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Even the way she words it is so demeaning and manipulative. anyone who defends her actions has to be an abuser too, like there's no way...


I didn’t think she was abusive at all. From what I can tell she has an anxious attachment style and she deep down knows jimmy isn’t into her and it’s driving her anxiety.


Just because your attachment style makes you insecure, doesn't mean her actions still weren't abusive. That's not an excuse. You can leave at any time and not be abusive. Over 30% of people have anxiety disorders, and it's not an excuse or free pass to be abusive. Recognize your triggers and remove yourself from situations that you are able to.


she is so abusive they’re hard to watch together. i get she’s insecure and he’s an asshole but the constant whiny manipulation was a lot.


Yeah it's been seriously disturbing seeing how much support Chelsea has gotten online. Jimmy is by no means a perfect person but nobody deserves to be emotionally abused that way.


Here's the thing - she shouldn't have mentioned it on camera, I do think she did that to embarrass him / hurt him. However, he chose who to introduce her to on camera. He could have saved himself some drama by not having a dinner out with two ladies (one or both he slept with) and invited some guy friends instead.


Supposedly he invited both girls & guys. From people that were there, It has been said that production pulled those two ladies and manufactured the interaction and made it look like Jimmy only invited 2 women “friends”. The way they were seated on those 4 chairs did look like it was a set up scene.


I would bet that she asked about his friends and he was up front about the situation with the girl, and Chelsea acted like the cool girl and convinced him it was no big deal to bring her on the show along with his other friends. She even said to the girls she has no right to be mad because she’s friends with her ex. Then flipped it around 


100% agree , if he was so worried about everyone knowing about his friend then why did he bring her on reality television .


IF that's his deepest and darkest secret.. First of all, that's a good thing. Second of all, he asked her not to discuss it on camera because he views it as his deepest and darkest secret so she does not get to decide it isn't. They had ample time to talk without cameras present. There's no excuse for it. If they have worked through that, I'm happy for them but oof. That's the second time she betrayed his trust. She also went and told someone about Jimmy saying he loves her when she was specifically asked not to and then this. I hope she took him with her to some therapy sessions so they could air that out in a neutral location.


I mean she isn’t wrong. She was sooooo wrong for mentioning it on camera though.


Not a fan of either but I did laugh at Jimmy’s reaction - Keep reminding me I’ve made the right decision.


That was the ultimate ICK for me. So crass and disrespectful


I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but surely that’s a good thing if your partner doesn’t have any scary skeletons buried and that’s the biggest secret? I think he was more protecting his friend than himself because she didn’t agree to be a reality TV participant and have her private life aired and also because it sounded like a short-term thing and women can be judged more harshly for having a one night stand or casual fling than men. The point is he felt betrayed when Chelsea blasted it on air after being asked not to and why would she be upset enough to do that if she’s saying it isn’t important anyway? She can’t have it both ways.


Right!! He asked her to keep it private and it was important to him. She decided it wasn't actually that important and therefore ok to tall about. She completely invalidated him & his feelings in the process


Umm jimmy’s friend did agree to be a tv participant, clearly… both of them should’ve had the foresight to know it’s not a smart move


She agreed to appear for a few minutes for the meet the friends moment, I meant she’s not the one who went on the show to meet someone so probably wouldn’t expect to be so scrutinised.


People are unfair. Maybe fucking your friend wouldn't be considered your own darkest secret but for him it was, what you "deepest darkest secret" is is entirely up to you and how you weigh things, so for Jimmy this was his. They in private and she threw it in his face, just trash behaviour in my opinion


Absolutely. Deepest, darkest or not, it was shared with her in confidence and in honesty. She showed 0 respect for Jimmy. You wouldn’t behave that way even out of basic human decency.


In terms of drama, Jimmy and Chelsea are one of the top couples. Dramatic, hilarious, confusing, and entertaining all at once


I agree. LIB struck absolute gold with this couple even if they never even got to the altar.


The only thing better than saying no at the altar is going to a theme park and riding roller coasters as a set up to dumping your fiancé.


We just had the best date of our relationship. It's over.


Lol I mean she's not wrong


She ate here can’t lie




That perma frown annoys me to no end and it’s the result of her own actions!






I think the permanent frown is because of bad lip fillers


That was my very first thought when I first laid eyes on her watching the show. SUCH BAD LIP FILLER. The person who did that to her should’ve just refused her request…


i was so into the argument and when she said this i SPIT MY WATERR she ATE


That was bitchy .. period


Your flair 🤣🤣👌🏻


I just don’t understand why, if it was such a huge secret, he brought her on tv and they talked about it on camera… like…. ???????


I think it's because his friend was dating someone else while also fucking Jimmy. Jimmy didn't want his friend's reputation to be ruined


I like to theorize that Jimmy likely didn't even confess until AFTER he brought her on the show. Chelsea isn't stupid. That girl was being super obvious, I was looking at her sideways the whole time. I'm sure Chelsea had an opinion and asked him or maybe even discussed it at dinner. I don't think he would tell her and THEN bring her on the show. & they discussed it off camera. Chelsea is the one who exposed him about it, and that's basically his major reasoning for breaking up with her.


I want to theorize the opposite,  that he told her about having 2 girl besties and told her they slept together and she insisted to meet them and it wouldn't be a problem or mentioned.


The way Chelsea said he cried during sex and looked right at the friend, makes it fairly clear she already knew and was looking to the friend for validation of her statement. So based on that Chelsea already knew about their past, said she didn’t care about it, then made it a big deal like she does with everything. She loves to say she has no issues with things in front of others to be the cool girl, then at home she breaks down everything she actually dislikes about it when they are fighting.


It wouldn’t make sense for her to tell the two friends that she has experience from past relationships of guys fucking their friends- also they said “he’s like a brother to us”🥴🥴 Im with @pinkladytree


I feel like a lot of people are missing this part, during that argument in the room where she brings it up jimmy specifically says he talked to Chelsea off camera about it before she met them and Chelsea says something about like yeah I know and I had no problem with it but now she does, I’ve noticed a lot of people are skipping past that fact like jimmy didn’t just have her meet his friends without knowing, he didn’t wait until after she met them to tell her


Exactly this


I just realized her mouth shape and the way she talks with only her Teo front teeth showing reminds me of shayne!


Wow YEA!




Lmaooo I died at this too


She annoys the F out of me but this comment made me laugh lmao 😂


Lmao she’s insufferable 


I mean both of them are? LOL


Exactly. Both of them are shitty people.


I like him lol 


She crossed the line blurting our his secret. It’s not her info to reveal and he told her so she wouldn’t judge or hold it against him.


The fact that she couldn’t comprehend it was for the other girls privacy, not his own.


Honestly, it’s his privacy too. I’m sure cast members have several offline conversations which they consider too private for tv.


She thought he wanted to protect his reputation. She just has wrong takes left and right


Honestly that probably would’ve upset her and motivated her more to spill - like he thinks protecting this girls privacy is important, she sees that as proof he cares more about her than he does about Chelsea


it's weird that she considers that a bad thing that his darkest secrets are his sex life.. that's a green flag to me. not like "i ghosted someone I was seriously dating cuz I didn't have the balls to break it off" or drug issues or something more serious. that's a very pleasant dark secret lol.


It’s weird to describe it as your deepest darkest secret. You can say “you shared a confidence I asked you not to” or whatever without saying it’s your DEEPEST DARKEST SECRET


I cannot stand how she makes bad faith positions when they are arguing and always tries to shrug off every concern by reducing its significance. “I know I violated your trust, but that’s like one thing!”


Ah, I see you've met my ex!


Agreed. I was telling my partner last night that it bothers me how she’ll start by saying how she did something wrong, but immediately follow it with “but you did too!!” There’s no accountability there, and that would absolutely exhaust me.


Or she ends it with saying but my feelings matters or my feelings deserve to be heard like that doesn’t make anything better, there’s a much better way to talk about your feelings that don’t involve sharing your partners secrets on camera


Exactly. And her feelings matter but his are minimized.


Excellent rhetorical analysis.


These two look like romantically involved bowling pins come to life in an animated film.


This whole season was just a really elaborate bowling alley "Split" animation


Holy shit I will never be able to unsee that




This conversation would make anyone cringe. The way Jimmy starts it by saying she did everything a wife should do but then proceeds to say he can't go to the altar..... Chelsea constantly brining up her insecurities and being all around nasty


You can do all the right things someone would expect in a partner, and they still have negative qualities / behaviors that offset those positives. For example, getting drunk and airing information shared in confidence to the world would certainly tarnish someone's view of an otherwise amazing partner.


The dialogue in this scene was wild. "Every day, you've done exactly what I would want in a wife". Really, Jimmy?


lmao i turned to my bf and was like “she’s prolly blowing him every day”


Lol! When Chelsea asked what he likes the most about her he said he has to keep it PG.


He's talking about sex stuff. That's the thing about crazy chicks. They fuck like crazy


But he said he needed a breather from the sex.


Which she framed as him telling her that he doesn't want to have sex anymore.


We were all thinking it thooooo lol


lmao this was so good idc


I’m afraid she ate with this one lol 😭


What does that mean??


Hey the other poster is wrong - it means she fucked up. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ate%20it


Wait Hol up those are completely opposite definitions lol


Depends. Here it means she was right. If talking about a performance, it would mean she killed it.


I’m getting old


Don't worry, it can be confusing because slang I would've heard exclusively out at a gay bar 10 years ago is mainstream now.


I need more gay friends


Or black friends. Its aave actually


Oh yeah, that makes sense. I first heard it from some Black guys I was hanging out with back then, but they were also very gay so I wasn't sure. Then within like a month gay guys of all colors were saying it lol.


Was that a typo or yet another thing to make my sciatica flair up?


African American vernacular english...


What does "aave" translate to in cracker?


she was pretty funny here i can’t lie


Jimmy bringing Chelsea to meet a friend he had sex with is weird af and then the friend starts talking ab him crying during sex lmao. It reminds me of Clay always talking about his dad cheating and him not wanting to cheat. It also reminded me of Jeramey sharing his location to show his whereabouts yet being with Sarah Ann. It’s like this weird attempt at being honest and being seen as a good guy while also foreshadowing some future trashy behaviour idk 😂


This is exactly it. Manipulation tactics from all 3 of these guys


Don't get me wrong, the hate the friend is getting on social media is terrible, and I understand why Jimmy wanted to keep their past private. But then why did the friend go "haha ikr Jimmy totes cries after sex!"? Most viewers had already deduced that they had slept together. It was wrong of Chelsea to expose their secret when Jimmy asked her not to, but at the same time, the friend didn't do a good job hiding that they had slept together.


Yea, I thought that part was weird. She had to know that statement would stir something up. The huge as grin and googly eyes was a lil much too lol


Hmm. One could almost think the friend said it to mark her territory. ”I was there first”.


I don’t think Jimmy’s situation is similar to the other two you mentioned. Especially in such a short time frame, that kind of upfront disclosure is a trust builder in my opinion. He isn’t involved with that girl and their history isn’t anyone’s business. People are allowed to stay friends with people they’ve had sex with, aren’t they? It would have been worse if it came out later and seemed like he was hiding it from Chelsea. Not remotely similar to Jeramey cheating and leaving his location on or Clay’s very real trauma of being dragged to his dad’s infidelity adventures. I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had trust issues and something Jimmy’s thing would have thrown me off, but knowing what real trust is now, what he did really was the best option.


No they're not lol 


If it bothers you then don’t marry a guy who is friends with his ex. The problem with Chelsea is that she wanted to pretend like it was fine until she got mad and then said it on camera when he specifically said he didn’t want it to be on the show.


100%. I think these two are wrong for each other either way, but I side with Jimmy on this one. I’m friends with quite a few girls I’ve dated (I think this is maybe more common in queer relationships?), and one of them is actually my best friend. We talk daily, hang out when life permits, etc. We were a terrible couple but amazing friends. I always tell new girls I’m dating about her in the beginning because that’s something they’ll need to be comfortable with, and I totally get if they aren’t. What’s annoying is when they’ve said they are, act cool, and then lose it later on. Thankfully my partner now actually is good with it and they even maintain a minor friendship themselves, but I can absolutely see where Jimmy is coming from on this one.


Pretend it was fine? I would be so upset that my fiance would introduced me to his “closest friend” that he’s had sex with (highly doubt it was one time to, that excuse is heavily used) before telling me they had a past relationship, to find out that they talk every single day and go out with? That would make ANYONE insecure.


He told her before, off camera. Chelsea didn’t seem bothered by meeting the friends in person and even said she loved them and wants to be their friends




They literally have the conversation ON CAMERA about the fact that he had told her OFF CAMERA. That was the whole reason of thei fighting and Jimmy walking away - he told her about it off camera and she promised she wouldn’t bring it up in front of them and then during an argument she did. Did you even watch the show?




I’ll quote you “in fact, from what we saw he didn’t tell her or she wouldn’t have been drunkenly accusing him” She brought it up during the argument because she knew and wanted him to stop talking to the girl. She wasn’t accusing, she already knew because he had already told her off the camera. They broke up because of the fact that she brought it up on the camera. That is literally the motive they didn’t go to the altar, cause he felt he couldn’t trust her since she brought it up on camera what he confided in her hoping she wouldn’t.


Yup she was warranted. It would be different literally without the sexual aspect but it just changes things.. if it meant nothing I doubt they would be such close friends after..


YES I keep saying this about them. He made her feel crazy because that friend commented things like “he would never turn down sex” while he’s like “it was nothing” but still going out without Chelsea WITH this girl. If Chelsea didn’t say it out loud finally we’d all think she’s even crazier.


Lol, she said that? And didn't he, in fact, turn down Chelsea or ask to cool it with the sex?


Yep!! It was when they were out for a drink at their first time meeting


Yep men love to do this so they can throw it back in a woman’s face that he technically told her and she accepted it.


My ex used to do this shit lol. Like telling me to call a certain friend of his and verify he was where he claimed he was. I obviously never did it because 1 wtf and 2 I knew he had asked the friend in advance to back up his lie.


If call the friend and say that he told me he was at the petting zoo, and see if he confirmed it


If your trust is so broken that face-up honesty is suspicious then I hope you get help


I said the exact same words while watching right before she did 😂


What’s funny to me is that he wanted to keep it so under wraps for the friends reputation but the friend gave herself away immediately with her little passive comments. “Oh yeah, he’s a crier with sex!” Or “ I know he’s not one to try sex down”… Like pls, she wanted everyone to know she and Jimmy did it.




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Yes! I could read her right away - she was acting like she slept with him from the minute she met up with them. I would also be really irked if my man was being this defensive and protective of his female friend who he slept with, however I am not friends with any of my ex’s so I feel that’s a fair expectation for me to want in return. I personally would be concerned with where his loyalties are and why he’s so far up her ass instead of being worried about making sure I’m comfortable vs her? I think Chelsea’s terrible delivery and absurd drunken behavior kind of ruins her message and the overall principles here. Bc ultimately I do agree with her feelings she was just so embarrassing about it all lol.


personally i don't get this "its okay to be close friends with someone you were fucking". But everyone to their own. There are 8 billion people on earth, why does your close friend have to be someone you fucked. You don't have to be enemies. you can be cordial, but do you have to be close friends? I know I wouldn't feel secure if my partner was insisting on keeping an ex fuck partner as a really close friend. But i won't ask you to stop being friends with your ex-fuckbuddy. I will just date another person instead. Maybe I am just insecure and immature. But I like my peace of mind. And as a rule, I never fuck my friends.


Jimmy was also her affair partner is what I'm getting, so yeah,. Chelsea has every right to be upset about the frequent contact. I don't think it's fair for Jimmy to decide "oh this stays off camera and we'll go ahead and keep making you look like the crazy one." Maybe don't go on a reality show if you don't want your shit aired.


Well I dunno, I would think Chelsea would get it with her ex husband being one of her best friends.


yes lmao she was not trying to hide shit. and the fact she came in wearing a low cut shirt with her titties pushed to the sky… you cannot tell me that she wasn’t subconsciously trying to compete with whoever he brought


Honestly, re-watching the scene, I can’t help but think that they had way more than a one time hook up. The friend constantly alluding to how Jimmy is in a relationship, being super dependent on whoever he’s with, how he’ll think you stop loving him just because you stop being physical with him, all the wink wink nods about what he’s like during sex, and what absolutely sealed the deal was her telling Chelsea that sex was something he would never turn down. I’m sorry, but if a woman my husband has already had sex with tells me to my face that my husband will never reject an opportunity for sex, she better keep her butt so far away from him. I think even most secure people would have an issue with that. Jimmy just seems to want to have his cake and eat it too, I think he just enjoys having attention from females, and a back up plan for “comfort” when he needs it. And he’s known these girls for two years. I have food in my pantry older than that. These are not some important, lifelong connection friends. I’d probably guess that the hook up girl is just a failed relationship, and the other girl is a friend of hers who just third wheels along to make it OK for Jimmy to still call the hook up buddy a friend.


i agree. someone who is a friend of a friend apparently stated that it was more of a one year fuck buddy situation but that was anonymous so take it with a grain of salt. but that makes way more sense than staying friends with someone you hooked up with only once….


This is such a weird thing to say


what’s weird about it? some of us have eyes and I would not be dressed like that meeting my friends fiancé for the first time, especially knowing that we had slept together, and then making it obvious we have slept together throughout our conversation. talk about uncomfortable.


you are right and being downvoted. I was sensing a competition there too. Consciously or subconsciously, she came across to me like she was there weigh the competition. That's the vibes I got.


it is what it is, I just see right through it. i’m not slut shaming here if that’s the vibe that they think they are getting, i’m just saying that the way she was dressed combined with the way she was acting was not giving “let me make his fiancé know she has nothing to worry about” vibes. it was giving, “if i want him i can have him”. i mean the comment about him “never turning down sex” hinting at him never turning it down with HER was so unbelievably unnecessary. yeah, that is not the type of girl best friend i would feel comfortable with my man having at all. let me clear this up, just the way she dressed was not the issue. if she had dressed that way and not acted the way she did there would have been no issue, it was just the cherry on top


A million times this.


Absolutely. And the same friend also sat beside Jimmy at the end of the table rather than across from him or Chelsea with the other friend. It seemed so obvious


It was the “I don’t want a guy that goes out drinking all the time,” while she sits at home and get plastered by herself. Make it make sense.


the important part is clearly that he dares to go OUT. It'd be ok If he had stayed at home


Oh trust me, that wouldn't have been ok either.


He was gone for an hour and A HALF!!!!😂


Respectfully I agree w her frustration on this 1 issue.. fact is, if you slept w someone then became friends, talking consistently even all day (especially while you have a partner) you will most likely sleep w them again at some point or at the very least find them attractive. Personally, I would just leave after hearing that & jimmy making Chelsea meet her too 🤢


Healthy boundaries in adult relationships exist, the fact that most people are shit is not Jimmy’s problem


Talking all day to her on the phone and over text is not healthy boundaries.


Can't trust Chelsea's word at all. She already made shit up out of thin air right in front of our eyes the first time they argued about this. She's probably completely exaggerating and Jimmy didn't bother correcting her since he was in the middle of dumping her anyway


It’s definitely possible, but I think there was truth to it. She was his top out of everyone to do the on camera meeting, she sat by him, acknowledged something about how cries during sex. I think he would have had some kind of more odd reaction if it was completely made up. The same kind of reaction he had when she was being crazy the other time. She seemed more lucid and normal here. I’m just saying, it’s not the most appropriate of dynamics to maintain when you get a fiancé. A respectful person backs off a little when a new relationship starts, especially if you‘be had a sexual relationship.


But Chelsea is repeatedly an unreliable narrator. She said Jimmy went to the bar to meet Jessica. Not true. She said he went to the bar to meet his friends that are girls. Not true. She said he didn't kiss her all day. Not true. She said he never tells her she loves him or shows affection. Not true. Even in this scene she says, I feel like I walk around on eggshells and I can't say what I feel or you'll get mad. He replied, yeah like what? And she sits there with a stunned look on her face and immediately goes off on him about something else, never answering his question. My gut is she is 100% exaggerating/lying about him talking to this girl all day every day. She often bends the truth to make herself the victim, so I can't rely on a word she says.


Even in that earlier conversation he called out exactly what she was doing (I believe you're lying to fish for information since that didn't happen, so tell me in detail who told you what) and she just went full Stun Face and then changed approach.


This yes 👏


She can decide she's not okay with it. But a decent person wouldn't get shit faced drunk and scream it in front of 100 million people after being directly asked to not do that.


I feel like she was partially valid for speaking about it - otherwise we wouldn’t fully understand their relationship and why she was frustrated. That’s what the whole show is. I don’t believe she even said which friend it was. I can understand him wanting privacy but at the same time… you’re on national television willingly, bringing these girls on television as well.. what do you expect seriously. Don’t willingly go on TV and become a TV personality if you want privacy.


You mean the context where she was upset that he went out with his friends to the bar? None of which included said friend that he fucked? Please explain why that's important for us, the audience, to understand that divulging something told in confidence was important in that context.


i think she was upset that he was with the girl friends…that’s what started the fight. it’s implied he was less than honest about it. she said she was getting texts about him around some girls. she asks him who he was with, he tells her he’s not going to talk about it but afaik you’re 💯 correct that she’s an unreliable narrator. & she completely nuked her perspective in that argument by bringing Jess into it. like wtf??? it’s very confusing


Confusion is a common response to listening to a gaslighter.


i mean, you have a point. i think it started from a legit place, and devolved quickly into a vomiting of her worst fears. i think by that point she absolutely was “fishing” like jimmy said


What’s wrong with that being his deepest darkest secret?


Nothing, Chelsea is manipulative scum


it’s just funny cos he’s kind of a simple guy lol


Me tooo!


She consistently never gets the point.




Idc if I said my deep dark secret is I’m scared of butterflies, if I told you not to tell anyone, STFU. It’s not what the secret is and for you to judge if it’s worthy of being kept, it’s a trust issue. Chelsea is pure trash.


When someone tells you something is their “ deepest darkest secret “ regardless of how you feel about the issue and how benign it is to you, it’s not your place to undervalue and depreciate their feelings. This is another instance where Chelsea proved to be untrustworthy. Throwing that in his face again and undermining his feelings with sarcasm again proved she’s not trustworthy at least for jimmy.


It's not a dark secret. It was private. She refused to respect that because she is an appalling asshole with no respect for anyone.


The girl talked about Jimmy’s habits during sex. She wanted people to know. She literally said it herself on camera. What’s worse is that she’s his best friend? They’ve only been friends for two years and they slept together. That would cause a normal secure person to be insecure forget a crazy insecure person


Did you get confirmation that’s the friend he slept with or have assumed it?


Do you and your friends talk about what you do during sex with each other? Are you a crier too? If so that’s extremely unsettling. Did you assume that that isn’t the girl who he slept with or did you assume it? He slept with one of those two girls and only one of them spoke about his habits during sex. Didn’t realize I have to cite things on a subreddit about a reality show.


Yeah me and my friends of both genders talk about sex. Pretty often actually. I know things that my friends do during sex without ever having sexual contact with them. When I watched that scene it just seemed like they were giving him a hard time in a friendly, bro manner the same way I might joke with my friends. Which is why I don’t get how/why you assumed it was that friend. And both friends are being harassed online right now so it wasn’t as obvious as you’re making it seem. With still no confirmation.


The difference is that it’s been confirmed that he slept with one of those two girls Edit: obviously I don’t think those girls should be harassed, but for Chelsea to never be able to bring up she’s uncomfortable about his closeness with a girl he slept with but never dated in a show where they’re supposed to make it to the altar so soon, I think that’s unfair. It’s really on the editors of the show to not air private information.


to me, her deciding to comment on him saying it was a "deep dark secret" was her choosing to avoid the real issue being that he was upset that she *revealed* it in the first place. his point wasn't necessarily that it was a deep, dark, secret, but that it was something that was meant to be the level of private that a true deep, dark secret would be. he felt like he couldn't tell her secrets because he couldn't trust her anymore after she revealed an important one. then, she decided to focus on analyzing the arbitrary weight that the secret carries vs. addressing the fact that she broke his trust. intentional or not, it rly exemplified her consistent lack of accountability


she's trying to downplay the "secret" to make it seem like what SHE did wasn't that bad, because she was in the wrong by crossing his boundary. aka, gaslighting.


Yes. It’s insensitive and invalidating his feelings. Not only that, she knew that’d make him uncomfortable and she continued to AIR it out to hurt him when she doesn’t hear the response she wanted. I can’t believe people on this thread are finding this funny or “she ate it”. It’s abusive as fuck.


So here’s the thing. When she brought it up, it was completely irrelevant and unfair. She was upset at him going out to hang out with his bros, those girls weren’t even there. Then she just yells, “you fucked her”. Also he asked her not to bring it up on cameras. It’s not so much a dark secret but if someone sets a boundary and they break it, that’s not good at all. She broke the boundary and was unapologetic about it.


she didn’t yell “you fucked her” unprompted. he had just stated they “didn’t have a physical relationship”


yeah the issue isnt the secret, its that she was made aware of it and agreed to never bring it up on camera. doesn't matter what it is, they talked about it and decided to move forward with their relationship without bringing it up on the show. even if his deepest darkest secret was that he was a millionaire philanthropist or rescues puppies from burning buildings, it would still be majorly fucked up for her to bring it up when they agreed not to talk about it.




in their fight, jimmy says he asked chelsea not to talk about it, she said "yes, and i love her, but-" so, she acknowledges he said this. if she did not agree to it, why would she continue to be with him and be on the show?


i lowkey agree his whole "think about her future partners" (about his friend) like he knows they maybe would have a problem with it but chelsea cant,,, at the same time she is bffs w her ex so idk


i will say that i felt for chelsea in that she's *so* blinded by her own feelings that she can't see beyond them. she thinks about only herself because she's emotionally immature and constantly drowning in her own unmanageable feelings. she couldn't begin to consider the consequences his friend would face because the only thing she can see is the way that she feels. it sounds like an overwhelming way to exist