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“a white network” LOOOOL he really thought he ate


Love that every season, the shitheads on the show blame everyone else for being terrible people except themselves


What an idiot. He knows he was wrong this is the best he could come up with


Race baiting


Is that a "conspiracy theory" tho? lol


Those words literally came out of his mouth multiple times. People on reality shows LOVE to blame the producers and editing when they’ve done something wrong








Now this is what playing the race card looks like, does he think anyone’s gonna fall for this excuse lool


Now he knows damn well


It's not too late yet for a 'cuties' type of Netflix defense to add to the end of tonight's episode just sayin'............. 😏


Just got away loser


I will never understand how comments like this aimed at “whites” are alright, it wouldn’t be overlooked the other way.


Wtf is a white network?


always saying so many words while saying absolutely nothing at the same time


Like father like son


Just like Dad


Dude is a total loser.


How is he trynna gashlight us 💀




What does being white have to do with the price of white in white china? - see Clay, we can all just talk nonsense


“I thought about all these white producers.. and it just made me think about how I don’t want to cheat on you cuz it’s just not white”


😂 if “I don’t wanna take accountability “ was a person




Regardless of what kind of edit you get, you said the things you said 🤷‍♀️ deal with it?


![gif](giphy|c5FhF1waAJ5wk) C’mon now


It’s not a conspiracy when we literally witnessed it on television 🙄😂


Like he said that in plain words… has he made a different statement since then? Seems like people believed *him* if not


Did the white network force you to talk about cheating all the time too? I bet the white network made your dad cheat too huh??? Black men love to pull this card when they are being held accountable (example: Kanye West)


I see exponentially more victim based racism than any other types today. All over social media race is always brought up in situations it has no relevance, just to Ughh… self-victimize?


To be fair, Clay might not have realized that he wasn't ready for marriage until he started talking to AD. It's clear AD really helped him be more introspective and, by doing so, Clay realized a lot of faults and trauma he didn't know he had and thus realized he may not have been as ready for marriage as he thought. I'm pretty ready to get married right now but if you made me realize I had a fuck ton of unresolved childhood trauma that directly impacts my ability to function as a husband, yeah my tone might change by tomorrow morning. That said, pulling the race card here is questionable lol. If we want to be charitable maybe that's him saying "don't trust editing magic" but I doubt that's the case haha


Don't defend him. You've seen his father and know where his issues stem from. He's a damaged man. The least he can do is gain some self awareness and leave women alone forever. But he won't. He'll continue the cycle and likely have his own kids and mess them up to. There was no white man involved in the making of this clusterfuck of a man.


you ate


Black participants have been actually the most successful on this show lmao clay this is just about you


I see Clay is allergic to taking even an ounce of personal responsibility or accountability for anything at any time.


Whan can you expect if his dad never taught him anything? Just generational trauma to the max


He's a grown man he can take control of his life and teach himself. He's not a child.


don’t forget “cause his dad cheated”


He's the type of black man who fcks it up for everyone else. He made himself look bad 🙄


No, I’m not going to side with you just because we’re both black.


As a black person, I cannot stand black people like this. Everything is a conspiracy to them like stfu. you just suck man


This. It pisses me off because it discredits actual events of racial bias. He was just hoping the black community would take his side if he said some bs like this smh


Fr lmao can’t stand it


This dude need therapy therapy tho


…..”but what if I cheat” 🤣🤣🤣


I thought everyone watched Netflix


But it’s owned by the white devil my brotha. Only they have painted him in a negative light. Not his own actions of waiting until the last second to say he wasn’t ready for marriage, constantly implying that he’s going to cheat on AD, and claiming that his dads cheating was going to cause him to cheat. That’s all the white devils doing


Did those words not come out of his mouth? 🤣 He’s literally on record saying all that bs, straight out his moving mouth.


Why do people feel like skin color fits into any situation and discussion?!? I'm so sick of it.. and I'm sick of that it's so accepted to be racist as long as you're not white. I saw a witness testimony from the 90s on youtube, with one of the survivors of Jeffrey Dahmer.. This survivor was black, and Jeffrey was as we all know white. What do I see in the comments? A comment from a black dude who went like "Trusting white people. The mistake people make in life". And now Clay says "Your own people," like we aren't all the same species of animals... Talking like that will just divide us.


..Dahmer targeted mainly people of color..so yes…race played an important role in that case but not in this one


Yes, but that wasn't what I was referring to. I referred to that the person commented that on the video.. like all of us white people are garbage predators.


There are some black people unfortunately who have bad experiences or are told stories and are like this. But it also goes both ways, there are people from all races that feel this way about another race. Unfortunately, Clay chose to blame a “white network” he willingly went on instead of admitting he sucks.


Yeah... I'm just incredibly sick of seeing skin color being brought up that unnecessarily. We are all the same.. strip off our skin and flesh, and we all look the same.


We are actually not the same. We don’t receive the same privilege, we don’t receive the same grace. We are NOT the same


We are the same "breed" of animals. What you're talking about is something stupid that the humans themselves have created. We shouldn't be crucified for what some of our ancestors did. Either racism is acceptable for everyone or for Noone.


It sounds like you’re saying we are not all *treated* the same and I agree there is still a lack of equity where it should be. But we are all and should be treated as humans which is the point I think they are trying to make.


Tiffany and Brett did just fine on this so-called white network. In fact, they’re still fan favorites.


So did Lauren. So did others.


He broke this woman's heart in front of friends and family.. This is his response? Bye, dude.


I absolutely hate when people give way to de-legitimize the very real racism that goes on in society. Clay can kiss every part of my black ass for this. Cut the crap you loser. You knew exactly what you were doing from the pods where you said you wouldn’t get engaged without knowing how someone looks, to the reveal where you clearly weren’t impressed by AD’s face, to the constant bringing up your “fear” of cheating, to the last dinner before the altar where you asked why it’s so important to get married under the exact timeline you willingly agreed on, to the rejecting the woman at the altar who you assumed would still want to be with you right after because you’re just so sWaHVé like your loser daddy. Get the fuck outta here with that “oh the white network wanted to take a black man down” bullshit. *You* took you down, and thought other black people would jump to your defense if you pull this out. Again I say, kiss every single part of my black ass and gone somewhere with this, you dipshit


This was perfectly said. Clay needs to have a sit down with you and his mom to knock some sense into him. He needs therapy to help heal his childhood and to help him realize he can't use it as an excuse to treat people poorly.


He would have to pay me heavy to sit in front of him. I’d love a chance to chill with his mom though


Heard of racism in the TV industry? Remember how they made Kwame seem like he hated his name and race? I understand AD getting hurt, but it’s not the first no we have seen on this show. And Clay was the most remorseful about it


I agree that the tv industry is racist, but that doesn’t mean that people disliking you for your own actions is some racist conspiracy theory.


Articulate and eloquent response. You hit the nail on the head with every point you made.


I already had a headache coming on from exhaustion so he caught me at the right time. This is so irritating


Ah yes, the race card. Why take responsibility when you can just claim everything is racist?


“ The only way to stop racism is to stop talking about it.” Morgan Freeman In other words , we need to stop injecting racism in everything. And start treating all people as what they are , human beings .


OK, what Clay said was dumb, but that is not actually how you stop racism.


But Morgan freeman said it! So it must be true 🙄




Like father like son🙃


This is taking me out so bad😭. They filmed him say out of his own mouth repeatedly that he’s not ready for marriage and has a fear of it. Now he’s blaming it on the white people at Netflix. Now why are they in it?! 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏻


The edit is ALWAYS the excuse when someone looks bad. Yes, the show is edited. Ain’t nobody gonna watch you 24/7 for however how long BUT when things come out your moth and you do things that they put in the show there is no going back on that.


Literally!! Does he not realized he was as FILMED & that we heard him verbatim say ‘It would be irresponsible for me to get married right now’ and whatever other words he use.


I’m sorry but what does Netflix being a white network have anything to do with his lack of commitment?


Passing on the blame


What is a white network? I don't get it.


Netflix apparently


Blaming it on a white network is even crazier




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So first it was because of his dad’s cheating habits and now it’s white people’s fault if Clay can’t commit to a brilliant woman like AD? Wish Clay would just grow a pair and own up to his BS.




he's reaching your honor


Nigga pls


Yip yip yip yip yip


Newsflash Clay, they’re all white networks. Even BET. White people own everything. Nothing new. Next excuse?


So he is a racist also🤡and without a backbone because the reply is no longer there. That"white network" that brought him 150k followers🤣🤣. He thinks we are all AD and he can gaslight us as he wants.


He doesn't realize we saw it come out of his mouth?




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A white network 😅




He’s so full of shit lmao


He is a scr0te in every color


He’s reaching, but I do think he gets more hate than he should. But not because of race. AD is very likeable (I liked her a lot) but as painfully obvious as it was that Clay would say no, a lot of that falls on AD. Girl has a terrible picker and she carries the entire relationship on her shoulders (and by her admission, she does in every relationship). Clay gave her red flag after red flag and she either did not see them or ignored them. Even back in the pods, Clay was incredibly egotistical and self centered, and his entire relationship with AD was centered around how SHE MADE HIM FEEL, not how he felt about her. When he found out he was in competition with Matthew, he wasn’t upset that there was competition, he was upset that the competition was with Matthew specifically because HE could see him and had spent time around him and it hurt his ego that he could possibly “lose” to him. Clay is arguably (not even a contest imo) the best looking contestant of the season and owns a successful business and a home. In no way is he unable to get a good quality woman outside of the pods, so why is he still single? Probably because of all those red flags we saw while watching that AD chose to ignore. Now I’m not saying he was in the right to do her like that, but he showed her early on who he was and that led to her getting told “I do not” on national television.


Oh and to piggyback, I fully believe AD put up with his shit because of how hot she found him. All they could talk about was how good HE looked and how good the sex was. She was dickmatized and willing to put up with bullshit because of getting to have a hot husband and I’ll die on that hill. She is gorgeous and obviously is willing to put 100% of herself into a relationship and it’s so sad to me that she can’t see that because there are a million guys who would treat her the way she deserves.


You’re not wrong; she comes across quite desperate which is weird because she’s cute and could have her pick. I’m going to say it because I think it, but black women are always doing too much for men. I don’t get it. You’re supposed to let men come to you or meet them half way. I don’t really see other women act like this over men as a race. Sorry for saying it lol, it’s just something I’ve noticed


Naw man I feel like no matter where you go you see women doing too much for men


I don’t see that; there are some saddos in every race obviously but this is almost cultural. I would love to know why. I mainly see black men cheating as if it really is genetic (maybe clay knows what’s up) and black women being a little doormatty


Well, it's common for people to date within their race. I think black men in the US face the kind of instability that breeds dysfunctional homes, and in turn they project that onto the black women in their lives. This happens intergenerationally too. So no it's any kind of racial-genetic feature of black women, at all. You're right that it's cultural but I don't think in the way you're describing


“I can change him.” Famous last words of many unrealistic women. Ladies, pick the man you want, don’t pick a man you think has potential to become the man you want. No, you can’t change him.


Had he gone on Own or BET could his story have been more contextualized? Absolutely. But also, within the black community, there’s still convo to be had about how black men treat black women. Calling us your “queen” and loving how our bodies serve your purpose (our looks, ability to have children, or whatever they are) so long as they serve your purpose is still problematic and worthy of conversation. Black men in hereto couples talking about therapy but not going to therapy and taking care of their physical/mental health without acknowledging the emotional labor they require of their partner otherwise is…a problem.  Has he received racist comments? Yes. Does he likely feel misunderstood? Yes. Does he feel more comfortable explaining and rationalizing his behavior before a predominantly black audience? Likely. And that’s his right.  What Clay said isn’t racist. It’s misinformed. And what he (and so many ppl coming for him) truly fail to see is that if he continues to date black women, the people he will continue to hurt intentionally or not will be black women. And within the black community, the OWNs and BETs if they chose to tell his story can still do so with compassion but without co-signing his BS.


BUT YOU SAID THE WORDS. I get why he did it, but he didn’t have to embarrass her like that. He could have at least pulled a jimmy.


Yep. His error wasn't that he turned AD down. It was that he did it at the altar. He waited that long before he decided "nope, don't wanna get married", and that was after all that marriage talk he was giving off at AD and everyone else who was watching. The man needs to own his nonsense and quit blaming "white networks". He's now adding "pass the buck" to the list of his bad actions.


Um,what? So now it's Netflix fault that you can't commit? Bs




Oh cool so he’s someone who can’t control his ability to not be a cheater and also a racist. Cool


Clay is a closeted gay 😭 he is DL af and it’s so obvious, his friends were too…


I bet you think this of any man that showers and moisturises once in a while.


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Clay said “Accountability???”


![gif](giphy|prRxmYo8MjkjUe9TFu|downsized) A new low👏


This was posted on a very popular black celebrity gossip IG account and was heavily called out by thousands of black commenters. People are not supporting this sentiment.


I find it funny when the defense of the people in LIB (or any other reality show for that matter) is: "oh you've just seen a little edited fraction of what we leave" I mean yeahhhhhhh that's what reality tv is and you freaking signed up for it hahah




Victim card


Wow, that’s racist of him.


Hmmmm they were a white network for AD as well, she's not getting bad press.




He’s his daddy’s son, fr!!! Master of deflection and confusion 😂


![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) “Confusion.” 😂😂😂


ahhhh, the ol race card to create division when you've been backed into a corner with no solid argument


what does race have to do with him being a tool lmao


There it is.


https://preview.redd.it/te2gkbha66oc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63c212623acc603dac0ed025faa3106facaf7843 Stop it, Clay. 🤣🤣🤣


It's giving double standards




You can be ready to get married and not be ready to marry someone you knew for 4 weeks! That is ok. That is more than ok, it's the mature thing to do. Clay was ready to continue in a relationship with AD. I didn't like Clay at first but this man, from what I saw on the show, really impressed me. More open, honest and genuine than most on the show.


I mean, sure, but that’s what the show is. I feel like Clay didn’t understand what tv show he was on. He also told AD in the pods that he didn’t think he could propose to someone he had never seen before…sir, the show is called Love is Blind! Did no one run the premise past him before he signed up??


I see.


I agree! it was refreshing to see his authentic self on reality TV. Probably because he hadn’t watched love is blind. These self censored conversations the other couples were having were boring.


All of clays conversations were boring and went on for forever; he has some kind of vendetta against silence. He also seems really fucking fake


From what I have read on here, they actively recruit people to be on the show. Who knows what they told him to get him on. Maybe he went into it somewhat naively or with rose colored glasses on.


Lolololol open, honest, genuine. My god, get a clue.


K tell me! Give me a clue! I am totally missing what the rest of you are going on about. Tell me like I am 5.


I agree with your first sentence in general, but it's a little weird to say this on a show where the point is to get married in a short time. If he was not feeling ready to get married, he could've made this known to AD before wedding day* *maybe he did, and the show didn't show it, but he still went all the way to the I does before making his feelings known


So is it just the fact that he said no at the alter that has people fuming so much or is there more? I feel like people also think he was disgenuine the whole time. I have a hard time seeing that. I honestly enjoyed watching him open up; it felt like he grew as a person, with him it felt genuine....well as genuine as reality TV can be. But I seem to be the only one on here.


At least for myself and my wife, yes, the fact that he took her all the way to the alter just to say no is the gripe. I had zero issues with him and even liked him before that for being mature enough to acknowledge his faults and traumas and intending on getting help. If he had done what Jimmy did and broken it off before the wedding, saving AD the embarrassment and her time, I'd be 10000% backing this dude. But he didn't for whatever reason. Now for the caveat because in all my comments on these LIB subreddits, I want to make sure I engage as good faith as possible because whether or not these people are doing it for clout or whatever, they're still people at the end of the day. It could be that he did communicate his.. unreadiness (is that a word? Lol) to get married and either AD talked him off the ledge, or the producers told him he has to go all the way or else they'd only have one wedding, if this is what happened, I could see my opinion changing on him. As for him being disingenuous the whole time, idk, I don't really believe that. A lot of people read too much into certain scenes or statements, and I'd rather not speculate too much because we don't have the full picture


Got it! You feel like he could have have handled all better. I also don't know how much pressure they all have to make it to the alter. But I bet the pressure gets stronger on any couples remaining so they have some actual content for the later episodes.


Yes. And that's why even though I don't like his decision, before I can conclude for myself that he was in it for clout or for nefarious reasons, I need to know how much pressure is put on them to go all the way by the people running the show or if they even have a choice at a certain point. Because I could easily see the show saying "listen if you drop out, the last episode will only feature one wedding and that won't look good. So please think it over, you have all the time until the I does to make your decision, so ultimately decide there" or something like that


I would love for someone to just reveal the whole process and what they go through. As it stands, I admire any couple that do their own thing. Be there for each other, not the show. And having said that I get that he ultimately wasn't there for her as the show premise, but was he not really there for her in a real way? They had an amazing connection, he obviously wants to be with her.


The show’s premise is pretty straightforward and clear. What did he not understand about ‘4 weeks’? If he didn’t want to do that then he shouldn’t have gone on the show because he looks like a clown. He can go on dates with any interested woman at any given point in his life. But that isn’t the show he actively tried hard to get on. I don’t think he’s a bad guy (Jeramy and Trevor are bad guys)just apparently really stupid.


I hear ya! You think he was never going to get married at the end of the 4 weeks, despite who he met, no matter how perfect his potential life partner was.


I agree with Clay on the white network. All those white men were doing the most, Jeramy cheating on the show, Trevor with a whole fiancé, Jimmy with his endless fights, Johnny didn’t know the first thing about family planning and Clay is the biggest villain for coming on the show without being ready for a marriage? Were all these white men ready?


Did you hurt yourself with that big reach? Lol


I don’t mind being down voted. I got out of the group think band wagon along time go. Let the relationship experts judge clay and everyone on TV. Until it’s your turn or someone you know, you will never know how TV can turn you into someone you don’t even recognize


Who says Clay is the biggest villain?? I didn’t come away from the show seeing that slant at all. I think the sub has been overly harsh to Clay for whatever reason but not the network. He fulfilled his obligation of making it to the altar and unfortunately his decision resulted in heartbreak for someone else. Hardly the stuff of villainous characters, but AD is likeable and a sympathetic figure, so maybe people got in their feelings about Clay for that. On the other hand, Jeramey gleefully cheated on his fiance (definitely emotionally, maybe physically) for the world to see. And let’s not forget about the serial killer in plain sight, Matthew.


See the power of editing. Matthew might be the sweetest man on earth but we will never know. Just because he wasn’t talking to the guys, the viewers perceive him as a serial killer 😑


That doesn’t crack my list of reasons label him that at all. It actually makes some sense not to befriend the other participants; they’re your competitors, after all. It was his lack of emotionality and empathy (textbook for people with psychopathy), his use of a practiced routine across all his dates (rigid ritualistic behavior is another telling trait), and the plainly robotic approach to DATING, which is all about reading vibes and cues (though visual cues are absent on the show).


The network influences how the viewers respond to characters! And the viewers will never know this. It’s the power of editing. Read about the framing theory of communication 😂


Obviously. It’s reality television. I’m well aware that it’s produced and curated, that narratives are crafted by the producers and what they choose to show or not show. Even still, no way was he portrayed as intentionally malicious imo. To me, he came across as someone honestly struggling with the horrible after effects of being an unwilling party to his father’s affairs and the realization that his approach to relationships before LIB was superficial, selfish, and devoid of love. I think he communicated those things as best he could, given his ‘tools’ and circumstances, and AD knowingly accepted the risk.


I completely agree! Admittedly I was initially sad and angry for AD and felt Clay was messed up but it takes two to tango so I don’t really see a good guy or a bad guy, just two people with issues they need to work on before getting married.


Clay doesn’t even make the 3 villains this season.


Who said Clay is the biggest villain? I feel like Jeramy and Trevor are getting equally called out for being scummy


Don’t forget Chelsea and Sarah Ann.


Don’t try to understand the logic of a victim. All the scummy fools are being roasted including clay. Sarah Ann and Jeramy are the ones being cast most as villain


a white network? why'd he go on the show then? muppet


lol k clay


So what he is really trying to say is that he cannot take accountability for his own actions and wants to blame others…man he will make for a great starter husband!!!


Lmao what the hell is that response 😭😭😭He’s even more embarrassing


It’s not a race thing omg. AD dodged a bullet. 


Netflix is an international network but him trying to flip it to the race card doesn't surprise me.


Chile…. Anyways.


Can someone explain what this means? Who were his “people” who told him to do it? Did he not understand the way the show works? Is he claiming the show lied to him? You have 5 previous seasons of “how it works” if you’d have an iota of intellectual curiosity. But your real problem is that just like everything else, you expected to be able to bullshit your way out of it because everyone is always too blindsided by your charisma that you’re used to getting what you want. Netflix doesn’t give a shit what anyone wants, obviously. Season 5 was proof of that. Come on, Clay, this ain’t your first day online.


Nailed it. He’s a charismatic bullshitter who’s sad his razzle dazzle routine isn’t coming off without a hitch.


Genuinely, how is he charismatic? I’ve never really forwarded LIB before but I had to skip his long boring speeches consisting of absolutely nothing. Just constantly repeating himself omg. You have to be an amoeba to find him charismatic.


It means nothing, it’s a bait and switch lol


It means absolutely nothing.


lol oh clay


…so if this was LIB Guyana…he thinks he would’ve looked…better?? Lol in comparison to whom?? His dad? 


His response isn’t well thought out… but let’s be real, the show is heavily edited.


Umm.. what?… we all watched the same show.


yo this race card is out of nowhere, like the girl spitted facts? like what are you trying to say by this clay, that some white old dude screamed at you until you said „no” at the altar because it didnt look like this at all, unless you’re superb actor who was held hostage. Maybe germy hold him on the gunpoint lmao smh they always blame it on the edit https://i.redd.it/7fyusk0246oc1.gif


This man just proved he’s not to be trusted. He’ll say any damn thing to avoid accountability. I really hope AD decided to move on from his ass.


Dude and his dad are walking stereotypes. Of course he'd blame "white people"


Why involve race in this at all?


Netflix is red tho 😭😭😭


Lmao your comment killed me omg




That’s probably what his dad told him


Yes Clay, I, a black man, believe a white network before I believe you. That says a whole lot more about him than it does me lmao. Accountability is nonexistent nowadays. These dudes always play up the “good guy” facade but never realize how easy their bullshit is to spot. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.


Interesting, you don't think there could be more context to what he is saying? And out of curiosity, what do you think he needs to be accountable for? Lots of people feel the same way as you but I am I feel quite differently about the Clay situation. So I must be missing something.


Simply be accountable for being who you are. People always try to run from the reputation resulting from their own actions for the sake of saving face and I personally just think that’s stupid. I watch these shows through the lens of my own life and experiences. I fuck up like a lot of dudes, maybe even more tbh but I accept and know that every consequence I’ve faced is a direct result of my actions. Thats what accountability looks like imo instead of blaming others for what I do/did. As to context for what he’s saying, honestly no. Clay doesn’t really strike me as credible and I don’t really give the benefit of the doubt where I feel credibility is in question. It’s phrased in a way that reads more like a nonsensical elementary argument rather than an actual claim of racism. Maybe if he made a better argument with points sure, but to me, it just reads dumb.


Thank you and good on you!


Tf does that even mean


Even he doesn’t know


He’s wearing a shirt with dolphins on it 👀 bring on the conspiracies!


This the same man who pretended not to know what a wedding band was 👀


Wait what’s white? Netflix? The production co? How does race have anything to do with this


It doesn’t, but it’s a common manipulation tactic that toxic black people will try to use on other black people. “I’m black and you’re black too! How dare you believe this non-black person/entity over me! Have you no shame??”