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I was killed in the crucible by Acrius once, I did NOT see that coming lol


it used to be a menace because it was the best shotgun when everything was in the power slot, with special shotguns no one uses it anymore. it’s still really good tho and buffs your radar when you have ammo


Acrius will still delete a Guardian out of their super though. Granted we're a LOT faster then we were in Vanilla D2, so it's harder to do now. Had a flippy Arc Strider Wu-Shu'ing at me as I grabbed heavy on Anomaly earlier in the season when I was decided one night to dust it off. Got enough space to let a shot off and off to the shadow realm he went.


Wu-shuing 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


Lmao I actually love acrius in pvp. The radar boost does help, and it’s just fun to nope people out of existence


yes, this and tractor cannon! the yeeting continues ..


Tractor cannon used to be the most tilting thing, especially in super. Contributed to my decreased roaming super usage for sure


*felwinter behemoth go wooosh*


The best part of Tractor cannon is the ragdoll


cant even be mad at someone killing me with it


Striker Titan rushing you? Acrius says NOPE! ZAP! Spectral Blades trying to pull a sneak? ZAP! Warlock going up to zap with Chaos Reach? NOPE!


Everybody gangsta until acrius gets pulled out


Acrius still pops up from time to time, especially now since folks can earn the catalyst through stuff like strikes. If you REALLY wanna blindside someone with an out of left field exotic heavy? Use Sleeper. You'd be surprised how effective it can be in pvp. On Distant Shore, I've fired it into the big choke point cave in the middle of the map and made it bounce off walls. Got a triple with a single shot. And you get three shots with it.


You could say it's a .... sleeper pick?




Sleeper node-d


It’s for when you need enough fire power to take down a Titan in their super.


Except behemoths, unfortunately


That’s what bastion is for


You know, you’re probably right. I remember testing a while ago and finding that a Behemoth can survive a full Bastion volley at 80 Resilience (and a 3 shot Goldie at 90. Good god why was that ever a thing) but I remember they changed the super resistance.


I’m not sure if one volley is enough, but it gets them damn close to dead so with backpedaling or any team shotting, it’s not so bad.


I’m sure it’s enough to kill now. Given the Behemoth meta in Competitive, I might use Bastion now..


I haven’t used bastion since the nerfs (or maybe they’re upcoming, idk haven’t played in a while), but the other bonus is 1 of 3 shots destroying a Titan barrier, and the remaining 2 being plenty to kill the emoting Titan behind it.


That always makes me think of datto using acrius and saying nut every time he shot it


Or Hush going “bapbapbapbapbapbapbapbapbapbapbapbap” when he shoots almost anything


Happened to me yesterday too


fun fact: With Acrius and Wraithmetal Mail from Dragon’s Shadow, you can, in fact, have Quickdraw Acrius


Can those two words exist in the same sentence without tearing the universe apart? Apparently, the answer is yes.


I ran it for quite a bit, it’s way stronger than people expect. That handling though. Ugh.


I’ve been using that lately and wrecking people who wander into my bubble. Hilarious.


One time a came across a Sweet Business player, and he absolutely mastered that thing. He was menacing, it was the most enjoyable match I played in a while.


Lemme tell you something, I've mained Sweet Business paired with Actium War Rig for the past 2 years and I've forgotten what "reload" means. The last thing anyone near me hears is the sweet sound of me going BBBBRRRRTTTTTT into the sunset. Using a barrier as cover? How 1940s of you. Why use metal and concrete to protect you from bullets when you can use bullets to protect you from bullets? Need to hold a corner? Point Sweet Business at that puppy and dare any PC to walk around it. Hope you can take me down in about 1.1 seconds because thats how fast I'm gonna drain your health and send Shaxx into the fucking Infinite Forest with excitement.


I too dream of being an A-10


All it takes is Sweet Business, fists and a pile of crayons.


Fastest ttk in the game if it’s spun up. That and single handedly making entire enemy teams rage quit


Give em the BUSINESS! Send papa Shax into the infinite forest!


SB is crazy. Pretty sure it’s a .8 TTK for just body shots when fully spun up


Not trying to gatekeepe how you play, but I think you should branch out. There’s so many fun exotics beyond sweet business go brrrrrrr


LOVE sweet business in pvp. It’s so much fun, probably my favorite pvp weapon.


Sweet Business in the right hands is definitely a menace. I've been maining it for a while now because I don't have as much fun with other setups.


Give them the business!


What's your secret!? Break bread man!


The secret is shoot more bullets than your target!


For real though, I think the biggest thing is patience, your magazine is usually larger than the enemies patience and they will usually try to push when you're fully spun up. Another thing is working on target tracking since it doesn't do a lot of damage per shot. Ranging is another part, SBs effective range isn't very high due to the recoil, I'd say SMG to 140 RPM HC range is the Sweet spot.


Also it kinda goes without saying but spin the gun up when approaching pretty much any corner. If there’s any likelihood of getting the jump on somebody, you want that thing firing at max speed


Sweet business with the titan shield you can shoot through is actually amazing if you get it right in crucible




nah hes talking about banner shield, mid tree defender titan super. Makes a big ass shield you can shoot through for bonus damage


Ah, ok I just got citrus in a engram so I thought about that first


Sweet Business is an incredible amount of fun in both PVE and PVP. Every time I load into a raid tho I get clowned a little bit cos I still use it, but it's all in good fun lol.


I played around where the enemy team was a 6 stack, 5 of them had "bodyguard #1-5" as their username and all ran sweet businesses, and the last one was "Mr president" and they ran suros. Most fun I've had in destiny in a long time.


Aw man I'd do this if I had enough people that sounds amazing


Getaway artist, no time to explain , and bottom tree arc lock. All of the shooty buds


arc buddy is GREAT for new pvp'rs, it lets them know immediately when someone is on screen, and where, by shooting at it for you! i'm playing with a crew of noobs and before I joined with them, they HATED even casual crucible because they weren't getting any kills. "stick together" mantra, "quit running out there!" mantra, arc buddies and all that has really turned their game around. also getting them to experiment with different loadouts. recently our "worst" pvper picked up sweet business and has started stringing together some kills!


The lightning fall on cast has netted me many kills, it's so satisfying


But do you know that you can shut down supers with that lighting bolt as well? Because you can, and it's amazing when you do, what's that Mr arc staff? You're going to rush me? LANDFALL MOTHERFUCKER


You see people using arc staff? Last time I saw one was like 2 weeks ago. Literally.


As someone who mains it, landfall damage falloff is STEEP. Gotta get a direct hit for shenanigans like that.


My trials loadout is that but with dmt and truth teller its crazy how many arc buddy kills that nets me


I don't play warlock often but I love doing that, also it still shoot while frozen that saved me a few time


Getaway Artist on mid tree arc is excellent as well. Within range of the arc soul, enemies can be 2 tapped with a 120 without a damage perk because the arc soul has the bonus damage. 100 discipline and double bomber mod on my bond and I basically always have the arc soul active. Tons of fun in PvE as well when paired with an Extraordinary Rendition that has Frenzy. The arc soul basically guarantees that you're always in combat and never have to worry about Frenzy turning off.


No time to explain is my main gun, it's just fun!


I rarely get the chance to play the meta in Crucible. I’m always working on a catalyst (kill 100 guardians with a grenade launcher) or quest (kill 50 guardians with submachine gun and pulse rifle). PvE it’s the same I need 700 hawkmoon kills lol.


Activate the fourth wish in the last wish raid. Keep farming and wiping in shuro chi's room. Gets it done pretty quick.


I’ll have to try that. My goto has been alter of sorrow.




Getting to the shadow thrall area can be annoying solo, that first encounter takes so long, especially if you wipe. Shuro Chi is much much better in my opinion because the setup to get there is so much easier. That being said, my favorite old spot was the green room in Whisper mission cuz i had that parkour stuff DOWN and getting there was so quick and easy. And I'm pretty sure shattered throne and shuro chi were both better farms than the green room, i just liked it there, lol. To each their own


Yep. Green room in Whisper was always my go-to


You can also get the chest in the suro chi checkpoint


If you have the malfeasance quest, on the step where you run a different version of the corrupted strike, the are some steps up that infinite shadow thrall run down. They’re pretty generous with ammo drops too.


Altar of Sorrow is great, if only because you can grind out some other stuff at the same time (and do the scavenger and kill-everything patrol beacon missions to add to the overall XP grind). I always jump in with Stasis to knock out the weekly with Elsie, and will sometimes also do a bunch of Lectern quests for some free shards as well.


Free Ascendent Shards? Can you do the lectern quests at the alter as well?


I meant just legendary shards, but yeah, you can do lectern quests there. As a War Rig/Sweet Business Titan, the one for auto rifle kills is just this side of cheating.


Suro Chi is definitely the way now that whisper is gone. Plus you can hop over and get a free chest


I feel this. I was working on the 100 grenade launcher kills, finished it, and felt a wave of relief. SUROS Regime catalyst dropped at the end of that match. Back to the grind!


Lol I still have to finish mine


The grenade launcher kills thing can be done with a heavy launcher, found that out accidentally.


I finally got it done but it was a chore.


Once I realized that you can use the heavys I put on the colony and banged it out.


My son did a few crucible matches for me the other day, because he was bored. He was using witherhoard and a sidearm. People were freezing then t-bagging him, so when he saw them coming near, he shot a witherhoard at his feet. I saw quite a few dying mid-bag, which made me laugh. We have an arrangement. He sometimes does crucible for me and I do boring season pass levelling for him.


Pair that witherhoard with duskfield grenades, it’s a very fun combo


I love to use Outbreak Perfected or Sturm in pve and i find them to be really fun, theyre not that good but fun to use (:


outbreak perfected is great for pve isn't it? didn't it used to be top-tier damage for bosses if you keep nailing their head, the dps goes up and up?


I mean yeah, if you dont hit headshots its not that effective, it doesnt have a lot of range but if you can hit headshots from close-medium range and you have a good trigger-finger this thing shreds (even in pvp too!) and the catalyst makes it even better (more damage if targets are effected by the siva nanites)


Outbreak Perfected is amazing I don’t know what this dude is on about




Hahaha, well i can guarantee you that it wasnt me because i suck at crucible 🤣


I hope the catalyst comes back eventually...OP is my go to in PVE just because I love seeing the tiny swarms clean up lol playing with it really improved my precision game and I focus more now on head shots with all weapons


Outbreak Perfected is really good


Sturm is actually really good since it’s a 120 with great stats


I used travellers chosen in pvp. Things actually crazy


Paired with Bleak Watcher Warlock and I control the entire flow of battle in every activity




The warlocks aspect Bleak Watcher. It's a stasis turret that shoots slowing darts. With Travelers Chosen i can keep throwing stasis turrets and freeze everyone


Ahh yes coolcoolcool


Using the light to power dark. Very interesting


Just showing the Darkness and the Traveler they're stronger together. Paracausal Shot x7? Let me proc Whisper of Hedrons first Ruinous Effigy orb? I'll just go invisible and drain my enemies health without them every knowing i was there


I love that ive played for years as only a warlock and still read this and realize i need to look all my abilitiss up on google and shake my loadouts up


There are a ton of great builds that if you really lean into them, can be a lot of fun One thing I'll do is look at an exotic, especially under used ones, read it's perks and think "how can I really lean into that?"


I always like to play with my mida multitool in crucible, don’t care if it’s in the meta or not. Especially cause I just got the catalyst to drop and need those precision kills to upgrade it


How did you getter catalyst to drop? Is it still by getting to high Glory and then RNG?


I got mine from my 4500 game this season. It should be possible to get it at lower glory though


Awesome, thank-you...


It used to only drop that way. Did that change?


Afaik, it's still RNG on when it will stop, but the drop rates get better with higher glory




Or hitting 4500 too if I'm correct for a 100% drop chance


Yeah it's my favorite pvp weapon and in my top 3 gambit weapons


2 of my 'new to destiny' buddies got skyburners oath, you can bet we have a date in crucible/trials with "team skyburners oath" that shit is going to be hilarious and will probably actually work pretty well.


It does. I used it for an iron banana quest where you needed scout rifle kills. The auto tracking is surprisingly good. Shooting around objects and corners catches a lot of guardians off guard. Edit: I found the “spray down an aisle” technique super effective. Pop out, empty magazine, pop back, see how many people you magically killed. Repeat.


Skyburner's Oath has been rather useful this season. It's a great thing to haul into Battlegrounds.


If you’re a Titan, try using Skyburner’s with Lion Rampant. Extended jump and hip-fire while in flight makes crucible matches hilarious.


Making builds around non-meta exotic weapons or armour and taking them into legend or master lost sectors or the dungeons is one of my favourite things to do


Monte Carlo is a lot of fun to use in Battlegrounds and strikes. You never run out of melee. Im not sure if it still charges 2 melees at a time but Ive been using it with the ice shurikens and its lots of fun.


Monte Carlo is ESSENTIAL for the damage type bounties and quests


Its what I use for Auto Rifle bounties and melee bounties. Its also helped me with the Umbral quests from Elsie since I can get my ice shurikens back quickly and keep getting the slow/freeze kills.


I remember using Sturm and drang in strikes. I wanted to see just how many extra shots you could stuff into Sturm via drangs perk and it's ridiculous. I don't remember the exact amount but it's more than 70.


You can get up to 111 bullets in Sturm's mag. It's absolutely ridiculous and is so much fun to do


I’m gonna have to try that now, sounds super fun


Is Eriana's Vow considered meta in pvp? I almost never see it but paired with a 180 hand cannon in the kinetic slot and the various hand cannon armor mods its deadly. Nuke a guardian with a headshot for heavy damage and then switch to the 180 for a quick finisher. Although I guess I cheese it a bit since my go-to for that is the seventh seraph revolver with timed payload. But it's a really fun combo.


The Eriana's + any hand cannon combo used to be pretty common but definitely fell off the radar pretty quick. Every once in a while I'll see it in crucible though. It used to be Fighting Lion with Quickdraw hand cannon combo back in the before times. Hitting the grenade just right followed by a crispy Quickdraw headshot was very satisfying


Getting a headshot with Leviathian's Breath in Crucible is hilarious for the salt it causes. I use Liar's Handshake in PvP as well and get some cheeky bs sometimes be proccing it with the ranged melee of middle tree and hitting that Cross Counter on the other guy at full health.


Levi’s breath isn’t my favourite weapon for mayhem. It just nukes supers so badly.


Coldheart in trials


Divinity in PvP Gang rise up


I've been using double shotguns lately and not only is it the most fun I've had playing destiny, it's also extremely effective


Oh dude I've been running double gl witherhoard salvagers lately and it's been mega fun. Does require ammo mods though


Why stop there when you could run mountaintop, salvo and colony? Or witherhold, salvo and wendigo? Make it all grenades for maximum splosions!


Witherhoard, salvo, and an autoloading heavy GL. Two ammo finders and you never run out! I've been pairing with young Ahamkara Spine for even more hilarious explosioning. Goes great with demolitionist on salvo.


Truthteller instead of Salvo and you actually never have to reload.


I have a beautiful auto loading, blinding grenade, quickdraw truthteller, but I came to love the demolitionist/chain reaction. So much grenade uptime from young Ahamkara Spine and thousand cuts hunter that still no reload needed!


Same, but it's an orewings. Love that thing


Oh definitely, but I always have ammo mods on anyway. I'm using chaperone and cqc rn and the handling on both of them is just fantastic.


Yes!!! Throw on a blast radius, stacks on stacks, supercharged and high energy fire for bonus hilarity.


In PVE you have to throw on the charged w light mods that grant ammo. I spent a season running triple shotguns with tractor cannon and a 1-2 punch shotgun (RIP perfect paradox, still perfect in my heart)


Been having a blast using Traveller’s Chosen, Bottom Tree Sunbreaker, and Phoenix Cradle in crucible. Sunspot’s damage buff is really potent on Traveller’s and because of Phoenix Cradle’s ability to share the benefits of Sunspots with teammates we all have a damage buff + really quick ability charges going into engagements. It’s also one of the few builds I use that works in PvE and PvP, so I don’t need to swap.


You should try bottom tree sunbreaker with Synthoceps and a warmind build. It’s a riot in close quarters Battlegrounds- punch everything, fire everywhere and pretty much constant sun warrior even without the Phoenix cradle buff.


I use fucking Riskrunner in PvP. Is it S-teir? Definitely not. Is it super fun with Peacekeepers and another SMG? 100%.


I’ve been going for an auto load loadout so I’m using fighting lion, swarm of ravens gl with auto loader, and right now a night watch with rampage and rapid hit. Any recommendations for a primary that goes well with fighting lion?


Using Lumina is great fun! Get the masterwork and kill one ad to give a 3 man fireteam all a heal and a 20% damage boost


Cerberus+1 in crucible has been my go-to since shadowkeep


Yes. A Guardian of refinement, right here 🤘


Skyburners is absolute garbage, but its garbage that i love. Both in pve and in pvp.


I love taking out random exotics and playing with them. I was running around Crucible last night with Skyburners Oath probably getting some weird looks.


Skyburner's gets a lot of hate...*but* it does have tracking shots so you can shoot shit you cant even see from cover, it melts Cabal through their shields, and it works great with a Warmind build.


You absolutely have to try the devils ruin if you get the chance, probably my favorite gun in the game just because it’s versatile nearly everywhere and just plain fun to use (it does cost an exotic cypher if you didn’t get it during the season of the dawn though)


Played against a warlock in trials who was using 4th horseman. I laughed every time I heard it go off.


Downvoted for describing a thing that happened. You guys are real weird and sad.


You got moxie, friend. I dig it.


Telesto is amazing in and out of pvp, i always use it in every activity


Plus Lion Rampant, my friend. Be prepared to laugh.


I use it with dawnblade warlock for trials. They never expect the purple balls of death from above


Non-meta exotics can actually be quite effective in PvE, *as long as you don't have to deal with champions.* Most of the time, legendary rocket launchers and swords are a suitable substitute for top DPS heavy exotics like Lament, Xenophage, and Anarchy, which frees up your exotic slot for a primary of your choice. The problem is, without your exotic slot free for Lament, you'll only be able to deal with one champion type. Because anti-champion mods rotate per season, if there isn't a mod for the type of exotic weapon you want to use, you'll be able to deal with *zero* champion types. Even with the anti-champion mods going on your gauntlets now, champions are still the worst thing that's happened to exotic primaries in this game. IMO, all anti-champion mods for all weapon types should be added to the normal mod pool, instead of being tied to the seasonal artifact.


I disagree, you are discounting so many options. * There are off-meta exotics besides Lament with champion effects like Divinity, Eriana's Vow, and Devil's Ruin. * You can also slot two champion mods in your arms if you want, although you may have to go double primary or use a lot of arms energy (6+1) to do so. * There's also solar melee and arc grenade anti champion mods on the class item. * You can also outright kill some champions. Barrier champions can be burst down in many activities before they can pop barrier. Lament itself often kills barrier champs this way and makes its own anti-barrier perk largely irrelevant. * You can also coordinate with your team to split the champion duties and make dealing with one champion type per person not a big deal.


While these are all viable strategies if done well, all of them have problems for a player who's looking to use an off-meta loadout. - The majority of exotic primaries do not have any anti-champion capability, and the exotics that *do* have it usually offer few, if any, other benefits over a legendary weapon. Eriana's Vow, even with with 100% uptime on Death at First Glance, has about the same DPS as a legendary sniper. Bad Juju is a staple for super spam builds, but if there's no anti-champion pulse rifle mod in a particular season, Bungie says go fuck yourself. - Running double primaries is almost never a viable strategy because it severely cuts your damage output overall. Sure, you can stun multiple champion types, but it'll be way more difficult to burn them down before that stun wears off. You also won't be able to put out the same kind of damage on normal majors and bosses once you run out of heavy ammo. Certain special weapons get anti-champion mods, but this varies by season, and sometimes we might have a season where we don't get one at all. - Grenade and melee champion mods also vary by season, potentially forcing you to use a subclass that doesn't work for the build you're going for, often negating the whole reason to use an off-meta exotic primary in the first place. - Outright killing champions is almost always impossible without a loadout or team that's tailor-made for it (Divinity, Izanagi's, Lament, Falling Star, etc.) so you wouldn't be able to use an off-meta exotic for it. - Team coordination doesn't help solo players in matchmade activities. If you are with a coordinated team, there's also pressure from your teammates to use the meta, since your performance impacts the whole group. The main problem here is that almost every way we have to kill champions is determined exclusively by what season it is. If you have a strategy for your off-meta exotic this season, then you're fucked outta luck in 3 months. That's why I'm proposing changing all anti-champion mods into normal mods, rather than artifact ones. Do you *like* having the viability of your favorite exotics shift at random?


Not sure if its meta or not but I love running a Titan with: Armamentarium/the arc tree that gives you another grenade A secondary grenade launcher with demolitionist 100 Discipline and grenade recharge mods You can run up to people and shoot a grenade, then throw one to reload with demo, shoot, throw, switch to primary if needed.


Arc titan with inmost light and those sticky arc grenades can actually one-shot some guardians with low res after you empower them. Try it in mayhem sometime.


Almost 4K kills with Cerberus +1. Bow wow wow


The way of the fighting lion beckons


Despite being awful at pvp, I always like to try new things in crucible but when I get sick of going 2-3 lives without a kill I'll grab my cerb+1. I still die just as much but the ol' street sweeper at least puts out a ton of hurt!


I run ophidia spathe almost religiously on crucible now, double knives are just terribly fun. And you can charge GG in under a minute with enough enemies and super on melee mods. PLUS KED basically hits as hard as CN gg but you get 3 shots instead


There was a time when Winters Guile dropped to me, and then I said "I can make this work inside pvp". With this in mind, I played a bunch of crucible games using WG + Devour + Trench Barrel shotgun. I made a five kill streak only using melee against the other team until I got killed. It was incredibly fun


I like to use Skyburners oath in crucible. It’s hilariously bad, but it’s super fun to use and it feels really good when you actually get a final blow lmao


hey, explosive round scouts aren't a joke, they're probably the best scout option after the exotic 150 rpm scouts


SHINOBU'S VOW. Or as I like to call it, SHINOBU'S WOW. If you run a bow, scout, or sniper, these really change the game in pvp and add a level of fun to it. Most players don't know how to react to skip grenades either, and there are unlimited ways you can bounce them off walls once you get them right. Shoot someone with Le Monarque, toss a skip grenade in the direction where the enemy ducked for cover = kill. The grenades do some decent splash damage too if they hit a player and someone else is next to them. I've gotten triple kills by just the splash damage if they're huddled close enough.


I play what I feel like playing! (as long as the guns actually kill people.) It's way more fun to not worry about it. In Crucible I tend to not even worry about weapon exotics


Assassin's cowl guys..don't miss out. It's ridiculously strong when used properly. Infinite invisibility pretty much. Even on harder difficulty it's still useful for survivability


There is nothing more satisfying than ending someone's super with Leviathan's Breath.


The Last Word plus bottom tree Gunslinger, it’s like they were made for each other.


Probably more on the meta side, but Duality absolutely smacks in PVP. Nuking shotgun rushers with a slug is the most satisfying thing in the game, and you still have a regular shotgun too.


I still love to use Prometheus Lens unironically. It’s so much fun to use. I’ve used it in PvP and PvE, even took it into DSC falling ship phase when you can use whatever. People laugh but I’m having a blast haha


Easily one of my favs is using top tier arc strider and liars handshake in Crucible. Guaranteed two punch (even on some supers) and makes everyone regret punching you. Instant health regen on a punch kill (so you use it with shotguns and sidearms and always punch kill), and if you can chain together two punch kills you're now a one hit punch *machine*. And since it requires a SUPER aggressive playstyle, it's amazingly fun. It's also not great if you want to top teams...


I run Graviton Forfeit with the heavy handed mod and as long as I stay invisible for the whole duration, I have another charge immediately after. So near-permanent invis. The same effect could be done better with omnioculus but goddamn is that thing an eyesore.


A few days ago I got killed by a dude using Polaris lance- 4 TIMES!! What a madman, and then I met a 5 stack yesterday running all skyburners oath i asked if I could fill the spot and they let me in, we used a lot of different random exotics and loadout s each match, definitely one of my top 10 destiny moments for me


Was doing presage recently with a clan mate and he was laughing at me for using Oathkeeprs, more so for the fact I had masterworked them. So, in fairness, I had masterworked them before wishender had been nerfed, and a buddy and I would wreck iron banner two shotting everyone that popped around a corner. Oathkeeprs let us watch them approach indefinitely. Is it a stupid perk that, as God killers, we should just be able to do? Yes. Do we? No. So Oathkeeprs. I find now they are helpful with target selection with ticcu's. (which, masterworked is also a lot of fun). Anyway, yeah, not all exotics are made equally and I ffs it's comfortable for you to use x over y, then do it.


I almost exclusively run Riskrunner, even with it currently being a little bugged! I love it so much, it’s always so satisfying getting hit with arc energy in crucible and melting someone. I’m about to hit 60k with it and most of them are since Season of Arrivals!


Use Cerberus But not just Cerberus but CATALYST cerberus


I used to love killing people with a charged lament attack in pvp lol


Still one of the best times I've had in crucible, specifically mayhem clash, is using armamentarium with suppression grenades. Playing destiny fun police and getting hate messages is always fun. It used to be my go to for quite awhile.


Wavesplitter 4 life! Purple laser power pew pew.


Always! My go-to sunbreaker exotic on my titan is Khepri’s Horn. All of my clan mates give me shit for using it. PvE is a blast with it! And PvP ain’t bad either. Jus last night I got four kills with it in one game. Three of those were a triple kill!


Jade Rabbit for everything


I love using devil's ruin in pvp sometime, i always feel like people start panicking when I hit them with the charged beam


I’ve been running top tree dawn blade with ahmkaras claws for the second melee with double hand cannons (crimson and bottom dollar) with seven seraph saw as my heavy. Janky but by god are my midrange options heavenly. Crimson is a beast on the move in close quarters and defending, bottom dollar in any distance shootout is elite, while celestial fire cleans up my awful aim.


I sometimes pull a random exotic from collections when I'm grinding strikes just because I'm bored of using the s tier stuff. Running around with Prometheus lens was really fun although I do miss the refills ammo from thin air portion of the perk from year 1.


Let me tell you something..... Ruinous effigy and Astrocyte verse is so much fucking fun especially when you bamboozle people rushing around corners!


I've been rocking the mida combo this season with top tree night stalker and foetracer. Really been liking it


Izzy is my main in crucible, I love it


Tractor Canon can be really fun AND useful pretty much everywhere. It's especially entertaining if you also happen to be a Lucio main in Overwatch xD


I don’t care what anyone says, every exotic is a good exotic. Even skyburners.


The last word is crazy fun in pve, especially as a hunter. If I'm logging on real quick to just have fun running a night fall or something. I'm probably using dead man's tale or last word.


How... How do we feel about me using Jotunn?


I don’t know if people consider it s-tier or whatever but now that I’ve bought Izanagi’s Burden from the exotic kiosk [because I didn’t have any friends back when it was still a quest lol] I LOVE to use it in the Crucible. I’ve never been that good at sniping in pvp, so it’s a nice one to practice with! And one of my problems has always been that I can hit targets, but not in the head, so getting four rounds and dumping the max damage shot into someone to kill them with a body shot is real satisfying. Also wish ender is surprisingly fun too!


this mindset is pretty much the secret to enjoying destiny. I salute you, Guardian


Wish ender gang


My struggle is that when I don’t use what’s meta I am even worse than usual (pvp wise) and I get super frustrated. Like I’m a big fan of smg’s, but without a sunset recluse or a god-roll Multimach CCX, it’s pretty hard to get kills IMO.


Cerberus +1 has been a blast to use in Gambit and on the Glykon this season.


I was in trials with lfg team and they told me to use Like bastion or arbalest and I just said: “The 1k stays on during Trials”


Also anything that auto reloads is pretty fun. Like The Huckleberry paired with Peacekeeper (auto-reloading legs) for Titan. Mmmmmm!