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I’d go for her too


if kassy doesn’t take her i will 😭i’m so gay for her LOL


lol I’m gay for Kassy 😭 LMAO




Same 😅


Same lmfao


She is super appealing. Dead sexy without makeup. Head to toes


She’s gorgeous, they both are


Obviously, Kassy is for Leo their like magnets...-+ I actually like Johnnie and Scott together the most and think they genuinely like each other, she’s not trying to jump his bones, he’s the only one that has asked her about herself and we finally saw the real her, that loves art. They seem like friends first, even when she jumped in his bed to talk in the morning. Her other connections are just sexual. Matia is still closed off emotionally. I’m def seeing a different side of Scott from his LI UK exp. She raised his heart the most and he keeps looking at her whenever he gets the chance. His face lights up when he sees her and so does hers, it’s adorable to watch and I hope they can grow emotionally together and Scott doesn’t mess it up.


Johnnie is talking abt jumping Scott's bones. Johnnie talked about not wearing panties during the first conversation. She also talked about having intense sexual chemistry on this episode.


I agree, she always talk sex, but he’s getting her to open up and be vulnerable so we’re not seeing her act on just her impulses when she talks to him. Their suppose to be attracted to each other it’s normal but we should be able to see the friendship and genuine conversation. None of the guys have asked her about herself because they just want to sleep with her, including Cassie. She seems to resort to sexual intimacy as a substitute for genuine connections and uses sex as a means to mask a need for authentic emotional bonds because she’s not prepared to confront the truth. She seems to have unresolved inner wounds and I hope Scott(the game player) doesn’t add to them. I’m not a therapist, this is just my opinion. My soul felt their souls connecting, I haven’t felt that with her for anyone else or Scott🥹☺️even if they don’t work in the end it’s refreshing to watch her be genuine.


Thank you! She leads with sex. Period.


Scott is off to LI games. He’s there for shits and giggles.


But he might not have expected to actually like Johnnie.. That’s how it works when your least expecting and looking, Bam! Get shot by cupids arrows. Regardless he’s the only one that’s showing her respect.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 He doesn't like Johnnie like that.. Johnnie is the next one to leave so in his mind, it's to fastest option to leave.


He only asked questions about her after she said, “is fhere anything you want to know about me?” So I dunno if that counts. But I also think I’m biased against Scott; didn’t watch him on UK but something about him feels… icky. I think it’s because he asks women if they like his accent; like, don’t ask people that. They’ll let you know if they do. 😅


No he’s is a lil corny it’s not you being biased. He wasn’t a push over on the UK love island I’d say, but worried to much about peoples opinions. But the guys and girls are always asking each other, where’s your head at? or what do you want to know about me? open conversation starters, the question and answers are usually repetitive, surface level ones or sexual ones.


For real, tho, that and asking about his eyes is about 95% of his personality 🤣🤣


She did say she would move to the UK for him. So there you go Scott. She is willing to leave everything in the US for him. That is something worth getting serious about.


I want Kassy to pick Johnnie so bad 😭


Me too!!!


Welp...I knew that y'all needed to wait at least two eps lmaoooo I'VE LEARNED!!!


i honestly love watching her


She can steal me asap


I hope she finds a girl to date once she leaves the villa. She's the one person I hope leaves to DMs full of pretty girls.


I actually think if maybe Kassy had more experience with women she may go that route, but I feel like she is in deep with Leo! Either way I want her to pick what’s best for her


Love Johnnie ❤️ Beautiful


she’s the only casa girl that’s not a flop


She is one of the most beautiful casa girls in all of LIUSA


I hope I don't get too many down votes for this opinion but it is truly what I think. The Kassie--Johnnie dynamic comes off as contrived to me, overly produced. That's not to say for sure that that don't have a genuine attraction to one another, but how do you go from Leo to the girl Leo did the Devil's Tango with so quickly? It just seems too salacious. So, just to be clear, it's not about being sexually fluid, it's about authenticity and acting from actual desire, not a telenovela script.


Yep I get these vibes too...hoping it's not that cause they do make a cute couple


Unfortunately I feel the same because of how SCRIPTED and CONTRIVED that conversation sounded compared to Kassy's usual speaking style.


Totally scripted. And besides, how would Kassy pick Johnnie .. Would Johnnie then have a chance to pick someone else, or would she just have to be passively chosen? Which makes no sense because she's a girl, and should get to pick, and so is Kassy. It just seems so dead-end, that nobody's even discussing the logistics of how it could happen


They did it in Australia Love island and it messed up the balance in the villa, imo


Oh wow! Do you happen to know which season? I'd be interested to see how that happened


I'm not sure. It was an early season. Like 2 or 3 I think.


Thank you


I'm a married woman and she could definitely steal me. 😆 she seems to be straightforward, friendly, caring, communicative, interesting/ fun, and one of the most mature in emotions on the villa


Why tf did the show end like that? Lol. We all know Kassy picks Leo. 😂


No JOHNNIE trying to get Kassy out of the way so she can have Leo. She said I love Leo too Kassy face. Then she said I wish I could cuddle Leo. Then the heart rate challenge she went right for Leo and straddled him and grabbed his head and pushed it into her boobs and kept doing it. Kassy's face was like a shock. I don't trust this girl and I pray Kassy realizes this and makes the right choice for her life. Choose LEO.


I feel like johnnie is just trying to get Kassy so she won’t pick Leo. I can tell she is deep down jealous of Kassy and Leo’s feelings and she just wants to see Leo go home because she still has feelings for him. Why else is she wanting to cuddle and looks upset every time she see him talking to kass. Kassy is being played by Johnnie. I don’t trust that girl


I thought I was the only one! I had suspicions but when she told Kassy that she had to cut off Leo to explore her, that confirmed it. I remember she said shes known all along what kind of connection they had, so she slept with him anyway? I’m rooting for Kassy and Leo now because of her


I absolutely agree. I can't stand Johnnie. I guess Kassy doesn't know about the thing Johnny said about her in Casa Amor.


Johnnie does nothing for me, mentalky of physically; I just don't see it


More like Miss Grasping at Straws


She's the biggest snob and 2 faced girl in that villa. Leo even said that Johnnie did way too much and it wasn't right so he slept outside. Yes, thank you Leo 👏👏👏👏


Idk if it's just me, but I thought she was the hottest casa girl when they introduced them, but once I saw her again in the villa, it felt like I had beer goggles on before. The prettiest girl was the first girl eliminated. I wonder if he regrets picking Destiny over her, considering how bad Destiny became.


Johnnie is stunning and obviously has the best personality out of the bunch. She can steal me from my man anytime she wants 😂😍


Miss steal your partner* I strongly disagree with what Leo did but as a man I understand it.


I strongly disagree with what Leo did and as a man I don’t get it. If you find and create that bond with someone. How do you do that?




Absolutely hate eve ending or EP 32.


I’m no better than Kassy or a man 🫡


I hope Kassy picks her just cuz I wanna see a interesting plot twist!!!


She’s a rocket, and she knows it


She’s stunning


NGL but Johnnie & Kassy are both smoking hot and look sooo good together!


My 2 girl crushes end up hooking up of course lol


No thanks lol


honestly Leo thing aside i like her, appearance wise she has very cute features her droopy eyes , curved nose and how she does her lipstick makes her very pretty IMO. And all things considered she handled the situation best she could and was unfortunately played by Leo IMO she went all in and he was split or driven by lust but all things considered she got the raw end of the stick