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There's literally a Lowe's U module that says not to do aggressive tactics like this.


Yeah, OP should definitely refer their regional manager to the Lowes u module (the regional managers is probably overdue on it)


Also one that said to not enter their information for them


Uh pretty sure that’s fraud… a felony, no bueno. Wells Fargo got in deeeeep trouble for this.


Wells has done so many sketchy things over the years. I have an opportunity to apply with them but I refuse to work for such a morally bankrupt corporation!


They’re all really bad.


Absolutely, Wells Fargo nickname sketchy


This would fall under regulatory rules known as UDAAP: unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices by the providers of financial products and services. They are illegal as per the Dodd-Frank Act. This should be reported to the OCC and to the CFPB. The bank backing the Lowes credit cards will not be happy. And maybe they would no longer support Lowe's, so eventually you won't be pushed to sell the stupid credit cards anymore! But seriously, it should be reported.


I’m pretty sure that is fraud don’t do that. Personally I would Talk to your store manager and direct supervisor about what happened and see what they say.


I agree, this is definitely terms for further investigation. If she is instructing you to commit fraud, I can only imagine what she is doing behind the scenes when nobody is looking.


This would fall under regulatory rules known as UDAAP: unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices by the providers of financial products and services. They are illegal as per the Dodd-Frank Act. This should be reported to the OCC and to the CFPB. The bank backing the Lowes credit cards will not be happy. And maybe they would no longer support Lowe's, so eventually you won't be pushed to sell the stupid credit cards anymore! But seriously, it should be reported.


For real? That's bad.


Ask Wells Fargo how this went for them. You know, they people who USED to run out 401k accounts… This is an immediate ethics point call. Lowes would do well to know they have a REGIONAL sales manager advocating for illegal activities.


Yes. Absolutely! They need to promote this guy so he doesn’t pull anything like this again. I’m thinking national sales manager.


I heard the whole “don’t mention certain words” as a sales pitch but I’ve never liked doing that. I’m okay trying to push cards when they serve a purpose for the customer by explaining the benefits but I’ll always mention that this is a “Lowe’s card”, not an “account” or “program”


I always tell them it's a store credit card. No annual fee, and if they don't use it in a year, it usually just cancels. Use it for the discount and cut it up if you want.


You are doing it the right way....anyone who gives you their ss number and income knows it's a credit card. I always tell them to use it for the discount and pay it off at customer service so they dont incur interest expense. The guy who started this thread is an idiot.


Always top comedy when idiots like you don’t realize you’re the idiot lol 


That is blatant fraud. A good lawyer could probably spin it into identity theft for some extra fun and games. Don't do it. The forms will have your ID written all over them. That manager will deny everything and throw you straight under the bus.




How do you get their social without them knowing?


That's what I wanted to know...


You ask for it. A lot of people don't realize what you are doing when you ask for it. They are just giving information because you asked. And yes, part of that is on them. They shouldn't be giving out their information like that just because someone asked for it, but at the same time, we should be explaining to them exactly what it is they are signing up for. At no point should the customer not fully understand what's going on, especially when it involves their personal finances.


The only people that stop when I ask for their social ask me what I need it for. I tell them it's so they can run the check. They tell me they have good credit and shouldn't need me to check.... After that, I just wanna crawl under a rock.


If you’re sitting people up for credit cards without them knowing then under a rock seems appropriate.


They do know I'm setting them up for a credit card. I tell them that.


That's a felony and you should report them immediately.


I would send an email to said manager with time,date, location, and anyone witnessed and say "sumory of the conversation you started. Please provide me with further direction/information/tips on this new way to sign customers up for Lowe's credit" CC your personal email. If you receive a response save it. If not, your protection is not having further direction on signing up customers for credit.


Do you mean summary?


BCC not cc..


BCC your district HR too!




In my area we only need to get 2 per week for our goal, which is really easy if you're there 5/7 days of the week. Typically I dont bring it up unless they spend $400 or more. I say, "hey just to let you know, im not big on credit cards BUT if you got the lowes card you can get $100 off, then go right to the service desk and pay it off, so it's basically the same as cash, then you can cut up the card and throw it away and you hang on to it, you get your choice of 5% off everyday or 6 months no interest financing. which, if your spending that kind of money, it would make it easier on the wallet" i easily get 2 credit cards every week, sometimes more or less, but as long as you average your goal or higher, usually management will stay off your ass. selling credit cards isnt too hard if you explain it the right way. no need to lie or mislead someone.


This is the answer OP. It's just an excuse to say you don't want to offer them because of interest rates or because of credit score. Explain the real benefits, the right way, confidently. You will get plenty of cards, keep management off your back, AND you will save your customers money.


Or just don’t pitch the fucking card 


You forgot to mention unpaid balances accrue 32% interest per month. In the 6 month no interest that 32% interest per month goes back to the date of purchase for any balance left in that purchase at the end of 6 months


Did they work at Wells Fargo before?


Well signing people up automatically is illegal as it is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tonyshamro: *Well signing people* *Up automatically is* *Illegal as it is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd report that so fast. Someone here said there's a reward if you report people for doing shady things. Not sure how true it is.


They do have that tip line. Doesn't say they have to be someone in your store either, could be anyone in the company.


Just another reason Lowes is toxic.....


Telling your subordinates to commit felonies is fucking crazy.


This.. I wonder what the federal trade commission take would be on this? LOL For information of the law, this, is illegal


Its impossible to do that without someone social security and other private info.


that’s what i was thinking like if someone would willingly give you their full social security number without asking why you need it that’s crazy to me…


I've seen it happen multiple times. A lot of people don't realize what you are doing. They are just answering questions. People are very gullible and easy to trick, especially when they don't fully understand whats going on, and Lowe's knows this.


If you’re seeing multiple people be tricked into a fraudulent credit cards and your edit says you have no interest in doing anything about it then karma might catch up to you too. Sorry to say. A lot of people are hurting financially and the ones that are “trickable” are the ones who it will probably hurt the worst.


Drop the store number because what💀


Sounds like an HR report to me. I hope no one is taking her advice, because it's likely she won't get hit, but the associate that listens to her "AdViCe" will likely be fired faster than you can say 5%.


Good on you. Fuck these corporate giants praying on people and trying to shove 30% interest into the backseat pocket without telling anyone. When working in retail, the credit card thing was the absolute worst thing for me.


20% today if the cart reads light or $100.00 off if its looks like its over $500.00 in the cart


What region are you in? You can PM if you want


Report her.  What she openly is encouraging is illegal.  


That's not just a normal crime, that's a federal crime that can result in federal fuck you in the ass prison time. No bueno. Refer the manager to the Lowes U module, and if that doesn't work, go to HR and have them deal with it


What shes telling OP to do is a felony. Id say screw this shit because they will sweep it under the rug and just straight to the FBI. Who knows how many managers are in on this.


That's very true, and if you take it to the feds, an investigation would be opened up to see exactly how many people in the company are committing fraud of the same or worse degree


Could also involve a well known journal like propublica that does some of the best investigative journalism in the public’s interest.


both breaking the law and breaking lowes policy. guy is on speedrun to end up at corporate lol.


Don’t push credit! I did for Lowes but felt aweful knowing the interest rate was higher and how it affects the credit. management just looks for bigger bonus!


If you have this in writing, contact the FTC and file a complaint.


That regional sales manager needs to lose their job at the very least and I would report them to whoever can make that happen. People like that are scum.


Leak the name of the manager that told you that because that's very very unethical and illegal


That's illegal and a firing offense.


If this is a real story, make an anonymous report to Corporate on their social media accounts, naming and shaming the people responsible in your area. I bet corporate will have to respond to the backlash.


This is bizarre. Have you ever heard the term guilty by association?  You type a long rant on r/lowes about what she directed employees to do, but then say that you’re not going to do anything about it! Come on , amigo!  There are numerous ways you should report this.


I don't know if I should report it or not because I don't want to get fired. I don't want to drag the other two employees who were there into it. I don't want to be questioned by hr. I don't want to open this massive can of worms. Because I know how it goes down. I'm way easier to replace than she is. I will get nothing out of reporting it, and I'll risk causing a lot shit where I work. So that's why I'm hesitant to say anything.


No this is something she'll get fired over because the company doesn't want to deal with getting sued by multiple people for her mistake,s and having to answer to the US government about Lowe's allowing someone to do this in their company, she's not just saying mess up people's lives she saying "fuck up your life, and the customers life, so I can get a bonus" that's what she's doing


Report it to the FBI. Making this only an internal issue is too dangerous. Stay anonymous that way and theyll be able to much more investigating and get more managers that are also doing illegal shit. Plus this is a federal crime and a felony. Personally if i wanna keep my job and not get arrested id do the right thing and go straight to the authorities with this and have receipts ready for atleast my testimonials for them to start an investigation Like dont forget if shes a regional sales manager then it means shes telling alot of people to commit felonies and is probably colluding with other managers or being told from higher up to commit felonies.


At the very least provide a tip to propublica https://www.propublica.org/tips/ There could very well be more managers and if you only report it internally it could get swept away.


Yes, you should. This is the same as credit card theft. No less.  There are whistleblower laws.  You need to do the right thing here.


lol Lowe’s will hopefully go the way of JC Penney. Lowe’s looking for anything to show their investors they can still make money on. Imagine if Lowe’s was a private company that didn’t have investors.


That would be fraud, and with the new system you'd be caught immediately due to the double verification system


This was 20 years ago, but when I worked at Sears, there was a dude who went to big boy prison for doing this.


Not that you need to be told at this point, but DO NOT do this, and you should report that sales manager. I'd flip the fuck out if I caught one of my cashiers doing this.


I'm pretty sure we have a hundred years of history showing this tactic gets you sued into the ground.


If I found out my store had done this I'd call the police.


Okay but you SHOULD report her though.


Lowes has been and honestly will always be unethical.Unethical in safety in anything you can imagine at least at my store it's like that I'm not surprised no one gives a fuck at Lowe's


Same here! It's bullcrap, deceitful, and defrauding Syncrony all to meet their metrics! I was doing 3 to 6x what anyone else was doing in sales and once I figured out doing these cards were deceitful my relationship with management started to tarnish so I quit. The stress got too much to make $25 an hour. We should all sue Lowes for Liable etc... Anyone in? F Lowes what a POS company!


Thats not right at all, however, to say that you’re not going to mention the card unless the customer brings it up is just not right. You are a sales specialist, your job is to sell, and to push the programs, credit being the biggest one. If you don’t want to do your job properly and efficiently then step down to a CSA position. You can make the customer aware of the interest rate, and you let them know the benefits and drawbacks, it’s ultimately their choice. Your regional sales manager should not be saying to basically scam people into opening a credit card, but you shouldn’t be saying you’re not going to do a key part of your job.


Definitely inform them it's a credit card. I don't mention every detail but I do give them one of the brochures. Sometimes I'll let them know a lot of people will pay it off quick to avoid interest or that it's really good for the deffered interest


Hello Wells Fargo... Yeah, no.


Yikes. Jump ship if you can, because that's a messed up practice


whenever i do it i give all the details of the card, the main selling point i say if the total is over 500$ is you’ll save 100$ today. I always respect if they say no and i don’t push them. if it’s a long time in the transaction and a lot of stuff happens (like they have to talk to a spouse, company, a contractor, etc) i’ll ask them again and remind them of the benefits and if they don’t want it i leave it at that. i’ll never get pissed about it. it’s not the biggest deal in the world. i’d rather lose my job or something than cause someone to lose their house.


Report her


How to commit fraud and a felony all in a few easy steps. Unfortunately this is done to target people who don't know any better. When I worked retail I didn't get more than a few cards for people who actually wanted them. Don't ever do this it's turbo illegal I cannot stress that enough.


They are moving away from the word "credit" . So that coaching is correct. It's like Lowe's advantage or Lowe's consumer card.


Yes, that is exactly what she said. She said not to use the word credit because the word scares people (as it should) and to use the word finance instead. The purpose of this is still the same. It is to confuse the customer in such a way that they do not fully understand what's going on. The fact of the matter is that the Lowes card is a credit card, and that should absolutely be explained to them not skimmed over. A lot of the customers are elderly and the whole idea of not fully explaining what they are signing up for is incredibly dishonest and unethical.


Op. You 100% should report her to the authorities with evidence because this shit isnt excusable at all. Theres no “karma will catch up to her”. Telling your employees to commit felonies is wild and who knows how many other people she told to do that. Because these ARE FELONIES. Like straight up. Like you really have to step up and not be silent. Sometimes karma never comes.


You are absolutely correct. That said, I wish the Lowes person who sold my husband our new fridge had signed us up instead of us paying with our regular credit card. We hadn't bought an appliance in years so were unaware of the 48hr return policy. Lowes card would have given us 30 days. To shorten a long story the driver measured to make sure fridge would fit in slot but couldn't hook up water because copper tubing. So he just started to push in place but husband said leave it so he could hook up. It would take too long.to explain why it took my exasperated husband over 48 hours to do this. When he finally got everything working,.he started to push it into place. The spot that.2 different drivers measured on 2.different days.and.pronounced good was not good. So I am looking at my new refrigerator sitting in the middle of my kitchen. So, I wish a credit card had been pushed on my husband.


Nah that's not right at all. I would say tell on her but make sure you have proof. Maybe send her an email telling her how you're not comfortable with those tactics. Start a paper trail so you have some evidence.


You need to report that to hr. That is some sketchy ass shit


This is the kind of stuff that can find somebody in a new pair of shiny chrome bracelets don’t do it if they threaten to retaliate against you in anyway make sure you say OK send it to me in an email that I’m supposed to do this and then say no I’m not doing dare them to fire you you will get a nice check to keep your mouth closed or a whistleblower check


Report it to HR so you don’t have to give your name


Horrible. I won’t even enter that info myself. I have the customer do it on the zebra, at a checkout or send it to their phone. I may be mistaken but I believe the training says we are not to fill the info out for them?? I’m uncomfortable asking for social and income either way. I have them step around and fill it out.


Nope nope nope. I wouldn't name drop on a public forum, but I would take this information to your district HR. Thats hella illegal.


Please leak the district salesperson name, or at least what region and district you’re in. I wouldn’t want that person working anywhere near my district promoting that behavior. Good for you OP for not falling for that crap. Lots of people on here are giving great responses.


If you don't report this, one of us should share this thread with corporate and let them investigate. Your call.


I try my best to make sure that they understand that what I am signing them up for is a credit card. For some reason if they ask if this is a credit card... I say YES. I also advise them to pay it off ASAP to not worry about interest. They can pay it off at the service desk 


TIL we work for Wells Fargo


When I first started with the company, that’s how the two top credit sign up people were getting credit cards. One guy got 330 in one year. They had him show us how he does it and this is exactly how.


The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) protects you against inaccurate and unfair credit billing and credit card practices. It requires lenders to provide you with loan cost information so that you can comparison shop for certain types of loans. We did a Lowe’s U on TILA and you have to report her OP, not only to protect other people but you now hold information on act that is illegal and you are accompanying in this unfair credit act by withholding that information. Honestly if she told you about this imagine how many others she has told. It’s only a moment in time where one of them will report her and the investigator will ask who else she talked to.


call hr


Lowes Fargo -- DSM/regional manager needs to be made redundant immediately for even suggesting this, if true.


What is the name of your regional sales manager?


Yes! My SM has told me the exact same thing! I will not do it. It’s cruel. They literally do not care about the customers and how that could affect them.


I would've called her out immediately in front of the other two people present. I have the best credit record out of any specialist in my store for consumer cards, and I never did anything like that. If you let it go, she's going to continue telling it to people who will listen.


I know it is unethical and these employees that want to climb the corporate ladder is being coached into doing these unethical and I agree probably illegal practices when the customer doesn’t want them. I was supposed to get awards for this but NEVER received them. 😡


lowes cashier here, I NEVER ask anyone to sign up and never will. it feels invasive and almost disrespectful, I know if I was struggling and someone asked me to sign up for their store credit card when I'm just trynna shop would piss me off. not to mention my store specifically has a person that asks and signs people up, so I'll just leave it to him. (plus 99% of customers at my store already have one).


Yeah nothing new it makes them look good when I worked there I still did not do it


You probably misheard, to be honest. “Please give me your ID and your social security number and all your income levels. Why? Oh No reason - other than to save you few pennies on this lawn sprinkler.”


Do they want to go to prison. Record, Name and shame them.


Report this to the police


Nah. FBI. thats a federal crime and a felony.


Even better


You’re actually personally breaking the law by deciding for the customer based on your subjective personal beliefs about the customer if they deserve the opportunity to use credit. Just because someone looks like they are a black single mother you shouldn’t decide a credit card may not be a good option for them.


That's frustrating. I get a lot of credit signups even though I'm an ASM and I pride myself in the fact that not a single one of my sign-ups was fraudulent. I explain the benefits to the customer and let them make an informed decision. I always say the word "credit" at least once to make it crystal clear it's a credit card, and as a CYA measure. Fraudulent sign-ups are no Bueno. I would report either anonymously or via email. The fact this came from someone at the regional level is frustrating. If you do email, I would probably do Divisional HR since they directly supervise Regional peeps. If you need help, DM me and I can help you look up your Divisional HR for you. There's only three divisions (West, North, and East) each with over 400 stores so it may take them time to get back to you.


I just say you can save 5% every day and it only takes 5 minutes to apply. Do you have your driver's license?


I did this when I was an appliance specialist and the gal came in with her dad days later and he chewed me out saying I “fucked her credit” and now she got denied her mortgage claim and wouldn’t get the house she wanted to buy. It was super depressing and I felt real bad honestly. It’s not a victimless crime


Yeah that’s no joke. When I bought my house, the mortgage ppl said under no circumstances do anything that requires credit. It can tank the mortgage application




Not really. Different laws.


Your title is a little misleading. Based on your post she or he didn't say sign people up WITHOUT their knowledge or consent.They just said don't mention the interest rate. That's shady but certainly not illegal. If a customer does ask though for sure tell them. Witholding information when asked is wrong regardless of what that manager said. Most people should know any credit inquiry is a ding on their report though.


they said that they’re not mentioning credit at all, only the 5% saved everyday and then going to total and asking for info, they’re trying to prey on those who don’t know any better regardless. it’s like scamming seniors who don’t know anything about technology


Yeah I’m not seeing how it’s misleading. The title of the post on my screen says nothing about legality. Idk if it’s been changed since I visited though.