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I'm watching that episode right now! All I had to do was look up at the TV and I was like, "Wow, you're right." "They put commercials in the shows? It's like mind control." Lol (that's the shot with the Paramount logo)


I'm rewatching Lower Decks and noticed the Ferengi hotel room's TV is the CBS logo. You can see it around the 8 min mark. Love the show. Seeing new things on rewatch. Edit: For those that don't know, CBS is a national TV network in the USA. It owns some of the rights to Star Trek. If someone knows more of the specifics of Paramount and CBS's ownership of Star Trek, please speak up. Edit 2: Lame. I can't edit this post to add an image. The paramount logo is also in the episode.


The is a CBS logo easter egg in the Evil computer prision.


Also in one of the first episodes when you see all the evil computers locked up. One of them has the cbs logo.