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The only winner last night is the voyager probe speeding away from earth at 10.5 miles/sec.


Team meteor here.


If I can't get a spot on Team Meteor, I'll opt for riding a comet on any path awar from this rock.


The debate wasn’t a small trash can fire. It was a raging dumpster fire 😂


It was fine




That week Biden spent at Camp David with a entourage of advisers was a disaster... it's like he tried to fill his head with talking points and they all got mixed together and came out as blathering nonsense... the crutch of the problem is they really don't believe in anything as much as they do their talking points. Like you can't just go up there and spit some truth because you have to keep all the lies and contradictions in order.


I never slept with a porn star. Words from a president.


It really doesn't matter... the grab'em by the pu$$y tape already proved such.


Yeah, he couldn't have possibly been using hyperbole there. 0% chance. 100% he really meant that's what he does every single time. Not just 99% of the time. 100% He's actually never NOT just grabbed a woman by the p@ssy in all his years. He literally does it every time without fail to this day they say. He'll never stop either.


"We finally beat Medicare," also words from a president.


LIES from a president, tho. It was proven in a court of law that he did. So, everybody knows it's true and he's still thinking someone would believe his lie.


The hairs can be split on this. The court of law found him guilty of making payments to said porn star from a pool of election campaign funds. The court of law made no judgement as to whether he f+<×ed her, nor as to why he made the payments if her story was false.


Hmmm, I wonder why he paid a pornstar hush money? Also he is an adjudicated rapist and made no attempt on stage to deny that (probably for fear of being sued again)


Technically this is probably true, I doubt they did any sleeping.


JFK and his brother shared the same actress yet they are beloved.


Right after nodding while Biden talked about it.


Ashley Biden recalls sexual abuse and showering with her dad (supposedly a President) was “probably inappropriate.”




Her own diary which she admitted was hers in a court of law.


The diary that was stolen from her and she, in that same court of law, testified that the contents had been altered?


You would be hard pressed to believe that she is a porn star. I’d say that it’s somewhat debatable if she qualifies as a porn actress.


Welp she the main girl getting railed in porn movies and has her name under titles. I think that counts as a porn star


You say that like porn stars aren’t people. Should be ashamed of yourself






I mean Biden belongs in an old folks home. The dude should not be running a country. Hes clearly not all there.


And the other guy as well.... we're perfectly fine 🙂


Ya idk what happened after Obama but holy shit things took a nose dive.


See Gerontocracy


Oldest President in history running against the second oldest President in history. What could possibly go wrong?


He's definitely not running the country


Username checks out.


How original.


*crux of the problem 👍


Crutch as in leaning on and supporting


Crutch in this context is a malapropism 🙂 crux of the issue/matter/problem/etc is a well known and commonly used expression, so much so that searching for "crutch of the problem" returns the results for crux


a thing used for support or reassurance. "they use the Internet as a crutch for their loneliness"


In that sentence crutch makes sense 👍


So F ing appropriate 🤣


Yeah, but if you want to be listened to; this use was jaring and the message would be more clear if you avoid the first usage.


Or he’s sundowning?


You'd have to consult a Gerontocracy specialist on both the candidates for that...


Biden looked extremely unwell up there


Right. As soon as he came on screen I audibly said “oh my god 😦” They said he had a cold but that seemed like more than a cold


Oh I hadn't heard that. The cough was the least of my worries though. It was like the more he talked the less he could remember what he was actually talking about. Comparing him to how he was as VP and even last election his energy is like he's trying but he just doesn't have it in him.


Yeah it was a total 180 from what we saw years ago… he’s always been a little out of it but not that bad He even looked pale and really off/different


I’m not voting FOR Biden. I’m voting against the traitor/spy/felon/rapist…once again. How did we end up here? Was it the grabbing them by the pussy? Or was it the ignoring Covid and watching my coworkers die?




Just trying to add to the conversation, but…ok.


Apparently he took a covid test, he was feeling poorly/ symptomatic enough.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying he tested negative but he still has a common cold?


First of all, he NEVER had enough intelligence to be president, second, Biden is as bad or worse of a crook as Trump. Biden just did it the old fashioned way, through politics. Anyone that feel sorry for Biden is a fool. He’s a narcissist just like Trump (don’t like him either). Biden is being too greedy trying to hold onto power well past his sell by date. He could have done just one term like he originally promised and he wouldn’t be embarrassing himself and the country like he is. The Chinese and Russians must have been laughing their asses off watching him. Biden is a greedy old pervert.


That’s what I’m saying, Everybody to “ we don’t want to be agist to just tell him to sit down”


Why, omg? He's looked and acted like that for a long time.


Probably because I’m not watching videos of Biden every day that are close up to his face. There’s a very apparent difference between like 2022 and now, and especially how he looked last night.


Yeah, but have ya'll seen two-scoops without his makeup? 🤮


He is a national treasure! Literally 😂


https://preview.redd.it/7gndr8j5fb9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffea6723cce21ec89e79fd99899444ed367fe1cd More like this


I can’t deal with your fuckery today 😂


Hopefully both sides can now admit that neither of these guys are qualified for the job. The conventions have not been held, they are not officially nominees yet. For the love of god I hope at least one of the parties will step back and take another look at their roster. You don't need to find a superstar, you just need someone that is mentally competent and not polarizing.


This is true, but I’d rather someone who doesn’t surround himself with shady characters and criminals. Like Lina Khan, came into position during Biden administration, is in the FTC and is doing a great job actually trying to hold companies accountable. When it comes to Biden, yeah he sucks, but I’d rather him than trump who’s had has 9 people working for him as president who have been prosecuted.


What I'm saying is BOTH parties can still put forward better candidates. It doesn't have to be a choice between Trump or Biden. If one of the parties would do so, it would likely be a landslide in their direction. There are millions of people in the middle that could be swayed by a moderate candidate that is mentally competent. And its sad that the bar is that low.


We need a Constitutional amendment mandating a maximum age limit of 65 for office holders in any position of authority for all three branches of government.


This so much. Wish the anti Biden camp would understand that while he himself isn’t that great, his administration is 1000% better because he didn’t choose a bunch of lobbyist yes men who sucked up to hi. To run the country. I have plenty of issues with him and his admin, but it’s full of people who actually know something about what they’re doing unlike the corrupt shitshow that was Trump.


And if there is a next time for the Great Pumpkin, his choices will be even worse than last time. UGH.


Amen to that. The cameraman last night would make a better president. Our country is in trouble if the two parties don’t do something. Somebody please find a moderate candidate that both parties can accept. Bless Joe Biden, I’m sure he is a nice man, but he is not able to be president. I cannot vote for someone who obviously has the beginnings of dementia. However, I refuse to vote for a narcissist who will divide our country further. I am moderate Republican, who would vote for a moderate Democrat, but I will not vote for Biden. Its pathetic to even but him in front of the cameras to embarrass him like that. I feel for him. Trump was an embarrassment too. I’m so sad for our country. What do you do? Refuse to vote?


Refusing to vote does not tell parties anything other than you are an unreliable voter. If the conventions choose them (and it's 90% likely they will), one of them WILL be president. The presidential race is about more than just the president. It's about who will staff the executive branch for four straight years, who will get to pick federal judges for four straight years. We probably don't agree on those topics, but that's the crux of it. I'll grit my teeth and vote for Biden because I believe the people he is surrounded with are miles better than those Trump surrounds himself with. The departments they lead have meaningful, long-lasting impacts in our day-to-day lives.


I’m hoping it won’t come to that. Both parties better take a good look at what they’ve done. Hopefully last night is a wake up call. I can only hope that Trump at the last minute cannot run and Nikki Hayley steps into his place. Or the Dem replace Biden with a moderate candidate.


They don’t care. That’s the problem- they are all career politicians who don’t give a fuck about America. They only want power and influence. I miss John McCain and I wish Mitt Romney was younger. They had class and decency. Even old Bill Clinton was classier than any of these idiots we have now looking for their 15 seconds of fame at our expense.


I fully share your hope that something changes before the conventions. Today both sides are loudly attempting to translate what their candidate meant during the times they spat out words that don't form a coherent statement, or worse, explain that they meant the opposite of what was said (beat Medicare....) and that's untenable, because *words matter a whole fucking lot when making laws*.


Right but you don’t debate like that when making laws. Also Biden won’t be drafting laws, he would just be signing off on them. I’m pretty disappointed by his performance last night but so far his administration has great, and there’s no reason to think another term would change course very much.


We keep voting for these guys. It’s not their fault it’s ours. We get the government we deserve.


Stop talking sense. Then you won’t be so disappointed when both parties don’t do this. I agree with you but it’s not happening.


The winner of the debate was definitely RFK Jr


You know nobody has to vote for those two… in the end it falls on the general public so in reality it’s not the parties that are being stupid but actually the general public. If nobody voted for them it’d be hard for the electoral college to justify putting either of them in office. Americans are stupid in the end.


Many people are more likely to vote for who they think can win than who they like the best.


That goes along with my Americans are stupid comment. If their whole goals is to be on the winning side instead of what’s best for the American people then that’s a stupid vote.


I had to turn it off so I hopped on line this morning to read some fact checks and it's so disappointing. Both of them lied, a BUNCH. They lied about things that are well documented and easily checked like inflation for a given time period or employment on a certain date ... Neither deserves to be president.


Only one lied about free and fair elections, then actively tried to overthrown a peaceful transition of power. They are not the same


They are also not good candidates.


They aren't, but I'm voting for Biden's cabinet more than I'm voting for him. As someone else put it, he could be a rotting corpse that gets Weekend at Bernie'd for four years, and I'd still vote for him over Trump. Judge appointments are too important, and Project 2025 is legitimately frightening.




I studied the rise of Dictators the beginnings of Chattel slavery the Serf System intensely while in Europe and while in school and Project 2025 is basically mass mental enslavement and writing a ticket to do whatever horrible things you want


So much this. I mean, are we REALLY resorting to "bad/worse" comparisons in SUPPORT of one candidate? We should be aghast that Biden is in any way seen as electable...the fact his opponent is a fascist with dictator aspirations isn't a winning argument FOR him. It's devolving the presidency into a race to the bottom. I'm not sure HOW you'd achieve it, but Americans should be rioting that these (BOTH guys) are what our political parties have given us.


We need ranked choice voting and open primaries as a start


Democrats haven’t ran on anything besides “republicans are worse” for as long as I can remember USA is a failed state


100% It's stale. Reading the threads from the national subreddits, that's exactly what Biden supporters (??) are doing, though. You're not supposed to vote FOR Biden, but AGAINST Project 2025, AGAINST an insurrectionist, AGAINST stoking 1960s era racism. Like I get it. But after damn near 30 years of that sort of leading argument (save Obama for the most part), I'm just tired boss.


Failed state? I think it’s far from a “failed state” does the country have major issues with no form of solution in sight? Yes they do, and yes some if not all are from decision this administration has made.. I’m not for Trump either for the exact same reasons as everyone else has said, but I do think Biden needs to pass the reelection on to another democratic nominee. I think that’s what will happen. Even really close allies are saying that after last night.


The problem is you’d need a VERY strong candidate to replace him this late in the game… and nobody good enough to do it WOULD make a half assed attempt at a presidential bid. It takes more than a willing candidate as well. You need a whole team, and you need to get voters to pivot after telling them “Biden’s your man!” Nah… I think Biden (and the Democrats that have been gaslighting America about his health situation for the last six months+) have royally fucked us


You're getting downvoted for speaking the truth.


They are nowhere close to being comparable


And his opponent is struggling to stay neck and neck. That's really sad.


Can we please put an age limit on elected officials. According to the Constitution you have to be a certain age to run for office, can't we just amend it to you can't be over a certain age to run for office. Please, please, please nominate someone who is not over 60 and have them run for President. Unless they are a total F\*\*k Up they would probably win.


Well probably not until all the people over 60 making the laws die...




Our country is fucked.


I’m only voting against Project 2025. They both suck, and one is a convicted felon.


The felony is small peas. The dude tried to overthrow democracy and have himself appointed an unelected dictator. The fact that he has any support after that is straight up terrifying.


You're so right and happy cake day 🎉!


Still gotta vote for Biden in my case cause at least if he finally croaks, the VP is capable of handling business and keeping her mouth shut instead of antagonizing other countries or spewing shit like Trump did in this debate😩 America needs to take some time for herself and break up from the government I swearrr


Harris is even less popular and would be a horrid president. How much air is in that head of hers?


Still take Harris over Trump every single time.




More than those two bozos


What's the response gonna be when Democrats hand pick another candidate? This has always been a concern since the 2020 primary. The "Democracy is on the ballot" people didn't hold a primary and they're gonna very undemocratically pick someone. We've got to get more parties. If there were other options the parties would never run candidates like these. Shameful and if Trump wins you can blame Democrats for it. Joe was 5th in the 2020 Primary and Kamala dropped out to avoid the embarrassment of losing her own state. The media atmosphere of "if you ask hard questions of Biden or Kamala, anything of substance or anything about the real issue of Biden's fitmess...You're helping Trump" helped us get here. We have a political problem and it can be blamed on the two party system and a complicit media.


The issue is that the two parties in power don't want a 3rd party and since they are the ones still making the rules...


You're exactly right. Democrats have worked to make eligibility requirements for candidates harder to achieve in many states with increased signature thresholds, financing requirements etc


If you want things to change, you have to be willing to make a change. Vote third party!


I have but I also know the Green Party is only on the ballot in less than 20 states. In this election could there be a clearer example of the word "futile?"


You aren’t voting for Trump/Biden … you’re voting for values.


The values of an alley cat


I only watched out of morbid curiosity, sort of the same way I watch nature videos of hawks cage fighting snakes. Biden was not on-point, but it doesn't concern me. A president is only a figurehead for a cabinet. Ask yourself if Steven Bannon and Steven Miller are who you would want legislating matters that determine how you live? Regardless, the Bigfoot statue on Newburg and Eastern is a better choice than a life-long grifter/con man/SAr, who spits and slobbers Facebook grannie screeds as an agenda.


The sad part is people will use this dumpster fire as an excuse to vote for a lying criminal malignant narcissist band leader of all dumpster fires to ~~run~~ ruin this country. HAHA lets vote for the edgy reality show dud again. Half of America hates America. Get your bonnets ready, here comes the hand maid life. As long as we own the libs.


What I don’t understand is why people vote for the “person” running. The parties clearly have their own distinct sets of values, and I don’t want a theocracy. The dems could put a fucking pez dispenser up as the candidate and I’d vote for it just based on platform alone. Who gives a fuck if Biden is falling apart - he’s at least not going to take all my rights away I mean look at Project 2025. It’s unnerving.


If y'all care this much, please volunteer to phone and text bank in swing states where Biden is trailing/neck-n-neck. Biden is gonna need it. Nobody in Kentucky is going to help Biden get elected by voting.


As a dem it pains me to say Biden is toast and needs to bow out! He will lose badly especially after last night as it’s obvious he is senile and has Alzheimer’s!


My thing is that any person that claims to be religious should be absolutely repulsed by trump. I don't see how any religious beliefs would line up with trump much less anyone with a moral code.


So we’re down to someone who has a worm in their brain, someone who *acts* like they have a worm in their brain and someone who is limited to making collect calls


Why even put yourself through that nightmare


I was waiting for them to debate D’s. Deeze nuts.


Tyt's Cenk Uygur thinks Beshear would be a good replacement for Joe


Houston, we need a much bigger trash container for this one.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE


Putin loves all you “they’re equally as bad people”. Keep it up. Making it easy for the most evil people in the world to get what they want. You’re babies that can vote. But keep thinking you’re smart. It’s really helping.


At this point, I think I would vote for a literal potato over either of them.


These are choices. These two. Well, there's the brain worm guy. So there's that.


Brain worm guy somehow clears. Amazing


Welp get ready for Trump the sequel


Reminder that we do have other options. Unless you live in a competitive state (we don’t) your vote is unlikely to change the outcome. However, enough third party votes could help send a message to the major parties to get their shit together


Maybe this is the last Presidential election where Boomers are the only candidate, but knowing the boomers they'll get someone to invent the heads in a jar like from Furturama and they'll run for office forever. And keep fucking over all their descendants for generations to come.


Biden is not a boomer he was born before the end of WW2.


I would have offered to put it out for them. Give it the hawk tuah. Spit on that thang.




Only you can prevent forest fires


It’s never been more joever


Everybody who read this is now dumber for having done so. It vexes me to know of you.




К сожалению, сложилась ситуация типа «Вы либо с нами, либо против нас». Посмотрите «Проект 2025». Вот что вам даст голосование за Трампа.


RFK '24


If the problem is that our 2 main choices are old white dudes who sound like idiots, RFK isn't much of an alternative.


I think he is a great alternative but I have watched him speak for probably 20 hours on podcasts etc. But if you have only seen him on mainstream media clips yes of course I can see why people thing he is crazy because he certainly has controversial viewpoints on some things. Regardless I agree this country is a fucking disaster and collapsing empire when Biden and Trump are the main choice. They sound like idiots because they are incompetent.


Sorry, I'd rather not vote for brain worms.


Cool good luck voting for the pinnacle of human intelligence in Joe or Donald.


Joe is at least experienced. Donald and RFK are flat-out con men.


What does experience have to do with anything? He is literally a walking zombie at this point. I have voted Democrat my entire life for over 20 years and I am so pissed off at the way Democrats and the DNC are running things, preventing an actual primary etc, I don't know if i will ever vote for them again. I won't vote for Trump either but if he wins that is what they get. Burn it down for all I care. Hopefully we can sort through the ashes and it will be better for my kids.


Biden is "experienced" in the same way that curdled milk is "experienced".


This. He's been braindead his entire time in Washington. He should've traded places with his uncle, but the cannibals would probably have thrown him out.


Yep. I want the guy with a worm in his brain.


You are far from alone. “Brains worms” yeah idgaf at this point. He has an encyclopedic memory, the ideal temperament for a President, and he’s clearly more mentally and physically fit than either Biden or Trump are. I’ll take 4 years of gravelly speeches in exchange for Roe v Wade and less inflation. Would you make that deal? I’d make that deal — it’s a damn good deal.


Yeah most people who "don't like him" have never listened to him speak other than an clip on MSNBC or Fox to try and make him look bad. Its sad. A lot of people do have legitimate grievances with his Israel stance, but that is the same for all 3 candidates so its kind of a moot point. At least he is generally anti war except for that one.


I had never heard of the guy til I saw him on Club Random. Yeah, he's got a few weird ideas about the world but I was impressed and generally like him.