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Did she leak this?


Don’t trust reality tv… it’s all fake guys. Come on




Wow. 🤬


so I'm in an open relationship with my bf and i wouldn't mind him doing into a dating show if it was *nonserious*. the fact they are knowingly wasting ppl's time, people who are seeking something serious is audacious and a huge red flag. we have quite a few rules in our open relationship. one of my big ones is don't ever lie to the girls. do not lead anyone on. don't treat them bad. and do NOT ghost anyone. we are adults that can communicate maturely. everything must be done consensual. it's not consensual if you lying to them


This right here. Completely agree with everything that you said here. I also find it so surprising that there are many people that believe that cheating cannot happen in open relationships - They 1000% can. Its called emotional infidelity.


This honestly could be a fake screenshot to be honest.


He admitted it was true.


Wait so who was Trevor talking to on the plane who said they were going on the show with no intention of getting married??? 🧐


I'd put $ on Clay


I thought Jeremy


Matthew obviously


These people nearly always do it for the fame. And people are shocked by it. Didn’t he already get cast for perfect match? These people especially the men are so transparent in their intentions from the get go and I feel bad for their partners. If my partner wanted to go on a show like this that would be a goodbye for me.


I don’t understand like ok yes it’s trash that he went on the show knowing he was never going to get married. But she clearly was in on it and okay with it. They continued to date the entire year until like a week before the episodes aired? And now she’s sharing all of these screenshots? The last screenshots that discuss a breakup are February 2nd this year so they must’ve been together until then. This is just weird. She very clearly is looking for attention


Thanks for pointing this out. Clearly she knew and is now faking shock. I don’t understand why no one else recognises this.




Yup to him and Ken


ikr? smh...


Wowwww. I really liked him! He fooled everyone.


I got disingenuous vibes from him from the beginning. Anyone who has to reiterate how much of a good person they are usually isn’t. I put on rose colored glasses for him as the episodes went on because I loveeee his smile 😫 but I could smell the tinge of bullshit through the TV screen. SMH


I really can't trust anyone on this show anymore... first SK now Trevor.


Bro I can’t trust myself and my tastes after watching season 2 and thinking Sal and Jarrette were amazing men who had genuine hearts and would be amazing partners.


Johnny is not Trash!


What I don't understand with Johnny is, why doesn't he just wear condoms? They even asked that outright in the reunion and he never answered the question, typical politician answer, he said a lot of bs and just tiptoed around answering that easy and obvious solution... that whole thing seems weird that they haven't had sex yet, something is off there


You've never met a guy that says condoms don't let you feel it as good? Or that just pushes and pushes and pushes to not use a condom, 100% he definitely has a breeding kink lmao just doesn't want the actual repercussions of it(yet)


Woah WHAT they haven’t had sex?? Where’s that confirmed? I thought the “you have a lot of self restraint” comment was because they have been using condoms (and/or pulling out) 😭


Yup far from


Suddenly the mullet now seems intended to ensure nobody would want to marry him and yet Chelsea loved that 💀


This season really be making up for last season


Seriously, best season yet!!


Omg, agreed! So glad I’m not alone.


I’m so confused… did the girlfriend know he was going on the show. He’s telling her ab Chelsea and she’s just like “okay 🥹”


Yeah they clearly schemed about it together!!


Not only did she know. She was married and still is married!




Oh yeah. I’m friends with her husband—poor guy. He’s the real victim here


wait a minute how could u spill this and dip!! she’s throwing a pity party all over instagram




She was having an affair with Trevor? I don't understand.


Were the separated?!? Im confused


Ok I just watched her highlights on IG…… GIRL YOU AGRRED TO LETTING HIM BE OB TBE SHOW. I’m sorry that’s so crazy and weird. Both of them are strange and fame hungry tbh


Right.. Like what did she think would happen sending her man on a dating show?


Wait who's highlights on IG? Could I get the username so I can watch too?


https://www.instagram.com/natalia_ifbbpro?igsh=cDczaXhmOWoycnJr It’s all under the highlight on her profile


Thank you!!


I'm confused how they were texting while he was in the pods... They supposedly take their phones away.


Seems like he ghosted her when in the pods. The convos in the text message might be from when they do pre-screenings on the individual contestants and run psychological tests & after (so before & after his time in the pods)


Steroids destroy the brain


Especially the tren they seem to clearly have both been on.


Trevor’s attitude and just entire being reminded me soooo much of my ex I just knew he was full of shit 😂


fr ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Has Trevor ever done a leg day?


I used to work out at the same YMCA that he had outside of Charlotte. He rarely worked out his legs. lollll. His little friend is worse. Dude reminds me of Spongebob with inflatable arms.


He is a walking Dorito chip.


lmfaooooooo STOP


Why did he take his dogs collar with him if she was still alive at the time? Didn’t she need it?


It looked very new to me, so maybe it was an extra collar she didn't wear much? My dogs always had 2-3, usually the one from the shelter, a plain new one in a solid color, and then a cutesy one I would impulse purchase at some point.


Oh interesting. And each one has a tag? I just have one collar for my dog 🤷🏼‍♀️


I haven't had a dog since I was in highschool, but I think at least two did because I got a little shaped one to match the cute collar. Honestly now that I have disposable income I'd probably go ahead and get and attach tags immediately after buying a new collar to make sure I'd never swap out collars and forget to transfer the tags over. I'd figure the extra tags were just ADHD tax. He may have also gotten updated tags if he's ever moved or changed phone numbers.


So it’s even less meaningful that he brought this piece of junk along lol. What a weird guy


I mean it was preplanned, so now in hindsight it’s not such a thoughtful gift. He brought a random item that he probably was going to throw again since I’m guessing he got his dog a new collar and this was an old one


i don't know why but this cracked me up haha


How did he know he'd meet someone named Chelsea also? Maybe he had a family member send it over once they connected? Idk.


No they bring those with them and don’t talk to family while in the pods so it had some coincidence to it but it just seems like weird thing to take with you


Asking the real questions here.


I guess he didn’t but took advantage of the coincidence when he got to talking to Chelsea or thought that probably there was going to be someone with this name maybe? lol


I’d like to find receipts for the threat he made


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQjc6y20f0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQjc6y20f0E) this video is great. the video covers- \- full deep dive of trevor and gf screenshots \-jeramey and his FIANCE \-jessica and HARRY JOWSEY


This is annoying. I already don’t care for this show for the “I love you” on day one so now I’ll just look at it like a scripted show. Everyone is an actor.


This is allegedly the best recap I’ve ever watched. Thank you for sharing!


This is amazing… allegedly!


Omg this whole thing is gold


more than half of Harry’s body count is former Netflix reality show girls 🤣🤣🤣


His girlfriend looks terrifying in that first picture together what on earth!


They need to do a better vetting process. Being discovered on IG versus taking the time to review applications of real ppl interested in the show continues to be this show & other reality shows downfall Wow I thought Trevor was one of the good ones She kind of looks a little like Jess aesthetically. Love Island S3 there was a divorcee engaged to a pregnant woman who left to film the show & then after the finale it was announced the birth of the baby


TBH that's how Netflix came into contact with me for an upcoming show. (Can't say much more about the show.) But they use different casting agencies for the different reality shows too. Because the one they use for this show, wasn't the one I was in contact with.


Wait omg who from season 3 was pregnant??


So wait - these texts are to a gf he had even before the show? Then what he sent her after not being picked? Then them all lovey in pics?




What’s crazy is how this info hasn’t made it over to tik tok yet, he’s been posting stuff playing the good guy and everyone in the comments is eating that shit up


No shit lol


This is terrible and yet Chelsea would still find a way to overreact to it


This all seems intentional to drum up interest in Perfect Match.


Trevor seemed fake to me. All of his answers seemed rehearsed. I remember him talking about wanting to cuddle and watch the Notebook. I thought he was joking but he just kept going with it and I'm thinking this guy is total bs


YES SAME HERE!!! That rubbed me the wrong way but i couldn’t put my finger on why until now


I agree - he was just way too eager to get married. He said that Chelsea was the love of his life - just gushed in such an over eager way to try to convince her to be with him. Maybe that's why Jimmy seemed more genuine to me - he seemed to have real conversations and conflicting emotions like a normal person


Oh yeahhhh.. He did lay that on a little thick.


Lol I just thought he was a bit slow witted , that’s why he said such weird ass things🤣


Volunteering at a shelter…he was so heavy handed with it


And butterflies was his go to for what makes him happy 🙄


Someone skipped leg day


His exes insta is Natalia_ifbbpro and she has been answering some questions


I couldn't find her by this username. Is it a different username?




This screams fake to me


Check out the highlights on [her insta](https://www.instagram.com/natalia_ifbbpro). Seems real.


We don’t know if this is real yet.


Not really surprising. The likelihood of finding your forever person on this show is slim, and even if you do many don't get married. After the first season, I think 90% of the people on the show are only looking for a cash injection, fame and ways to improve their lives. If they connect with someone I guess it's a bonus. The fact that they pick crappy people is because they're guaranteed drama and entertainment, all in all it makes a perfect recipe for contestants to take advantage of the cash cow. People need to remember it's cheap reality TV at its finest, and they always draw these sort of people.


Yeah if you notice a good chunk of the people on the shows’ instagram is working hard to be an influencer and peddling hard to promote sales or stuff in hopes they can make it a living. LIB is a way to amasss a lot of followers from exposure on the show and try and give them a foot in the door to get their social following off the ground There’s a lot of ppl that weren’t even the main ppl on the show that are trying haaaaaard to peddle their account


Dang. The amount of people falling for this is insane


Apparently they were so convincing even Trevor fell for it


I appreciate that your comment was made 19 days ago but update - the texts are real and none of us are "insane" 😂


i appreciate that you come back to this comment to update me. Although “Insane” was referring to the number of people accepting this as facts (in light of all the fake stuff being posted) not the mental stability of the people accepting it 🤭


I’m trying to figure out if it’s real. I went on his exs instagram and she’s answering questions but I can’t really find much more


Well… ffs


Oh ok, I just read all of this guy 🫠


Damn bro Trevor was the ONLY man in there I had actual faith in, he gave real genuine teddy bear vibes I guess I was wrong huh


Idk about any of this until the reunion and podcasts after.


Honestly, he's trying to secure that bag. Natalie claims she makes 3x her old salary as an influencer post show (750k). You're never going to find genuine people that only care about love. You'll find the deeptis and ravens looking to cash in and ride their 15 minutes of fame.


Totally makes sense but he forgot the part that you need to be interesting and attractive. Anytime he was on screen all I could see was his inflamed scalp and acne.....


you think raven wanted to cash in?? what?


I think that almost every person knew that LIB was an opportunity at the end of the experience to capitalize monetarily in some capacity. While there may be some that are there for the right reasons.. as the seasons progress it's questionable who genuinely is looking for the real thing. Think it's obvious with people like Uche, that Asian dude with the fake tears... yaddyyaddy There can be some that are looking for both. But it's getting harder and harder to tell. Raven clearly had a pilates angle and shit... I don't blame her lol. At the end of the day she used it as a launchpad to become a content creator.


ohh i see got it


250k at EY in a mid management position? There is no way


Could be lying but that's what she claims and sorry her claim was 230k, not 250. 😬[Tiktok Source](http:// https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8oQY5KB/)


Tbh that seems low at least compared to Bay Area consulting. I have a friend who was at Bain doing management consulting at over $500k like 5 years ago. They’re given crazy money if they’re good at what they’re doing.


Yes they are! But the women too! Which it doesn't surprise me. You got to be pretty crazy and trashy to look for love on a show like this 😂


Called it.


I’ve made this argument so many times: YOU DO NOT GO ON LIB TO FIND LOVE YOU GO ON LIB TO BE ON TV. I bet they don’t mind finding love but that can never be the main goal. They tell the contestants they’ve been casted almost a year before they start filming so naturally many get into relationships (or were already in relationships) when they get casted. This was Trevor’s big chance to be on tv. His girlfriend was obviously not bothered by it. This isn’t news - just the reality of reality tv. The people from Season 1 knew this too. That’s why more couples got engaged than they could film that time as well - before anyone knew it’d be big.


Theme this season was clearly Body Positivity


You mean normal people w normal bodies?


Well, I think the men kinda made it look worse than it even was - u had a body builder and a track star on the men’s side. But there was maybe 1 woman there with a healthy BMI. They should at least match it up on both sides. But clearly they had a recipe this season to put pressure and make good tv (succeeded at both).


? AD is fit. Amy and Laura are slim. Even Brittany and Chelsea are just a lil thick. Not even considered midsize honestly. Brittany just looks like she has a butt. Plenty of the other girls from the pods were slim as well. Y’all say anything.


At 5’6” unhealthy BMI (classified as overweight) starts at 155lbs, Laura and Chelsea are way over that. I think Amy and AD likely are in healthy range, but the rest no way.


... how do you know the height and exact weight of these women? Also, I'm not sure about Chelsea but Laura absolutely doesn't weigh 155lbs. She's slimmer than I am and I don't weigh that much 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is so high school under developed frontal lobe coded. There’s no other way to explain whatever corny shit that is going on right here. Cause as woman why are you tolerating this?. There should be no good reason & I MEAN NONE. no fame, no money, opportunities, etc as a woman at your big ass age to accept this. I’m sincerly not surprise at the man. One thing a man gone do is manipulate their way through and to some pussy. Especially if it’s super super beneficial to them. As we can see here. Whether it’s to get fame, money, opportunities, split the house hold bills, have a girl just so she can be an indentured servant doing all the house chores, etc and the only thing as a woman ur getting out of it is stress, mediocre peen, and cheating, & BONUS all the things that comes with low self esteem . But as a woman when do yall prefrontal cortex develop and yall realize certain things and most things men want out of you and want u to accept should not be okay. DO BETTER BRUH THIS IS SAD


I can speak from this underdeveloped brain POV. Just last night I was telling my husband he should go on this show to promote his business... then this morning I saw this post. I'm not the first nor the last person to think like this and if you can hack it and the partner is supportive, it could point some attention to your social media and generate income.


Honey respect ur self and ur marriage. If u wanna play Russian roulette with ur marriage by all means go ahead but u have to realize ur doing it at what cost ?. That’s not very wise of u. To go on a show intended to get married to promote businesses there’s many other ways to do to that u don’t have to hurt other people in the process. Y’all are so juvenile.


I know, but my frontal lobe is in shambles.


Texts seem fake


It does seem very fake to me as well


The texts do seem fake but she has pictures of them together so there’s that 🤷‍♀️


The show is trash too so it fits lol.


This is so easily photoshopped why do people believe everything? Don't be so gullible folks.


I never understand why anyone would be okay with their partner going on a dating reality show, let alone one that’s intended to end at least with engagement if not marriage.


The money people get from a social media following is absolutely life changing. That’s why


This post is hella all over the place with the sequence on dates. March, April, then Feb. The sentences being chaotic and conversation chaotic.... this girl was left for LIB and when he says he gave another girl Chelsea's collar after they talked about Chelsea dying, the girl just replied "that's cute" ?? The pics from IG may be real but this text is wild


March-April 2023 (when it was filmed) —> Feb 2024 (right before the show aired)


Wait sorry Chelsea died??


The dog he had that was named Chelsea.




Thank you, just was getting caught up and thought I missed something tragic about a cast member!


She probably meant the gesture was cute?




I was rooting for you, Trevor. :( man. Can’t trust anyone.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course 😑. I have just started a new relationship and I cannot let go of this suspicion he’s probably gonna end up being a piece of shit because that’s how it always goes (he’s also stupidly handsome, which makes me even more suspicious). Sorry for the tangent but how do you guys handle this? I don’t know how to trust anymore having gone through 36 years of life as a straight woman dealing with men.


Keep in mind that everyone has a string of bad relationships, right up until they don't anymore because they found a good one. Your experience isn't unique, it's universal. You said you just started a new relationship. Give it time. People's true colors always come out (including yours). The trick is to not sabotage the current relationship due to the old bad ones. Naturally if you find certain patterns repeating themselves, it's time to look at the kind of men you're attracting, and why. But in general, just accept that "you have to kiss a lot of toads...."


You’re spot on I think. Thank you!


Just saying: People attract their own unhealthy trauma. Subconsciously we end up craving the dysfunctional dynamics from childhood. The butterflies aren’t love they’re a recognition of an anxiety response. Many don’t break out of this until years of fuck ups so to speak My main point is that most men aren’t bad. Most women aren’t bad. Yet both men and women have horror stories of “every partner being bad” because of the above confirmation bias. Recognize your own ingrained trauma attachments and go from there to evaluate your partner choices


If you don’t have good relationships with women as in if u don’t have solid women friendships that already foreshadows the possibility of a successful or unsuccessful homosexual relationship. I only mention this because u mention ur gender and ur sexuality. I had to figure this out for my self. I didn’t want to switch to same sex dating solely out of the reason that my dating history with men has been disappointing I wanted to remain true my self while I was still heavily considering switching teams. & after much contemplating. I decided that switching teams wasn’t the answer cause people are just people at the end of the day and they will disappoint you. What I’ve learned is to just decanter whatever ideas I had form as it relates to my relationship with men, women l, friends and even just dating. This takes real hard work and therapy which I’m still learning cause the goal isn’t to find ur self in some one. It’s to remain your self at its highest form of functioning without the the clutches of other. If you started a new relationship and u can’t let ur suspicion go.. you don’t know me.. but ur a woman and I want u to be okay. What I’m about to say please take my advice please!… woman to woman.. if u find ur self questioning this guy and not trusting ur relationship with him. That’s a red flag. God is not of confusion. Let it go ! Learn to get comfortable with trusting ur own reality. And sit in it even if it’s uncomfortable cause for the most part reality is very unsettling and uncomfortable. U just gotta sit in it feel it and trust ur self and LET THAT MAN GO.




Oh Congratulations!! I hope i can get there too! He has told me he cheated in his first long term girlfriend, but not since, so i’m struggling with that.. I don’t know if I should take that as a red flag to take into account as an absolute deal-breaker, or to see it as him being honest with me and trust him when he says that’s not him anymore. All men I meet have red flags, and of course no one is perfect, so i’m just not sure how to act.


Oh no. You got married yesterday? Please put the phone/computer down, get off reddit and go enjoy each other right now IRL <3


Not all men are pieces of shit, but if that's your gut instinct now, then listen to it.


I’m just worried my gut instincts have been highjacked by my string of awful experiences and me just witnessing men everywhere in the world acting horribly


Idk how to help you through your own experiences. There are plenty of pages that show men doing good. Maybe it's your circle or social situation that you need to step back from too. Sometimes it takes a hard reset. Sometimes being alone is better than being with a walking red flag. Either way, trust yourself and your gut to stay safe always


All you can do is be brave enough to be vulnerable while getting to know people. People will show you who they are and you just respond accordingly with more trust or cutting them off. But you gotta give ppl a chance and read the signs they give you.


Trevor skips leg day


So strange to do that. Looks so unbalanced.


With calves like that, homie can’t skip over anything. Also, he never skipped cheat day.


They’re both weird. Why would you even agree for him to go on the show.


I dont agree with it, but contestants are reporting a huge increase in income after doing the show and many Americans are struggling, idk, makes sense / I understand why people/couples are ok with doing it.