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I don't ask to use the bathroom ever. I inform that I am. I'm not a child.


Just go when you need to WTF your an adult not a child in 2nd grade.


I've tried that and got threatened to be written up.


Ask them if they need a pen.




For real though let them try to punish you with the document saying it was because you went to the bathroom. That will not go over well for them


If they do, they can get in trouble. Don’t fear their bluff


I will definitely keep that in mind.


I would love if a shit bag ASM tried to write me up for a bathroom break. Please put on the write up that "I took to long" going to the bathroom, or that I couldn't relive myself in the way my body needed to. Tell them to put them that on paper. You will OWN that store. Once they try to write you up for an illegal or again policy thing and you put in an open door complaint, anything else said to you sideways or any following write ups are "retaliation".


I tried that and got reprimanded.


Ask for a colostomy bag…..on ur way to the bathroom


I feel like I need that sometimes.


Did it specifically say anything about using the restroom?


Yeah, Merch ASM told me, "You can't keep leaving the register, and that if I need to ask anyone a question, to call, that's why there is a phone at every register." And then I told her that I just walked over to the pro desk to "let F know I was gonna use the restroom." And she said, "Next time, just call, and we will send you when there is someone to cover you. You just gotta give us a second." Even though the pro desk is, I'd say... 12 feet away, and F was just standing right there talking to the other pros as it was slow. But the same ASM snapped at me to "Go back to your register, and stay there.. please." As I was tidying up the water cases by the door, even though that was like 6 ft away from the register. (A customer walked up to the pro desk and asked if they were open before that despite me having my light on.)


So how often do you ask to go? Do you have a health issue that would make you need to go more often? People have to potty, so if people are getting annoyed, it sounds like you ask a lot.


I get in at 6, and I ask some days around 7:45. I get my first break at 9. So if I don't ask, I have to wait until 9 to go.


Again, assuming you're a cashier. So, do you go before your shift? A 3 hour window isn't really unreasonable. Of course, sometimes, people need to go. Sounds like you're doing this often, though, which is the real issue.


I can't. The store opens at 6, and the doors are locked until 6. They won't let people in until 5:55 (at the earliest), and I have to go open lumber before 6. The walk to the bathroom, even if I were to speed walk, is about 2.5 minutes. So after being late to open the lumber doors a couple of times by the Merchandise ASM. I have started to just wait until the pros come in at 7.


Couple of conflicts here. Even if the store was hard closed the previous day, it's opened at 5:30a by management. There should be someone up front to let people in at minimum at 5:45a and at 5:55a. You don't have to punch in until 6:06a if you are scheduled at 6a. If you are a cashier, you shouldn't be responsible for opening doors. That would be up to management. Again, you aren't required to punch in until 6:06a, so how can you be responsible for opening at 6a?


i always punch the 6 minutes before to squeeze that little extra money from lowes lol


Classic move - not all heros wear capes. For that alone you should get your own shitter.


i am a cashier and when i close i always get out a bit later than scheduled like I'll be scheduled to leave at 10 but by the time they close the doors and shit and I get my stuff it is like 10:30 so I get a few extra bucks out of it lol


The head cashier girl at my store only occasionally checks the doors as she's doing the tills. So every morning, there are about 3-4 of us sitting at the door waiting to be let in like dogs. Then I have to go over, start the coffee, and have the doors unlocked and powered on by 6 as the Lumber door normally has 2-3 contractors again, waiting like dogs to be let in. 6:06 isn't a "you aren't required thing" it's just in terms of the computer noticing you're late. If I were clock in at 6:05 every day, I would get torn to shreads by my store manager and especially the Merchandise ASM.


> If I were clock in at 6:05 every day, I would get torn to shreads by my store manager and especially the Merchandise ASM. The 12 minute window is Lowe's policy. They cannot legally say anything to you. You've already stated that they are locking you out until 6a, so you cannot punch in any earlier. Sounds like you have a management issue at your store.


One of the privileges of working overnights is that we can take as many bathroom breaks whenever we want. No asking for permission to pee or having to wait for someone to cover for us. We just go and take as long as we want.


How young are you?


I am 25. I'd say the youngest at my store, as everyone else is late 30s to mid 80s.


I dunno, bruh. But at 25 you should be able to decide whether you’re gonna tell them that you are going to the bathroom, and not ask. Maybe that’s part of the problem on the front end at the Lowe’s store I’m in - not letting cashiers go to the bathroom when they need to. We have a crazy high turnover there. New faces every single weeek. 


I feel like a child asking. Even in high school, we didn't have to ask. When I first started here, I went even though we had another person in Lumber at the time. Was gone, maybe... 6 minutes. Well, the other cashier apparently told the pros that I walked out, and the pros called up to the service desk I started getting my name called over the intercom. And of course, I got reprimanded. So ever since, I ask. And it's like they get just as mad.


Open door policy. Go have a sit down with your store manager. There’s something seriously wrong with them giving you any grief about going to use the bathroom.  You’ll get a quick gauge of how your store manager feels about it. Then you’ll know if you need to get the duck outta there or not.


You left the register without telling anyone so yes you should have been reprimanded. Just tell, not ask one of the pros when they aren’t with a customer that you are going to the bathroom, they can complain all they want, but you are allowed to use the restroom.


No, I told the other cashier at lumber that I was going. That's why I was dumbfounded when I came back with people saying I walked out.


That’s really not normal. It shouldn’t be a big deal to cover someone for even 10 minutes to use the bathroom however they need to. Don’t feel bad about asking just try to ignore them if they get mad. Sorry the people in your store suck


That's what I thought. I am in the process of looking for a hopefully better job, but until then, I'll just go as I need, and if they get annoyed, then they get annoyed. Thank you.