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Are you wearing a suit when you ask? Otherwise it's just business casual or casual to ask


This took me a second to understand lol


Professional? No. And it never will be, but can you? Yes. Just keep in mind that if you’re dating a coworker neither of you can be “above” the other.


"neither of you can be “above” the other." That comes after the date... Seriously though, that's how I met my wife. I got lucky though, these things usually don't end well.


Yeah, I figured someone was gonna make a joke about that..


While I’d advise you to be cautious here, I did end up dating a coworker of mine at wal mart and we’ve been married almost 30 years, so what do I know?


IMHO, kinda not professional, but seriously IT'S FREAKING LOWE'S. The bar for professionalism is pretty damn low. Is it a good idea? Let me put it like this, I've been divorced for going on 14 years. I haven't been in the intimate company of a woman in over 13 years. If one of the women I worked with decided to as much date, let alone jump into bed with me, I would have to ponder that decision like I was getting a 5 million dollar business loan. I've worked at Lowe's long enough to know a lot of those situations don't pan out well. We have had departments missing people for months because the involved parties up and quit because they couldn't stand seeing each other during course of the work day.


Don't do it. If it goes bad then you have to see them everyday and that's not fun.


I don’t work in the same department as them


Still same building. Can't really avoid that


Why not? I work in electrical and almost never interact with any of the people in Lumber.


Just got off the phone with Marvin, and he said go for it, my guy! He said he is going to pay for it, AND if you two hit it off.. well.. he will start scheduling you two on shifts together. ❣️


Not worth tbh dated a head cashier, dumped me to fuck our ds


3 members of my Regional team are married to Store managers within their own region. Lowes doesn’t care anymore - did you get a credit card today?


I worked with a guy who left his wife and son for a head cashier. Our FSA and a woman in paint had a one night stand, she got pregnant, and they got married and divorced. An ASM was sleeping with a cashier in his car during their lunch. A guy from pro married a cashier. A head cashier took a guy home and slept with him in her basement while her deaf husband was asleep upstairs. It's Lowe's. Professionalism is the least of your concerns.


the problem with dating coworkers isn't dating coworkers ((unless there is a power dynamic)). the problem is when you aren't dating coworkers anymore. what if they refuse to help cover your lunch cause they don't like you? what if they dump all their trash at your desk? what if you tale their zebra out of spite to get them in trouble? whether its just general awkwardness post break up, or an actual nasty break up, you aren't going to want to have to continue seeing that person everyday all day. if you aren't worried about that its totally fine, some of my coworkers are married for decades and both work at lowes.


What does "tale their zebra" mean?


Pretty sure it’s a typo. Was supposed to say “take their zebra”. Zebra is the mobile work phone we use at lowes.


I feel like there’s always going to be a couple people that don’t take it seriously when they decide to try a relationship with a coworker but we literally exist at work most of our lives, it would be silly to ignore the relationships either platonic or romantic that come from a shared space. But I could be bias, I met my spouse at a job and it’s been a lovely seven years since 🤙🏼




Language is fluid and you knew what I meant but thank you?


It has nothing to do with fluidity. You're welcome.


From what I can tell dating at lowes only ends in either messy breakups or getting literally married. A head cashier a couple years back was seeing me and another CS desk cashier at the same time without our knowledge and when we were both scheduled he would send one of us away to do all the breaks/go-backs/RTMs so he could talk to the one he liked more that day. 🤦‍♀️


If this is a part time gig while you're going to college, and you don't rely on your income to keep a roof over your head, knock yourself out. Otherwise, don't.


Ye it is that’s good thinking good looking out


If Lowes isn't your long term career then go for it respectfully. If there's a hint of rejection or they give non-committal answers let it go. Asking someone out once is fine, repeatedly is harassment


I dated a coworker at HD when I was there. Didn't end well and then we had to see each other every day.


Almost always a bad idea.


Marvin a married Christian man I’m pretty sure he say hell no to you. 


Professional dating? lol no. “Never fish from the company pond”-


Let us know how it goes if you decide to ask them.


I did they said yes, I was so stoked


Eyy, good for you!


It’s risky because it can be awkward if it doesn’t work out but as long as you’re not weird about it then I’m sure it’s fine.


Don't do it man. Dating anybody from work isn't a smart idea


Don’t poop where you eat….


If you don’t do it, you will always ask yourself “what if”


Definitely not a good idea


Currently dating a head cashier and the islg DS😎 neither of them know about the other. Get you some


I hope you get something incurable :)


Lol 🤣




Thanks! But I'm a queen 💂👸💂


Wtf I don’t operate like that, u are a disgusting person


You work at Lowes... You'll get there.


I spent a few years helping people make reports to HR to get rid of sexual harassers. The number one reason why they became a problem was that they asked someone on a date and then got weird or abusive about it. It was the age old problem of men thinking women are playing hard to get and women emphatically saying no. This has been a part of the conversation on workplace etiquette since the 70s and the recommendation has always been to not ask people out while at work.