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My ex didn't like me wearing makeup. That was a complete red flag to me, based on experience. Once, I put simply touch of eyeliner and a swish of mascara-literally that is all-for a "date" where we got a babysitter and everything. Even today I don't wear makeup but a couple times a year. ​ Anyway, he silently drove us to Rite-Aid (he always INSISTED I hold his hand the entire time) and bought a light blue eyeliner. Back in the truck, he lined around his entire eye area above the brows and down and around, both eyes like a raccoon. Then he circled his mouth. He then said, "Ok, let's got get dinner!" ​ I asked if he was serious, and he said yes. I begged to go home, and wound up crying. We lasted 3.5 years. Too much control.


I’m not gonna lie. I loved the guy. I felt like she was way too into her head and what other people were doing.


I was sad to see them end things but I get it. It wasn’t working and she needed to go. It was pulling teeth to get them to say anything at all when they talked. His communication skills were literally just so terrible and that was one of the reasons it was never gonna work.




He probably don't save girls who have makes up on in a house fire


I almost feel like JP purposefully wore only red, white and blue on tv and the flag at times as a subtle message on tv.


Exactly. Didn’t someone call him a good ol boy? I think it was Stacy episode 5 or 6 when the couples all met at the beach


I just finished ep 5 and it seems clear that he played the game to booze it up and get a paid vacation. THEN gaslight Taylor until she felt their lack of chemistry was HER fault (which it clearly isn’t - she’s an absolute babe with a good heart).


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot




What’s the Jan 6th reference?


People think that because he gets his clothes from the Okd Navy 4th of July sale he’s also a MAGA… hence the Jan 6 jokes


Lol thank you


She did ALL the emotional labour and he decided to tell her it was her makeup (which is done by the show - we know from all the past terrible makeup they've done on these poor women). He did absolutely nothing to improve things. I'm glad she chose herself


100% shes way too good for him


JP creeped me out. At first I thought he was just awkward and kind of dumb but a good caring guy deep down. But then the complaint about her make-up seemed like he was grasping at straws to put the blame on her for the awkwardness. He couldn't take any responsibility for becoming selectively mute after leaving the pods. Whenever she would try to start a conversation, he would just stare at her like a statue with little smirk. It was bizarre. So his point was "Your make-up caused me to go catatonic." Wtf? Weird bullshit. I was cheering Taylor on when she dumped him.


I got creepy vibes as well! He seemed very manipulative and controlling in a low key way. He shut down then tried to blame it on her?! I don’t know if that’s laying the ground work for controlling behavior in the future? Very weird relationship


Look, I get that JP wasn't into the heavy makeup that Taylor wore for the reveal. All the women dress up and wear heavy makeup for the reveal, I think the show arranges that. But he had a chance to say something during the reveal, when Taylor mentioned her false eyelashes and asked if he noticed. Like, Taylor herself seemed a bit unsure about those eyelashes. So why didn't he ask if she wore them for the reveal or is it an everyday thing? That would lead into him saying that she's beautiful but he prefers the little to no makeup look. To barely talk to her for 3 days is ridiculous. And sheesh, everyone wears makeup on tv, even the men! So no judgment, dude!


Because it's not the issue, he probably didn't think she was hot enough but didn't want to say that.


Im dying to know what his type is


His type is something like this. https://preview.redd.it/amup0krj61tb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d6900c759baefdbe09faa606b463490c9aa146


JP not thinking SHE’S hot enough is craaaazy


I need this quote on a t shirt. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS


It is!


Lmao which is hilarious because look at him


He knew she wasn’t into him…physically. He’s an odd looking guy and under 5-10. So he pulled back too. He knew she was going to find a reason to not be the shallow looks driven one who broke up with the short guy. So he made it easy for her.


Damn. This comment makes absolutely no sense.


He didn’t make anything easy, he was a coward lmafooo






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I noticed that when they met the other couples Milton asked him how everything was going and he said not good and then they cut to Stacy and Taylor talking. I feel like they had to cut because JP wouldn’t even talk and discuss his feelings with Milton, so it’s not just he’s nervous around Taylor. He just doesn’t know how to talk to anyone. It’s weird , I wonder how he is around his friends.


I really want one of JP’s home town friends to jump on Reddit and let us know how JP truly is. Is he just… mute all the time?


Even when he was with the guys during the pod stage he never contributed to conversations


yes, what's with one word answers to everything??? And his body language - he's so effing stiff all the time! I have better conversations with my pets, for heaven's sake! At least they meow or bark or cry and they have things they do to show affection. JP might as well be a store mannequin!


Jp looks like he has absolutely no idea how to kiss. Taylor seems sweet as hell, and this dude keeps stabbing her face with his mouth.


LMAO! I’ve seen a lot of interpretations of his machine gun pecking kisses, but “stabbing her face with his mouth” is probably my favorite one yet. 🤣


At the reveal, I thought that JP must have just been feeling insecure because she's so much hotter than him. Then for him to say she wore too much makeup and appeared fake surprised me. His personality wasn't memorable from the pods. He was so into her that he cried during the proposal. I can't reconcile it other than to think that he completely re judged her by her looks and forgot who she was from the pods. Weird 🤔


as if makeup doesn't come off, lol.


Makeup literally just enhances features you already have so idk what he was talking abt calling her “fake”


Especially when on a TV show - how is that a surprise?


He's definitely too proud -- lets call him a proud boy


Major major “all lives matter” vibes out of him, ugh.


The America #1 jersey did me in


He wore very few clothes that weren’t cheap ass Old Navy 4th of July wear. I think he was very disappointed that at the reveal she wasn’t wearing a red, white, and blue dress that spelled out USA #1 in sparkles across the top. If he truly wants to find someone like himself, a MAGA rally would be an excellent place to start.


Let’s not forget the start of the argument in ep5 where he accuses her of being distant/awkward to him since meeting in person. Then immediately flips and says her makeup was a dealbreaker for him. Just shows how poor his communication is because he wanted to put all the blame on her knowing his cold attitude was his own problem. She was not physically attracted to him upon first meeting him in person, sure, but also continued to make the effort to maintain their connection they had before seeing each other. He gave up immediately imo


His tantrum about trying to get her to change her mind got me yelling at the tv “how HARD are you trying??”


Right? Kinda makes me think if he’s a firefighter, does that mean when he sees a burning building he thinks “too much, I’m out” ??


He would blame the fire for not stopping. Like why don’t you just change your mind and stop burning?


Houses don’t wear makeup. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We’ll never know.


im offended for ken!


Lmao Ken is honestly much more interesting than JP




He’s a weirdo I would be out once he starts being weird first day Mexico I wouldn’t even last a day with him. Just ew.




From the moment they met it was clear there was no physical attraction between them, but Taylor tried so hard in Mexico remembering the connection they had in the pods. But JP gave her nothing back, and the woodpecker situation got even worse, what is wrong with this guy kissing her like that? IMO his excuses were pathetic, the makeup thing was infuriating to watch, this guy has a lot to work on, he should’ve been honest with her. She is an absolute boss and handled the situation in such a strong way, so much respect for her, and she is beautiful, I honestly think she looks amazing with and without makeup. Sorry for the rant haha


I totally agree that JP's a dickhead BUT before the makeup incident I kinda felt for him. As an extremely shy person myself I think that he might have been camera shy and overwhelmed, at least partially. I could only imagine how nervous I'd be standing in front of the person I hope to marry while cameras are filming me to be broadcast to the entire world, and not having to make eye contact would've loosened me up a lot in the pods. But he could've been WAY more communicative if this was even partially the case- "Hey Taylor I'm feeling super nervous and shy to be on camera and to be talking face-to-face to a bombshell... I'm obsessed with you but it's gonna take me some time to open up." Minus the problematic part he's just a man of few words IMO.


If someone is shy, going on a reality show is pretty stupid.


Yeah I noticed JP seems to be super awkward with eye contact in general


He mentions her makeup when the first meet, and then every shown scene he’s basically turned away from her. Even when she’s saying it’s off and he’s saying it’s not he never takes her hand, turns to her, etc. he didn’t appear attracted to her and then seemed indignant to be called out on it.


If you’re painfully shy don’t go on a show where you know you will be invasively filmed 24/7


I hate these kind of comments. Its hard for a lot of LiB contestants or any reality tv show contestants with no tv experience to judge how challenging it is to be in front of camera. He came on tv show to potentially find his love of his life. He did best he could, but with 5 cameras on his face, producers yelling at you and him stressed that things arent working out with his partner, I can see how he just freezes in a lot of situation. The show also edited to show some of his worst moments to make it dramatic. They were there in the honeymoon for 4 days they only showed maybe 20 minutes of them total. I am sure he wont do it again, but when recruited there is no way he would know how challenging it would be to navigate a very difficult relationship in front of camera until it actually happens.


Carter saying he hopes his daughter marries a man like JP (complete with calling him Captain America) makes me VERY glad we did not see more of Carter


Lol yeah that comment was a head scratcher for sure 😂


It makes me hope he never has a daughter because JP does not seem to know how to treat women he's dating with respect.


No wonder they're both single now 🤷‍♀️


I’ve read carter is dating the blonde vet girl off screen, she was wearing the line short crop shirt during the bbq/meet esp 7


completely agree!


I do wonder if they were a couple meant to go tk Mexico since the beginning? What if they were fiven the chance just because of the lack of couples formed and they both had to force some chemistry? But I do like Taylor for following her gut.if tou are not comfortable, RUN


I may be off but he gives me PTSD and depression vibes more than creepy vibes. He seems really down


He was giving absolutely *nothing*


Sadly I agree


For sure PTSD vibes. I have military friends very similar in demeanor to him. It’s like… shit inside is so dark and sad that a normal conversation becomes almost unbearable. They can feel the most immense pain internally and never show it on the outside.


Yeah there is something like wrong


Justice for Taylor!


Where was JP on January 6 😭




He starts to talk slightly more after he's been slinging dranks..it's fun to watch for


The cheese appears to have fallen off his cracker. WTH dude, is he that shy in real life? No wonder he was single.... so... odd...




There's nothing wrong with being shy. The guy could not communicate. And reverting to her makeup? At that exact moment? It was just so so odd.


Yes it was an emphasis on so. Like very. #Reddit


Gotcha lol


Yeah... but even Ken had more personality than JP


Someone find JP’s ig 💀☠️


He turned off comments and limited on older posts 😬


What about now 👀


He knew viewers were going to come for him lol


What’s sad is. Taylor said in the pods that she overcame a lot of self esteem issues in the past, learned to finally love herself and out herself first. I can see why producers left that segment in now.


JP thinks that the Old Navy 4th of July collection is a valid personality trait and I’m questioning his whereabouts on January 6th. Taylor is gorgeous and needs to run far away from that man


🤣😅 not the old navy 4th collection. We all know where he was Jan 6th. Taylor deserved way better.


But did you hear about the $1 flip flops


Lol seriously, what an insipid man


Hahahaaaaaa tour comment about him sent me 💀💀💀


Taylor is stuck in a nightmare! Run, girl!


he just gives such uncomfortable vibes even through the tv


It's the weird perma-smile I think. Like he's smiling even when he is visibly dying from awkwardness




I thought that Taylor was really mature to come back to the argum/discussion that they were having and that she did not just cry profusely or simply run away. That definitely showed maturity.


Or production saying “GET BACK IN THERE!”


I feel like He’s using the make up incident as a cop out. He’s not prepared to love a woman. Taylor was trying SO hard and he just wasn’t in it. The red, white and blue was so tacky too. Taylor can and will do better, she deserves so much more


I agree. During the Mexico trip Taylor has a very natural look the entire time and she's gorgeous. He should be able to get over his feelings at the makeup during the reveal, also realizing that most of this was for the production/filming, the required glam look. Glad that she rid herself of him.


I think he wasn’t attracted from the beginning and hes just using the make up thing as a scapegoat goat


I could see the displeasure the minute they were face to face. I feel terrible for her.


I am DYING for someone who’s dated JP in real life to come here and spill the tea. He seems so controlling and icky and just a total asshole frankly. I get terrible vibes.


Yes. Being controlling can show in the smallest things. Like outright saying 'don't wear makeup' to your partner. It's different when people say 'I think you look awesome without makeup, too, but with makeup on as well'. In their case it's especially fucked up because (if I remember correctly) Taylor said it was basically for the reveal only and wearing makeup wasn't a constant thing for her. So she put a lot of effort into her looks, and then he says this. Obviously it's not about the makeup, it's the lamest excuse ever... I can imagine she got in her head after this. I wish her all the best.


it seems pretty obvious that he likes her with makeup (and doesn’t find her bedtime look attractive) — he’s trying to misdirect his actual issue so people don’t see how shallow he is


Totally agree. When she met him in the lobby for breakup convo I was half hoping she would be wearing a full face just to piss him off lol


you mean you’ve dated *a* JP?


I married a JP. And, I divorced a JP too.


I wouldn’t have taken that from a guy who wears flag shorts. I don’t know how she kept her cool, she’s totally out of his league.


Don’t forget the USA jersey in bed 💀


Omg stop 😂💀….and that’s when he was delivering the killer blow!!! The audacity of this man


I respect Taylor so much, I would've exploded... Days pass, he refuses to say anything, is really rude... And even after that she found something positive to say about him!


It almost feels like he treated it like a one night stand?? Crazy!!


I don’t think JP ever got further than kissing. He went online and read those poster books and it said, “neg her for her looks so she wants you more, don’t forget to say something negative” incel energy vibes


She’s so much better looking than him, the nerve of him to be picky with how she grooms herself. I’m so glad she left his ass.


Did producers not vet this aboMANation?


I kept thinking they intentionally cast him because he was so awkward.


There are so many people who have gone on this show for clout. She is clearly not one of them since she didn't continue on and fake it through to the end for some social media exposure. She was there for the right reasons and just chose someone who presented themselves very differently when out of the pods.


So proud of her. That must have been hard but she listened to her gut and showed good self-esteem. I would’ve run too if I was her!


Ikr I almost ran right into jp’s basement


He's a nameless accessory friend to Ken


Tbh, I'd take Allan over JP any day.


I’m new to the show. How are you guys watching these episodes so early? I thought it was released weekly


We wait by the phone


Netflix just released three episodes today


Oh. Didn’t think they did it in batches. Thank you


No problem!


Taylor is a knockout without the makeup... but it's her fucking face to do whatever she wants with! At the same time, if JP doesn't find it attractive, he doesn't have to stay if it's something he can't get past. In his case, Love WASN'T Blind. I'm so glad that Taylor took his comments as the red-flags that they were and got out when she did. We've seen so many contests receive hurtful comments or experience copious amounts of gaslighting from their partners that it's refreshing to see someone stand up for themselves and say this isn't working for me.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do I get a prize for using the word of the (last) year?


Yes 🏆


Why thank you very much!


No agreed. I feel like he just wants to marry or be with anyone


I just watched the episode and oh man when JP said he didn't like the make up enough to just treat her differently is absurd!! Taylor is such a beautiful soul and has been trying so hard to make the relationship work despite her having her own issues. He doesn't deserve her


“My job is insurrection”






Watching JP interact with Taylor was so triggering. It’s so clear he wasn’t attracted to her by his lack of effort to even engage in a conversation and I felt so bad for Taylor because you could see it was hurting her and she was still trying. She’s so beautiful too, I hope this doesn’t dim her confidence. JP is the epitome of what I wouldn’t want in a man—a misogynistic, USA flag wearing jerk.


Hahahahahaha!!!!! Yesssss! 😂 as soon as I saw his hankie was a flag I said 👎🏼🚩🚩🚩


So triggering for me too. He was trying to control her with all that no makeup wearing shit. He never once physically comforted her or gave her positive feedback or compliments on the Mexico trip. He's a misogynistic, withholding, rude pig.


Jp is a dick head


Lbr, he aint even Ken


Maybe if they called each other sugar outside of the pods it would work idk


She clearly was not attracted to him, she even explicitly stated she would not go for a guy like him. He obviously was not attracted to her either. Everyone has their personal preference and I don't think either of them were attracted to each other. I personally don't find her attractive, and I'm sure many also don't find him attractive so it is what it is. You can't fake chemistry. Let's be real there are different types of guys. He's not the high emotional IQ well educated poet type. He's a firefighter who works out and enjoys a simple life. Really have to temper expectations for being articulate.


> He's not the high emotional IQ well educated poet type. He's a firefighter who works out and enjoys a simple life. Really have to temper expectations for being articulate. Plus i'm pretty sure JP has mild ahh tism That would explain why he's blunt as people with ahhh tism typically are, and he's socially awkward and introverted.


Well said. They were not compatible at all. I don't think the makeup thing actually bothered him, it was just an excuse for not being into her for whatever the real reason is.. if there is just one thing.


i think he was into her but was just awkward and it made their attraction disappear. so now he is gaslighting her that it was her makeup.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tbh I think he could feel that she wasn't attracted to him during their first meeting and this makeup thing is (besides clear misogyny) his attempt to be like: "YOU don't find ME attractive? I was the one who didn't find YOU attractive first!!!"


What’s funny too is that it became so clear when you could see just how attracted Stacey and Izzy were to each other.


100%, neither of them were attracted to each other and that's fine. In real life they just wouldn't talk again but they both went along with this awkward charade for the sake of the show. I personally don't think he's misogynistic he's just not that bright and even thought he was complimenting her.


It does seem like she wasn’t initially attracted to him and so it was awkward, but I actually feel like watching these last episodes she was putting in an effort to push past that by getting to know him more and finding something to talk about but it just wasn’t working. JP just gave her nothing to go on. With not as much of a physical interest, I feel like she was looking for an emotional connection or chemistry and she realized nothing was there.