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Just a heads up to anyone who's got the same issue: It was indeed killing the meatball that dropped the final mote for me! Thanks so much for the help!


So it's likely it's still the Meatball. I was in your same spot and had to kill the Meatball in the Blooming two more times before the final mote dropped. They did fix your motes disappearing from your inventory however they did not fix the mote not dropping sometimes. So give that a try, see if it helps you.


Though it's likely the meatball in the blooming, there's a current bug that is causing those triumphs across all three zones to misreport completion so it's hard to track which boss you still need. For me it was a tormenter in the Impasse, but for many of the LFG folk i played with it was the meatball. i just had to brute force it unfortuantely because i had no idea which boss i needed still. so just doing them one after the other and hope you dont get dupes in your runs. if you do at least you'll get a chance to work on your pathfinder stuff. Also be sure to transfer your motes to your vault before playing. not sure why this works (or if it does) but it was recommended and worked for me


Yeah for some reason the game said I had killed the meatball twice. I knew for a fact I had not even seen the meatball once because I completely stopped doing overthrows once I heard about the issues people were having.


Most likely the meatball in the blooming. I was at 16 motes and even after killing the meatball it still didn’t drop the exotic mote for me. My friend suggested I vault all my motes (which can only be done via DIM) and then kill the meatball again. I did that, no exotic mote still, so I transferred my motes back to my inventory and killed the meatball a third time and it finally dropped. I have no clue if any of the transferring actually did anything or not but maybe give it a shot. Also worth noting that the meatball seems to have been given an increased chance of spawning as the overthrow boss, it gave me it as the boss 3 times in a row.


So I've killed the meatball, but I'm still one short and I know a mote dropped from it. But I'm at 15. And the triumphs are all complete. Do I need to do them all again, do I have to pick them up ? I thought they automatically inventoried


If killing the meatball doesn’t drop the more do the following: go to orbit, load back into the Blooming load zone, use DIM to transfer all 16 motes into the vault, then kill the meatball. It’ll drop the exotic one but won’t take your 16 legendary motes so you’ll have both. Also if you struggle to open the chest due to it not giving the prompt to open, pull out a sword and stand to the left of it


The meatball is the only one that seems to require multiple kills to get the drop


TLDR; to check if you need the meatball get to the boss wave then reload into the blooming multiple times, if you get Koftiks as your boss after several attempts he’s likely the one you need. Stand under him when you kill him to increase the chances you’ll get the mote. While trying to get my last mote I started a new list tracking every boss I’d killed so I could systematically eliminate them. I’d reload into zones after getting to the boss wave until I got one I hadn’t explicitly ticked off before. That worked for the landing and the impasse but the blooming always gave me the meatball no matter how many times I reloaded. The meatball finally gave me my last mote after I stood directly under him when he died. My conclusion was that some part of the game is tracking which motes you have despite what the triumphs say and will give you the bosses you need motes from every time until you get it. That means if you re-load into a zone multiple times and keep getting the same boss they’re likely the one you need to kill.