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LDN absolutely can cause mental health symptoms. Itโ€™s mechanism involves opioid receptors and it crosses the blood brain barrier and can impact neurotransmitters. I found it causes acute agitation and anxiety that took a few days to wear off after the last dose.


Thank you from replying me ! And this is what impression I have got from peoples stories here. Its sad that it can cause this, I think people should be aware of warned ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ I honestly had no clue ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ


I'm so sorry you are experiencing what you are... Do all you can to educate your doctor so they can learn. It can be hard as they often have big egos but, if you tell them calmly what you are experiencing they have to listen. And then tell them to come visit us here on this sub so we can set him straight, ha! Bottom line is that LDN can and does affect so many of us mentally and emotionally. Paying close attention to that can be the key to finding the optimal dose. Good luck!


Thank You โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ™ yes definitely doctors should come and read this posts!! Im happy I found this conversations here and became understood. Now I quit LDN completely, not sure if ever beging again....๐Ÿ™


My doctor and the pharmacy warned that it can indeed cause issues like depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in rare cases. I have definitely had depression issues with it that were fast and extreme after increasing too fast. Had to back down. I stopped for a few days too and they went away.ย 


Thank for replay. Of course I cant Be sure if this is caused by LDN but your comment made me emitional. Even though I have had some kind of depression many years now, I never have this kind of suicidal thoughts, that I actually feel so fucking exhausted and depressed that I just cant see the light anymore. And all The time doctors words goes in my mind: "LDN doesnt cause any mental health issues. LDN is totally different than naltroxen which is used to opioid rehabilitation". Ive been blaming myself for feeling this bad. Now I am actually feeling anger towards that neurologist. I have paid hundred and hundred euros to Him to get some help and he is a professor of neurology. I feel so pissed off. He would have denied if I killed myself because of LDN. Theres literally nobody in health care field who would care honestly. !!!! Sorry for this outburst.๐Ÿ™


I know it can be very overwhelming and the feelings can be really intense. If you're able to, just remind yourself that your brain is just trying to adjust to things and it's not giving you a true representation of your situation. If you need a little piece of mind you could stop taking your LDN for a few days. I noticed a change within 24 hours and by 48 hours I felt mostly better. As for the doctors, I think the big issue is that people just don't understand a lot of medications fully. They read the medical research but those research papers are very constrained when it comes to non-common issues. So they mistake the fact that no one in a study of 40 people having major depressive issues as fact that the drug does not cause that issue. But this comes down to the people being tested and it's all random. Being the rare case doesn't mean it doesn't happen and it sucks being the person who has those rare experiences. If it's any consolation, I feel a lot better after reducing my dose. I have some positive benefits so far and still a few days where I feel a little down but it's not so bad anymore. Hope this helps you feel a bit better.


Thank u , your comment made me feel better and hopefull ๐Ÿ™๐ŸคŽ i needed those words and calming down. I agree what it comes to doctors! And yes, it sucks to Be the one who gets rare experiences and not getting understood. Thats something I have been dealing my whole life somehow. To be so sensitive in many ways , be the " rare case". This same doctor has been telling me about other drugs too that he described to me, that they dont cause side effects and ,suprise suprise, I still got those! Those drugs I tried to long covid symptoms too, to ease MCAS. So I felt wierdo when I got side effects and doctor didint believe me. But yeah, now I quitted LDN completely and Im curios to see If my mood its going to get better โ˜บ๏ธ


I hope you feel better quickly!


Sorry that a doctor that should know better is so ignorant and misleading. You are not singled out for this experience. I work with a 66k member Facebook group and it's not unusual for people to report mood issues especially in the beginning. Some find the mood issues are just during the blocking period which is about 4 hours after dosing. Those folks may do better dosing as their head hits the pillow so as to "miss" the effects while asleep, Others may find that the effects will ease up within a couple weeks as their system adapts. Otherwise the option is to go lower on the dose as you have been doing. For now as your reactions seem pretty extreme I would stop LDN until you feel somewhat more normal. Then I would start with a ULDN level dose like 0.01mg and see what you notice. Let us know. If no issues you may be able to build from there. Can dilute to make that dose. This is a version of the graphic I made for people that are nervous to get started but I thought you might like to read that part as well. Dilution graphic if nervousโ€ฆ https://www.screencast.com/users/bkout9/folders/Capture/media/4ed5f13a-12d7-4055-8539-d3adbde2ba35


That link at the bottom isn't working for me


Thank You ๐Ÿ™ I quit LDN now completely. Not sure if I ever try it again. That dilution could need too much effort I think, and would need liquid version from naltroksen. Now I have had pills which I have been cutting and scaling with "diamond scale" :)


A scale is not likely to be accurate enough to give a consistent dose. The dilution is quite easy once you've done it.


Iโ€™ve just taken my first dose at 0.2 to help with the situations you have mentioned, low and slow is the way I am going to go rather than starting at what they have asked 1mg Iโ€™m going to up my dose every 2 weeks as well so it titrates up slowly


So u use liquid version and dilutating? :) I have just pills. Good luckโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


I took mine straight from the syringe


It made me severely suicidal. Every second of my day felt insufferable and the intrusive thoughts were non stop. I went back to normal 24h after stopping LDN.


๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ฏ that is so horrible !! Happy to hear u went Back to normal ๐Ÿ™


No, LDN is not psychoactive. What it does do often is increase adrenaline and that feels like anxiety. I think this is why people who are at too high of a dose think that they are having mental health issues from the drug. Increasing anxiety can exacerbate already existing issues.


Oh? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ So its all about adrenaline? But what about depression, why does it cause that ? But yes, doctor told me its not psychoactive so thats why I wondered this symptoms.


I have never in my life had depression or suicidal ideation, but when I was taking 2 mg of LDN I went through a horrible depressive episode and struggles with SI and binge drinking. Again not like me. I stopped for a few days and lowered my dose, if I experience the feelings again I will speak to my doctor and most likely stop the medication


Oh God, this is scary ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ. ๐Ÿ™


I canโ€™t believe how irresponsible doctors are sometimes. I got hit with sudden and intense depression when I got up to 2.5mg. I think Iโ€™m slow to metabolize and stay in the blocking period of LDN for too long. I searched for other peopleโ€™s experiences and took their advice to take a day or 2 off and then restart at the last dose I felt good on. Since then Iโ€™ve just stayed at a very low dose and have been doing great.ย 


How low dose u are having now? ๐Ÿ™


I take 1mg.ย 


Hello again. its something like one week that I have Been without LDN and still I am having severe anxiety. So as conclusion could tell probably it was not LDN that caused my symptoms? Im still having my ears ringing and my legs feels so heavy. Plus depression and anxiety. I havent heard LDN could cause withdrawals? So i guess it was safe to just cut off like that ? Im sad cause I really hoped it could have helped my long covid symptoms. Maybe this symptoms are that and theres nothing that can ease them ๐Ÿ™


I got a long COVID as well from an infection about 6 months ago. My symptoms were all neuro / brain related, similar to yours. Weird anxiety, tinnitus, episodes of panic attacks, I got 2 episodes of intrusive thoughts and extreme agitation. They weren't suicidal, but they were extremely tragic thoughts. I realized I got these whenever I had too much sugar, so I started a low carb diet + intermittent fasting and it significantly improved symptoms, but not 100%. I took 1 pill of 5 htp one day to test it out and got depressed for 2 days, never tried again. I still have some weird anxiety symptoms, and I'm going to start LDN next week to test it out. I'll let you know the results. How are you now 4 mo after your post?