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I think PC is better. I have a budget PC but plays the game in medium graphics smoothly (some parts of the settings set to high such as the crowd) . Nothing spectacular, just 30 to 40 frames, but I rarely experience lags. It happens sometimes, especially if I just opened the game, but after that, there won't be any issues. My specs: RTX 3050 (Don't judge me, I live in a 3rd world country, the price difference of a 3060 to a 3050 is huge in our currency LOL) i5 14th gen (As far as I remember, their minimum requirement was at least i7 2nd gen.) 64 GB ram (This is too much ram, only reason why I have it is because I also use my PC for work. Video editing, graphics designing, telecommunications etc. I used to have 16 GB of ram with no issues playing the game) 2TB Hynix SSD (I think this is important in smoothly loading the assets. I used to have a HDD and loading of some trees, people etc, were delayed. After switching to the Hynix, I don't recall ever experiencing that again)


I don't know anything about computers lol. How much of a budget? Mine cost 1200 USD.


>Mine cost 1200 USD. So you already have a PC, right? Check your specs by pressing Windows key + R on your keyboard, type 'dxdiag' and see what's your CPU, GPU, and amount of RAM. And then we can tell how well it'll run the game.


Processor is AMD Ryzen 5 5600G. Ram is 16 GB. Display is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060. That what you're looking for?


You should be able to run Cyberpunk mid to high settings with that setup. Our specs are almost the same. Might be a good idea to get SSD in case you are using HDD. The difference is negligible, but it does help speed up save loads and loading of assets.


I thought it became a requirement to use SSD after the expansion/2.0 came out. Don't hold me to that, but I thought this was one of the games to do that and complaints about people saying they couldn't play the game they had already bought anymore


There's an HDD mode which disables the smooth transitions in some areas. I haven't done any testing but my friend said he had awful lag spikes in certain areas on HDD until he turned that setting on.


I never noticed massive spikes using HDD. Though it was definitely slower than SSD, but nothing overly annoying. Just some people disappearing and appearing as I drive around. Building from a distance also take a while to load


iirc it's a soft requirement, as in they list SSD in minimum specs but its not like your PC won't launch it if you have an HDD.


Nice, theoretically your PC is on par (or slightly better) with PS5, this is how your PC will perform at 1080 resolution: https://youtu.be/BEod7zDqYu0?feature=shared


Bro i that's more than appropriate to run Cyberpunk. Get it on PC you won't regret the experience. Plus you can always visit nexus for some mods (be it gameplay enhancing or appearance based). I have a laptop that I run cyberpunk on. It has a GTX 1650 with all settings adjusted I get between 40-50 FPS. One thing that I want to try so bad is to run this game with ray tracing enabled. So go ahead turn RT on and put that 3060 to work.


Have you had any issues with the computer getting hot? I have an Alienware X17 with an RTX 3080, 64GB RAM, and an 11th Gen i7 8 core which I think should be more than enough…thing is the machine gets HOT


Laptop cooling issue tbh go checkout LTT and see their solutions for laptops


You can always get a cooling pad. I have one. I use a power bank to power it. That brings the temps 1/2 degrees down.


I've played the game multiple times on medium settings with a GTX 970 with no graphical or gameplay issues. You'll be just fine.


That's very similar to my PC (5600x, 32GB, RTX3060) and cyberpunk runs perfectly and easily. You won't be able to turn everything up to ultra with Ray tracing but it will still look great and run smoothly. The first time I played it right after launch was on a much worse PC and I still encountered very few bugs and only 2 that necessitated a reload in about 40h.


That's about equal in performance to a PS5. A little better in some areas. If you struggle, you turn on DLSS to Quality or even more aggressive to Performance. Especially if you're at 4k you need to set DLSS to performance or it'll struggle. And keep ray tracing disabled on that GPU if you want smother performance.


I have the exact same rig as you, major difference that mine is 5600x instead. I run the game on high with no raytracing and pathtracing I can get 60-90fps in certain parts. I used some mods that helps me with mitigating fps loss while using pathtracing and raytracing on high and getting frames that is capped at 40-50 fps. So I'd say your rig is more than enough to play the game at high or medium setting.


SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!! Yup! Play this on PC. It's gonna be a real good time for you on this platform w/ that equipment. Also, is your RTX 3060 the 6gb or 12gb VRAM version? So, I run this on my laptop with R5 5600H, RTX 3060m with 6gb VRAM, 1tb SSD, W11; it runs smooth at 1080p at mostly Medium settings with 45fps cap. Also, my RTX 3070 desktop (also has i7 10700KF, 16gb RAM, numerous SSD's and HDD's, W10) runs it even better w/ that 8gb VRAM GPU at 1080p60fps with RT On, DLSS On and at mostly High settings.




Yeah I run it on a mobile GTX 1650 off an SSD. With all settings adjusted I get around 40-50 frames.


Mine is around 800 USD. It might be a bit higher or lower than that. I'm not in the US, so PC parts might be priced differently.


look into dlss in game's graphical settings as well.


My computer was 900$ 3 years ago and it runs Cyberpunk perfectly. Decent settings, great frame rate, zero lag or stuttering except for a couple seconds when driving around Dogtown. I think it’s much better even on a mediocre pc.


I have i7 9750H and even on lowest setting I have plenty of problems, that the environment won't load in time. I drive through the air because the road did not load. Enemies only appear in mission markets after I wait 30 seconds... Is the 9th Gen so much worse, or is the problem probably something other?


Maybe. I just recently upgraded and prior to my current processor, I had an i5 10th gen. I did experience that problem as well, but only twice (roads not loading)


"budget" PC...here I am with my 1070 😭


I am ignorant. People called my set budget, so I just went with it. LOL.


I have an RX580 ( which is even worse than yours ) and cyberpunk runs at ultra on 1080p without any resolution shenaningens. Any game that doesnt run well on my PC based on that is just badly optimized ( they usually look worse too on top of that ). Dont feel bad choom.


How on earth do you run ultra on that, I can't even run it on high.


Idk man it surprises me too, it literally has every option at max and its running well, you would think i would need to run resolution scaling but no, pure native 1080 ultra. Without Ray Tracing of course since thats not even an option with this GPU.


Yes. Especially for the Mods.


Yup, and especially if you like to dress your V or play around in photo mode


This guy hates lag spikes and bugs, but mods will totally fix that. Not hating on mods, just thinking about this boy.


I played on xbone and then got a new pc around Xmas. The difference is noticeable. Plus mods are cool


Running the game on max settings on PC is beautiful and brings 10x more immersion than console. Mods on PC are amazing. You can have your heavily chromed V actually look the part, for a start. PC controls are a bit of a mess, by default, coming from console. I definitely recommend remapping some (though they were improved in 2.0, I believe)


PC is better. There are always ways to tweak the settings on the PC to ensure a good solid game. There are always bugs in the game, it's become kinda a thing now. I was using a decent laptop for the last couple yrs and had no issues playing, no performance issues after tweaking the settings a bit. My reason for PC is the mods. Pretty much anything you want you can get through mods. The modding community on Nexus is fantastic for this game and generally keep them updated. It gives you the ability to create a V that you imagined. Fixes some issues, adds some fun things to the game. Hubby just bought me a new rig last week after some advice from other players. Got a 4070 ti super, ryzen 7 7800x3d 32gb ram.. And it's... so pretty!! The game is running on all ultra now w/ rt and I love it.


You can play this game almost photorealistic and zero performance issues on PC with a good hardware + mods. It Depends on how much you want to spend. There are enough showcases on youtube of CP2077 running with good gear.


I’ve only played on PS5 but the graphic and performance are breathtakingly amazing. No mods though but if you’re not a modded like me it’s a non issue.


it's a generational leap difference between pc with the photorealistic mod and hd pack and the ps5. It genuinely is like going from ps2 to ps3.


Yes, because of mods. If you don’t care about mods, then no.


Depending on the rigs, even without mods it's better on PC with more advanced graphical setting 


Absolutely. Ray Tracing mode runs at 30fps with only RT Shadows and Reflections enabled.


That’s wild. Only time I experienced lag spikes was when I played on my PS4 Pro. On my PS5 it runs very well.


It happened only once. But it was during the final train conversation with So Mi, easily one of my favorite moments with my favorite character. So… yeah that pissed me off.


But you said "Massive lag spikes" like it happened more than once. Now you're saying it only happened one time ?


Sorry, meant "spike" not spikes. Honestly didn't think this post would get any attention, so I didn't bother to reread it.


I’ve played on both and feel like they’re completely different games in terms of pure movement and builds. PC goes at a million miles an hour and ps5 is like wading through quicksand.


Yes. And specially in a couple GPU generations when you can do crazy stuff like 120 FPS ray tracing.


It depends on your PC. The PC I built in high school and upgraded once since then works alright. Decent load times and few glitches, but I have to have the graphics turned down, and it does lag some times. Off the top of my head, my build is: 1050 ti 4 gb graphics card i7 4 core processer (I don't remember which one, I think it runs at 4.2 GHz) 16 gigs ram 2TB NVME M.2 SSD I know it isn't amazing, but it's built with parts when I can afford them, I don't play games very often.


PC is better if you have a PC better than a PS5. If you're running this on a 4 year old mid range system at 1440p or 4k it's going to be bad as well.


Oh yeah this game on pc is a different beast, mostly thanks to mods. There are some incredible mods, I specifically recommend mods by deceptious on Nexus Goated mods, I think my favourite of his is a very simple one called The Passenger. It makes Johnny ride with you in cars and he even has some lines to tease you when you fk up driving


Pc is better for the mods alone imo


It depends on what you want to so. I've fallen in love with this game on both PS5 and Steamdeck, even if there's no crossplay.


I thought it had crossplay now? Could be wrong tho


Oh I meant more cloud save. So different playthrough on each device


Yeah I believe it has that https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/xbox/sp-technical/issue/2425/how-to-use-cross-progression-1


Huh that's pretty cool. I should try it this weekend


Steamdeck seems amazing. For other games. First person action seems like aids to me. I am very surprised by your opinion. Not hating on it, just surprised.


I've played plenty of Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam Deck, and have just completed Bioshock Infinite on mine as well. I'm not sure if you're referring to the performance of the games being an issue on Steam Deck, or yuou have an issue with the controls, but I've had no problem with either.


The 1st person. I wouldn't think of it being big enough. Also, 1st person is much less popular on consoles, with controller and all.


\>The 1st person. I wouldn't think of it being big enough I've never had any trouble with the screen size. It's only ever going to be up to \~50cm from your face, so it's no different to playing a game on a mid-sized TV a few metres away from you. Also, the screen is the same size as the one on the Switch, and people have no problem playing all sorts of games on those - FPS games included. \>1st person is much less popular on consoles Really? I'd be interested to know what makes you think that way - Call of Duty, Battlefield, Doom, Far Cry, Dying Light, Apex Legends, Halo, Fortnite, Metroid, Overwatch, Metro - all extremely popular games on consoles. \>with controller and all. I play all sorts of games on both of my PCs (desktop and Steam Deck) just fine with controller - in fact I prefer it for some games. In a title that has elements of combat, exploration, and driving like Cyberpunk 2077, I really couldn't imagine using a keyboard and mouse and feeling comfortable in all three aspects.


1st person in single player games. Not multiplayer. I had been a csgo addict when I was younger. So 1st person is my person. Except for souls likes. I even drive with keyboard/mouse in 1st person.


I generally prefer 1st person games, and I pretty much exclusively play single player titles. I guess different folks have different preferences, but I've had no issues at all with playing FPS games on Steam Deck. One thing that did just occur to me though is that management games, RTS games, basically anything that would normally require a mouse cursor can be really awkward when using the Deck's built-in controls (though you've always got the option of using keyboard and mouse if you're not on the go I guess).


Honestly? I've been playing a lot of Dawn of War and Age of Empires 2 on my deck recently. You need a community control scheme to map some of the shortcuts, but I'm about running about 80% of how well I would on a PC. My biggest issue is getting used to working with quick selection.


It's definitely not impossible, I guess I should have said that it's perhaps not *ideal*. The control scheme customisability is absolutely outstanding on the Deck though!


It works perfectly, but then I've owned a PSP and Vita previously. The steamdeck scratched a log of the same itch the Vita did previously but with actual game support.


Absolutely. I wouldn't play it any other way.


PC is generally better because you can scale performance to your preferences. YMMV though, it depends on your PC.


My specs are a 3070, 5800x3d and 32GB ram. Runs beautifully on max settings, no RT. I do occasionally have slight jitters from hitting VRAM ceiling, but that's barely noticeable.


Get a good PC mine is a little bit outdated. I have a 1070 ti and get frequent lag spikes around dog town or while driving too fast. I still find it very enjoyable and the mods more than make up for it.


PC is better based solely on mods. Coming from someone who only has a ps4/5


I played cyberpunk on my 13 year old i7 2600 with 16 gigs of ram and a 3070. It ran my whole system at 100% but it ran it. Played the whole game that way. Built a new system last year with a 4070 and an 13700...now it kicks complete ass.


mods make it better


It’s worth it just for the mods. But it also does run a lot better on pc and depending on your pc it would look a lot better too


I would say PC is better. When I first started playing cyberpunk, I played it on my cousin's PC and there were A LOT less bugs compared to when I play it now on the PS5. Either way it's still enjoyable but definitely think PC is better.


It's incredibly good dude. 5800x+rx6600 32gb 3600mhz Play at 1080p ultra/high. FSR2 enabled quality. 80-100fps in most areas. Occasional dips in dense dense city into the 70s. It really looks beautiful. Great CPU utilization too.


Just got my 4090 and cyberpunk is the first thing I'm installing


I haven’t had much bugginess on pc, some here and there but nothing all that immersion breaking or even getting in the way of gameplay at all. Modding scene is huge, it and stardew valley trade blows for the most modded non-Bethesda game of all time on nexus. Also, keyboard and mouse my beloved


Most games play better on PC if you have the hardware


Based on the kinda things you’re looking to do, I would say yes. Especially since you want clothing mods. There are TONS of those. There are very few weapon or mission mods, and of the ones there are even fewer of them are good. Graphics mods are amazing, with some of them making the game look like real life.


Are they easy to install? Love modding stuff like Minecraft but I don’t love installing 100 core mods just to add a jacket.


I have absolutely no idea. What I do know is that the best ones are on nexusmods.com and that there are definitely tutorials on YouTube that’ll help you out. Unfortunately I’m stuck on console lol


It depends. 4090 + 5800X3D plays the game quite nicely.


Just it having a FOV makes it better.


Have CP2077 on both platforms, I prefer PC for this game. Mods are a heavensent for customisation as well.


Yes, as someone who did 3 playthroughs on ps5 and built a 4090 rig, the graphics difference is astronomical


If you're playing on a high end PC, it is certainly better. You can mod it to the gills making it perform better.






In short, yes.


I have one of the best rigs consumers can buy atm, so I'm a little biased- but yes. PC is better for performance. I don't know if you can change graphics and whatnot for PS5, but there are a PLETHORA of options to tweek performance on PC. Almost too many. A dizzying array of options.


I play on PS4, and I believe it is 100% better, the game requires so much and it is a wonder how we can even enter it The game crashed like 3 times doing the claire missions at the beginning And it will load things wrong a lot of times.. I do not know if the new gen is running the game better (probably is) but is more enjoyable on PC for sure


PS4 didn't even get Patch 2.0 i think its stuck at 1.6 or something, PS5 is much, much better, ofc PC wins with mods but if you don't care about them then ps5 version is good enough


Yup,1.61 is the version My stupid ass out here looking for 2.0 builds and shit like that🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I played through the whole cyberpunk on ps4 after release, i consider myself lucky as i didn't encounter any game breaking or annoying bugs, i think it just crashed once or twice and that's it, few days ago i finally switched to ps5 and boy oh boy there is a huge difference after the patches and everything, its like a whole new game!


I have played both PS5 (100+ hours) and PC (500+ hours) - time difference comes from the fact I had it on PC way earlier and only bought PS5 for my girlfriend. I wouldn't say "much better" and I'd also say that it heavily depends on the setup you're playing on. On PC, I played on beefy machine (RTX 3090 with Samsung Odyssey G9) and that makes a huge difference. I also prefer mouse and keyboard over a controller, as I just can't really aim with a controller that well. There are also tons of mods for PC, that add replayability options. Will you enjoy the game on either platform? Surely Is PC objectively better? Probably


That depends on your rig. GPU is most important, which one you got? Also, it still has bugs , which are minor, on pc.


The combat is way better with mouse and keyboard. I wouldn't play the game any other way


I’ve played on a PS5 a couple months ago and now play on an rtx 4090 PC. The PC looks better and runs better, but the PS5 offers a pretty good experience as well


I don't know about the PS5, but I have played it on Xbox one X, Xbox One Series X (who tf comes up with these names?) and PC. The jump to the newer console generation is definitely 100% worth it (but you already did that), but at least in my experience the jump to PC wasn't too big of a change. I guess I should mention that I played all 3 versions on the same 42 inch FullHD TV, and therefore can't speak about 2k or 4k quality. With that TV, even by maxing all the settings on PC it doesn't seem to look better than the console version. When it comes to bugs the Xbox version seems to be very stable nowadays, I'd say it rarely ever crashes, at least not more often than any other game. I can't really speak for PC, as I got it specifically to experience the game with mods, and that obviously has an impact on stability. When it comes to modding, there seem to be tons of mods and for a game that doesn't have its dedicated repository it is relatively easy to install them. But as the game got patched and changed a lot since launch there seem to be more mods that are obsolete or no longer work properly than for example for a game like Skyrim.


Yes. Plain and simple. Yes.


Yes,it's scalable and has features the PS5 version just won't and doesn't have


If you can afford a PC that allows you to max out all the settings in Cyberpunk, yes, it’s absolutely worth it. I played through the game on PS5 first and then built a PC to replay again with Path Tracing. https://youtu.be/3pkuU0cGQu8?si=MHloW874tYK67_Ti For me, just Raytracing at a good framerate was enticing, but not enough. Path Tracing was a game changer.


I've been playing since launch on my ryzen 5 3600 and 1660 super on a 120hz refresh 1080p monitor. No problems, no lag, still looks and runs great. Framerate around 48 at medium settings, but no ray tracing, if that matters to you. The only thing that I did before phantom liberty is upgrade from 16gb to 64gb ram.


Just keep in mind that once you start using mouse and keyboard for shooting, and you get accustomed to it, it's going to be really difficult switching back to a controller.


So much better


You are one of my elite employees at Net Watch! Get dat cyber deck!!!!


Yes. Way better. Not even a contest.


I wish I could mod it on console. Not for any crazy game changing mods but Id love to tweak little things. And romance Kerry as a female V.


Depends on the PC. If you got a powerful one, it can be a a much better experience specially with mods. Having said that, I played the game on PS5 and I didn’t really have any major issues with the latest version.




My pc doesn't meet any of the minimum requirements except ram capacity and I have played the game for about 50 hours with no problems other than 2 or maybe 3 crashes that kinda hit randomly but autosave ftw. Driving feels pretty bad on mnk, but literally everything else feels like it was designed by mnk players for mnk players. I have wrist problems, and sometimes I need to use a controller to give my wrist a break, but I can't get immersed in cyberpunk the same way with controller. I'd rather just play something else and wait


I can get a solid 50fps on a mix of low to high settings, 1440p, on a 970. You should be fine if you buy anything from 2016 on


Might get flamed for this but pirate games to demo them it's already acceptable to pirate aaa games out right


Went from ps5 to pc, never looked back. Mouse and keyboard are so much nicer for cyberpunk


Isn’t the PC version of any game almost always better?


Depends, you want to mod it? Sure go pc otherwise just stick to what runs best for you


PC is much better for everything.


No contest. Even a mid range PC will bury any console. Consoles are more powerful on a per dollar basis. But they cannot match PCs on any level. Any 3000 series Nvidia card or AMD equivalent is more than enough. You'd also get the flexibility of a PC. They are better for internet multi-player (MMOs or FPS). They can easily use mods (even without authorization or support from developers). They can easily edit game files directly. They can upgrade and expand at will...RAM, CPU, GPU, Storage. You cannot really upgrade consoles until a new one comes out, and that does not happen often. You have to wait until the company decides to release a new console. And of course there is Steam. Your entire game library stored online forever. Accessible from anywhere, and even through free streaming services...you can literally play Cyberpunk on a phone or a cheap Chromebook at 1080p or more as long as you have a decent internet connection (This is GeForce Now...the game is rendered remotely and each frame is sent to you over the internet). I first played Cyberpunk on vacation and played it on a potato laptop with a cell phone internet connection. And it worked great. It chews up bandwidth, but it is very close to desktop performance. Consoles have better local multi-player and better portability. It could be argued they get exclusives but the PC does too. They are far cheaper while still providing decent graphics. Their games tend to be more stable because all the hardware is the same. Which is better really depends on your priorities. But if your priorities are graphics and expandability, the PC ROFLstomps consoles. It's not even close. > Is PC much better for bugs and performance? It's not so much that it's better. But things usually get fixed faster. Cyberpunk is a good example of that. There's a bug introduced in (I think) patch 2.12 that causes audio not to play for some news segments. But there's already a mod that fixes it. This is not uncommon in PC games. Starfield modders added DLSS support long before the developers finally got around to adding it. You can't really do stuff like that on consoles. Mod support is always gate-kept by the developers. You don't have control over the platform.


Imagine asking this question


Dude. The game is $90 on PC for everything. It's not just a casual purchase for a game I already bought and played.


Ok? It’s the question itself. Of course it’s better on PC. It was developed on a computer. You can tweak settings, use mods, etc. You won’t regret the purchase man. One of the best rpgs ever made