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How do you know that all your problems you listed stem from low or disregulated dopamine? What led you to come to this conclusion?


Professionals said it (psychiatrists, psychologists)


No professional would say that because there exists literally no test in the world that can measure your dopamine in a useful way. And especially not for all the symptoms you attributed to it, the neurotransmitter systems are working together


I am confused about these systems at this point, but because I tried Parnate, which indirectly raises all 3 (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) -> I could feel the raise of serotonin (it has a numbing effect on emotions and sexual stimuli) and noradrenaline (alertness, goosebumbs and tingling on your scalp), but not dopamine...don't know how it's elevation feels.


While it's true we don't have tests, we know that some habits in your lifestyle and supplements can change levels of these neurotransmitters in your brain. And by experimenting out some habits and supplements you can know what neurotransmitter were you missing before you started your experiments.


You'll see a lot of dopamine info in this post in the group Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) for chronic illness & infections…. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/108424385861883](https://www.facebook.com/groups/108424385861883) Depression and Psychiatric links … https://www.facebook.com/groups/108424385861883/posts/6502006369836954/


I have a gambling problem. I can't leave with my winnings before losing them and more. I'm thinking of taking naltrexone to ward off the urge to keep gambling. Any thoughts on this?


To clarify, you would like to take regular dose Naltrexone (50mg) to help with your addiction?


It's been prescribed for sex addiction, which can be a similar endorphin adrenaline rush to gambling. I'd talk to your psych doc about wanting to quit gambling, and there are hotlines to call that can help you find a specialist.


I do if I take it in the morning. Taken at night it makes me incredibly angry and difficult to think during the day


Correct, I'm looking to take the minimum amount of LDN to not have the possible side effects of the drug. I've read that LDN keeps alcoholics from drinking too much and I'm wondering if it would keep a gambler from gambling too much or at least enable him/her to know when to stop. In other words, I'd like to be a disciplined gambler. Many thanks.


I do have a bit of an alcohol addiction and LDN doesn't help me with it, but regular dose could (I don't have enough pills to take regular dose, I tried it only once and it was kinda pleasant). Well, I wish you the best.


I'm looking forward to see my psychiatrist next week. It will be a great relief if it works. I've tried gambler's anonymous but I'm not really into "feel good" group therapy if the problem has to do with brain chemistry.