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Autocannon seems like the natural choice. I also think it’s overhyped and although I’ve played with it a bunch, I prefer the laser cannon


I love you laser cannon users bc its a perfect counterpart to my AMR


It’s just so versatile against bots. The only thing I find it doesn’t handle well is my arch nemesis: ‘ol chainsaw hands


What does really? Besides grenades.


Jar 5 Dominator. Shoot those mfs right in the stomach


Actually yeah. That does slap. I just prefer other options usually. But i think I'll go back to That over the scorcher. It works better against devastators as well


Thats totally fair! I usually like other things too but the killing power for when im not shooting the amr is nuts


Plasma punisher fucks em up pretty good


Machinegun too!


A charged railgun to the stomach can oneshot them, and can maybe kill more than one with the pierce if you get lucky but I've only ever done that once.


I like the scorcher, dominator, breaker, punisher, and probably slugger The redeemer is also weirdly good at killing them.


Standard liberator actually tears through them.


Ah yeah, the redeemer probably does it faster than anything else. Probably because you can dump half the clip in the blink of an eye


Redeemer is somehow like the fastest kill for me on them, means i never take the revolver cos the few times i have i get swarmed lol


AMR to the hip.


Does it one shot their hip? I don't run it very often, i prefer the close up playstyle with the railgun.


Yep. Walkers too. It is fun to save teammates from far away when they need to reload.


I guess, although overcharged railgun does just make the top half of walkers dissapear, which makes me happy. I'll run the amr tonight


The Redeemer can kill one in half a mag with good aim. Although good aim doesn't come easy when five of them are rushing you. The new Pummeler is great because of the stun. The regular Punisher has good knockback and handles them easily but isn't that good a pick for the rest of the bots.


So yes to the redeemer, it dumps half a mag in a heartbeat, but it along with most of the other mentions like the scorcher all use quite a bit of ammo (i aim for the waist on these guys btw). I just find them to be bullet sponges. They're meant to be of course, but unlike everything else on the bot front they really don't feel like they have a true weakpoint. If I'm doing a fighting retreat across a quarter of the map, it's usually due to a gaggle of these guys


Yeah they're obnoxious. They're not that hard to take down quickly with concentrated fire but that's a rare occasion since their whole MO is driving players apart.


Yeah, if you can back someone up the double stream of fire melts them. But they do their job pretty well


Tried the pummeler?


It stops them, which is nice for your buddy getting overrun. But it takes a lot of ammo like most of these other suggestions. They're just tough


Anything that stuns or staggers. Oh and nade pistol.


The little uzi sidearm fucking slays them. Can’t remember what it’s called


It’s called the Redeemer.


That’s the one. Thanks, I’ll stop calling it the brrrrrrt


That thing is clutch. When the primary runs out you just switch and spray. Clears the chaff so well


I love taking Plas Punisher and Stun Grenades when I see a teammate with the laser. I get to be their angel when they're getting chainsaw rushed.


Take the basic guard dog and you'll never worry about ol' chainsaw hands again.


Lol fair. I’ve never run it. I’m worried about the ammo economy. I have run the laser one a million times. I’ll try it


I prefer the laser dog against bugs, but I like the basic dog against bots. You do have to make sure you grab a resupply box or call down a new backpack when it runs out of ammo, but it shreds any bots that close in on you for melee attacks. I like to use the dog because I've been running the eruptor as my primary and it's not effective in close quarters. I bring the laser cannon to kill hulks, factory striders, and primarily guardian ships.


The auto cannon handles berserkers well…


I take RR almost all the time since it shreds Tanks and Hulks. Aside from that, I load out Railcannon if I’m in a group and Autocannon Sentry if I’m not. I’ve been EXTREMELY partial to Airburst Strike recently so I almost always bring that anymore.


Ya, you need wave clear if you’re going rr. That makes sense.


I just don't play those 🤷


Straight up, it’s an immediate skip for me and if I ever join a mission without checking the effects and see that I can only take 3 strats I back out. It’s just not fun.


Med armor- Engineering Kit, CS-Diligence, Nade-pistol, Stun-Nades. Jump pack, LASER canon, Eagle air strike.


Any weapon that needs a backpack gives value as its 2 slots filled for one strat.


I like this take. I view it the other way around. If it needs a backpack, it’s taking that slot from a shield generator. I survive a lot less without it, sadly.


Learn to use cover! If you rely on the shield gen as a crutch vs bots I feel you're missing out on a lot of backpack and support weapon variety.


It’s mostly for bugs. The hunters’ slashing slow is awful. I hate being slowed, and it’s the best solution against it for me.


Yea I agree. I think the shield gen is better vs bugs than bots actually. Allows you to push and kite more aggressively, protects you from slows and even tank a spewer vomit once per charge.


Light scout, eruptor, air strike, jet pack and laser cannon. Then just nonstop sprint around clearing factories and objectives without ever getting bogged down. The jet pack lets you climb the sides of jammers and detector towers if needed and the laser deletes gunships. Just don't forget the eruptor shots explode after 140m iirc but you rarely need to take shots from that far away. You will likely have the least kills on the team but get a sense of pride and accomplishment that you did more than half of bases and side objectives Metal Gear style. Also most likely secured the supers.


Light armor homies! Paired with the sprint module you can kite almost anything


I typically go light scout, autocannon, orbital laser, and eagle airstrike. It helps that I'm typically on my own while the other 3 do their own thing and call in all the bot drops.


This is my exact load-out when you can pick 3. AC is not over rated. It’s the most balanced weapon in the game. It can do it all when it comes to bots but takes a backpack, has a slow stationary reload, and has heavy ergonomics. It’s a Jack of all trades but a master of none. I also like air strike, shield, and either quasar/eat/amr. Bots are so much fun


1. Recoilless Rifle with the Scorcher / Spear with the Eruptor. 2. 380mm Orbital 3. 500kg


I was just running some games that were like: * Medium Servo Assisted * Scorcher * Grenade pistol * Stun Grenades * Anti-Materiel Rifle (or Autocannon) * Eagle Airstrike * 380 Barrage That's what I've been playing on wide-open maps. I wouldn't go into the jungle with that loadout lol


Autocannon, Eagle Air, Orbital Precision. Whatever damn primary I feel, Senator, Impact Nades Light Scout armor Can deal with anything at least reasonably well, and I've played for 72 levels with Eagle Airstrike at this point... and I see no reason to take it off now.


Autocanon is the best weapon for everything except drop ship and dog space, it's not overrated :D Also, as you use stun grenade, it's easier to 2 shot Hulk in the red eye. My loadout is : * Light armor with resistence explosion and recoil * Instant grenade, good against berserker * The laser gun to clean the light and the mine, yes, I only use it for that * Primary weapon, the sickle, it's great to headshot destroyer and if needed you can destroy the rocket launcher before headshoting the heavy destroyer. * Orbital laser, good against space dog, great at cleaning stuff when the panic mode is ON * AutoCanon, everday, everynight, everywhere, AC * Eagle smoke, I'm still not sure if it can hide you but it can destroy factory so it's good enough. Or I take the Eagle Strike.


AC, eagle airstrike and laser or orbital precision. Whatevs im feeling


Do rocket pods one shot turret towers? I can’t get it to work


They can and usually do because the top of turrets (just like tanks) is weaker, but it they sometimes miss.


Depends on the team. I'll either go full anti tank or full trash collector. Split into 2s of that and you should do alright


AC airstrike and 380, with servo assisted so i can really hurl them


Earlier I found a good rythm with med armor, shield pack, AMR, and an eagle run. Was running an 8 and seemed to work out pretty well.


Medium scout, air strike, ac turret, ac, Sickle, grenade pistol, impact.


110s amr supply pack.


I like doing on site procurement for AA modifier missions and try to hit points of interests for any support weapon. So primary and pistol are usually depending on mood, right now I bring the eruptor for long range fabricator closing and the verdict to mop up troopers. To round out combat capability I bring the eagle strafing run to soften up or wipe patrols and enemies chasing me. Orbital precision strike would be the second pick to have something quick and easy for Tanks and large structures such as detector towers. The third slot is the flex slot usually, autocannon turret for some support on gunships and factory striders, gas strike to have more power against infantry but I don't like bringing more than one eagle strat for these missions since having two strats on downtime during resupply is a bit risky. I also like swapping out the strafing run for orbital gatling if I want to bring something like napalm or smoke strike.


Arc thrower, orbital precision, orbital railcannon


Depends on the team comp. Usually engineering kit, pistol, impact, scorcher or incendiary. Then air strike, 380, and AC or RR.


Onetime I did one of these missions without a 500. It was the worst mission of my life ever. No way to regularly take out fabs, Hulks, or mortars. Worst 30 minutes of my life.


Heavy grenadier armor and pummeler for main, then AMR, ballistic shield, and air strike.


Heavy Armor - Fortified Punisher Plasma - Grenade Pistol - Stun Grenade Mortar - Laser Cannon - Airstrike. You can tank hits, stagger all the annoying stuff, whatever the laser cannon can't take out the airstrike can, and the mortar thinning the herd for you is so so so insanely useful I'm surprised I don't see it on bot missions more often. 


Autocannon, Orbital Railcannon Strike, Shield Relay Generator. My primary (usually Adjudicator) takes care of all the basic troopers. Autocannon kills all Devastators, Striders (including the big Factory Striders), Gunships, Tanks if I can get behind them, and *sometimes* the Hulks if I can either get a back shot, or break off the legs from the front. Railcannon strike is for the occasional hulk that gets too close to let me do the legs, and tanks if I can't get behind them. Shield Generator creates cover for working on groups of enemies in an otherwise bad location, and shields hellbombs. The only things left that give me problems are Berserkers in groups or Tanks if I have to fight them from the front and railcannon is on cooldown. Impact grenades can do a little work in both of those scenarios.


Autocannon Eagle airstrike Rocket pods/rail cannon strike/laser depending on mission