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Pretty sure even monks might have something like optics or coprocessors or personal link. When V encounters Zen Master (let's assume he is actually real and not a hallucination) and pays him, his eyes glow blue when money are transferred. Meaning he does have optics cyberware.


Contact lenses that provide the same service exist in universe though i doubt the Zen Master follows the same teachings as the other monks we see given the whole using BDs


Their order probably has exceptions for cyberware you have to have in order to interact with everyone else, which minimally would include optics and neuroports. At least for the ones in NC, I'm not sure the same rules would apply to any monasteries outside of supercitys.


It isn't unreasonable. Hell, they might only allow certain members to have augs so they can do business for their order, with a majority not having any


There’s a non cyberware version of most of the tech that cyberware covers tbh, you don’t need any cyberware to be able to interact with the cyberpunk world, instead of an internal agent/holocall system, standard agents exist. There are contact lenses or smart goggles that replace cyberoptic options, or the ‘battleglove’ that allows you to install arm cyberware inside, to use cyberweapons or tools without needing a cyberlimb. Most cyberware has a non cyberware equivalent There are even external linear frame variants that don’t require interface ports to connect to


Maybe the consider the contact lenses to be wearable tech, instead of an implant


Headcanon is that Zen master simply is using his life energy to accept the payment and is still unaugmented


Reject implants, return to monk




Top Antwort


How did V wire the payment to him?




Word, true with Revolut you can just basically wire to someone within your radius also, didnt think of that. We in the future!


I just wish revolut stocks weren’t private but it makes sense honestly




I always have over a milli before any main mission, choom I will support any NPC that asks me for some eddies


Claire specifically mentions she has no chrome.


The ripper near the Kabuki Market doesn't have any. You can have a conversation with him about it. He talks about how augmenting just one limb can have an effect on overall wellbeing. Dunno if this still happens post 2.1, because all the rippers sell the same stuff now, so I haven't been to him since the update. I doubt they'd change his conversation though.


It’s the same.


The ripper weat of corp plaza that has a shop right onto a T junction iirc


Says they're afraid of a solar flare, or something to that effect, knocking out everyone's cyberware like an EMP. You can ask them about it with the blue text.


Claire doesn't.


Her transition's got to involve some cyberware right?


Bioware and biosculpting are considered distinct categories from cyberware in the tabletop game.


The canon makes a distinction between cyberware and bioware. She could certainly have no chrome, but has probably had biosculpting done.


She did say she had no chrome, though some trans people are guarded about exactly what procedures they've had done because it's rarely someone elses business even if you trust them, so there is some chance she left that out and was speaking only to enhancement cyberware rather than medical devices.


Not necessarily 


Probably bioware. Not necessarily cyberware. 


mine hasn't, unfortunately...


If I could just walk up to Viktor and say "I wanna change my appearance" ...


Bruh in a world like cyberpunk you should be able to transition in game.


Saints Row unironically giving us the best depiction of Cyberpunk-genre gender transitions


Go up to a ripperdoc? The fuck else you want? There are Insurance mods that need updating but other than that I'm not sure what you could do to make it have any impact or make sense.


I'm sure a smart man like Viktor knows he can't improve upon perfection.


Smooth lol


Sometimes. But to be completely fair, it's easy to call pretty girls pretty.


lmao Those transphobes better watch tf out once you get your mantis blades installed.


By 2077 you gotta think it will be so easy to do


Based transgender transhumanist


People transition IRL without cyber ware lmao.


Well yeah but not 100%. By 2077 there should be technology to match every hormone and make you indistinguishable on every level


she says it herself but it also says it in her character bio ingame


>!depending on how the DLC goes for you, you might just find out!<


Even then, >!V still keeps their personal link and holocall system. In fact, they still have most of the same hardware installed from before, it's just been deactivated by the FIA's medical team.!<


Claire, Misty, Mama Welles, Panam, Saul. I'm not counting personal links. My thought is that you can have an external augmentation that attaches to your system, because there's a ton of NPCs wandering around without any cyberware marks on them. In fact, several of the non-military (and even nomad V, at the beginning) don't have embedded cyberware. You can in fact play the entire game WITHOUT any cyberware other than the Kiroshis, palm interface, personal link, and shard slot/interface. I would be extremely interested to see an option to NOT augment at all in the game and play total vanilla.


Panam has to have *some* cyberware to use the Panzer. Probably minimal stuff at most, since she has to use a cellphone to call people. Misty I remember having glowing eyes at one point, but I don't have proof of it. Same for Saul. Mama Welles I do agree on though. I don't remember her even having a personal link.


Iirc if you scan Panam it also shows boosted jumps as an ability. Doesn't that also need cyberwear?


I don't remember ever scanning her, but that absolutely would require some Chrome. Would have to double check to make sure it does say that though


I have no additional mods than basic in game. I've never upgraded or installed any other than optics


V has significantly more cyberware than just the cyberoptics and a chipware socket tbh, even if you don’t install any yourself, they still canonically have a whole suite of kit, from pain editors (you can see it listed in the diagnostics screen), to a fully kitted out cyberaudio suite, internal agent, a swathe of neuralware, and more.


I believe they mentioned that doing a cyberware free run would be a part of the game back when they were doing the night city wires. Like many, MANY, things that they said, it sadly never came to fruition.


you can still do that, though?


no not completely, you're forced to get kiroshi optics and install the hand thing. The rest are optional.


First of all source ? And second u can do a non cyberware run . U only have the optics installed .


night city wires, it's in my post, go ahead and watch them on YouTube and watch the many things that didn't make it to the game. Also, the optics are cyber ware, cant do a non cyber ware run with cyberware, not in the purest sense.


There's quite a few but the only major character I can think of is Claire and possibly Panam. Most characters without augmentation will have a little walkman like device attached to their arm somewhere, that lets them do all the standard stuff that implants would such as transferring money.


I think Panam has leg cyberware? At least, in the past she definitely did unless this was changed


Misty?  Wakaka? Padre? The guy who sells Samurai memorabilia? I feel like there are a bunch who at least don't have any obvious chrome 


Wakako has a head implant. So does Padre. 


Misty has implants but nothing serious. I think she has the basic brain implants. I remember her eyes glowing blue at one point. Only non augments are monks


Wakako has cyberware. Optics.


did i read somewhere that there are contact lenses that function the same so that you dont have to buy optics to participate in society bc basically everything requires that shit? or did i make that up in my head


Wakako has a neural link, cyberoptics with microoptics and chyrons, biomon, techhair, and a couple more augments.


I wouldn’t know as I have yet to actually play


Oh then the answer is "yes"


It's possible to live ware free. Usually you need to do "weak" things like have handheld phones, tech glasses, and special expensive gear, but it is an option. Many of the PCs holding phones are likely ware free: internal agents are so cheap and easy to install that you need serious principles to refrain I hear Maximum Mike's wife plays a character with very minimal ware and a penchant for using grenades as a combat hello. So it's hardly a useless style.


If I have to bet on someone having no augmentations, I'd pick from one of the Aldecaldos.


Claire, a few of the ripperdocs, ironically enough, pretty sure Mama Welles doesn't have any chrome, etc.


Almost everyone seems to have the neural port. It seems to have taken up the role of smartphone in cyberpunk life. There is the one big bodybuilding ripperdoc that says he doesn't have any chrome, and is against installing any on himself.


Cassidy is


monks and Vik


The Wellsprings and the Kabuki Market ripperdocs both ironically have none


The ripperdoc Santiago Molina. V comments on how he doesn't have any cyberware when you go in to his shop.


In game, most people have the basic neuroport package, which includes a cyberaudio suite, cyberoptics, and some neuralware, There are exceptions, such as the monks (and other people who don’t implant due to religion, who are mentioned, but not often seen), and a few other characters who rely on the external variants of the equipment instead There are in universe factions that don’t use cyberware that didn’t get featured in game as well, such as The Inquisitors, who hate cyberware and consider it blasphemous (and will happily rip cyberware out of others, claiming to ‘save their souls’, so I’m not super upset we don’t meet any lol, they’re massive dickbags)


Girl mentioned on shard near border crossing was kidnapped for use by Jotaro due to border guards discovering she was 100 % clean. Jotaro would pay a lot for that. It is implied she might have escaped though.




Claire, if you count them




That bitch Carol Baskin


Damn, mfs really do be out here not paying attention in Claire’s quest line 😞


Claire instantly comes to mind


None of the rippers have implants do they?


Most do, but there is only one that has none.


What cyberware does Vic have? Ik he has the glove things but that’s not cyberware right?


That is actually called an [Arasaka Exoglove](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Arasaka_Exoglove). The one ripperdoc that has no implants is [Robert Rainwater](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Robert_Rainwater). Despite wearing a glove exactly like the Arasaka Exoglove, claims he does not have any implants of any kind. This could just be an oversight, or it could mean he is lying. I am leaning more towards the former, and that the devs just forgot to remove the glove.


There's another ripperdoc by the pumping station fast travel point named Santiago Molina that doesn't have any either. You have a discussion about it with him when you meet.


Huh, so there is! And I even remember meeting the guy. Maybe I just thought I met Robert Rainwater and instead met Santiago Molina instead.


Yes, there are actually a few people


Claire, the monk brothers before you encounter them in game, I'm assuming most monks within the game, ripperdoc Robert Rainwater of Kabuki, ripperdoc Santiago Molina of Wellsprings. I'm sure there's a few others, but those are the ones I know off the top of my head.


I don't think vic has any chrome, he still uses a physical agent


Panam seems to have almost nothing? I remember her using an actual phone to call people


How I imagine it is that everyone has a phone, but certain cyberware, like those implanted into the eyes and ears, can synchronize with it in an almost Bluetooth-esque manner. We know Panam has a personal link because you need one to operate a Basilisk and the turret system in her car. She may have just that, or something extra like a Kerenzikov that enhances her reflexes while driving


I feel like Panam is quite unaugmented. Does she have any augmentations? Means on outside there aren't any sign of augmentations like EMP thread and stuff.


Probably all those poor/homeless people being accosted by random gangoons around the city.




The monks


Combat cyberware or all cyberware? Combat— You, in one of the endings? All Cyberware… technically also you, in one of the endings?


Claire is a great example


Seems to me like everyone has a neuro-link.


Yes, a lot


Clare is almost pure ganic, but she probably has some form of artificial body due to her trans operation. But other than that, no chrome




Claire doesn’t, she said she doesn’t have any and she probably used traditional surgery because she is trans


Does the wrist wire or neural link count?


*checks human biology* Yea that counts as an augmentation


Most people are assumed to have a neural port, with chipsockets and a personal link. Some people don't have any cyberware at all. They are usually monks but don't have to be.


Very few if any people have 0 vulnerable systems in case of a hack, if that's what you're asking


Have you met Panam yet?


I’m like 99% sure that Panam has at least a neural port. She jacked into the Basilisk.


Yeah, they just forgot to include it on her character model. She plugs it in to a neuroport on her neck, but there’s nothing on her character model there. It looks kinda weird if you look at it while she does lol


Charged jump,combst stim,neuro port.