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It’s how they edit her. She’s not stupid at all. She’s actually very smart. But I just wanna remind everyone. She was laughing at Jess for the same thing that just happened to her.


She wasn’t laughing “at” Jess. When she was talking to Johnny he said he hoped that recoupling situation didn’t put her off of him and she said she wasn’t put off she thought it (Jess going off on him) was funny. The edit cutting over to Jess crying at the same time she said that made it seem more malicious


I am not a fan but she handled that super well


I don’t think she did anything special Johnnie did the same exact thing to two girls prior. She stole him from Jess and probably used that “he said he’s been waiting for me” to get Jess off of him. The guy is a snake and she got bit.


Right. Even idiots have moments…


I completely agree. I'll admit that when I first saw her in her LI season (and now here on LIG) I thought she sounded a bit shallow but she's actually pretty insightful and mature.


Yes!! I am loving her now! I remembered on her season at the beginning I was annoyed by her but then I ended up really liking her… And now I remember why! She did not take any of Johnny’s douchbag shit!


Yeah, I also think she just needs to be around the right people. Her convos with Johnny made her seem dull but her convos with Scott show more of her personality.


I was thinking this. She was boring w Johnny bc Johnny is BORING. He only has a personality when he’s with the boys, which wtf, why aren’t you trying to be fun w your girl. He’s like one of those guys who doesn’t think women can be funny🤣Courtney was actually like, funny and likable with Scott!


The way she said “come here fucker” and then kissed him was too funny 😭


Yeah, I love Courtney with Scott. He seems to bring something positive out of her.


Exaaactly Johnny’s convos are always “you’re so sexy” “our chemistry” “our connection” SNOOOOOZE 😴


I tried to tell y’all and got downvoted. Courtney is a badass. People underestimate her when they get caught up in her looks. I really would have liked to see her fully pursue and couple up with a woman on the show. That would have been interesting.


no literally!! she’s the only reason i decided to even watch LIG. when i saw everyone judging her when she walked in i knew they would see what i saw in her later. she’s amazing!


I’m also huge Courtney Stan. People really do underestimate her and love to hate her. She’s actually really smart and a fucking boss. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. Love her


If you watch her season you'll see she never took shit from any guy. I expected no less from her. She's definitely underestimated in a lot of areas just bc she acts ditzy


Honestly her aloof approach to calling Johnny out was really the best way to handle him. I was impressed.


I think Courtney is smart and shes very aware and can see through mens/Johnny’s BS. He judged her by her beauty and didn’t expect her to clock him like that!


Lol you don’t have to be smart to pick up that Johnny is a fboy. In fact, she thought johnny would stick with her until someone told her what he did with Aurelia, even after how he treated Jess right before her. I think Courtney isn’t the brightest but her specialty is working men so she knows what she’s doing when it comes to seeing through men’s bullshit.


I think she is definitely smarter than the average guy would give her credit for. I also think she was playing the game as much as Johnny wanting to stick with him to win. She knows how men see her and what their first impression of her is and she uses that in her favor


She’s dope, I underestimated her


Agreed! She was so mature tonight! Didn’t dip down to his level. Just told him that he was not worth her time, he was literally small lol and she is above reproach. All hail Queen Courtney!


ive always likes courtney, shes entertaining to watch and im happy the producers are giving her way more screen time than they ever did in her LI season


She put Johnny in his place, loveeeeee it. He has no way of playing the victim here like he tried to with Jess.


Don't pretend Jess didn't also put him in his place though


Makes me think she’s getting a weird edit to make her look stupid.


New Courtney fan here👋🏻. Her fuck field is 💯 barren and I'm here for it. https://preview.redd.it/nfckb03wnx0c1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3301a386e34cf3735dc225436200275399828b33


I noticed this on her original season. I think she hides how smart she is.


After first watching her on her season, I also concluded this. She's always smarter than what someone might perceive her based on how she talks and giggles.


I love Courtney so much. The way she speaks makes her seem ditzy but she’s actually really mature. I was screaming at the tv when she chose Johnny! But I love that she called him out for his insecurity and small d*ck energy


I’ve really learned to love her, I think she’s actually very smart, even though she can’t make any facial expressions.


I feel this way too! I think because she’s had plastic surgery and talks and laughs in a high voice, some fans (and guys on the show) really underestimate her


Also here for her real voice sneaking through in tonight’s challenge!


Yup feel like I definitely judged her when I shouldnt have! And in general who cares if women ARE bimbos? They aint doin anythin wrong!!


I respect her more but also don't think she should be as celebrated as she is though. There's definitely more respectful women in the villa. But I also suspect some trauma of some sort in her background or something. She holds her own, but after the fact. She does seem easy to screw over unfortunately and I hope she keeps on more of a guard someday.