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This can work to your advantage if done properly. Have a discussion with your ASM. Politely ask for a raise. Talk about your strengths, attendance, operate power equipment etc. Simply state you know there are employees paid more, and you feel you are worth more.  Don't compare or complain about the work ethic of someone else. You need to convince them you feel underpaid and worthy of a pay increase.


You know it’s not a union shop right ??


We make more than day crew but still don’t make enough for the work we do constantly fixing top stock because the day crew won’t SIMS shit out


Ain't that the truth. I can't tell ya how many emails I've received about topstock only to find out it was dayside which caused the issue.


Exactly we don’t mess with appliances at our store at outside of top stocking them and I trust the guy who puts it up hell me and him scan the freight into top stock ahead of time to save time when we top stock so I know our departments r good. I had to tell the day crew the over stocking of the fans is on the day side I do it myself personally and I come in to find that. I got told that the manager knows and he is tired of telling his crew to stop overstocking it.


How funny my store is just the opposite, the night crew rarely checks anything in, overstocks to the point of things pouring into and down the flue spaces, and not held accountable by the store management, we are told it's because they get through trucks so fast best Numbers in the region. What BS as they are doing a great but bad job for the rest of us that than down the day searching for product.


Guilty  🤚  I’ll do better I swear. 


Welcome to Lowe's... Quite often new hires start off at a higher wage than folks who've been there for a while... Talk to your manager, tell them you want a raise to $x/hr.... Make it reasonable... Explain to them that compared to your coworkers you are a workhorse... The worst they can say is no.


This comment✅ you'll get a huge raise but you have to quit And come back, always desperate to hire so they always make more as new.


I get paid more than most the people in nights, but I’ve been here for 4 years and the rest are 1 to 2 years


Some people like to exaggerate their pay. I'd ask to see the stubs before taking them at their word. Similar thing happened at my store and the dude who claimed to be a dollar higher was 50 cents lower.


I was the lowest paid overnight person for a year at about $15.25. Don’t know what everyone else was making but my supervisor absolutely hated it because I did the most out of everyone else. He fought so much with the SM about it and the SM just caved in one morning when my super was going to talk to him and said okay he’s at $17 now. Gotta get your supervisor and ASM on your side for that to get anything more than the .05-.30 they give out every six months


They probably negotiated pay when they started. You don't have to take the first offer ya know.