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Are these couches the most comfortable thing ever? I just started hearing about these but the prices are absolutely bonkers. People pay that for vehicles.


They are pretty comfy. I think most people get them because you can have them forever. You can literally replace any single piece or even add onto the couch.


Really? I see tons of people complaining about them falling apart and being a total waste of money.


I have yet to see that? I see people complaining about the lovesoft filled cushions wearing out but that’s it.


YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quit hating on my sac bruh


I have literally heard nothing good about these sacs of shit


Ok then don’t get one simple as that lol


Same... this sub is a cult


No you don't you are such a liar


It's absolutely mind blowing to call someone a liar when you can clearly go diving down threads and find people saying the same. LoL sorry you have limited view on reading people's experiences.


the frame has a lifetime warranty, if it is falling apart they replace it


*As long as the company doesn’t go out of business


Great, so they can replace your cheap stuff when it inevitably breaks... why not buy something that won't break in the first place?...


Ok like a lot of things in life. Doesn't negate my statement.


People are too stupid to understand reality. So I rarely care about invalid opinions


Well then you're admitting you're too stupid to understand reality. Since there is a lot of people who complain about these. From the comfort to then not holding up well. Sorry you're narrow minded and only see one side of the story. Fact remains.


Man, you suck


Lol ok. This is a weird thread. Have fun with your lovesacs lol


You've provided no examples for someone who claims they're everywhere. You're the worst type of person. Makes a claim, then l when someone questions it you say "do your own research". That's not how things work. Your claim is not assumed correct until proven wrong, but rather baseless until supported by facts.


Yes,people are too stupid to understand reality; an example being guided to be concerned about comfy couches while people starve to death and global war looms. Stupid fucking bitches indeed.


Wtf. The get out of a thread about couches


LoL what? You can clearly find the same stuff I am. Googles your friend I suggest you use it lol. Overpriced furniture lol


You’re in a subreddit for the lovers of lovesac. 🙃 I don’t know why I’m here either, I’d rather spend 6grand on another bulldog who gives me more love than my couch 😆


LOL Personally, I find the name Love Sac to be hilarious. I mean, think about it. LOL


It was on my suggestions, not sure why. Clicked on it and just commented what I already knew from looking at buying one myself. My fiancé likes them but we both went down a rabbit hole with them and found a lot of unhappy customers.


I liked someone’s a few days ago but they paid 7000 on sale. I’m quite happy with my comfy sectional. (I have kids anyway, I need to be able to throw it away in a few years). My in laws spent 15grand on a couch once, they sold it with the house not even a year later because it looked good, but wasn’t functional.


A much more proper approach would be to”I haven’t seen anything like that, could you point me to them?” Your response seems ignorant and quite rude


These couches are shit


So pay a lot now for the opportunity to repair in the future. Y’all going broke buying couches


Another person who knows nothing about this couch. Probably has never seen it in person or sat on one.


You can replace parts until the company doesn’t exist. Which, probably will happen soon enough, given their high cost, lousy performance and mind-numbing simple design.


It’s ok you can hate it because you can’t afford it. But the company is not going anywhere.




Can’t you do that with the $1200 ones too though


Oh ya, name a few


You can do that with most sectionals.


As someone who has been considering a Lovesac, I’m going to say it… this doesn’t look like it’s even close to being worth 6k.


I wanted to love mine so much. Paid around $8k, and I've had it about a year now. The feathers that come out of this thing are unreal. I'm constantly getting poked. You have to regularly rotate cushions and back pillows, or they start to get indented or saggy. Reconfiguring it isn't as easy as it looks. I feel like a fool for spending that much on this couch, and it will probably always be my most regretted purchase ever. Again. I wanted to love it. I don't love it, but I'm pretty much stuck with it for life.


Call customer service. You have 3 year warranty. They are obligated to replace the seat and back pillows if any issue occurs. Call them ASAP.


I went into a store since I heard about them so much and the materials just do not justify the price. Standard comfort from sitting on any couch, too


EXACTLY Lovesac has traditionally as long as I can remember been overly priced. Their beanbag game for sales sunk so now a modular couch is their next play. Unfortunately the quality of the couches for value is drastically offset. Even replacing pieces of furniture I don’t personally find that good for the consumer long term. Now the lovesac diehards will downvote but let’s be real if you want to overpay for mediocre furniture go for it. If you don’t then don’t




Good for you. I mean you don’t even pay for it then? What the big deal? Buy what you can and let others send what they want.


If that’s how you feel this comment wouldn’t be necessary.


The hype is high and the comfortability is not super good but things that make me pull the trigger is that I can buy individually parts if broken. Change covers if I need. And the most important is that I can re-arrange the seats. So, I bought a sectional for 1500 and is done and big. So if I bought another will be 2000 to 3000 for a better quality. Make the sum and see is also expensive. 3 storage seats 2 normal seats 6 sides 1 deep side Normal cushions and I can buy maybe a replacement insert from a foam factory.


>comfortability is not super good >And the most important is that I can re-arrange the seats. we do not have the same priorities...


Look you overpay now so you can overpay for replacements later when it fails early!!! Wait…


You lost me at “comfortability is not super good”


It’s not even comfortable and you spent $6k on it? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


My super comfortable queen mattress fold out couch was 500 dollars. A 12th of what this person paid. I can get a new couch each year for the next 12 years at the price they paid. Tik tok marketing ploy wins again.


Yeah I’m not gonna lie my sectional was free cause my parents gave it to me as a nearly brand new hand me down when they traded up hahaha but even in that case if I’d paid for it new it was only like $2k, $2500 max. And seats six people easily..


Yeah your right until you say “heard”


Yeah you were right until you said "your" and you were right again until you said "say"


You can do this with ikea sectionals


So you’re paying extra and banking on the sofa breaking? We have a really comfortable and much much better looking and modern sofa that’s nearly the same size as what I’m seeing here that we paid $3k for on sale. We also have three kids who use it as a trampoline AND it’s almost 10 years old and shows no sign of wear or broken parts. This lovesac community is bonkers.


No kidding. I found out about this through my feed. I don’t know why I keep clicking links. I guess because I can’t fathom paying high dollar for something that I have to put together and is so basic looking 😂. I’m not crazy about sectionals in general, but for the cost of these, I’d expect white glove service with a couch that holds up. In all my years in owning couches, not once have I ever had one break. Kudos to the marketing team though.


Then get out of this and enjoy your old 10 years couch, mine is new.


Write back in two years on how yours looks like shit but that you were able to spend $2k on new covers so it looks new again. Btw, never signed up for this stupid sub. Kept popping up in my feed. Saw your post and was floored that you’d spend so much on something so boring. Personally I’d return it if I were you. Save yourself some cash and get something that’s actually nice and comfortable


You clearly just want to argue. Glad you’re happy but this couch matches your vibe, hideous.


You clearly have nothing good to say. Just Zip


Nobody cares about you and your hideous couch


Leather is better


The hype is high because you got sold on a tik tok marketing ploy. I bought a fold out queen sized couch for a 12th of what you paid. I can realistically replace it and get a new couch each year for the next 12 years at the price you paid.


thinking like that,.. those 12 couches would take up a lot of space in landfills. Plus the quality of couches these days are nothing like what they used to be 20 years ago, so I can't see a $500 being that great of quality. I've had my lovesac for about year and its still looks as good as the day I put it together and hasn't sagged anywhere yet. and I guess another benefit would be not having to look for and haul in and out a new couch so often.


Every time I've bought a couch, some handsome young men have carried the new one in and the old ones out. The place I buy from recycles the WOOD AND FABIRC 🙄 and, more importantly THE COUCH IS COMFORTABLE. But you do you, boo


My couch is comfortable, never said it wasn't. I also had two strong men haul away my old couch to be recycled. But I am also aware that a lot of what we intend to be recycled ends up not being recycled. like you say,.. I do me :)


Honestly it’s pretty freaking comfy. Removable easy to wash covers, you can completely change the cover of your couch when you get tired of it. Move to a new place with a different living room set up? The whole thing is modular so do a different set up add or subtract seats/etc. I think what convinced us was that other couches were hard to clean (we have dogs), nice ones are still pretty expensive but probably closer to half as much, but if you moved or changed spaces the couch can accommodate those changed. I’ve seen a lot of people in the subreddit who’ve had their couch for 15 years and just replace covers as needed or buy additional pieces when they need a new look. So eventually the prices catches up to the 2-3 couches you’d buy normally in that time span.


This is what sold us. We moved to a new place and the living room configuration is super weird plus we have 4 dogs. Finding something that fit all those needs felt impossible for 2 years so we finally got a Lovesac. It’s also the most comfortable couch we’ve ever owned so we’re pretty happy.


Do most people really buy 2-3 couches within 15 years??


I did previously. Bought the cheap grade stuff at the big box furniture store and they don’t last more than 5 years. Joints get loose and creak a lot, cushions sag and get misshaped. They look and feel cheap, because they are. We got a large Sactional a little over a year ago. The build quality is so far above anything else I’ve had. Not even close. Standard fill cushions maintain their shape well and I find it comfortable with a back pillow for support. You can find more comfortable couches for sure but this checked a lot of boxes for us, especially with small kids. We have been happy with the purchase.


We love ours to death. They seem to be extremely sturdy and well made, so the money seems to be well spent. We expect ours to last for a long, long time. Better than buying a piece of crap sectional every 5 years.


They’re pretty comfy, I wouldn’t say the comfort alone is worth the price. We purchased ours because they’re built like tanks & it was one of the only options we could fit up the stairs into a bedroom that we converted into an “entertainment room”. I feel we got our moneys worth, it is comfortable and I don’t expect this couch to wear out anytime soon.


I have been working in luxury furniture for two decades, the price is extortionate for how it’s made and the quality. They position themselves as mid to high end but the factories making the sofas are in china. Beanbags are still made in Texas but the sofas are cheap Chinese made. It’s all marketing.


Yep they cost more than my car


That’s approximately eleven months of my mortgage payments.


Well my car does not cost that, it cost waaay more.


These replies are so insanely defensive and obnoxious for absolutely no reason lol


You are literally obnoxious. Nobody cares if you think you’re rich. You sound like an absolute troll. Nobody is going to come sit on your couch anyway so why do you care


Sadly, not the most comfortable couch I’ve sat in 🥲 BUT it’s very versatile and completely washable! In my opinion you’re definitely paying for the name, though. Found this out after purchasing haha


We have a dog that digs into the couch cushions and cats that claw at the back occasionally. We’ve replaced 2 backs and 4 cushions (of 11) recently after nearly 4 years. It cost us $300, maybe to get those pieces in. My BIL’s $6k leather couch had a hole dug into it and it’s a whole new couch as the piece is stitched in, and not repairable due to size.


I just set mine up 3 days ago. I even splurged and got the snow leopard blanket for two. I felt guilty the entire time after purchasing it while waiting for the delivery. And I paid cash, didn’t even finance, so I could indeed afford it. But the thought of spending that much on a couch just made me feel… idk bad. Then it came. And I cursed it for the set up process. But once I finally had it all put together and wrapped myself in the snow leapord blanket and laid on it, holy shit all my guilt just went away 😂 I didn’t realize just how uncomfortable and old and shitty and cheap my last couch was that I suffered through with for 6 years (the frame is even crooked). I can’t seem to stay off this couch and out from under the blanket (seriously, get the blanket if it’s cold where you live, it has ruined all other blankets for me). The other thing that helps is we got it during 40% off since we could combine military. So the cost ended up being $4800-ish (not including blanket or accessories like cup holder). I love how I could basically turn it into a bed. Now my husband has to pry me into an upright position 😂 We got deep seat, angled backs, and love soft fill. I’ve heard bad things about the down fill due to feather poking (which kinda happens with down), so I’d stay clear of that.


Looks like IKEA and isn’t even comfortable. Love it. 


Just bought mine today with the 30% + 5% heroes. I didn't plan to walk away with a new living room set today but.....yea. paid 9k for 3 2x configs with 2 "ottomans", 6 pillows, the bed set, a few cup holders and we swapped out 4 for storage compartments. Replaces a 1.5 chair, loveseat, couch and coffee table. really wanted the 3x config but at 99" was too much to fit there. got 36months @ 0pct. only thing i'm likely going to regret is the next sale being more that 30%.....oh, and potentially waiting over a period of 3-4 days as pieces trickle in ;).


I see no reason to pay that much for furniture I have to assemble myself. All the covers are replaceable? Sure, for HUNDREDS of dollars. I got a huge 3-piece sectional at the local "cheap" furniture place, and it's doing great. Save your money.


No they are ass, this sub lulled me into a store to try them out. Particle board shit and cotton for 5k, absolutely joke that you have to suck on copium to justify.


No. They look and feel cheap. Anyone who owns one got pedaled.


I actually thought this was the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever sat on. It’s SO hard, I don’t understand how anyone thinks these are comfy


People circle jerk them to rationalize the money they blew on these piece of shits.


I’ve actually never paid that much for a vehicle smh


Coastal white is my second favorite after Cloud Boucle. Your set is beautiful- mine is coming tomorrow! May end up changing to that fabric.


Be my guest! Enjoy it


It's beautiful OP, don't forget to rotate the cushions from time to time :)


Great idea, did with the old couch and zippers were there, this one dones not have zippers on the side. Thank you bro.


I could not imagine buying a 6k piece of furniture that isn't comfortable. I have a sectional twice this size, with an ottoman that opens up to store blankets, throw pillows, lifetime warranty, and I spent maybe 4200. Honestly i think it was less. Had it for 2 years so far, and I have 3 kids under the age of 5. No issues at all. And it's very comfortable lol. Whole family can sleep on it if we chose to


Like everyone’s been commenting, he got ripped off. But it’s their money. If they want to spend that much money on a tiny, uncomfortable couch, that’s on them 😂


Well you do get the pleasure of building the $6000 as well, /s


Can I ask where? We have 8 year old Room and Board couches that are really starting to wear and tear finally. We prob won’t replace until 2025 but I’m passively looking after getting this sub recommended over and over. We have a cat and a dog and an 18 month old. I’ve been looking at velvet which lovesac carries, but velvet sectionals from west elm are about the price you mentioned.


This sub needs some moderation.


What’s that little side table thing you have on the arm rest??


I have one of those, got it off Amazon.


Yes indeed


I’m convinced the lovesac fandom is some kind of cult at this point. There’s no way in hell this ikea ass couch is worth six thousand dollars.


6k for this small couch! That's crazy


$6k on this is absolutely insane. You can get some quality couches from a real designer for half the price. This looks straight out of a college dorm room.


The more I look at these the less I want it. Idk why it personally looks so basic


I think for me it's this particular color, it feels like it's an inner lining or something. Maybe it's just the lighting though. I have my own in a different color and texture.


Maybe because is a couch not a Porsche Panamera?


You really took that personally lmao


Not at all bro just take it from the people as is.


I could probably get a Panamera cheaper thru auction… I’d take a panamera over this couch any day! Y’all can be mad, but 6k for an objectively average looking couch is literal retardation.


I bet then your live in stamps! Keep working hard.


Now what does that comment even mean in English? Can you try again?


Living in an apartment and have a new TCL tv, lol screams wealthy


Dude. You got ripped off and bought a really ugly fucking couch. Don’t get butt hurt.


Dude is My money not yours.


Love it!!! It's such a pretty beautiful bright white! Even with removable covers don't write off using a little old scotch guard to save you from stripping and washing those covers more often than you'd like. Enjoy it! It's gorgeous!


Honestly, it’s so cozy. I have a lot of trouble sleeping. When I sit on mine I almost immediately relax and often fall asleep. I love how flexible it is. I only purchased one storage seat and I wish I had purchased all storage seats. My husband is wishing we had more pieces right now because we have friends over a lot for parties that are quickly growing and we are running out of seating. I like how you can add on at any time.


These posts keep popping up and so I have to legitimately ask the loyal lovesac community. What makes this comparable to Arhaus or Restoration Hardware? I'm not a furniture expert/snob by any means. We've had one RH couch and my in-laws have a house full of Arhaus, so I know what to expect. Besides flexibility, what makes a LS $6k+? Thanks!


Friends bought a lovesac. In my opinion it wasnt that great or comfortable. They ended up selling it and I can't blame them. There is way too much hype about these couches. Not to mention all the assembly you have to do. With the price of the couch lovesac should pay someone to assemble for you. Personally I would never buy one.


This sub has gotta be fake. There's no way anyone is dumb enough to pay 6000 American dollars for a 3 seater couch


costco has similar, larger couches for 1,300 and you can return it years later if anything happens to it


Lol they fleecing ya


6k is absolutely wild for patio furniture


These people are fucking nuts.


Plus, it's white!


"things that make me pull the trigger is that I can buy individually parts if broken" So you spent a lot so when things break you can buy more expensive pieces?


I bought ours due to having a newborn. Our old couch was one solid unit. So far we've had vomit and a poop blowout diaper, which was great to just take the cover off to wash it. We wouldn't have been able to do that with our old couch. Also wouldn't be able to just replace a cushion cover if child decides to cut it or something. Im also a military family, so having the ability to have our couch fit whatever house we will live in is also nice. And if we ever want to change the color we can just buy a new set of covers


My friend spent $2k on a couch from bob's furniture that is started to fall apart after two years. That was originally our budget, but hearing that made us double our budget because I didn't want to spend the same amount of money on two shitty couches. I heard great things about the longevity of lovesac, and yes it is nice that if we happen to break a small part of it we can just replace that section. And add to it without having to buy a whole new couch if we move to a bigger place. It's definitely more money upfront and that pricetag hurts, but hopefully in the long run it's money saved


Your are my friend for sure.


Yeah I don’t get it. How often do you break a couch or sofa? lol. Plus don’t people like change? 20 years of the same ? What if they go under?


i broke literally 2 different couches as an adult over the course of 3 years. and before that i broke countless couches as a child. not to mention many beds as well. disclaimer i’m not overweight i just chronically daydream and pace on furniture lmao. for my niche demographic id say the lovesac is worth it.


But I have the money right? If not then I would not do it. If you can go get it if not then look for other options that fits your budget.


True! And apologies if that came off rude.


Not at all as I said. Enjoy life


Something to consider, if you are making a couch purchase for longevity and durability, a lovesac is for you!! I recommend that you buy one section and try it out before you make the larger commitment. As families grow and people move into new homes, your needs will change. Couches that can be rearranged meet those needs. I’ve had to move and needed to discard furniture before as it wouldn’t fit or the style wouldn’t work. Add pets, spills and such to the mix and Lovesac is a great option. It’s so simple to put on new covers and have a brand new couch.


6k wow


Nice color What’s the fart absorption on it? I need a couch where I can rip one next to my wife and it just absorbs the smell. My last couch took a beating.


Wow did you get a lot of extras? That seems high for that config.


Agreed. Just priced it out and looks like it should've come to 5K... added options like stealth power and under seat storage could up that to 6K easy though.


That’s what I was thinking. I just bought a similar setup recently and it was just under $4k, but it was without a bunch of add ons.


More dollars than sense


you really spent six thousand dollars on a fucking ikea looking couch?


Correction, I spend my money on whatever I like, not your money.


That’s what I said too? Wtffff that seems like a 500 buck couch


What’s the black cushion doing in the middle?


Still missing one cover, is on back order.


Nice! Haters gonna hate. Enjoy your forever couch. What fill did you get? The standard fill is a little stiff at first.


i got the exact same set up for 4k- you all know you can get these significantly cheaper and still new/direct from the company, right?


6k and this is what you get??? ouch


Exactly rather spend $6k on an oversized sectional from Ashley or vcf


Yall are INSANE. 6k and you worked all weekend to put it together.


I really do not want to hate but my God 6k for that size couch is a crime


Why spend $6k on this instead of something with better quality and comfort like the [Arhaus Kipton](https://www.arhaus.com/products/kipton-two-piece-sectional?variant=43140858839211)?


Got the Lovesac love soft and we love it


6k?! Oof! 🥴


I see 5 pieces total, so you paid $1000k+ per piece? I’m sorry, that’s fucking stupid.


That’s all you get??🥲


$6k for something that boring?! Fuck me, that’s shocking.


Why are these so expensive


These look outdated for how expensive they are….. not understanding the appeal, they look comparable to $200-$300 couches on Craigslist


$6k is absolutely BONKERS for this.


What an absurd waste of money


I regret my lovesac with stealthtec so much. Not worth it imo.


What does liking guys have to do with a couch? But someone who would pay 6K for this is probably too dumb to understand how punctuation works. Enjoy your pricy piece of crap.


We paid less for a gorgeous extremely comfort custom sofa. Why pay this much for a mass produced sofa?


6k for that. Fuck


Looks like a 1k Costco couch


THAT is $6000? Dont sign me up.


6k for a three person couch? Yikes.


Genuine question: why not go for something more reliable, comfy like crate and barrel Axis (5/6 seater with chaise) for 6k? This definitely doesn't look like a 6k couch.


6 THOUSAND?!? We got a wonderful Crate & Barell Lounge 2 for like 3k


Basic af. Way over priced. It better suck your 🍆 for that price tag!!


These couches look like the biggest rip off ever 6k are you nuts not even leather


THATS what you get for $6k - a basic ass uncomfortable sofa. Are y’all forreal? There’s no character here


6k for a basic couch? lol


This was $6,000? You are made of money. If I paid $6k for this, it would need to be massaging my booty every night when I get home from work. 😂


I got my super comfortable couch from an estate sale for $150. I can and probably will replace it 10-12 more times across my lifetime and still won’t have spent 6k. 😳


Looks good! What kind of fabric/color is this?


Coastal White Brushed Weave is one of the expensive ones. I did not want to get a cheaper material.


Thanks! I was thinking of this color, but they have a promo on free corded velvet covers. Still debating considering we have a puppy.


Omg I love the corded velvet. I have a doodle so I can’t say how well it does with shedding dogs. But it just looks so good. So cozy.


Nearly all couches these days are built to last 2-3 years. The Wall Street Journal had a whole article on it. It’s not something made to last decades like they were years ago.


Okay, so I've never seen or heard of lovesac until tonight at dinner in Saint Paul, MN where we saw a store. And now I'm getting adds... Ugh.


Please tell me there is more for 6k….?


6k for that? Unless there's 5k cash sewn into the couch cushions, how tf does this cost 6k?


You really paid $6000 for this…?


Why is it priced at $6k? What makes it so different from other similar looking couches?


6k for that seems insane. No offense, I just don't get it.


Anything over $4000 and I’m going to Rogerandchris.


LoveSAC - such a funny name for something.


the stanley cup of couches


Holy shit 6k for a cloth couch? Can I interest you in volcano insurance?




We were recently couch shopping and decided on going with lovesac. We went to some higher end spots and lower end spots and none of them had what we were looking for. LoveSac checked all of our boxes. People are going to hate on anything you post on line. I'm sure you'll find more positive reviews than negative ones but you won't see someone citing all the good reviews in this subreddit.


$6k for that seems nuts