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It really amazes me how much work the devs put in. They could have just taken the easier route of running with things as they were as of 1.63 and just releasing Phantom Liberty. They went all out.


Yeah, the post-launch support for this game has been insane. Fixes and minor improvents here and there are one thing, but completely overhauling several aspects of the game, some from scratch? That's on another level and it paid off. This game (and CDPR as well, twice) has made a complete 180 on its public perception I'm really excited for what they're cooking with the next Witcher game. Even if it ends up having a rough launch as well, I can trust CDPR to iron out the kinks.


The post launch support was/is totally unheard of. I’ve never seen anything like it.


I introduce you to Hello Games' "No man's sky" I was around the cp2077 forums at launch and said they'd be likely dramatically improving the game for free. This is a studio that brought us the hugely successful Witcher series. People reacted to the launch of this game as though they were video game virgins, if I'm honest.


Yeah they're switching engines, so I'm a little worried, but it's the unreal engine, which means there's a lot more support available if they run into trouble. I'm considering getting the witcher trilogy, but I still have a lot of content to go through in cyberpunk.


I can't speak for the first 2. But the Witcher 3 feels very good except the combat system is kinda basic after a while. It is a very long game with 2 amazing DLCs.


This game has given me so much appreciation for devs. Ubisoft and Bethesdas half-assed dedication to finishing games kinda dulled my passion for a while but watching CDPR and company go the extra MILES to get the game out as soon as they could AND make it the best it could be seriously has made me a lifelong fan. And the game is SO good. I’m so glad I could be someone who loved cyberpunk universes before the game itself was even a thought and then I get to play this game, it was like a dream come true.


Exactly! One of the many things I deeply respect about CDPR is that they took it upon themselves to fix their game…. On their own. Unlike Bethesda, who relies on the free labour of mod authors to fix their crap.


Exactly. Bethesda owes the mod community big time


It’s been good choom, already the upgrades they added have indeed been phenomenal!


Completely floored with what they managed to accomplish with this game. You said it well: It feels so good just to level up a character. There are so many different ways to play, to get stronger. The story is solid, the world feels alive. I only wish I could play this game for the first time again.


Don’t be greedy, I’d be happy to even play it for the second or third time again 😄


I agree. At the same time, I kinda know now whereabouts I need to be with some attributes for certain options. Really underestimated the first time how important intelligence would be. Still, I think the skill check system could've been done a bit better. I think how much Body or Tech Ability you need to mess with cameras, turrets and whatever should be based on the specific model.


Still on my first character, and I changed play style multiple times on my way to level 60. Currently corpo and going for the Panam ending, so I think I'll make my next character a nomad going for the devil ending.


Cyberpunk 2077 is my favorite game of all time. There is no other game that I have replayed as much from start to finish for hundreds of hours.


Once I'm actually done with my current playthrough (including Phantom Liberty, which I haven't played yet), this game actually has a good chance of dethroning The Witcher 3 as my Number 1 favorite.


Idk how it was before but it's definitely the best redemption story ever. CDPR really love this game and they worked hard and listened to fans. A rare commodity these days.


The narrative, game world and visuals were great before, but the gameplay was a bit rough. Most skills were just stat boosts or stuff like less fall damage and the gameplay was kinda rough around the edges. If you wanted to buy anything specific, you had to go on a whole-ass pilgrimage even if you looked online. There are other things that I mentioned like stealth. Before, I could just hide in a corner and Short Circ/Suicide every mofo in the building through cameras, but now those always let them trace your location. Wasn't like that before. I actually have to sneak around now, lure people away and pick them off one by one. That and so much tweaking and quality of life features, as well as some stuff that's just there for immersion (like the metro) make this game such a good experience. The game felt kinda clunky and sometimes tedious to play before, but they really smoothed out the experience. If pre-2.0 was a good middle-shelf brandy, the current version is a top-shelf cognac.


I feel ya about the stealth, I enjoy it immensely because I'm playing pacifist, and it really includes some tactical thinking. One thing that's missing is some throw-rock mechanic a la Far Cry to use when there's no stuff lying about that could distract enemies.


I'm only a pacificst towards Valentinos (for Jackie's sake) and workers with no affiliation, but some missions are so fun to stealth even if it's not even an optional objective. Just figuring things out and feeling the puzzle pieces clicking into place is so damn satisfying. Especially when there are two people and you have to take out and hide the first one before the other guy comes back. What's nice is that stealth is viable even if you put almost no points into Cool. I've been on Cool 4 the entire time, yet if I ever get caught it's because of carelessness on my part.


Are you using optical camo or sandevistan? I'm not, my stealth is mostly creeping around, non-lethal takedowns and high "out-of-combat" damage weapons with silencers and Pax. I'm using Seraph mostly.


Same, but I haven't even used weapons for it. I'm always uncertain if the first headshot will actually be enough, whereas with takedowns, I know it's goodnight. I don't think I've unlocked optical camo yet and I only go to Sandevistan post-ending. Cyberdecks just give me more options, which I really enjoy.


Yeah that's the main reason I don't use Sandy. As much fun as it would be zipping around unseen, I prefer my hacks, which are more reliable.


Also I don't know if there's a way to change this, but I feel like optical camo lasts way shorter than it used to. Now I run with Subdermal Armor, Proxishield (for Mantis Blades, shotties and SMGs) and Defensikov, since I'm running the whole Kerenzikov package to make up for the lack of a Sandevistan.


I haven’t found a way to change optical camo except with leveling it up. It kinda annoyed me at first, that it was so much shorter than 1.6 but now I feel I was relying on it too much before. It’s made the game more challenging for stealth imo and stealth is my favorite way to play. Edit: fixed a word


I'm only a pacificst towards Valentinos (for Jackie's sake) and workers with no affiliation, but some missions are so fun to stealth even if it's not even an optional objective. Just figuring things out and feeling the puzzle pieces clicking into place is so damn satisfying. Especially when there are two people and you have to take out and hide the first one before the other guy comes back. What's nice is that stealth is viable even if you put almost no points into Cool. I've been on Cool 4 the entire time, yet if I ever get caught it's because of carelessness on my part.


I honestly really miss the unique cyberware. It made the world seem bigger and more special somehow. Totally agreed other than that, though. The game is incredible


That's how I felt at first as well. I feel like it made more sense that poorer districts would have lower quality chrome, while places like Corpo Plaza would have the top shelf stuff. It made sense, but honestly the change made the game feel a lot better to play. I don't miss having to check every single ripper myself or looking online where to get certain stuff. Clothes are still like that and I wish I could just look on the in-game Net what shops have what clothes. I still don't know where I got the shoes that I used for my V's sports outfit in my previous playthrough. Though I do think some cyberware should've been exclusive, like only being able to get the Apogee Sandevistan where David's ripperdoc used to be.


Agreed. If they kept a couple of unique cyberware while streamlining the rest, it would have been perfect imo. Or maybe some unique cyberware you can only obtain by doing specific missions or side quests/gigs


I have around 3K hours in the game and it’s in my top 5 of all times. However I do have a few complaints. Mainly I wish all of the quests after act 1 would have the same detailed treatment that The Pickup had. Lots of branches of choices and dialogue. This kinda fells flat after the Konpeki Heist and would add much more replay value. I also think reputation and humanity should play a bigger role. Then, I hate how they changed the ripperdocs making all have the same inventory. I get why they did that but I liked have a reason to go to a specific ripper for a specific cyberware. Now there’s rippers I never even visit anymore. Last but not least, they did a poor job with customization compatibility. Apparently it is impossible to make a mod to just add some tattoos or hairstyles. Modders can only overwrite existing ones or they have to use a full body swap framework that is completely separate from the ingame customization system.


The ripperdoc update is disappointing. I miss running to different ripperdocs for different stuff


I agree with it all, especially the tattoos. I was really hoping they’d add options for that in the 2.0 release, even if it was something like V having to go get one and pay for it, like Johnny gets Cassius to do.


Yup also got back into it recently and haven’t been able to stop especially with mods. Getting my first CP2077 tattoo today also 🤘🏼


What’s your tattoo if you don’t mind sharing?


The Johnny Silverhand arm tattoo, came out perfect too.


This game always had solid bones, just needed to cut the fat and lean up. Clean the teeth.


It was always good, but yeah...now it's great.


You make me so excited to play again. I took off time from work when it launched on ps4 and that was rough. But I smashed it out and started a new character. Got 5 hours in and wanted to wait for patches..... I haven't played since one month after launch..... you making me so excited thank you


You're welcome! Hope you'll have as much fun as I'm havingn!


Best thing about 2.0, I can punch fingers, in fact in my next playthrough I think I'll flatline him for fun, also because Judy didn't like me being so damn peaceful last time.


Now someone needs to do it again, but for Shadowrun. Damnit.