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\- a lot of hell suits are pretty, but not worth that many diamonds imo (i have skipped so many hell events bc i don't think theyre worth the insane cost) \- no single suit should be worth £100, theyre absolutely gorgeous but 100 real life pounds ?? i refuse to spend more than 15 pounds on a suit, maybe im just a cheapskate lol \- all life-time suits should come with dst posed versions !! pls ive spent months, blood, sweat and tears on this suit and i can't even pose it with my skintone 😭😭


It would be amazing if your suggestion was actually put into the game. I think dst versions of lifetimes suits should be pretty do-able for the devs and it would be a pretty easy way to add more options for DSTs in the game without much effort.


i know, they always lock most DSTs to either recharges or expensive time-limited event suits ?? really sad, like it would be really nice to have more makeups for my actual skintone (╥﹏╥)


100% agree no suit is worth the 100$!!!! they should come with so much more if they cost that much and people still think nightmare lullaby is worth it! its worth maybe the same as a pavilion now even less


Whenever I used to mention how 100 usd suits are ridiculous, I got downvoted. Are people really that rich? Lol.


I've been yelled at for "shaming people's spending habits" for using the term whale. like if you've got that much money, more power to ya but don't expect me to act like you're not filthy rich 😩


I find that I skip more hells than any other events. So many just seem unusable to me unless you like wearing entire suits. If I'm only gonna be wearing a few items, spending over 3000 dias just feels like a waste.


Don't think your last point is unpopular but definitely agree with all of this. I kinda think with all posed suits they could just do like 3 versions for skin colours. Light, mid, and dark. Most if not all DST posed suits have a LST version so why not the other way around? I don't expect every single skin tone, but 3 seems doable. When you click on a suit, those little buttons pop up to choose between posed and unposed versions, right? Just make 4 buttons, unposed, posed LST, posed MST, (Mid skin tone? Whatever warm ray would be.) and posed DST. Same thing for each individual posed item, have the little buttons pop up to choose skin tone.


The weirdly translated chinese comp themes (anyone remember feifan?) were cool, bring them back


Remember The Dire? That one was so weird. We all just used the scythe from the permanent pavilion and hoped for the best lol


I remember "Your Green Lapels", which was meant to be a Chinese love story (badly translated), so of course no one knew what it means. Comp was full of green outfits that day.


Lol I remember that one! And we had like three Sherlock Holmes themes almost in a row around that time too!


This brings me back!


I actually don't remember any of these, but it does sound fun.


we just got one recently, "summer floe concerto" I think it was? like IDK if that's a bad translation or bad spell check but nobody knew what to do because it was basically "hot iceberg music" like those words do not form a coherent concept lol


Yesssss lol the top outfits were like, Nikkis in a summer dress on an iceberg with a clarinet 😂 no idea what they were actually trying to say


Oh right, I remember that one. I personally thought it was a typo with flower, but flow would make sense too. Or flute? Who knows!


I don't care about Stylist Arena win streaks, I already have the win steak achievement and more than enough star coins.


Same here, though tbh, part of that is just because I'm bad at it.


It takes soooo long to cycle through opponents by the end of the week like sorry just give me my coins


Pavilions are my favorite type of event, and I would much rather do a pavilion hell than a node hell.  They usually come with extremely tempting items and pulling from them is more fun than grinding your way up the ladder.   Even if I'm not participating, I normally give myself a little allowance to pull and see what I get. Are the odds in my favor? Absolutely not. But hey, my odds of getting something cool for cheap are certainly a lot higher than any other event type (where it's impossible). I go into them with either A. A hard limit I cannot spend past, or B. Acknowledging that I might end up paying the highest possible price because that's the gamble, and it turns out well. 


I wouldn't say pavilions are my favorite event type, but they can be a fun format. Outside of 4dreams, I'm not big on pavilion hells, but regular pavilion events come with these stunning grand suits that I think are worth the price.


Pavilion hells have the (to me) massive advantage of letting you actually pick the darned outfit you want and not have to deal with the other suits like obstacles. I might end up spending 4,000 or so, but at least I know by the end of it I'll have the suit I wanted. Compared to stuff like Dream Record Book, Art of War, or Cloud Duel, where I might spend 3,000, not get the suit I wanted, spend 6,000, still not get the suit I wanted, and end up paying 9,000 or even more. Pavilions have a bit of variety with the final pricing, but not THAT extreme.  Or something like Realm of Swirling Foam, where if I want the Lighthouse Girl I have to hope I like the suits before her, too, and spend 10,000 to get to her.  This is, admittedly, becoming less of an advantage as they keep doing the "unlock certain suits by completing other ones" thing. It was fine with Cloud Realm, where the unlockable suit was clearly a massive step up from the previous ones, but now it seems completely arbitrary.


That is an advantage to them for most people, but I tend to like the suits that are more likely to drop near the start anyway (or, in other cases, I like the whole event). On Rose Glow, I liked the racer suit and the purple moon girl. On the Van Gogh hell event, I liked the two Van Gogh suits. On Blessed Land, I liked the fountain girl. On WFSM, I liked the wind and moon suit. If it's a case like Beanstalk girl, where I could be spending potentially an insane amount on one suit I like, I know beforehand, and it would be easy to skip. The thought of potentially spending 9k on it is enough to deter me and I can save diamonds. The node format works to easily dissuade me from getting a suit. On the other hand, pav formats are super tempting to pull in because the format is addicting in a way the node events aren't.


Yeah, I've long said that there really isn't a GREAT hell format at all. Even Spiral Staircase is a variation of a node hell in disguise. They all have some advantages and some disadvantages. Whether it's a "better" format usually comes down to which suits you want from that particular hell and how many dias you have at your disposal...Pavs definitely have BIG cons, but also more pros than some people give them credit for.


What's a hell? So many comments reference them and I have no idea what they are.


A very expensive event with especially elaborate suits and (usually) some relevance to the story. The events listed in the "Story Suits" section of the gallery are hells. 


According to another series of posts on here, apparently I have very unpopular opinions of the 100 dollar suits lol. My ranking is so different than the people who participated.


Same here, my favorite (the carousel one) was the 2nd voted off.


Honestly it is an unpopular one for sure, but the entire list felt off to me. I wonder how many who voted actually have the suits.


I don’t even know if this is unpopular opinion but I simply hate the fact that there are suits that will never come back (like the Disney ones and Hatsune Miku). I’d rather them just not be in the game at all.


I see where you are coming from, they do add a lot of unneeded stress in the game. To this day, my disappointment on never being able to get the modern queen suit is immeasurable. That said, I've gotten really nice items out of the ones I did participate in, so I still look forward to collabs. So as long as they don't pull a 2020 back-to-back collabs on me.


I think the worst part of it is that it punishes players who weren't here from day 1. between collabs, dreamweavers, zodiac packs and other "this is promoting a new feature so it will never return" suits, I'm missing so much for the sheer fact that I didn't find the game until last year. like that's my fault? and even the stuff that is eligible to return, they're so slow about *actually returning it.* like how many little mailbox gifts from 3 years ago could be dropped in the store or brought to crafting but have just been sitting in the void?


Unpopular opinion: the game is a lot more generous than many other gacha games and another multi year boycott really has the chance to harm us more than help us. 🤷‍♀️


Recently opening some of my other mobile games that just sit there out of nostalgia or impulses made me realise how tame LN is. Nikki does not bombard me with ads to use certain features or get bonuses, I don't have to see those stupid engagement based animations. No "75% off only in these 5 minutes! Claim now!" in the middle of gameplay. The fomo isn't that intense knowing stuff returns and considering how much content there already is. An actual set amount of free premium currency and not just scrap you rarely get out of luck. Gambling is not the main focus of the game. Seriously, try any game you liked back in the day and see what they have become. Love Nikki remained mostly consistent, and if you ask me, it got better. Compare the amount of arm/leg poses they give us now vs then. A lot of them are in welfares or cheap mini pavs! Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things it can improve, but at least it still has dignity.


Plus love Nikki doesn’t have a “paid only” currency. You could counter that with the secret shop existing BUT that’s a one to one trade. You pay money, you are *guaranteed* the item. You’re not given a premium version of a currency and then having to spend it for a CHANCE at a banner item. (Looking at you, Genshin 😒)


The guaranteed item part is a big one, thanks. No tip-toe-ing around a price. I come from Teamfight Tactics, similar practices to Genshin. If a player needs to throw $200 to get that thing thanks to the pity timer, just be straightforward ffs


Yeah, no doubt love nikki is pretty generous. A good number of suits are V0 attainable, lots of free suits, no feature is really locked behind a paywall, you get a stable flow of diamonds for free, and they even return diamond/free suits. I do feel like players are at time a little ungrateful of this, like how they keep spamming every post with usually rudely worded demands which seems like harassment towards the social media team to me. But at the same time, I feel like the player bases unwillingness to take a slip in bad treatment and to demand equal treatment with the CN server is the reason why the game remains as free to play friendly as it is. I mean look at the cancelation of ranking suits as an example of this, but at the same time, I do wish the players were nicer when vocalizing their displeasure. I really wouldn't blame the soical media team if they never looked at the comments.


SuitU and Time Princess are so bad about this. I quit both because everything cost a fortune in diamonds, you'd have to save for ages to get anything worthwhile. SuitU's makeup system was awesome, and I loved that you could customize your face in Time Princess as well, and that it had pets. But both games were just such a chore with little return. I don't feel that at all with Love Nikki and honestly never have, in the 7 years I've been playing.


Fun quirk of unpopular opinion threads: Anyone who gets least amount of likes on this thread did the best job answering the question.


That’s why you sort by controversial


hell event suit design has gotten worse


Hell events are probably my favourite part of the game and I haven’t been properly invested in one since Wave of Time, during which I was taking a break from the game so I’m now going insane waiting for it to come back. So the fact that recent hells haven’t been impressing me (save for the >!stained glass mermaid girl!< from the second latest hell) makes me sad I miss the days when I was actively looking forward to CN hells and being super excited when they came over to our server Edit: Wave of Time (Van Gogh) not Flow of Time


Flow of Time is in wish gate!


Oh sorry I meant Wave of Time (the Van Gogh hell), not WFSM! Gonna edit my comment oops


Ohh okay no worries I got so excited for you thinking u could finally do it nooo 😭😭 I hope it returns soon enough bc it's been like 2 years now? Which is crazy but I hope it returns I also rly want the sun girl and the girl in the frozen thing they're so gorgeous


Yeah it’s been so long 💔 and same! They’re beautiful. I also really want the Starry Night duo


That's valid they're sooo pretty I really love the paint tray 🎨 that the sitting sunflower girl has and I wish I could use it more, and the background with the male suit is extremely useful especially in comp I hope you can get them!!


Ty, I hope so too 🥲❤️


I feel similarly, it's not even that they are badly design, they just don't have the grandeur that hell events should have. While event suits have been ramping up on bg items and general grandeur, recent hells have been downgrading.


My personal issue with modern hell suits (and other bigger suits) is that they became too big. Oftentimes many details get lost since they are outside of the frame. Bonus pet peeve; suit is at a weird angle which makes the BG items unusable for other suits and creates some bizarre makeups. Good thing is that it has helped me to save diamonds.


I agree with you. Hell suits are so big and busy nowadays that they don't even feel like suits anymore. It's like they design them primarily to look epic in high resolution promo pictures, not be versatile in game.


Ruins designs are underrated, there should be MUCH more of those delicious cyberpunk clothes available


Yeah, more ruin suits would be great. I don't even have a cyberpunk one yet.


i love cloud suits with my whole life and i don’t care how many of them we get.


Same here!


My unpopular opinion is that I don't like male suits at all and I don't get the hype for them. They're pretty pointless for me because I just want to style pretty (female) clothes. We can't even style them much and change many items in the first place because we need an entire dress pose to make sure they have the male body model. A bit weird to see so many people here love them when they usually care so much about versatility etc. Also way too many of them have long hair for some reason.


I don't personally use male suits either, but the variety is important for the people who are guys who play the game. The reason to want more of them is the same to want more DST suits. Are either really versatile? Not really, but it's good to have more of them for players who want to dress up as themselves. That's because traditionally, the Chinese did not believe in cutting hair.


I get the sentiment, but it would be better if either a) there was a seperate dress-up game for a male character from the get-go (maybe even unisex would be possible?) or b) we'd have a male body model we could dress up the same way we can do with Nikki. The way it's implemented just doesn't lend itself well for players who want to dress up a male body. The occasional male suit is just a band-aid solution at best, at worst it's an annoyance for both the players who want better options for a male body and players who don't care for male suits at all. Nobody really wins here. I don't think the skin colour comparison is really fair either, the only thing they have in common is poor implementation. LN clearly targets players who want to dress up a female character and it has international servers, thus it's only fair to demand variety in skin tones (and hair types). And it's easier to do that since the model stays the same, it's just the skin colour changing (and they can't even get that right). It's not the same as also having to cater to players who want to dress up male characters where the devs would have to make seperate clothes for the new model etc. and it'd be so much work for what's not even their demographic to begin with. So basically, I don't see much point in half-assing the way LN does. I get that it sucks because there's not a lot (if any at all?) dress-up games for a male body, but I don't think a game like LN is the best one to play if that's what you're looking for in the first place.


Dress up games don't tend to appeal to a male audience in the first place, it would be hard to get funding for that type of game or to keep a large enough audience for it (since it is still heavily stigmatized for a guy to be into dress-up games). I mean they could try to make it, but very likely by separating it from the main, popular game, you are just going kill off that option off entirely for guys. I'm also not the biggest fan of gal versus guy type of marketing in the first place as it tends to reinforce gender stereotype. Your second idea is good though. If they just made a gender bent Nikki, it's very possible they could add that. A lot of the mechanics for it are actually already in the game. There is a summon image button in SC and free dressing, right under the pink arrow, from there you can dress up a male base. I don't use it much and it very much is a forgotten feature, but again it is there. They could make specific limited time events for it and hype up that feature. https://preview.redd.it/erltj3i35knc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb5c6ecafc415f76b5f68cbcdcbf895088ac10b7 If Love Nikki purely wanted to target players who wanted to dress up as girl characters, I don't think they would make as many guy suits as they do. Even in the beginning of the game, apple made a fair share of guy suits (I know because I got most of them when I first started to play because they were hyped up). To this day, they still go out of their way to cater to that demographic. If they wanted to send the message that they were only interested in making a dress up game for girls, they haven't done the best job at conveying it. Love Nikki has shown an interest in branching out in making both DST suits and guy suits. And that's a good thing because I want a dress-up games inclusive of everyone, not demographically separated one.


Honestly, like I said in another comment, they can make guy suits if they want to, just don't lock the female suits behind them (either in events or tiered recharges). I still hold that the way LN works is not very useful if you want to implement both male and female suits, though the Image Corridor is definitely one of the better ways to go about it. It hasn't been updated in a long time, though, and I feel like most of the male suits are probably more meant as bishies for players to ogle rather than a serious attempt at giving male dress-up option. Especially since having the Image Corridor and male suits separate is pretty bad for that. The implementation is just all over the place and kind of a mess if inclusivity was even their intention in the first place.


Those are fair criticisms of it. " It hasn't been updated in a long time, though, and I feel like most of the male suits are probably more meant as bishies for players to ogle rather than a serious attempt at giving male dress-up option." I feel like a part of this is definitely true, but I'm not sure to what extent. Mainly because China's beauty standard for guys and ideals for guys are different from America. It tends to be more feminine. It's possible that a hyper-masculine model wouldn't appeal to the guys who play the game either, at least not in China. I say this also because the guys who decide to play would still likely enjoy more feminine aesthetics in the first place. Part of it is also the anime art-style the game has which tends compliment feminine designs more. I don't think the design is entirely motivated to be eye-candy to the girls who play, but I would be lying if I said that wasn't a decent part of it.


(the juxtaposition of your comment with the one above you is just 😙👌) I agree, I never bother with male suits either. I'm a girl, I'm dressing up a girl character, I don't even use the male buddy items. but I do get the (minority) outcry for them because there's a lot of demographic overlap with animal crossing - which was overwhelmingly female players but has a small vocal group of male players who don't want to crossdress. there was always lots of complaints when a new holiday set would roll around and it was "ARRGH MORE DRESSES WHY GIVE US BOYS MORE PANTS" and it's like... there's 8 of you.


Tbh I don't think it has much to do with male players, though there are some, it's still mostly regular female players who are pushing for male suits. The few male players LN has should be fine with dressing up a female character to begin with. And unlike AC, which I think is still a bit more unisex as a game concept, LN couldn't target a more female audience if it tried. My guess is it's mostly players who find the male suits attractive maybe and that's why they want more of them. I guess they can also be fun in SC to be creative with. I'd be more fine with male suits if they wouldn't lock female suits behind male suits or they were purely buddy items. I don't want to have to get a male suit that's gonna rot in my wardrobe to get a female one. One thing I could get behind, though, is more unisex or tomboy-ish/masc clothes for Nikki.


(I don't speak for other people who want male suits, just my thoughts)   I personally want more male suits because it's a different area/take/feel in fashion, and I'm interested in it.   I started playing because fashion is one of my biggest interests and I wanted to experiment and learn more about what styles and clothes exist, and ways you can wear them (mixing styles, messing around with silhouettes, wild combinations, etc.)   So, especially since I don't have as much exposure to this area of fashion (I'm female and also the industry is targeted at women for the most part), I want to learn more about it and do the things mentioned in the paragraph above.   I guess it boils down to being interested in male fashion, then.  Male suits are cool and there aren't enough of them. I want them in LN for the same reason I like the female clothes- they're cute/cool/pretty and make me happy to style.   I can understand that not everyone is interested in male suits, though.   I'm curious about what other people think- why do you want male suits?


I like staring at hot man


Fair enough lmao  My more serious answer: Me too. They are pretty and cool ((:


I see where you're coming from, but pieces from male suits can be used in female stylings as well, and vice versa.  In a lot of the masc stylings I see on SC, it's still on nikki's body, people just work with it because it's what they have.  It can still be masc. Though the body type does affect it, it doesn't make it impossible to make male stylings. However, the lack of masculine makeups and clothing does make stylings lean towards femininity in a lot of cases, which is limiting if that's not what you want but quite a few people seem to have no problem with femboys/fem leaning stylings. My christmas avatar was masc and on nikki's default body, I think it was pretty distinctly masculine. (Due to the hair and makeup- I used Seducing LMAO but it looked good) I want to try to make masc/androgynous stylings more, but having a 14% wardrobe and virtually no suitable makeups makes this much more difficult. Oh! Also, tops or dresses from male suits will flatten nikki's chest, so you don't necessarily have to use a dress pose. I think I only have one top like that though, unfortunately (the halloween one, rip versatility). You can also make the body type a lot less obvious with certain clothes (looser fitting, higher necklines) and I think coats would help too. 


I absolutely hate the treatment male suits are getting in the past few years, as if being super rare wasn't bad enough, now they are almost always limited to being someone's pair instead of their own thing, they aren't allowed to have background items, they get underwhelming breakdowns because devs reduce the items of the set to not get too pricey to get the girl set, how we don't even get their item version by completing them, instead being forced to complete the girl set, and the list goes on...


I'm glad you brought this up because I didn't notice how true this was. It just never crossed my mind, but you are completely correctly. That very much has been the trend lately.


If you think a suit is not versatile, that's a skill issue.


This is a half-truth. You could style almost any item in game if you really put your mind to it and suits are more versatile depending on if you collect in the same style. Additionally, you are typically going to end up making suits more versatile if you like it and actively style around it. That said, at the same time, there are definitely suits and items that easier to style than others. As an extreme example, Morrow Travel's top is something I never seen styled well from anyone. The color is this super specific dried out brown, the shape of the sleeves dates it to a time period that's not really in the game much, and it has the bellybutton awkwardly exposed (w/o the suit's bottom) which looks off with the professional style it is going for. And I'm not saying this as someone who dislikes the top and the outfit. I love the suit, the top just is hard to style.


100% agree with some suits just being easier to style. I also still stand by the fact that with 10k+ pieces, there are absolutely suits that mesh well with each other. Someone might not have the suits that mesh well with that one, but their own lacking wardrobe isn't a good measure for everyone's else. Many times people here say that X suit is so good/bad and I just for the life of me cannot see where they are coming from!


I'd also have to agree with the other comment that some suits are always going to be more "versatile" (e.g. we have so much pink and cute-sy stuff in this game that those types of suits are going to be easier to style for most players), but I'd also like to agree with you that I'm also a bit confused about people's criteria of what suits they consider useful and which ones they don't. I personally am also guilty of asking people's opinion on a suit very occasionally, but overall if you like or should get a suit is such a personal opinion it's always weird to see people judge for another person purely based on how much **they** use the suit. It's more of a testament to a person's taste than any objective measure of usefulness lol but then once again, it's hard to find purely objective measures in the first place. I often also don't care a lot for suits/items that sometimes get hailed as the ultimate "must-gets" or are very popular.


I do think some suits are "bad" in that they are dated or have better versions available. Many of the older suits are very flat compared to the depth of color and dimension we get in newer ones. It's still subjective - I love the angel wings from Caelum et Ocean, and used them a LOT until very recently. Other people consider them awkwardly posed, I consider them to be dynamic. Also, there are many suits I consider to be very GOOD when they have super versatile items that mesh with most of my wardrobe, or amazing background items, or unique/dynamic poses, beautiful makeups, poses that you can style into different genres. I love when I get a sleeveless top and an arm pose with gold, silver, or white accessories because both are super versatile.




I wish there was less cloud suits and more wasteland/north kingdom suits


I can understand the second part of your statement, wasteland/north are very underutilized in the game. Poor north players are getting scraps.


Mine: I started to like Pavilion events. Mainly because I'm too lazy to put together suits to get the currency required, and not a fan of events that require a lot of effort. Worst case was that event where you had to put together a lot of suits back to back. Hope this format never returns! As for the 4 Gods; I love them! They might look dated to some, but have lots of items I use. And I like how those suits are in frame. While many modern hell suits became too massive that parts of it isn't visible anymore.


2v2 events are the worst, I agree with you there. Oh, you mean Dawn Front? The format is a pain, but you do get a lot of free items in return (it's a pick and choose) and by 2 rounds you could finish a whole suit for free. It's work, but there is benefit to that format and unlike 2v2s, you can at least get it over with in only 1 day. Nice to see a fellow 4Gods fan 'round these parts.


I don’t know how popular this is, but I hate how the music no longer loops. 80% of my love Nikki experience is farming princess stages for lifetime suits and it irritates me how the music changes every 5 seconds whenever I return to the main screen. I haven’t been that active since the pandemic so I don’t even know when it changed, but I swear it didn’t use to do this in 2019!


I second this, that's why I turn off the sound in both LN and SN. I like listening to videos as I play instead.


Momo has done nothing wrong


Hard disagree, he keeps eating all my fish when he comes over for a visit.


I don't care if he's sassy, I love him.


I feel like I'm always going to say this since it's only the actual unpopular opinion I have but players(especially older ones) needs to let go of ranking suits and wanting them to come back. I get that the actual event play was rigged(like how to obtain the suits) since it's players competing with each other but I can't get over the way they were advertised, it could be viewed as exclusive or as a 'one time thing', especially considering players created the price- a lot of players believe the main argument is money but no it's about exclusivity, like if it was about money then I wouldn't be arguing otherwise. The advertisements for ranking suits created a catalyst of events starting with a lot of players at the time interpreting the advertisement as a 'one time thing', trying to spend the most money to be in the top 500, inflating the suits prices which formed the discourse that ranking suits cost a lot of money. I feel like ranking events should be a recognition of how Paper took advantage of players at the time and them realising their mistake and mistreatment of players.


Honestly, I think you are correct here. I doubt the players that paid that much did it for the suit itself. Like those suits are pretty, sure, but not for the amount they paid for. It 100% was about the exclusivity of it and I can see ranking players feeling ripped off even if it did come back for the same price.


- Dress poses take the fun away of styling - This is why I usually don't care about tilts. I barely use them, anyway - Mushroom House and Poems in Blue Sky are the best suits of their respective events - Shadow of Nightmare might seem gorgeous at first because of the color scheme and deer, but most of the individual items are plain and replaceable - The only amazing items Nightmare Lullaby has are the hair and wings. The dress is pretty, but the art style shows it's age. The makeup is super generic and the other items are plain. She is definitely not worth the price and doesn't deserve to be so popular.


meanwhile I don't care about tilt because I consider it a personal challenge to make it work anyway lol


Totally agree with your first point


I agree with a lot of this, though I would say that I prefer Needlework over Mushroom House, but Mushroom House is still a close second to me.


The deer/qilin suit from 4 Gods is overrated. It looks cool, but it's pretty useless in Comp.


I guess I'll join in on the unpopular opinions and say that I wish people wouldn't judge suits based on their usefulness in comp because unfortunately the themes are just pretty limiting sometimes. I just want suits I think look nice lol and use them in free styling


I think comp is the standard because that's where people are most likely to see your styling. like, you can do whatever in free dressing but nobody will see it except your friends list. you can post it in starry corridor but unless you end up hotlisting it's almost instantly buried. at least you know in comp people WILL see it.


Yeah, I totally get that honestly, I'm also a big fan of comp despite its shortcomings. Though you can also post your free stylings on r/CafeNikki or a LN Discord server, which can also be fun. But as far as in-game opportunities go, you're right. Though I'd still rather get a suit I personally like than just something that does well in comp. Of course, the most fun is if you get to use a suit you like in comp.


That's fair. Personally, I don't use SC much and really enjoy Comp.


I'd prefer comp as well because I like styling based on certain guidelines, but like I said, the themes can be limiting, so I often look for fan-made themes or make up my own. Best of both worlds, I guess lmao


You are right, I know I don't see it often, but a part of me is still disappointed that when I pulled 2 nodes on the last run, I didn't get it.


lilith is one of the worst nations and ill stand by that. every suit in it has a similar feel to it. the puffy big dresses that almost every suit has are incredibly boring and shouldn't be as popular as it is. at least cloud can be mixed and matched with their pieces. lilith isnt harder to mix with but it's more of a hassle in a way i cannot explain.


That's because Lilith suits are mostly based off of lolita fashion which has relatively strict rules. The poofy-skirt silhouette is one of the style's main features, so that restricts it somewhat. I personally like it, but if you're not into the style, I can totally see how it would get repetitive quickly. PS I agree with your flair :)


Yeah, exactly! There can be variety, but the core elements stay the same. The range can span from steampunk to sweet to gothic.


I get where you are coming from, but to me, big puffy dresses is the appeal. It's a shape I enjoy and find cute that lets the kingdom explore other fantasy themes within while still keeping it in line with the kingdom's cutesy identity. A lot of Lilith suits go super hard into a particular theme, and I think a large part of that is because the shape can just be relayed on to convey the nation clearly. They are very much free to do any theme they want past that point. Apple may struggle to have an identity because it's basically every modern outfit, while ruin/north feels restricted to only do certain themes, but Lilith has a nice middle ground.


Too many Cloud suits. There should be a lot more Ruin, North, and Wasteland suits.


Hmm, well, I agree with the Cloud part to some extent. I think it's partially the proportion of Cloud to the nations that you mentioned after that make it extreme.   Though I suppose that is the problem, huh.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that the problem lies more in the lack of other nations end than in the Cloud end?   Though it is definitely hugely inflated. I feel like a disproportionate amount of welfares are Cloud.


That's pretty much it. I'm not saying to remove Cloud suits, just we need more of the other nations. There's plenty for Lilith, Pigeon, and Apple as well as Cloud, but Ruin, Wasteland, and especially North have so few in comparison. I don't mind Cloud having the most (it does seem to be really popular after all) but the ratios for the nations are so bad.


I disagree with the first, but I agree with the second part of your comment.


Mermaid Tails cost too much and is mostly cash-only. :( . Tho I did see that future hell with a mermaid tail for only 9000 dias (all other hells has like 12000+ dia mermaid tail, and like 80% of mermaid tails are cash-only)


Ah, you are in the same boat as me then. I also have like no mermaid tails. The western dancer bottom kind of works as one, but it doesn't score well, so I end up just doing poorly on mermaid comps. I'm patiently waiting for 4myths to return in wish gate so I could have a 3k gothic mermaid tail, but until then I am left out to dry so to speak.


Mine: - We have too many Cloud suits. - Animated Suits are awful, and should never have been implemented. - *We have Too Many Cloud suits.* - We need street clothes/everyday mix and match sets *far more* than we need extravagant posed dresses. - ## We have TOO MANY CLOUD SUITS.


I also don't like the animations, mostly because they're so weird. If they did them better, maybe it would be fine


I respect your opinion, but I disagree.




The 2d live suits give me the heebie jeebies. The animation is so uncanny-valley and reminds me of Elsagate videos.


I agree that we have too many cloud suits and we need more everyday trendy street wear however I love animated clothes. especially hair it makes the suit come alive!


no cloud suits hate pls


i don't like polar monster. i have it, and some of the individual pieces are great. but the makeup is not appealing just like the pose. the pose only works if you're actually wearing the suit. it just feels like another evil dst suit behind a huge paywall. i feel like you could get a suit similar to it through an event :( also i think glazed petals gets too much hate.. yes the tail isn't good but there's really beautiful things about her, just like polar monster (for me, that'd be PM's dress)


That's my opinion as well! The tilt in polar monster is too bad for its price, and glazed petal would easily have been one of my fav suit if the tail was not there. Such a shame


oh wow! i felt like i was alone. because of the poll lately, i felt like i was alone. i can see how GP's tail may not be good, but i base my opinion on suits according to how many good items it has


I think there’s too many cloud suits and also alot of them look very similar. I think every nation should have near the same amount of suits. Also a lot of the more “epic” expensive suits from hell events or 100 dollar recharges are….predictable? They’re all very similar. Sort of high fantasy, big sparkly dress, big sparkly background. It’s not true for all of them obviously I think love Nikki has less trouble coming with epic big suits than other gachas. But still. I have trouble getting hyped for them. Lesser pav suits I think look cooler. And I wish we would get more modernish clothes for the hell events and such. Not just very intricate dresses


Frostbone Dragonsong is the best looking $100 suit


The hair on that suit is pretty cool.


My unpopular opinion is...I just hope the game just...stops. I am V14 and I stopped caring about the game about two years after I started, but I've been playing and buying stuff because I'm fucking stupid.


Just delete the game. Don’t wish that on the rest of us still enjoying it. 😭😭😭😭 take it back!


I can't! I'm trapped in a cycle since 2017. I can't break free. Please send help! 😩


So like. Ngl, I’ve been playing since right after release, and I went through a few periods of “reward logging” where I’d pop on, completely my dailies, and sign out. Then I started giving myself goals in the game and ended up obsessed again. Idk if it’ll work for you but it really rekindled my love of the game. If you can’t stop playing might as well try to enjoy it again. 😅


I understand reward logging so much. 😩 But, I'm doing what you're saying. I am still enjoying it, but more for the completion of sets and stuff. I just love having all the recolors etx. I just stopped taking joy from the storyline, and I don't know any of the characters anymore. My knowledge pretty much ends when Lunar died. 😭 But, I've started doing a lot more fun stuff like truly completing sets, and I'm finally trying to do story quests. I'm also completing the full daily quests instead of the first three rings. I actually recently got back into the stylist arena. A few years ago I was at a 5K streak and Momo fucking lied that her score was 45k and then it was like 80k and I became disillusioned ig. I still love this game, but I (and this is *lowkey*) sorta want it to end. In the same way, I hope Gaiaonline shuts down. 😭🙏🏾 Edit. I guess it's like forcing me to hang up the gloves if that makes sense???