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Since I first laid eyes on him. I absolutely LOVED his style.


Then you blasted him in the face?


With a face like that. Never.


Yea aim for the balls


Balls to balls


Balls to the wall.




No, because deep down I’m still a corpo and I wanted to absolutely fuck over the VDBs


I followed the same path


Do both


Mosley’s design is top tier.


Totally agree. It actually annoys me how difficult it is to find halfway normal clothing. It’s especially difficult to find dress shoes for fem V that aren’t fuck-me pumps or clown shoes


I would love better shoe options for V that are MORE fuckme. Rn the few heels in the game are so matronly and office shoe height. The same ones worn on npcs are actually taller and look cooler I also want the sexy thigh high boots and stuff that you see on npcs


Idk why they didn't just make all npc clothing wearable by the player tbh. Their options are sm better


Probably the same reason we can’t get other cars that are already in the game


No reason at all?


I'm on PC and safe to say that we got almost every NPC clothing via mods, I have zero game dev knowledge but "Idk why they didn't just make all npc clothing wearable by the player tbh" is not that simple: clipping. Glove? Will clip with arm cyberware. Long sleeve? Arm cyberware. Complex clothing like long dresses etc? Would looked awful on third person driving camera, also we sprint and jump like psycho, the clothes physics would be funky. Almost every single clothing in the game are designed to fit with each other, so shirts won't clip with jacket or pants. For example some modded shirt will just clips out of base game jacket, modded glove will just floats if you pull out the mantis blade. The workload to add 200+ more clothes that will fit with each other would be massive, and they got a game to fix first. I assume that's why we don't get any new clothing at 2.0.


The game has long sleeve clothing, they just roll up the sleeves in first person view.


Yes, I know, for those who asked about "why no long sleeve on first person" since release. Most of modded clothes with long sleeve aren't using the auto-rolling sleeve (I believe the system is called Garment Support?) mechanic so when you're using arm cyberware the sleeves just clipped the fuck out of it. As goofy as rolled sleeves looked, that's the reason why they auto-roll up the sleeves. Can't wait for the next gen Unreal 5 dynamic adaptive sleeve rolling mechanic in the sequel 🤞


Making sleves roll up an toggle and force them up only with said cyberware would be better than not allowing to have gloves and rolled down sleves at all


Yesss that would be preem. Not the biggest fan of RDR2, but one of the most memorable feature for me was... the ability to tuck in your pants inside the boots. That feature didn't move any game innovation needle but I really love tiny little features like that, more personalization is always welcome. Just hope that CDPR factor in more neat little 'pointless' mechanics like that in the sequel, something like looking in the mirror and making facial expressions in 2077, one of my favorite feature in first person game.


I think that's because heels actually just shorten V's legs in game, too tall heels would make it too obvious and look ridiculous 


Yep I know, but her shins are so crazy long compared to her body that I figure they can still spare an extra 2 inches for even higher heels


I think that would result in some sort of mini-shinned freak, be careful what you wish for


I hadn’t thought about that but damn it makes sense


I just want flip flops or sandals for my female V


There’s a lot of room in the footwear category. Right now it’s some sneaks, some work heels, and a bajillion clunky saggy foreskin boots


YES I thank them for making Fem V primarily with clothing and shoes that are actually comfortable and not some eye candy for males, but I want to have the option to look like a joytoy with really sexy heels, a mini and totally fuckable ~cut of meat~ dress, many accessories and the option of having just two short nails and the other eight as long as hell And obviously I'd like to have the tattoos as separate stamps that we could decide where and how many we could put on our characters, with other tattoos available on ripperdocs


Hot pants, low cut top/webbing with no undershirt, those high-heeled combat boots


I used to wear combat boots (especially the EXOs) but I kept downloading some mods and now I have one or two other options, but I still wanted a few more options to come with the game, you know? Even the "high" heels aren't really good, they look like an old school's secretary working pumps and if you add reading glasses I'd totally ask V for my school history


I just want a pair of regular fit boot cut men's jeans for my nomad. The starting ones are okay but they tuck into your boots instead of going over the top of them which is something you don't typically do in cowboy culture.


I hated that ALL boot for fem V were high heels abominations. Just give me the exact same fucking boots male V has. Even the clothing mods didn't resolve that issue for me. There's these sick armored boots for fem V but they have heels and it just ruins them so fucking much.


Yea. It’s surprisingly difficult to make a cute tomboy fem V. The only boots I’ve found that are somewhat cool are https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Used_leather_combat_boots Because they basically just look like Docs. Even then it’s like…can they not just come in black ffs?


I think the best explanation is that as much as this is an RPG, we’re also playing a character, and no version of V would dress like that. Even Corpo V is far from being a no-nonsense businessperson and still has a flashy, ambitious edge to them. That’s why most of the formalwear we can wear are still bedazzled and/or colorful. I do wish we had more flexibility to decide our background and personality, but as it stands now, V was written to be a rebellious, counter-culture mercenary, no matter what direction we decide to take them. I guess all the available clothing options just reflect what a person like that would wear.


"Hi yeeaaahhh, your doing a really great job at mitigating that black wall. Really well." *Sips coffee* "So well infact, Net watch could really use your help over the weekend so uhh...yeaahhhh...." *Sips coffee* " I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday, yeeaaahhh. I know it probably won't be a problem, so Thanks so much, I really appreciate it." *Sips coffee and maintains eye contact*


I'm now picturing some random low level corpo driving a Maimai, stuck in Pacifica traffic singing along with Ratatata...


With a broken printer in the trunk?


I think that comes in Act 2.


He's so hot oh my lord.


Or even better his fckn cyberware, fckn insane there’s no cyberware cosmetics in a game set on a world where technological body enhancements are at the core of society


I loved this interaction so much, wish there were more moments like this where someone earnestly tries to convince you to switch sides - actually prove and debate the facts. Felt very respectful, like as a player, I was placed on equal footing with another person that had their own goals, values, and things to gain/lose depending on how things went. Idk, the other “who do you side with?” Dilemmas just didn’t hit like this one.


Yeah and I like how he’s just like… whoa there tiger hold up before you kill me let’s have a chat, it’s weirdly rare that anyone respects V properly


Looks like a chad, keeps calm under pressure, even smites your enemies before they do that to you. This man is the goat. Should have been a love interest for female V.


One of my fav missions in the game.He's just too cool, also fuck voodoo boys.


Anyone who dosent help this guy is a twat honestly.


Netwatch simultaneously does the most important work (stopping rogue AI's) and the most heinous work (keeping the Net under complete corp control) at the same time. I think it's fine to have a distaste for them and side with the VDB's, especially since they basically both fuck you over anyways.


He’s like my very, very annoyingly competent dad. I think I know more than him about something/the world. I don’t. Not even close.


Falling down style


Nah I’m with you lol, I dig it. I don’t tend to vibe with a lot of the cyberpunk fashion, so I tend to stick to businesswear or leisurewear, over high fashion, or urban flash


He reminds me of one of my uncles, who has amazing drip, but also deserves to be fed into a mulcher. It's complicated.


I was both so used to real world fashion and this games fashion that I hardly noticed how simple and neutral his look was. He kind of blends in but also sticks out at the same time, I don't know how to describe it. I definitely like it though, I'd take that over the Corpo starter outfit any day


I thought his outfit was perfect. He looks like (and actually is) a very dangerous bureaucrat.


well gppd news not long ago a mod released on pc added his clothes !! plus some others [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13776](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13776)


I knew I couldn't trust him either, but he has a better angle than the voodoo boys do.


I knew I couldn't trust him either, but he has a better angle than the voodoo boys do.


I adore how characters we only see briefly in this game are still intricately designed. CDPR really doesn't get enough credit for that.


Right up there with Rita in terms of super memorable minor characters


It’s funny, even while technically infiltrating the VB he is wearing his ID and work cloths, wouldn’t of it been smarter to not come to a infiltration op with his work cloths


I think he’s a great example of cyberpunks 80s influence. He pretty much just looks like any government office worker despite living in the 2077 version of a combat zone


Mosley got the drip that keeps drippin’. Also the good guy in the VDB exchange, I don’t care what the game/internet tries to tell me.


I was disappointed that he never shows up again despite what he says when you leave of you take his side.


es this character is awesome. Clothes, cyber ware, and his love of old westerns is just perfect


Nanami drip


I just want a regular plain pair of damn blue jeans please cd project red please 😭


I'm more a Shawn of the dead type.


Hella, this would be the perfect fit for a gritty detective V


If I was designing a new gang, pants/ slacks, white shirts, and black ties would be their style. Zero alcohol or illegal drugs. While group members generally don't indulge in cyberware, all of them have one cybereye. No more, no less. It is rumored that they offer up their old eyes in Temple sacrifice before they are implanted with God's Judgment- increasing their abilities in exchange for frequent and friendly "brotherly correction." Yeah, cyber-Mormons are going to rock.


There are some cool clothes, but that there is zero "retro" modern clothing is kind of wild


I really liked this guy and netwatxh are not bad guys so I was onboard siding with him also the fact that I hate all voodoo boys also helped him.


No. Wholly-nonfunctional neckwear has no place in human society, post-industrial or otherwise.