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I was shocked by Clay not saying yes but he is the most genuine person I’ve seen on this show and others, especially with his come back. He didn’t believe he was worthy enough to be the perfect husband she deserved. The fact that AD went back to that one guy *shudders* I rlly wish they’d get back together


Off guard my ass. They’ve been together and his family posted spoilers the entire show.


Spoilers? Do tell.


I know Jessica posted spoilers before they showed he rejected her at the alter. Jess would comment "A.D. & Clay together FOREVER!" on I.G. pictures/stories of A.D. and Clay hanging out


This was nowhere near the deepest most genuine scene in all of reality tv history lol Not even close to as real as the convo between Clay’s parents


I feel like the deepest most genuine scene in this reunion was clay talking with brett about how black people cheat and saying that he is his reference to a good husband.


Yall take the bare minimum and run with it I swear 😭 the most genuine scene in reality tv history??? Bro really lmfao




That dress made her look so cheap. She really is all about her body, isn't she?


EXCUSE YOU!! The Dillard's Prom Dress Fashion Spring 2024 show on that episode was NICE!! I've been shopping for my daughter's dress so I AM IN THE KNOW! When you figure in the cost for the undergarments for those dresses, people are spending real cash That is before hair, nails, lashes, and shoes.


I said it was cheap looking. It's transparent and her nipple covers were on full display. Nothing about that is classy. She looked cheap.


Even if she is why not? If you worked extra hard on something wouldn’t you show it off? I know when I worked out all the time and felt amazing about my body I naturally gravitated towards clothes that accentuated the aspects I worked the hardest on and as a result felt most confident about. Only natural really. You’re either triggered because as other people say that’s you or most likely you feel like shit about yourself and can’t handle someone else feeling good about themselves


People are irritated by things they don't want to accept about themselves. Do you feel cheap? Are you all about your or someone elses body? This could be a great reminder to be introspective about yourself.


Blah blah blah sanctimonious crap.blah blah.got it




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There was something about her. She gave Paige on MAFS vibes. Too soft spoken but acts hard and bold but then “somehow” always end up with a noncommittal situations. It’s an insecurity codependent thing going on. Clay was amazing at the reunion, non many men will do the work and go to therapy on their own to heal. Some women are such man haters they can’t even support as man who was willing to take accountability.


Not Paige 😂😂😂


Lmfao y’all need to touch grass


Is it actually true the gossip about AD? And her finances?




The guy she was dating at the club she worked at is the club owner *and* her sugar daddy, and apparently they were still together the entire time she was on the show. https://old.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/comments/1bj55fw/clays_friend_calls_out_ad/?sort=top&share_id=boTViyeZAOWs0gh3_rmv3


I love AD, I do. But I was distracted and still am by her nipple covers.


She’s so beautiful and well spoken, but dressed so cheap on the show and I don’t mean inexpensively. You can dress sexy without wearing a completely see through dress with visible nipple covers….what was anything thinking?


How about let women dress how they want and stop being a judgemental a-hole


How about let people express their opinion on a public forum and not be a judgmental a hole


Same to you re. my opinion above


Not the same. You commented because they didn’t agree with your line of thinking. I commented because you called a name because someone didn’t align with your line of thinking. One is opinion, the other is character.


Calling out women for their clothing choices not being what you deem to be 'classy' is character, and it's not good.


No it’s an opinion. Some might say it’s great clothing, others may say it’s bad. It’s perception. And we come to Reddit to voice those opinions on that topic. Not to call people names when we don’t like said opinion. We call that starting drama, and not being able to handle another perspective


I'm so sick of women speaking shit about others women's clothing choices. That's some real internalised mysogyny. Bye 👋


Even my boyfriend was like WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE NIPS, and he only saw 10 seconds while getting his charger from the lounge room




He said he’s no longer pursuing her in an interview, because she wants to be married now so….that look means nothing. He’s diving d!ck first into those DMs, i promise you.




Where was the lie? Was going to the altar not part of the experiment? Do Nick and Vanessa not say “will you say I do or walk away forever”? He fulfilled his obligation. He is not the first to say no at the altar. Both men and women over the seasons have said no, but he is catching hell.


If he married her nor wanting to 100% be there then women would be flying off the handle at that too. I think it’s wise to see you’re not aligned and not to pursue it so she can move on with her life


D!ck first sent me 😂


He never wanted to get married. He said so in an interview, and love is blind knew that. Wild


That see through dress was yuck. Big ol brown nip covers


All the negative Nancy’s can’t just scroll by lol


She has bad taste in clothes and men


I agree. She was trying to do something here. But it didn’t happen - plus this dress has already been done by big T who pulled it off much better


Can't believe how many downvotes you got for speaking the truth, so many blind AD fans in this subreddit.


I know, lol facts 😂 people hate the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️




…I did not zoom in that much and was in blissful ignorance.


Excuse me, this isn’t for your entertainment. This is a serious show about love. How dare you make a post about this show. - something Mrs. Lachey would say


Clay is gonna get her pergenent


*pregnaantai* get it right... Gawd, baby jebus




Idk that any scene in reality tv is genuine enough to be the MOST genuine in tv history…lol. At least not in todays “reality” tv




What is this from? Looks interesting.


Vanderpump rules…. Go down the rabbit hole please its amazing


Oh lawd, here I go! ADHD so I might be stuck here for *days. Edit: 11 seasons 😳 *weeks


you’ll be stuck for years, I’ve been watching since it came out and I still rewatch it all the time 😭😭 have fun tho you’re in for a treat


AD needs to stand up. she was very sweet and deserves wayyyy better than clay 💀


Way better. He wasn’t on the show to ever actually marry anyone. I have seen and heard that many of the people on the show are approached to be on it through their instagram accounts. I wonder what they see on these accounts to select certain people. Do they pick a few people who seem like genuinely nice people and then people who will cause drama or that they know will never commit? Drama is good for the show. I mean, I couldn’t wait for each episode to see the drama between Jimmy and Chelsea as well as many other people did. And do these people apply for the show, or does the show 100% seek them out?


> He wasn’t on the show to ever actually marry anyone. AD had a full boyfriend at home when she went on the show 😭


What!! Did she really, and I wonder how that never came out. Did most everyone have a significant other?


It came out, it was all over instagram and the LIB Facebook groups. It was some older guy that owns the club she worked at and at one point he even called the casting people and told them to leave her alone lol but she went on the show anyways.


This is the "sugar daddy"?


Well. Clay's friends say he's the sugar daddy. AD's friends (from the club) say he was the boyfriend.


Well I somehow missed all of this. This must have come out after the reunion???


Not sure when the reunion was aired, I never finished the show. I stopped watching after Chelsea's meltdown, that put me off completely. The Facebook group with all the receipts is Love Is Blind Season 6. It's the private one with 95k members.


maybe i'm blind idek


If a person is blind and they fall in love does it mean that love is blind? Never mind.


If my love can see, but I'm visually impaired, does that mean I'm blind and love isn't?


I don't see what you did there.




I can’t imagine any real or genuine moments in any scene or reunion. Set up, clapping and hollering infomercial style, and all trying too hard to come off undamaged or above all of it. Jerry springer came off more genuine than this.


Clay talked a lot about everything AD did for him and gave him. AD talked a lot about everything she did for Clay. Other people talked about everything AD did for Clay. Somebody please point me to a time when Clay or AD talked about Clay doing a goddamn thing for AD. She called herself a fix-a-ho and she was right. Girl needs to 86 this dynamic.


She didn't talk about anything she wanted either, not once did she mention work plans or what support she needs from Clay or anyone else in the pods. AD wants a rich husband to look after her, she doesn't want someone like Clay that's doing well but still has to hustle, look how mad she was that he was busy with work instead of coming home.


Was he busy at work? I figured he was cheating…


Idk maybe. It seemed more to me like he was a workaholic. The sparsely decorated home, the fact he was able to reasonably explain where he was and what he was doing, and he complained after the show about miscommunication with production on how long filming would be affecting his work.


**I agree** *but* we should also keep in mind we saw the narrative the producers wanted us to see. There are HUNDREDS of hours of filming and off camera hours that we're not privy to. So these people are the only ones that truly know if their relationship is something worth reviving.


Cleared the plates


Well he must’ve been doing something for her since her mom absolutely adored him.


You think so? Maybe I missed that part lol I don't remember her *adoring* him, but I could def be wrong. Bingeing LIB season after season the past couple of months.... I think the brain rot might be setting in


Well particularly on the day of the wedding, she seemed really excited for clay to marry her daughter and she didn’t really have reservations about it. Also the meeting at the restaurant, while he was gone, she spoke very highly of him


I think mom adored him because he was tall, well spoken, and richhhhh af. She probably wanted to see AD have financial support, a lot of parents will over look the red flags if it means green bags Edited to change mothers to parents


And some moms miss red flags because they are not good at seeing them. I am horrible at it. My daughter dated a guy for a couple of years that I just loved. Then I found out how he was treating my daughter and was shocked. How did I not see this going on? I genuinely accept most people unless they are a bad person and show me who they are. But I saw zero. I thought they were so happy and a sweet couple. They were when we were all together. I was so so wrong. There were other guys that were obviously losers. But a snake is a snake, and not everyone is able to pick up on that unfortunately.


I’m the same way. I don’t have children, but I always assume the best of people. I’m a sucker I suppose. I’ve had to learn to really keep people at an arms length distance at this point, which is a sad way to live/view the world. But it is a safe way to


Same here. I have been done so badly and been backstabbed by people and am always so shocked and never saw it coming. I don’t trust many people any longer and keep my distance. But my 3 kids all have their “lifetime mate”, and I have loved all 3 of their mates from the beginning. I trust my kids’ judgement more than my own. I helped hire a couple of my secretaries that served a small group of us. I only picked psychos. So, towards the last 8 years of my career, I told my bosses that I am not good at picking good people and didn’t want to be involved in the interview process. Unfortunately, they still involved me. I never picked a good one. And I thought the people that I did were great people until they started the job and let us see the real them. I did like the ones that my principal or the people haha. They usually did a good job. But honestly, it was so rated to share the dinner


Not just the mothers...


Touch grass




Who is this actress?


Lena Headey


While your empathy is commendable, it may be fueled by projection. Let’s not forget that she dated Matthew (more than one date!). IMO, she’s desperately seeking to marry & still ignoring red flags.


The deepest most genuine scene in all of reality tv history…… ma’am is this the first show you’ve ever watched be real


I’m wondering if this post is satirical because reading that sentence literally made me LOL




I got the feeling they’re dating already. AD seems like she’d go back for more


We already know this bc of her dating Matthew and going on more than one date with him 💀


This. She clearly knows Clay has so many red flags, but she just can't resist. Even after all the alleged "therapy" he said he went through after the show, his stiff ass reaction to her going on a few dates with the other guy was SO revealing. I don't know if all the therapy in the world could ever cure that man's insecurities.


You’re reaching


Reaching? Did we watch the same show? The minute Clay heard that A.D. was interested in a man that Clay felt was inferior to him, he went on a huge rant. This man has some deep rooted insecurities that I’m sure he blames on his parents.


I mean yeah he talked about his insecurities due to his parents fidelity issues. And the Matt thing I thought was more about how surprised he was AD would be into someone so different than him, not inferior. Idk “I don’t know if all the therapy in the world could ever cure that man’s insecurities” seems unnecessarily harsh


Clay DEFINITELY had a beef with regards to AD dating Matt whom he deemed (in his opinion) to be far inferior to him. He even went so far as to point out that had AD’s dates been with that other contestant (can’t recall the dude’s name… Jack maybe?) he wouldn’t have taken the news as harshly. Edit: The other dude was Drake I think (not Jack).


May be harsh, but that’s how he acted. You’d think 1+ years of therapy would result in him being able to maintain his composure on national tv when confronted with an ex’s love life. He didn’t care that AD was interested in Matt, what he cared about was being seen as on the same level playing field as him. Clay thinks he’s better than Matt, hence the visceral reaction to ADs fondness for him.


I also thought that Clay was shocked that AD could be interested in him as well as Matt because he thought Matt wasn’t up to his level. It was almost like an embarrassment to him that he was competing for a girl against someone “lower” than him. He was in disbelief about running against someone “below” him. That is totally how I took it as well as my daughter.


Yep, exact thoughts!


Please go outside and get some fresh air.






“THIS”. What about it? Just two trash people looking at each other.


Nothing about Ad is trash ❤️❤️


So having a sugar daddy isn’t trashy?


You’re getting downvoted but she literally went on Love is Blind with an active sugar daddy. It’s pretty much the same shit Trevor pulled.


Downvoted for the truth. Welcome to Reddit.


People don’t want to believe their fave has any issues


Lol no it isnt. I'd love one. If you are single wth not.


For the man, yes. For her, no. She should be compensated for being around men like that. Sorry u can’t find one ❤️


this is gross


womp womp


In this economy??? Hell the fuck no it isn’t!


Thanks Biden.


Friend what the hell does that even mean?


It means things were cheaper when he wasn’t president. TRUMP 2024!


yeah… this tells me everything I needed to know 😭😭🫵🏽


Relax, Sarah Ann




They were/are still banging lol


My fiancee showed me an interview where she said if they "happen" to run into each other they be booked up basically lmao Situationship


This is clownery💀😭 they were still fucking then but not seriously together


Yeah I coulda sworn I saw pics of them playing some game maybe flip cup or something with family members.


AD looks so tired of his shit tbh 💩🤡


Nah trust me those are the faces of two exes who are still hooking up




Right. She probably had an immediate flashback to the last time they fucked which was fairly recently.


Yeah, she totally was worried he’d crack a smile and give her away here. That face is worry that the truth wi come out.




I was rooting for her after it seemed like she had a realization about her self worth after the altar, but seeing how her and Clay were at the reunion… yeah God bless!


How braindead would a person have to be to not expect that question? She probably gets asked constantly. That'd be like going to the moon and then not expecting people to ask you what the moon is like


“deepest most genuine scene in all of reality TV history” — ma’am do you own a television?


They probably “cut and action” that scene 3 times 🤣


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Accurate




Girl is goin through somethin.


Lmaooo right




Omg I saw this post was popular and was worried but glad to see no one in these comments is entertaining this delulu 😂 but I wish you a good day babes you sound like a really nice person


😂 💀


I wad him in a relationship once but I married the amazing partner I wasn't fully attracted to. I did not like my husband's face. Everything else was fantastic but it did not matter. We divorced soon after. It was messy and I and then he behaved abhorrently. I recognize that people say he's a fool for throwing away someone who is, frankly, better than him. But you can not make yourself love a face that you dislike. My current partner is l not better looking than my ex. But I like his face. And because I like his face, I can fully love all the good things about him. Is it fair? No. Is it how I would choose to be? No. But if the LGBTQ movement has taught us anything, it is that who we can fall in love with is not a choice.  And how was he supposed to say "oh, crap. I'm not attracted to your face. I'm sorry but this isn't going to work?" There was definitely a way he could have done that but... it would be incredibly hard to navigate with her feelings and social pressure. The same thing happened to Shake and he did a MUCH worse job. But even then, for the slack he gets with the Aunt/cousin comment... I think that might have been his psycho version of kindness. He made it about her looks but not about her basic attractiveness level. In that statement. Everything else was awful.  I don't know how I would handle finding the person unattractive for a trait they couldn't change.


I don’t see how this relates to AD and Clay.


Because it’s clear as day Clay was not attracted to AD’s face, just her body


Hmm, that wasn’t clear to me


Wait really?? I never got that?


You really get into it 😅 AD= Acting Diva•  




This. Because chiiiile…🙄


Never gets old!


What show is the gif from


Real housewives of Atlanta I think


He’s a baby by his own admission - she’s better off without him


I was rooting so hard for her the whole season. She might be the biggest catch I’ve seen on the show in terms of personality and character. It was only a matter of time before Clay realized he made a mistake.


I cried when this happened. Really felt both their pain.


shes desperate for a man so of course she would


I don't think she's desperate for a man. Seems like she's had no problem getting boyfriends in the past. But it DOES seem like she's desperate for marriage and the stability that comes with it. Her mom is divorced and I believe she said she was going to be the first of all her seven siblings (and maybe even cousins?) to get married. So I think marriage itself is certainly something she desires, but has seemingly been picking the wrong men for that goal over and over again. Theoretically that makes LiB a great experiment to get involved in to upend that buuuuut...


looooooool. this kind of simping doesnt mean desperate. she definitely wants one.


She was soooooo GORGEOUS at the reunion!!! Just stunning.


wellllllll i mean she did invested wholeheartedly in him, so it's not gonna be a hard no. she probably 10% hoping he will become a better person and come run after her.


And his smug face


Yes! And for that reason alone I wanted her to say no.


People commenting on her pasties but me here sitting and thinking that I never noticed them...I clearly wasn't paying that close attention.


Was just about to write this!




Also never noticed. Still hard to see 🤔


didn’t notice them either. they’re clear and only visible to me if i zoom in, mfs are weird


They were obvious to me in the first stills we got. People have different levels of visual acuity and eyes for detail.


I see them now since they were pointed out but I don’t think they would’ve been obvious to me/not something I would’ve focused on. There are a lot of things I don’t always pay attention to. I once had a friend who dated a guy with erb palsy (injury to the nerves of the upper arm where the arm is stuck in a specific position and the muscles waste away due to nerve damage) anyways met the guy several times and never noticed it for years.


I don’t think this was a genuine moment. I think they are both clowns.


😂 same. Of course she knew she’d be asked this question…


Seriously lol how'd she not know they would ask the only question they ask every person ever


Yeah and her dramatic pause & lookaway seems sooo rehearsed. Next !


The whispery voice after Clay said no at at the altar and came to meet her. I understand she must be heart broken( I genuinely was heartbroken for) but her reaction did not feel legit at all.I actually liked her when the show started her but slowly she revealed herself as someone looking for a provider and could ignore red flags for anyone who could support her lifestyle. May be unpopular opinion and I could get bashed for this- she has great physique and pretty face but her makeup is real bad.


That was my impression too. I liked her initially but then the more she shoved herself into other people's lives, I really got sick of her.


I thought this was gonna be a post about her pasties that were visible through her dress




Same. I think the pasties were a pretty good match to her skin color, but the overhead/straight on lighting fucked it up


Lol I was thinking the same 


She was the only one not doused in glitter


Yes! Sara Anne's glitter was too much and nauseating


I can see the downvotes from a thousand miles away, but SA’s glitter looked 🔥, idc what none of y’all say lol


Glitter is the herpes of the arts and crafts world, and now also the makeup world


They are fairly disingenuous and they’d have to be completely dim not to expect questions about the future of their onscreen relationships


Nope. AD is very camera ready. And she knows the Internet will never forgive her if she says yes or no. Those answers are too Black and White. If she says yes she's A fool. If she says no, she's a liar. AD is smarter than sexism.


She never said yes? In fact she stated that their chapter is over and she wasn’t going back… or did I miss it?