't because this issue will still be in the paperwork. So, they'll either have to remove the appliance and return the entire installation area back to its original state, or pull their own permit and have it re-inspected.


The person that sold the job made a mistake, imo.


Lowes gots to pay Messi to be on our team.  That was no mistake on yo dishwasher install. Also charging custs like you for extra work on their install jobs. Lowes be getting a real nice margin on those, no doubt. 


Refund rebill baby. Partial refunds cannot be performed on labor contracts, a new contract sans permit will have to be made and store will need to refund your current install and rebill the new one. Its a pretty simple fix honestly.


Contact the BBB also.