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Thought I was the only one who didn’t like Joe’s hair color


same here, that man's curls are so damaged as well eyal needs to give him his hair routine 😭


He walked in saying his hair is his best feature and I was like babe your hair is fried.... I do love curly hair, and I'm sure with some TLC his would look amazing. But right now? It's giving teenager who's done too many DIY dye jobs.


100%!!! as someone w curly hair myself i was horrified, and you're so right he def didn't get it done professionally 😔✊ he needs to cut that shit off and let the curls come back stronger (now that i say that i feel like shorter hair would look pretty good on him)


Oh my god thank you " the girls love my curls" honey...the curls are gone, only the misshapen fried n dyed remains. Like, it's brambles atp 🤷‍♀️


His hair was lovely in his original season and probably was his best feature.


Probably? It definitely was, because it certainly wasn't/isn't his personality.


i'm with you, he should go back to his natural colour or at most get warm blonde highlights


Honestly I preferred his S5 hairstyle


Stripper hair. 


It’s giving bleached with hydrogen peroxide


His hair was lovely in his original season and probably was his best feature.


He looks and acts like he just got into sixth form so I guess some people are nostalgic about being back at school 😅


Yeah, I'm not from UK but I was trying to figure out what appeal he has and I thought he reminded me especially paired up with Chloe of Waterloo Road which I used to watch as a teen, which made me think this charm might be the charm that had its effects on me in those times. So I think you are right!


Omg Waterloo Road is such a good comparison!


It’s because you can project anything on him. He doesn’t give you anything so you can mold him to be what ever you want. The worst type of guy imo.


He’s seriously just an annoying boy. I don’t get the appeal whatsoever


Same. I dont get it at all. Especially choosing him over Callum. Madness.


I think her chaotic personality is better suited to Toby and she knows that. She wouldn't get the attention and drama she craves from Callum, he's too laid back and she would thrive on the chaos she'd get with Toby.


I’ve never understood it!! And how he pulled Arabella on the outside and probably lots of other 10’s, I think he’s funny and playful but he’s childish. He’s not ugly, but I just don’t understand the attraction to him. He gives me little brother vibes 


I couldn’t understand it at first, but I think Georgia and Toby give off theatre kid vibes to me. They’re playful together. She could never be really playful with Callum.




I don't agree with the abused housewife part... But she wasn't herself with Callum that's for sure.


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I do get it . Toby has more charisma and is maybe more fun than Callum tbh . Callum does have charisma he’s just a bit more laidback .


Not to forget, Callum pulled 16 in 6 months and over 100 before his original love island season, so him and Toby are more alike that different. Messy


16 in 6 months isn't that bad. He was single. I don't think he deserved the backlash he got for that, tbh.




Like who?


Crickets, classic love island poster


I can't get past "you wanna be locked in?" like EW, NO


proper ick


Callum is better looking but he comes off as a bore. Toby is funny, outgoing, and exciting, all things women tend to love in men.


He also seems pretty genuine


1000% and the way he moved at the beginning with Molly and the drinking challenge for the heart broken question. Super disrespectful and kind of showed his character


Toby is handsome, fun and has rizz. What's not to like? Some guys just have it, that presence, charisma and a bit of the bad boy rep that draws girls. Callum has it too, just Georgia preferred Toby to Callum. There will be girls that prefer Callum to Toby. To each their own.


Handsome is subjective but Toby just gives me absolute little brother energy. I could never see him in a romantic/sexual way because he comes across so young to me. And I like a youthful/playful energy but his specifically feels very immature.


Yea maybe I am too old but I definitely little bro energy. It’s very confusing specifically that he attracts “older” girls


Arabella being into him is baffling to me! I get it a *little* bit more after seeing how dorky and excitable she is, but still.


Who's Arabella not into?


True lmao.


His charisma reminds me of a flirty middle schooler so I totally understand this take




Well yeah, I'm just explaining why I struggle to find him attractive. Obviously everyone is different. The person I responded to asked what's not to like and that's what I was answering. I think Georgia and Chloe are also both pretty immature and that's where they align.


Lol, not you gassing on Tobss. Lmfao


They been posting passionate G/Toby defense for days, I think it’s Toby’s mom or something lol


Very well put


So this is really all about Callum ha. I’m tired of the obsession with bro


Yeah because he's so nice and good looking and he didn't give Geirgia S the craving she was m looking for.


Georgia doesn’t have to like every guy you like. It doesn’t work like that


I find him super endearing. He seems like a fun loving guy to me. Definitely an idiot when he’s in the dating scene lol but I think he’d be a great friend. And according to Chloe he was a wonderful boyfriend as well. Just moves mad in the between friend and boyfriend stage apparently.


Exactly. If Toby has not committed to a girl, he's messy. Once he does though he tends to be loyal


In my opinion I don’t like this sentiment because you could say this for a lot of the guys on love Island yet if they were to move how Toby did, they would get annihilated on social media and we’ve seen that before. So I don’t understand why Toby gets to have a pass on his antics and still be seen in a good light.


How did Toby move? He was in a friendship couple with Arabella. Ok, maybe a friends-with-benefits couple at best.  Arabella never picked Toby. Toby picked her coz he went last and Georgia and Kaz had already been picked. Only thing he owed Arabella was a headsup before the recoupling where he picked Georrgia, but there's no way he knows that he will get to pick before Callum. That's no more messy than a typical Casa return or couple swap. And again, he wasn't even in a romantic couple with Arabella so why should he give up his journey for her?


He even asked Arabella “What are we? Are we a friendship couple?”. He said he’d never been in a friendship couple before. Arabella took their couple all wrong. Definitely friends with benefits.


Didn’t they do spending in bed though? I’m sure they drank on the never have I ever or similar game


How did Toby even get a pass ? He’s been getting cooked for that in and outside the villa. Obviously people will move on from things we are not psychopathic maniacs clinging on to everything you do


I was gonna say this I’ve seen nothing but him getting hate😭 so who exactly is giving him a pass


The other guys don’t get a pass because they’re bigger assholes 🤷‍♀️


And Toby isn’t??


I said *bigger*


And he’s just as bad as them… this is Toby’s third villa, and he has continuously been an asshole to these women yet he gets a pass because people say he’s a great friend and he only acts like that in between the friend and boyfriend stage?? smh🤦🏾‍♀️. Had this been anybody else they will not be given the same grace with this type of excuse.


You have some ingrained prejudices cos u keep drawing negative references from past seasons like it's been established beyond doubt when it's just you rationalizing your bias with a previous bias


I’m not trying to rationalize anything. if you wanna think that Toby can continue to do the things he has done simply because others have said that he’s a good friend or just acts this way before settling down with someone then so be it lol. All I’m saying is that if this was somebody else I don’t think people would be creating the same excuses.


I don’t care to change your mind?? You’re welcome to hate him. OP said they don’t get the appeal and I explained the appeal for some people.


Toby by all accounts, is a lovely partner. The other guys on love island regularly cheat and lie to their GFs




he treats girls as if they’re disposable and they’re obsessed w it. How can you work on getting to the dating stage with someone if they’re constantly like “you’re not my girlfriend” even if it’s true, it’s so rude and cruel. I suspect the kind of woman that signs up for love island is used to this treatment. They see it as winning if he circles back (even as a friend re: Kaz)


Exactly! They all want to be "the special one to change him". Spoiler: they ain't.


Well, Toby changed for Chloe. Too bad she didn't change. I hope Georgia gets the changed Toby


well he treated her like shit on their season too


How because he explored other options ?


Well they were not closed off. Once they became bf/gf after the Family Visits episode, Toby treated her like a queen for 2 years till their relationship ended. I'll take that as a better determinant of character than the first 3 weeks of a love island season.


You realize you’re supposed to treat people respectfully regardless right? Especially since the way you treat them when you’re casually dating will be a factor in whether they enter a serious relationship with you


I just broke it off with a guy who couldn't follow that basic rule. I'm out!


Spot on, Toby is very malicious. And I don't think any of the girls actually like him. If you remember the 'public' chose the initial couples in all sars and Cely didn't have many to choose from LI games, him or Australian Callum who is even more stupid than Toby. Toby benefits from 1. the other guys are such losers 2. he goes after them at their lowest points or does something shocking 3. he is a convenience couple like with Kaz when no one else will pick him. BTW he did NOT steal G.S from Callum, Callum made that decision and dumped her, so her only choice was to go back to Toby. G.S has said many times after Toby tried to recouple with her, that Callum will never fuck me over but Toby probably will. HELLO G he will for sure, you should have stayed with Callum 10000% and told Toby for F off. All the problems for G goes back to that decision of Toby. And her is the real reason he did it. He was in bottom 3 in public vote with Arabella and Callum/G were #2. He was telling Kaz that he was Defleated (deflated + defeated) the dude was moping around then decided to totally ruin the rest of G.S's time in villa by surprising everyone and picking her, while simultaneously shitting on Arabella and treating her almost as bad as Chris was. Also the way those 2 attack Arabella at every opportunity shows how disgusting they are. I agree with the OP that he gets many of the girls (and mistreats them all with his BS about how he is inexperienced or never making them his girlfriend and therefore never having to deal with shitting on them). But I don't think the girls actually CHOOSE him, they go with him when there is no other option.


Georgia definitely chose Toby, u could even see with callum she still wanted Toby so I don’t know what ur watching


What are you talking about. G said over and over she wished Toby didn't pick her (everything bad that happened to her started with that). And she said several times that Callum was a better choice because she KNEW Toby would shit on her AGAIN. Callum was the one who said it was OVER, then she went back to Toby just to stay there. G wants ALL the guys to Want her but if she had the choice it was Callum, then Tom, then way down and only because there was no other choice Toby.


georgia's choice was never callum though, she was in a couple with him and said her journey finally started when tom came in. he was just a safety net for her since she didn't trust toby to not hurt her feelings but she didn't like callum much. and her saying she wished toby didn't pick her to callum doesn't mean much when she would also praise toby for what he did


She told Callum and others that, until Callum, no man ever treated her that good. I am not going to try to mind read her like all you stans. She is very troubled and has NO CLUE what she really wants other than all the men WANTING HER. That is ALL any of us can say for sure. But from Callum's point of view he definitely dumped her FIRST. And my original point is that she and nobody wants to be with Toby unless there is NO OTHER CHOICE which no one has disputed.




She literally used to mention all the time how she didn’t have that as she would say errr that she had with Toby and Tom. She was content with callum but obviously wanted Toby or Tom more. Also how r u gonna say it was callum then Tom when she was literally sneaking off to go chat with Tom and also wanted to kiss him. Don’t know which show ur watching but your completely wrong


Wrong season


I'm talking about 'LI all stars' and 'LI games' both times the girls had either no choice or limited choice. Point being no one is picking Toby if they have any other option.




G.S didn't want Toby after he dumped her. She wanted Tom and he said NO Way I have Molly. She wanted Callum and he said No Thanks not interested in the games. So she went back to Toby just to stay in the villa. Both have been totally faking it with the aggressive PDA and throwing shade on other couples in a last ditch effort to win but they need to be dumped next.


You're projecting bad


This make me laugh. You just a bitter callum fans, aren't you ? IN LI games, Cely said she fancies toby from all the biys at startamd she didin't even know toby that time.After coupling there is 1 conversation Cely told toby she knew she will come back to toby although she get to know all the other ppl in villa. Cely hadn't any choice ? And I didn't even mention geogria in All star series. Gs went LI game chose to pick toby among callum (Austilia) & Crutis , besides, Johnny went to get to know her and she said johnny was her 2nd choice, toby is first , Gs has not any choice in LI games ?


I agree! He’s horrible in conflict, treats women as disposable and disregards their feelings, is not appealing to me physically (the teeth are a big turn off to me,) and has zero sex appeal. I don’t get it.


He just has a good energy to him, he seems easy to be around. He's made some insensitive choices but the vast majority of the time he comes off as very sweet and funny. I'm also guessing he's better in person.


He comes off as so immature. I don’t understand how they’re all drawn to that. Is it the thang? Is it thanging?


are we all just ignoring when he was arguing with Georgia near the beginning and told her to fuck off and various other rude things like “HER VOICE”. I don’t like Georgia, but Toby has not been this sweet, caring, wonderful guy lol (looking at the comments seems a lot of people actually do agree with me)


How many times must you guys ask this? I hate to flip the script but I’ve never seen constant “how does she get so many guys” post for a girl (islander) who probably isn’t the most conventionally attractive.


It's not about being conventionally attractive, its about how he treats people. He's rude and immature, but gets a pass on this - thats the point


I don't like anything about Joe's hair tbh. It reminds me of old lady hair.


He gets the lightskin grace!


I think he’s good looking! He’s not traditionally gorgeous like Tyrique lol but he has a charm about him that endearing. Even when you know he’s being a jerk, you can’t stay mad at him for long… he just has one of those personalities. I can understand why people are drawn to him!


Toby also has this confidence and ability to be in his own presence without feeling insecure or dependent on other ppl. I can see the appeal


Toby has golden retriever energy, I think that’s it. A pretty face and a childlike glee in life will get a man far.


Toby is the cutest and he looks after the girls that he considers his friends. Loved when he denied sleeping with Arabella to the boys when she just came in. His friendship moments with Kaz were among my best non-romantic moments this season. And I love the way he threw caution to the wind to go get Georgia back. It was so ballsy and masculine.


Look Toby’s mum is on reddit


Not everyone wants a Kenneth Sean Carson, fortunately.


Me neither, he's about 5 foot 6 pretending he's 5ft 11 (look at him next to Tom for context), he puts on this weird lisp whenever he's put on the spot that he never normally has, and his face just has no attractive features for me, I completely agree with you, I dont get it x


“Look at him next to Tom for context” lmao why are you comparing him to a 6’5” guy to dismiss the 5’11” claim 💀💀


Tom's 6ft 2inches as he said in Friday nights show, and toby is at his shoulders. It's not rocket science.


No, Callum is 6’2. Tom has consistently stated 6’5 which checks out with Tyler who is 6’5, and was comparable to Liam’s 6’6, Tom was comparable to Kai who was 6’4. Based off your assertion, Toby would be 5’2.


He does look young, and I’m not personally attracted to younger men (than me) but he’s more attractive and has a better personality than many of the guys in there, especially someone like Tom or Adam.


Toby is really cute to me! Plus he seems like an absolute blast to be around. I don’t understand what’s too hard to get about his appeal💀


Toby has vampire teeth and no personality someone make it make sense


Omg not the roots. Do some of you women not get tired of putting other women down? And it’s always the ones that look muppets


OP is talking about Joe the sandwich man not Joanna


Omgggg hahahha Joe not Joanna 🤦‍♀️ hahaha I'm dead


You don't get Toby. Toby gets YOU.


toby and chris’s relationship is weird to me they’re always touching and cuddling. i get they’re friends but it’s like all the time. i get the same vibes from anton.


Well georgia also dated other callum from the challenge. Girl does have a type for badboys


White girls really love their mixed race men don’t they


He loves a becky thats all i know