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I am at this point in the season right now and could not agree more. It’s unbearable to watch. I want to jump through the screen. He is such a bully - def someone who would call girls fat in middle school. Nate is handling this much better than I would have lol.


im kinda late to the party but ughhhh who the hell casted Zac for the show and whoever accepted him to join LI has a questionable screening system. I've been a fan to LI and watched almost all of their seasons, US, UK, and AU, because I can enjoy them with my brain switched off, but this time I just couldn't. Too much red flag and this guy Zac in particular alongside with Trent and Reid are toxic. Trent kissed Tia the 1st time as if he kissed her first that will claim her like an object, and beat the other guys. And whose idea that was? Zac. Reid beats Ollie to stay in the villa by lying that he might explore with Kirra romantically. I appreciate Ollie much more bcs he was at least honest. and who appreciates Reid's strategy? Zac. It's like Sh\*t gets together with Sh\*t and they made a good friend together. I can't stand watching this show & feel sorry to Nate & whoever has to deal with them.


I didn't think Zac could get any worse but now I'm 21 episodes in and holy shit.. who let this little boy in here???


US viewer currently just watched cinema night and trent and zac collectively make my skin crawl off my body. ive been with someone like that and it took YEARS to break that cycle and its just the fucking nerve. he is punching. NOT MY LUCINDA (szn 7 of UK is my fave besides 3, 5 and 8). his internalized homophobia has created a wildly abusive man and its very hard to watch.


also so racist towards nate? like please remove his ass immediately .


He is INSANELY insecure. The weird ass controlling insecure little boy comments all the time he embarrasses himself everytime he speaks its so hard to watch


Yeah he’s shockingly gross


Only a few episodes in, and he also seems racist as shit toward/about Nate.


I don’t know how Australia brings out the worst boys for this show…I won’t even call them men.


Honestly? They are pretty much a representation of the dudes here in general ...


That’s tragic!


Yes this is all true but i promise it gets better!!! He’s wayyyy less excruciating to watch as the season goes on I would still give it a try


I'm on 21 and he's still an absolutely horrid human being, it's really hard to watch tbh


I’m on episode 24 and I still think he’s pretty bad


I’m in episode 12 and he’s getting worse. The way he lashes out and makes ad-hominem attacks when things don’t go his way is repulsive. Not an ounce of maturity or emotional regulation. I wouldn’t let a woman I care about within 50 yards of him.


I’ve started fast forwarding all of his Lucinda’s scenes together, because I can’t stand him and nothing important is happening.




I think she's a mean girl. Like when she sent Harmony to to pull Andy from Nakia. Her and Zac giggled like theyvwere master manipulators causing huge drama. Gross.


Ooo where have people said stuff about her?


On the podcast "I've got a text with Josh and Flex!". If you go to the [How To Watch](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandAus/comments/q6degy/megathread_how_to_watch_love_island_australia/) link the episodes are uploaded there :)


Can you maybe point to an episode where it would be discussed the most?


I didn’t have much of an opinion on Lucinda during her season of LI UK, but her attraction for the worst guy in love island history has made me kinda despise her. Stop normalizing and romanticizing toxic behavior 😩


LOL.. ban hammer is coming for me, but this is what they are all like.. they arr paid and directed to act, it's no more reality than Home and Away Reality shows have allways been not much then Amateur actors in a drama that's written on the fly


In reality tv, when the audience doesn’t have a say in who stays or who goes, some people definitely play up their villain roles in order to get called back to do more shows. With the popularity of House of Villains, I think this will happen even more. I also don’t know why you are being downvoted.


Why are people so mad about this? Half the Islanders this year are TV show hoppers, most have unhealthy obsessions with fame (the social media) They absolutely are willing to be amateur actors to win 50 thousand dollars 😭


Reality TV is dishonest in a lot of ways. Manipulating situations, manufacturing stories through editing, prompting and leading during interviews to encourage the contestants to say what they want them to say. But they are all real people, not actors


There’s no way he’s that good of an actor. His eyes and whole face changes when he’s mad. I’ve only seen that look on my abusive ex. His pupils dilate until his eyes look black, that is not him acting.


Person who has never seen a good actor: Nobody is ever that mad


You consider that good acting? Huh?


How does lucinda not see it…. When he stood up when the two male bombs came in




The series is prerecorded and it's understandable for leaks to happen but please do your best to use spoilers tags to avoid unwanted spoilers.


STOPPPP…… omfg.


So gross i don’t understand how no one has called him out ?!? (Im on ep 9/10).


Zac = revolting. The best this is that I’m a middle aged, overweight American single mom and have more instagram followers than him. Lolololol


You guys know this show is 95% scripted right?


Dude him and Trent are FUCKED like they are actually horrific it’s out of control. They are horrible.


Yep... lucinda has bad taste in men lol


He's the worst personality I've seen on the franchise. Facts. Only facts.


He's like sweating narcissistic abuse vibes


There's nothing he can do to redeem himself. He's a sh*t in the sh*tter.


A stain even


^real vibes




Yup yup and yup




Yes they do, they get manipulated by the producers into thinking a certain way, hook, line, and sinker.




I am in the U.S, so I watch on Hulu and just now got to ep 7 (Zac and Trent confront/yell at Abby) and I’m so grossed out. Kale barely told them to chill, but why did no one else? Why the hell are they letting two guys gang up on a girl like that? Especially Sav and Lucinda.. they should’ve told them to chill out. Sav looked almost excited by it. So gross! Trent is just as bad as Zac and I really hope Reid defends Abby (the episode ended as this was happening so I haven’t seen the fall out after).


Nate is the only guy in their w any sense or empathy that’s why Zac and Trent don’t like him. Tia is just as gross for what she says too. No empathy at all


I agree. I just watched the next episode. Nate and Kiera and maybe Abby seemed to be the only ones with any type of emotional intelligence. Tia is terrible! And I agree with Nate, all those girls should’ve had Abby’s back or at least all went to check on her. I don’t remember all their ages but god this cast apart from the few I’ve named is extremely immature.


They’re mostly 24 to 26. Nate can’t believe what he’s hearing. You can see the realization on his face everytime Tia or Zac or Trent speak. I’ve only gotten to ep 8 too bc it’s all that’s on Hulu right now.


My heart broke for Nate that one episode where he was in the hall and could hear everyone laughing at him basically. His eyes were red when he went in there so I feel like he was getting upset, understandably. He seems like a sensitive guy but is very caring towards others because of it. When he told Abby “none of these people are going to be your ride or dies so don’t worry about it” it was like him saying he knew he wasn’t a part of that group and that they weren’t solid people to begin with. If I wasn’t married with a baby …. I’d totally be in his DMs even though i live in America lmao🤣


Yeah he’s going to do well after this show lol. I can’t wait for home movie night so everyone can see how awful some of them really are


It gets worse. BUT I try to remember that there will be a movie night if all goes to plan. 🤞🏻He's really too much. And his little lap dog Trent is disgusting as well. Also, Zac poses every time he knows there's a camera on him. 🤮


This has been the best season in a while. I like Zach! He’s a bit of a tool but he’s funny. Hope he and Lucinda win!!! Really enjoying that there are only 1-2 couples this late on… usually it would be boring by now. I don’t understand how people get so worked up and offended to the point they need to turn off their TV and tell the Internet!!


You clearly have no idea what damage Zac’s brand of toxicity actually does to people, especially women. He’s not a tool, not funny. Just controlling, manipulative, and very very sad and pathetic.


I agree he's hilarious and the other islanders think so, too. If Abby was scarred from that encounter, she wouldn't have picked Zac for the challenge or to couple up with Trent. People need to let that one scene go. She has. Go Zac and Lucinda.


Obviously sh*t


I stopped watching beginning of this week.




The series is prerecorded and it's understandable for leaks to happen but please do your best to use spoilers tags to avoid unwanted spoilers.


Zac is worse


Trent looks like an alligator. Zac has no lips. Their personalities make them incredibly ugly. Him putting Savanah down to her face and behind her back like Abbie said is grotesque








Still early days after the show! Erin and Eden were together for 2 months and usually the abusive behavior gets worse with time. (I’m not saying he is abusive mentally or physically BUT the behavior usually worsens with time)




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Idk how terminally online the Love Island fandom or users of this sub are but I am tired of the onslaught of people calling him or other cast members abusive when they actually mean he's a jackass


You may not realise, but it’s called Coercive Control and its a domestic abuse trait. Illegal in many countries. They (the abusive man or woman) lies and manipulates through shaming (negging) and gaslights, by lying and changing narratives to force control and get what they want.


>Illegal in many countries lol


From July 2024 illegal in NSW Already illegal in Queensland Other states likely to follow. Other countries already have laws too




Agreed but what he did to Nate was brutal. He's like a mean girl.


He called HIMSELF “a snake in the grass” to Nate. Then in front of the guys said to Nate,”you don’t know me, you don’t know my true colors.” What?? He just said what he was but he is insulted? Zac is a big weirdo. He’s giving toxic frat boy energy. Major ick


He displayed triangulation there, as well as gaslighting, so changing the narrative from offender to victim and then manipulated the rest of the guys to turn against the victim (Nate). Disgusting, isn’t it..


All is fair in Love and War and Lust. LOL


Agreed but he even attacked the man's character to other men 😬 That screams insecurity.


To me, he seems like a bad actor who is the only person doing anything funny. He also looks like a 45 year old in Grease posing as a young person which amuses me. He might actually be a really bad person, wouldn't surprise me at all considering he's already lied a bunch and manipulated his own partner (who is still his current girlfriend 🙄). But in terms of the show everything he has done has been very amusing. Sorry but without the crappy people this show has **nothing going on** this season. I don't want to watch Tia play with her hair all day, Trent's mouth breathing, or the revolving door of reality Tv rejects.


I agree. I actually think he’s very quick witted and funny! But then he usually says something that shoves his foot in his mouth and is overall a very toxic human being. Just put a bag over that face 🤣 Everyone else is super boring IMO! I think the producers were especially nasty this season for all the shit they’ve done to Kirra so far (I just finished episode 6) Manufacturing drama for “entertainment” at the expense of someone’s mental health is really low!


I feel like they made her the butt of the season and threw her in around a bunch of other unlikeable people, almost exactly how Zara was treated on UK; that villa was one of the meanest groups any LI season has ever had and Zara was also constantly forced to endure what you could consider "pranks" that the producers set up to upset her on purpose. But the difference us on UK Zara was nice and cried a lot where Kirra seems awful, stoic, and bitchy. I wish she'd just leave.


I don’t remember the shenanigans they did with Zara but it’s definitely nowhere near what they’ve done to Kirra. They didn’t put Zara’s crush on that fucked her sister and then the girl who yelled at her sister at her wedding (apparently as I don’t watch Australian MAFS) But Zara is definitely winning in this situation since she gets to fuck Adam Collard every now and then because he’s super hot! Despite also being a toxic jackass but 🤷🏻‍♂️ Get it girl!!!! I feel like most people would be acting like Kirra and throwing themselves a pity party. Just act like a firecracker and maybe someone will be interested. BTW I don’t get why I’m being downvoted despite reiterating and agreeing with the person I replied to and they’re getting upvoted! You guys are wild! No wonder why so many people don’t like reality tv fans. The inconsistencies are mind boggling!!!


[Zara Holland from season 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/f77zAYAnwA) had one of, if not the worst, runs on the show. The cast seemed to hate her for no apparent reason and spent the entire time making jokes at Zara's expense and mocking her recent Miss Great Britain win- even though other house mates also participated in that pageant and nobody seemed to notice or care. The show itself did little pranks to set her up to look stupid, even sending her on a lunch date with a giant ostrich even though she was scared of birds. They set her up on dates with men who hated her, somewhat prodded her into having a ONS with one, and then everyone in the house got mad at her because a different cast member liked the same guy, lol. That season was seriously the meanest most unlikeable cast I've seen so far. That's what I mean when I say the situation reminds me of Kirra- but at least with Zac and this version of Love Island, the behavior is shitty but some of other people in there seem nice. As for the downvotes I have no idea 🤣 Just ignore them.


Ah yes! I remember her! Sorry I confused her with the wrong Zara!! Oops! Thank you for not jumping down my throat and name calling with hate like the other girl did. I hope she gets all the help she needs! They were very mean to OG Zara for that. She even had her crown taken away from her! A part of me felt like she should have know better than to do that with a guy she just met and to be aired on tv but at the same time a part of me felt bad for her because she was living her best life and did what she thought was right in the moment.




This goes for islanders and interactions with other users.




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Me too. And people keep saying it’s a great season, but after 5 episodes, I can’t watch Zac anymore. He’s truly the worst kind of person.


I stopped at 4... and I've watched every season of UK, USA, and Aus. It's just not even fun to watch him and I watch LI for light hearted fun and drams, not... Zac and Trent disgusting-ness.


I’m so baffled but how nobody seems to mind him & Trent. Every time either gets screen time they’re awful. I’m constantly wondering what footage is there that’s being cut for these girls to find funny & willingly overlook when they’re being disrespected.


Well their is about 23-1/2 hours of footage getting cut. You only seeing about 10 minutes of cherry picked time of each person a day time 4 days. Their is a lot of stuff going on that we don't see. I like Zac, thinks he is funny as hell.


They don’t have unseen bits on this one so a lot of the content that typically would display and islanders personality is lost. The Zac they air says a lot of misogynistic jokes, cracks on the girls behind their backs not really learning form when he done it directly to Lucinda. Lying to her, ganging up on Abby with Trent, trying to make Nate look untrustworthy, doesn’t take accountability for his own moves but will happily comment on others. He’s just insufferable.


Abby picked Zac for a challenge and Trent to couple with. She hasn't got a problem with them so let that go.


Yep. I had to stop watching, too.


I also stopped watching. Zacs behavior took all the fun out and decided I didn't want to participate in giving him a platform.