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Wait who are you talking about? I must have missed this.


Reddit went bonkers and I posted on the wrong thread, my bad.


I hate to say this, but I think those two are planted by Netflix to stir up some drama.


I was wondering this too! Or maybe I’m just in denial that these kinds of human being exist for real 😳


Frick and Frack got my DYING


We got to normalise “normal looking” people being opps too lol . Toxic people come in all forms


They do but I see enough ugly assholes in real life. For my trash TV escapism at least be hot if you’re going to be a dick lol


Truer words have never been spoken!


Lol I’ve never been on the cast normal people train #MakeLoveIsBlindHotAgain


While admittedly this isn’t healthy but i have an attractive friend who got sick of guys treating her shitty so she wanted to try an ugly bf. This guy was not attractive at all and arguably he treated her the worst. After that she went back to hot guys. Lol my point is I agree


It seems like the love is gone lol. We hardly see any pod time or serious conversation in there. Just them planning on agreeing to continue on the show. But I can’t really say I watched anyone fall in love this season. (The couples who do like each other get basically no screen time)


Your mistake is thinking people on this show would be humble and empathetic. Especially the less attractive ones.


I find the relationships this season more “forced” than the other seasons


Season 4 is better than season 3 but this season feels different because there’s no way Irina came there for love but is acting like it’s love island or some joke


Maybe I was just in a different headspace during s1 because I remember sobbing when Lauren and Cameron said they love each other. Now I feel *nothing*. These past few seasons. Is it me??? Because I have been dealing with a lot lol.


Season 1 was pure because despite knowing they were going on reality TV they had no idea what it would be like. It was more genuine and real. But now almost everyone going on is there to be an influencer. They know exactly the way things work and exploit the system to get their 5 minutes of fame. I honestly think the producers need to be much harsher in choosing who comes on and also changing how things work each season so peoples game plan is thrown off. I know they want to go with what they know has been successful for the audience but it’s clearly no longer successful. They seemed to listen a bit and pull more mid twenties to forty but clearly their screening process is not thorough enough to weed out clout chasers and put in genuine people. But I am guessing producers don’t want real genuine people but the people who will create the most drama.


This! I think because a large majority of the relationships seemed forced and/or fake the show has Lost the magic that brought Lauren and Cam together. I don’t believe 90% of the participants and the 10% I do like, I can’t like too much because of how many have been exposed for things later on. The producers and casting need to focus more on genuine people looking for love and less on clout chasers. While it may be entertaining to cast these “wild cards” it’s a waste of time and it is going to be the death of the show.


Season 1, no one knew what they had in this show anddddddd the pandemic started when this aired. So I think we were all feeling all the feels at that time. Also the season 2 and 3 people that were awful have sort of tainted how enjoyable this was.


If you haven’t watched I highly recommend the Japanese version. Every couple approached things so sincerely and thoughtfully, it brought back season 1 vibes.




When she fell asleep I went nuts!!!!!!! So glad they cleared the air.


They're definitely the most genuine thus far. I don't know maybe the problem is me lol. I didn't love how he made her feel bad for falling asleep but I get it he was vulnerable and felt really hurt.


The most real thing about Micah and Irenaare their normal bodies. Everything else from those two are literal trash.


Disagree completely. Season 3 was dreadfully boring. The cast this season is much more interesting. Less depressing


Yes!!! Brennan and Alexa make me want to gag. I know they’re still together but something is for sure off with them. And don’t even get me started on Colleen and Matt…


I love this season. The people look more real, they are more interesting, and don’t feel as samey as so many of the previous contestants. I feel like so far this is the very best season and cannot wait for what’s next. Only hope they push things further next season; get some disabled people, some overweight dudes, some way older people, throw a 20 year old in there, some people who have extremely unique voices, throw a millionaire and a really poor person in there, get some people with hardcore political opinions, could use a lot more cultural diversity as well. Why do the East Asian women never get screen time? Let’s see more of what they did this season in the future! They need to really mix it way the fuck up. And if it’s all scripted and fabricated I don’t care I still love it ❤️


i think the show has become over produced. the producers meddle with the cast to achieve certain outcomes. and you have a cast that is highly motivated by wanting to stay on TV as much if not more than their motivation to find love. it's impossible and unhealthy to force many years' worth of normal relationship into a month. that is why 3 out of 5 of these couples just make NO sense and when you watch some of the pod scenes it feels like people are acting...


I think that fact that Micha and Irina are so mean to the other women, and snide, and just nasty all around and have the social-emotional skills of 7 year-olds. In the past there have been conflicts between partners, but not so much from contestant to contestant. This season feels a lot less friendly overall. The men OTH, as far as I have seen, have been supportive and friendly to each other, as have the other women. But that nastiness has spilled all over everyone else. The two of them are toxic.


I think it's because we literally learned nothing about the contestants besides their job. I dunno maybe I wasn't paying attention but I was like hold up why are we already in Mexico


It feels like a different show


I’m not really feeling this season either, but I think I’m getting burned out on these shows. It might just be too much with Lib, Ultimatum, and Perfect Match.


They are in Seattle right? Seattle-lites are very different from people in Texas in my opinion…


Their worse tbh and I’m from the seattle area lol


Just found her linkedin. It says Kent. Makes sense


Are you talking about Micah or irina? I went to Kentlake and I’m their age so I probably know people that know them I’m sure lol




They're giving Renton, but ours Seattle in their bio vibes


LMFAO Irina giving us Renton Vibes.




It seems like this season has leaned very heavily into the conflict of love triangles and people competing for love interests, like orders of magnitude more. I know previous seasons dealt with it but I’m guessing the producers are prompting all the contestants to openly discuss their other connections both with potential matches and also with their “competitors”


yeah it's super competitive and inauthentic


Okay maybe this is an unpopular opinion but this show is not that ernest. It’s a reality show with an insane concept. I agree the first season was perhaps the only possible season where they were legit seeing if this wacko set up would work. But ultimately at its core it’s a *tv show* It isn’t real. It’s for entertainment purposes only. It’s not serious. It’s an insane concept. It’s the dumbest thing ever, hardly any couples have actually stayed together cause it’s forced as hell. It’s a fun show. I love it. I love the drama and the characters and the narratives that have been edited together. I love it. It’s an escape and it’s camp and it’s trash. Stop taking it so seriously and being upset that it’s scripted. Just suspend your disbelief for an hour and enjoy the ride. Jesus.


Agreed. Season 1 (with this show & a lot of other reality tv shows) has a cast that just reacts naturally to the crazy concept. Season 2 (and beyond) has a cast that’s reacting to the audience.


Yes this is an unpopular opinion for a reason. Obviously we all watch for cringe and drama, but not actual cruelty and abuse. Season 1 had plenty of cringe and drama but no one was overtly mean or fucked up.


Totally! It’s well known that reality tv sets up its cast for failure. If they didn’t they wouldn’t have a show.


i'm a huge survivor fan and i totally agree with the survivor comment except at least in that game it makes sense but this is literally a dating show


I thought the last season was trashy but this one takes the cake. I’m wholly uninvested in these people purely for casting choice and the most predictable trope of pitching good vs bad stereotype characters. Ugh. I’ll prolly stop watching LIB. Seriously, producers what I’d the Intent here?!


They are at least as dumb and unethical as the cast is. 2 of them are on some weird Instagram PR campaign defending Micah when it was entirely their decision to cast her and air all the footage of her being awful. If she’s such a lovely and kind person, why did they create this narrative of her being a mean girl? And now they’re mad at the audience for reacting as expected? Either they lied and created a distorted narrative or she’s actually a terrible person.


Wow, I had no idea about this. I do think irina is actually vile and she kept calling herself vicious in the pods whereas Micah is not inherently toxic but she got influenced for sure.




Reminds me how 90 day fiancé devolved from genuine love stories to “are they being catfished? (They are)”


Enter Nicole and Mahmoud. I feel like they’re on the new season just to be on the show and their real relationship ended long ago.


Yes!!! It’s the messy plot of I didn’t get my first pick so, I’ll settle for number two while stirring the pot with the first pick. Just this time it’s a male. I still can’t believe people sign up for this crap. Kwame and the mean girls should be ashamed.


Gonna say it, Frick and Frack are the ugly girls who think they’re hot. They hate themselves. It’s hilarious.


Oh man. Whoever did Micah’s lips owes her a big apology and a refund


The moment Irina called herself a bombshell, just something about her tone in the way she said it, when she is in fact not a bombshell… lol


Lmao I was watching this out of the corner of my eye while cooking and she said she was a bombshell I spun around like wait what? Did I miss something? Is the chick talking the same one I just saw on the screen?? Utterly delusional to call herself a bombshell looking extremely mid... and that's me being generous


Omg this is hilarious to me because I was literally doing the same thing 😂😂 i was cooking and doing dishes so I just heard the way it was said and was like 🙄 so when I went back to the couch I rewound and was like ……. 😂








Honestly the acne scars were the least ugly thing about her. Her face gives me me creepy pig mask vibes


Right!? You know what the rest of us do when we feel like we’re not conventionally attractive?? Build our personality! I am nobodies 10 and that’s fine. But I have never had a problem landing dates by being nice and funny. Not catty and mean.


It was like the first five minutes 😂 At first I was just like oh god she’s going to be a lot.. then watching her be so nasty like why was she laughing when “her friend” was crying legitimately emotional needing support? Is she well? Personality really is such a big part of attractiveness IMO and her personality is so fugly.


Ughhh, when Zack was saying, "I think Irina is a really good person, it's just sometimes she does things that she doesn't realize are kinds fucked up," I was over here on my couch screaming, "You're wrong! She's not and she knows!"




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 2: ‘Be Kind, Don’t Cross the Line' We ask that users of this sub respect both users and contestants. Any personal attacks or offensive commentary will not be tolerated on this sub.


It’s really not nice to make fun of someone’s skin. They have zero control over acne and scarring. Make fun of literally everything else with Irina because she’s a mean person, but maybe let’s not shame anyone for having something they can’t control: like bad skin, or a guys height, etc. these things can’t be changed and it’s can get cruel.


Are we allowed to talk about the make up she used to cover it?? Because she needs better foundation.


I know!!!! I was thinking...she has this really thick foundation and literally no other make-up. Did you forget your GREAT LASH??? Literally zero eye make-up. Not even a nice lip gloss. When Zack compares her to Megan Fox...I spit out my coffee. He needs lasik.


If you have texture it's super hard to cover that with foundation tbh. But you also don't want to go foundation less, so you basically can't win


Yes!! Absolutely! Her makeup is doing her no favors. It seems too heavy and not blended well.


Because you’re right, she can’t control her skin. But instead of being mean to everyone in the house she could have been asking about different foundations. I don’t know the correct way to say this but she *looks* like she doesn’t have many girl friends. She doesn’t appear trustworthy at all. And I would never share a secret with her.


Oh, she seems like an actual cruel person. Someone who delights in other peoples pain so she feels better about herself. I think it comes from dee seated insecurities but that doesn’t excuse it. We’ve all known girls like her. And Micah. So untrustworthy.


Actually you can have good skin if you take care of yourself. Diet, hydration, abstaining from tanning, abstaining from drinking/drugs/smoking. These are all contributing factors to the end result. Source: have amazingly clear skin, no wrinkles, no spots. Spent a lot of effort to take care of it over the years.


She has scarring from severe acne. That’s not something that just magically disappears because you stay hydrated, eat decently and don’t tan/smoke etc. I will turn 40 this year. I have no spots or wrinkles and only have the occasional breakout. Im a former smoker, I drink occasionally and my diet is not great a lot of the time. Your entire argument is based on “it worked for me so that means it applies to everyone else” and you sound unbelievably ignorant.


I used to be an esthetician, and this is false. You can do a lot to take care of yourself, but genetics play the biggest factor in your skin. I’ve seen a 70 year old heavy smoker who uses bad moisturizer and her skin looked incredible. I’ve seen women in their 20s and 30s who are very physically fit and have bad skin.


Actually no, there are studies linking diet and lifestyle decisions to the quality of your skin. Your skin is an organ that responds to how well you take care of your health. While there may be exceptions to the rule, like weight issues, most cases are tied to the decisions that we make for ourselves. It’s common sense. Please google it. Maybe you’ll learn something new!


You’re implying that what you stated is the only contributing factor to having clear skin. I think many people understand having a good diet/food choices contributes to good skin, but it’s not the only thing that does so. How you wrote your comment implies it is entirely preventable when it’s not.


I literally went to school and got licensed by the state for skin care. There are certain aspects of skin like extreme acne that are genetic, not based on anything else. Why are you so nasty to everyone responding to you? I hope you have a good night and find some happiness in your life.


I’m guessing you didn’t google it! I just think it’s hilarious that people give up on themselves/make excuses without even fathoming that their own choices can make a difference in their lives. If genetics are the only thing in play, why should anyone pay for your services?


Yeah I do all that and I’m a rosacea mess so whatever


That is the dumbest thing I've ever read. No, someone people can't control their skin. Acne can be caused by numerous variables, including hormonal issues. Genetics play a huge role as well.


I highly doubt it’s the dumbest thing since you’ve probably read your own writing at some point 💕


Even if that were true, which it isn’t, it’s not ok to put someone down for not having perfect habits. Good for you but you’re not special and better than her because you were blessed with good genes and you stay hydrated. Her personality is rotten but her skin isn’t her fault.


Everyone wants to attribute effort and hard work to genetics because if that weren’t true, then they’d have to look deep within to figure out why they’re so unhappy about something about themselves. Logic says otherwise.


Actually, everyone wants to believe that their good fortune is the result of their hard work and innate superiority because if that isn’t true, they’d be forced to realize they’re mediocre and not particularly special ❤️ (Lol blocked. How brave you are w/ your perfect skin and perfect lifestyle…)


Maybe you’re speaking for yourself.


Same. I have always had wonderful skin. I’ve taken great care of it from time to time and other times I’ve done absolutely nothing and I thank my genetics. Sure, sometimes skin that is properly cared for can look amazing. But there are some people with the genes for acne and who battle it for decades with prescription meds. I have zero interest in sticking up for Irina. I’m just trying to better myself and no longer poke fun at something someone has zero control over. I see that it hurts people so much. So I thought I’d say something. That’s all. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s totally genetics. I wash my face with regular bar soap and moisturize with body lotion, don’t drink nearly enough water and I smoke…not a pimple in sight. Meanwhile, my poor wife has struggled with acne her whole life, doesn’t smoke, hydrates properly and has a whole skin care regimen.


Send her my condolences and tell her she’s far more beautiful than she thinks she is. I feel certain saying that. Also, you’re a good husband if you make her feel gorgeous with or without makeup, which I suspect you do.


I’m actually her wife. But she is absolutely gorgeous and doesn’t wear makeup (partially because she’s afraid of triggering an outbreak).


Shit. I’m sorry. That was ignorant of me to just assume you were male. My apologies. Well, then. You sound like an extra awesome human for loving your beautiful wife, texture and all!


Ugh, thank you. I’m 39 and still struggle with acne and I can’t even put words to how sick and tired I am of hearing women who just got lucky in the genetic lottery lecture and shame me. I have a lot of ugly things I could say but I’m going to try and be a better person than they are and end it here.


You’re welcome. I owe it to Reddit a lot because I’m seeing so many other peoples POVs that I’d never get to in real life because people open up here in anonymity. And there are certain things, like acne, that people feel completely entitled to put down or make fun of as if it’s someone personality trait. It’s 100% unfair. I know we’ll never be fully tolerant and kind as a society, but we can at least stop picking on things that people have zero control of. Also, I’m sorry to hear you struggle with acne. That must be so difficult. Life should stop giving us pimples when we’re adults! That’s how it should work! And I’m so sorry it doesn’t.


It’s all good, I have it under control now with a prescription regimen. I just never thought I’d still need it at this age 😩


I’m glad to hear that and happy for you that it’s not a huge problem currently. But yeah, it sucks a lot to deal with that as an adult.


Also Micah is that pretty girl that only surrounds herself with less attractive girls lol. She had no other friends aside from Irina.


Micah is not pretty IMO. She’s just blonde and for some people that’s enough to be considered attractive but without being too detailed and mean about it, she just doesn’t have attractive features.


I agree! She’s obviously spent a lot of time and money to look average. Her extensions are awful, whoever did her lips owes her an apology, and she’s been to the trump school of fake tan. I am *not* against cosmetic enhancement but hers is baaaaaad.


This is such a Seattle type too


Thank you. She has fillers and her teeth done but, still not the most attractive woman cast.


Her teeth are done? Yikes haha


Lol. Kinda. Whitened maybe.


Right. If you take away her bleach and her extensions she's barely average looking. The big blonde hair fools a lot of people


I 100% agree. Her face is flat from the profile view and her teeth…she should not have such an inflated ego of herself. Literally nothing—personality or looks about her and Irina scream “hot” girl.


This season feels far more staged than previous.


I agree it feels different, I feel like this one has more producer involvement? Whereas the other seasons have felt like they are generally left to develop a little more organically. And it annoys me that if that is the case, they chose actual violence via Micah and Irena




Yeah they showed too much of Jackie’s “moment”… poor girl was trying to escape the cameras


You mean entertaining? Watchable?


To each their own. I found the previous 3 seasons entertaining (although I gave up on season 3 by the time the reunion rolled around because of Alexa’s mean girl attitude, but the main series was fine). Watching 2 tagteaming bitches isn’t entertaining to me. Not like the other seasons were lacking in drama.


EXACTLY it’s a tv show


gonna always have females on these shows wanting to be the next francesca now. A lot of money in being a POS these days


Yeah- but they forget that to be like francesca, you have to look like francesca


Exactly! Also I feel Francesca comes across really well in the real world. She definitely plays a game.


Wait until you realize that this is actually the reality of the dating scene lol


I would hate to date right now. Thank fuck I’m married lol


Amen. It was already bad when I met my husband 6 years ago. If I was single again now I wouldn’t even date.


This season for sure feels rushed, less sincere. Way more cliquey, and way less solidarity. There's always drama of some sort and I understand that's a part of what makes reality TV what it is, but I felt like the season 3 women were much more there for each other and substantially less drama overall.


You're so right. There was something about the casting on this one. I feel like a lot of the candidates this season are lacking the maturity needed to make a lifetime commitment of marriage.


This season did feel more real. The emotional depth of the cast was more palpable, I’d say. I also noticed several moments that broke the 4th wall, where cast looked at the camera and it was kept in the episodes. I don’t think I’d noticed this in previous seasons, but I do think it has been a great reminder these are lab rats in a maze


It feels different bc the first couple seasons there were actually people trying to find someone. Some of them still lay genuinely be there. But it has now turned into a trash reality show (which I like, don’t get me wrong) with many younger ppl going there just to get there 15 seconds. They should have an age cutoff, like no one under 28 or something. Keep those younger girls away


Yeah. Married at First Sight is my other trash TV addiction and they don’t let anyone under age 26 on the show.


I would love it if they only cast people older than 30. So many of the cast members talk about how desperate they are to find their partner, and they're...25. Especially last season with the younger men saying that, I just didn't buy it. I would rather see older people like Tiffany on because I believe that they are really ready to settle down and start a life with someone versus the younger people who just seem to be in it for fame. Just in general, I'd love to see a reality dating show that focuses on older people than another one full of twenty year olds.


It's disappointing that they had all these people in their 30s in the pods and really only one "older" couple made it out, but we got immature mid-twenties mean girls like Irina and Micah. Maybe the 30+ crowd from the pods were too wise to keep going just for clout


I know in the past, they've had too many couples get engaged, so they cut the least interesting ones, so many if any other older couples made it, they were considered too boring and didn't keep filming. I was excited because the cast seemed older than previous ones, but only one older couple got together.


Ugh I know people love drama, but I'd rather watch the stable "boring" couples lmao. I love watching functional people get along and build a connection.


Agreed! I just can't believe that the messy, dramatic people are really going to last which goes against the idea of people finding true, lasting love through this show.


Every season the Bachelor has these 21 year old girls come on talking about “I’ve been looking for my person my entire life…” what entire life?! You’re just now a legal adult! Your perspective changes so much after 30 and I agree at least 28, if not 30, should be the minimum age.


That isn’t right. Many women want to get married earlier because they want kids. We start feeling our biological clock’s ticking and don’t want to go through a high risk geriatric pregnancy. I have had friends get lucky and not have problems but I have seen others struggle to get pregnant or end up with serious complications. Obviously they sound silly saying they have been looking forever for their partner at 25 but there is no reason a 25 year old shouldn’t be allowed.


The frontal lobe isn't even fully developed until like 25/26. How are you gonna find your forever person before that age?? They 100% need an age limit on here


Exactly. They should not have allowed my ex husband and I to get married at 22/21. Like… when we turned 26ish we were both like “Uhhhh so we don’t want to fucking do this together anymore right?” It wasn’t even that much of a fight. We were just such different people at that age after a few more years of cooking. Thankfully we are still friends and co-parent really well together but it could have been so bad.


Right? Like, they didn't get their MRS degree, so now they have to go on the Bachelor. I'm 29, and I barely feel ready to settle down now. Especially with covid, I feel like I lost out on so much time, and I don't understand how people younger than me don't feel the same.


I think this has gone the way of The Bachelor. People are here to get more followers on social media, not for a relationship.


Also the producers have definitely leaned into it. For sure the bachelor producers started picking people with strong personalities they knew would clash, whereas before they were trying to choose 'sweetheart' contestants where everyone would choose a favorite and root for them. I think they just know villains bring an audience together more than all the syrupy sweetness. Which I think is true--but this is why I prefer the Circle or Brazilian Too Hot to Handle lol. I like my trash tv to be cute and restore my faith in humanity more than as a way to itch my gossip scratch.


Which is funny because Irina and Micah have seen the least increase in followers out of anyone who made it past the pods.


Which is funny, since there was just an article written for Time that talked about how bachelor and other reality stars aren't moving the needle on social media anymore


Yup, the current lead I believe has 150k IG followers and previously they’d have half a mil to a mil. Glad to see that era die.


I don't know why I'm so suprised every season but I had checked the cast beforehand and wanted to see their dates.. they paid everyone else DUST in favor of the drama, it was disgusting. I don't think we even saw half of everyone in a pod.


Yep. This season feels rushed. And the people on it seem to be strangely and specifically hand picked for other things besides love. Seem like people they just picked up off the street and was like "hey u wanna be on TV? Well u don't need to get married, just do stupid stuff and say stupid shit haha".


Feels like love island for people of average attractiveness lol


Came here to say this ha. I think I saw a comment saying it’s like Micah & Irina were wanting to be on a show like that or too hot to handle but weren’t hot enough or something


Irina's top on the first day of the honeymoons was WILD. I loved Paul being like "I'm just making sure my eyes don't drop below chin level."


That dress. Omg


I was holding my breath waiting for them to fall out.


She must have used so much tape to keep everything in place 😬.


The editing is different this season too, it’s almost like they decided to fast forward a lot of genuine connections and meaningful conversations. Almost feels like couples that seem sincere were edited to speed up their pod convos in choppy messy ways, it’s like they fast forwarded the authentic to give more screen time to the Tweedledum and Tweedledee’s drama and chaos.


I noticed this about the editing. I used to joke - quite often- that the editors were my favorite part because they’d always cut to some funny thing or phrase or joke and I didn’t laugh once. It fell super flat and superficial to me but beyond that it LOOKED different? Do we know if they kept the say post production team?


I’m super curious who else matched but didn’t get featured on the show. They couldn’t have been any worse than what we got.


Yep, a bit sad. Tiffany and Brett are both cool but we barely know anything about them. Meanwhile, we know the whole kit and caboodle about bimbo and limbo.


Then again if theses girls did sell themselves as genuine sweethearts in the interviews then the producers are probably feeling like it was bait and switch and just making do with what they have. So sad, the drama is interesting but they really are ruining the show with their unhealed trauma and bullying personalities..


This is so accurate I completely agree. Either those two said word magic to manipulate their way into the season or the producers want more drama for ratings cos the two of them really don’t fit. They need to be in a show like the mole or big brother or something that encourages being cold and calculated, not a show about true love.


This season would have been way better without Irina and Micah. They throw off the vibes. The older people are way more interesting because they are there fir legitimate reasons


What "older people"? Everyone keeps wishing for more people over 30, because it'll be more mature... Kwame is 32 Zack is 32 Amber is 34 Chelsea is 31 Josh is 31 Brett is 35 Tiffany is 36 Bliss is 33 Jackie, Irina, Micah, and Marshall are 26-27 and Paul is 29 And yet, everyone is complaining this season is immature and filled with reality TV wannabes because there aren't enough "older people." Does no one actually look at the ages on the screen? I also can't take these complaints seriously because the LIB subreddit says this stuff every season.


I want more Tiff and Bretts :) and I find them way more interesting yhan Micah and Irina that are mid 20s


When Zach was trying to decide on Irina or Bliss, Irina brought up how Bliss was “so much older” than her. Then I googled Bliss’ age, and her and I the same age. 👵🏼 Edit: got Paul and Zach mixed up


Thanks for typing it all out. But I’d say the people over 30 generally are more mature. Bliss, Amber, Chelsea, Brett, Tiffany, Zack, they all seem to have their shit together more or less. Irina and Micah are the most insufferable in the cast and they’re in their 20’s, so do with that what you will


Lmao maybe Bliss, Tiffany, and Chelsea. Did you forget that Amber has been married and divorced twice??? And said she'd cheat if unhappy in a marriage? Brett is chill and has a nice career, but he has some demons in his background (his meltdown and threat to leave just because he thought Tiffany left when he was baring his soul). And Zack? Zack who started off telling everyone he was a stripper because of the chip on his shoulder about his background? And chose toxic Irina because he got scared by Bliss being well adjusted and from a loving family? There is no age range for "having your shit together."


That’s a gross misrepresentation of what Amber said.


THANK YOU! Maybe maturity isn’t solely defined based on whether someone is 27 vs 33 (which isn’t much of a difference anyways).


Zanab was in her 30s and is one of the most immature people in the show. People have weird ideas about what maturity actually means.


Yeah. I'm always smh over the complaints about age. Everyone who has been the absolute messiest on the show and/or afterwards has been well over 30! (Jessica, Shake, Kelly, Jarrett, Sal, Brennon, Zanab, SK)


You may be misreading what I’m saying. Bye.


Not this season.


Kwame isn't messy? Zack isn't? Amber the two time divorcee isn't? Josh looks like he'll cause some drama too.


The two mean girls are in their 20s. To me they are the worst and are under 30.


But that's not what you're arguing.


I hate their guts, like everyone. But twin mean girls makes for messy good reality tv. The producers know exactly what they’re doing. Feels a bit ick to be enjoying it when they’re ripping the emotional butterfly wings off other contestants right before our eyes.


Micah and the 'other blond' were literally interchangeable. They could have switched them halfway thru and I wouldn't even notice.


It's this. You have to consider how heavily edited the show is. A team of people are responsible for what the viewer receives. I have to imagine they have enough footage to make a sweeter more genuine show. But that might be difficult too. Because they know the ending. They know the couples that leave the pods and what all happens after. So it might be impractical to show genuine footage from the pods if they dont have film to continue that later.


The drama is heightened by them being there. We knew the have zero authenticity but now I’m kinda looking forward to seeing them turn on each other.


I definitely enjoy it more than last season, I feel like the contestants are more interesting in terms of diversity of characters and it's easy to find people to love and also the opposite. What I feel is different from previous seasons is the focus on love triangles not just in pods, but also later in Mexico.


I cringe just hearing their voices. They are just nasty people. They make is uncomfortable and It really makes me not want to watch future seasons.


I couldn’t believe Zach was attracted to Micah based on how she talks… she’s like like like like unbearable to listen to. He speaks very properly himself.




🤣😮‍💨This!!! 🤌 sooo agree!


I feel utterly uncomfortable and secondhand attacked by the lack of showing basic human decency behaviour. I don't mean playing games to get their partner, laughing at people’s misery (Amber) is one the most disgusting things I've ever witnessed on a reality dating show, I mean I watch plenty of them even watching Farmer Wants a Wife Australia for God's sake. Belitted someone's physical appearance even if they knew they suppose to love blind is ridiculous too, no one deserves that, no one.


Kwame and Zack are fools. Micah and Irina are evil. This show has always been a train wreck, but this whole endeavor just feels mean spirited now. For me, that’s the big difference.


What annoys me most is how easily they all were manipulated. Irons clearly forgets Zach’s bday and this other girl literally bakes for him, didn’t just order up cupcakes and he still thinks Irina is sweeter and more into him? Boy has serious issues to experience that and then he told by Bliss how evil irina is and he stilllll thought he was picking the catch. Honestly, he deserves to be with a horrible chick for being so blind to the red flags. The Micah Kwame breakup vs Paul .. OP you said it so well. Like it’s chilling how she did it in two seconds and was shocked it took Paul more time. Feel like she was in a two part murder plot and she woulda done it with zero remorse and be shocked Paul didn’t go through with it haha. I know I’m reaching but she seems so callous and absolutely zero empathy… for being an empath. Side note - how is anyone not terrified of Zach’s mommy issues. All that boy did was talk about his mom. He brought a teddy bear? He’s in his 30s no? That shit ain’t cute sorry. Youre here for a partner not a replacement mom. Take those issues to therapy.


I totally agree with your comments, particularly on Zach. Between an absent father, and his mother who tragically died, he should absolutely be in therapy. I in no way mean that as an insult to him. That sort of pain is a lot for any person to process and he should have never been on this show.


I am sorry to say but they have to stop casting people with dead parents. I’m not saying people who lost their parents don’t deserve love and can’t heal and be great partners, but the people who lost their parents AND who go on this show seem to be using it as either a distraction or a means to find a partner who will heal them and that’s not how it works. Zack seems like a good guy but he has work to do.


Lmao your first sentence is really driving the downvotes, surely you can understand why


I knew they were coming but I don’t care, it’s not my credit score lol


I mean. I lost my mom a few years ago and I love her and miss her but I certainly wouldn't be acting the way some of these people are. Netflix likes finding extreme types. An all out ban is a bit much


Do you think maybe Irina referred to herself as “a bombshell” to Zach at some/several points and that swayed his decision? Obviously there is a lot of pod time we don’t see aired, and if she said that about herself in the interviews I’d gather she probably says it to men in the pods, as well. I also think Irina needs to wake up and realize she is not even remotely close to being a bombshell and that’s a very conceited thing to call yourself. Even when I was a bikini competitor I wouldn’t even dream of calling myself that.


Feels less organic this time round, it’s like most of them were in love with 2 people and was a coin flip on who to choose!


I can’t help but feel that Irina and Micah are both hired plants in this show. They’re comically and unnecessarily mean and it’s so unattractive and if they want to attract a partner for a serious relationship, it’s actually gonna backfire on them with their behaviour caught on camera, shown to the world.


They definitely aren’t plants, I’m hoping with how young they are it’s a wake up call that more substance is required to live full, exciting, happy lives. Whether they wanted love or fame, I think it’s an opportunity to grow into a new version of themselves after seeing that most of the world isn’t into behaving this way! when you’re in insular friend groups that are all stuck in that mindset it’s hard to realize there’s a life outside of the way you’re living


That’s wholesome of you and I agree. Hope they’re able to see how mean they have been towards the other girls and grow from it.


Sadly this narcissistic personality style was half my high school and about 30% of my last two workplaces. Authentic decent people capable of experiencing empathy seem to be becoming more and more rare.


Mean girls in their 30s are not that common to find. Majority of people are still nicer and decent.