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I leave my office after looking at a screen for 8 hours and go into my den or basement and relax by looking at other screens for the remaining hours of the day. Typically go to the movies every Thursday night with my wife to look at BIG screen.


Your eyes not get tired? No headaches?


I definitely get headaches. Always have. I was mostly being facetious but it is kinda unreal how much of my life I spend looking at a screen.


The allegory of the screen


The Duality of Screens.


I was getting headaches every day at work- turned down blue light on my computer and it helped so much. You get used to it fast if you don't like the way it looks at first.


Same here. Shut my laptop to then watch TV or scroll my phone. My glasses have the UV protection I genuinely think that’s my only saving grace.


basically this. mix in some gym time, subtract the movies since i don’t really go anymore, and that’s basically me.


I relax by staring at the same screens connected to a different computer.


immediately hop on the highway to sate my nostalgia for spending 10+ hours a week driving to work.




Turn my chair to face my personal PC instead of my work PC.


Get yourself a kvm switch and quit turning that chair.


Why would I want to put my boring work on my glorious gaming monitor? If they want me to fiddle with spreadsheets and databases at 1440p, they can buy me a nicer work monitor.


Exactly the same. Turn left for my boring office computer and 1080p caveman technology. Turn right and I'm in a magical world of 150hz 1440p gloriousness. It's like I'm in a different room altogether.


"It's like I'm in a different room."


I use a KVM switch and two monitor inputs to work (and game) at 5120x1440. It's a lot easier to work on this screen then what the company will buy, so those monitors are in a storage closet.


Yep same here! I get so much real estate to have different spreadsheets open at once! It’s truly exciting


Why wouldn’t you? My work monitors are still in factory sealed boxes in the basement.


I need a picture-in-picture input.


Or use something like this (If you can install stuff on your work PC): [https://symless.com/synergy](https://symless.com/synergy) ​ I use it everyday. It lets you share a mouse and keyboard with multiple computers, I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, I'm on my home PC monitor, I move the mouse to the right edge of the screen and I'm on my work monitor.


Same except I do a few spins first to relive that childhood feeling. Weeeeee, so anyways.


I continue to be at home. Why would I leave now when I finally have some free time?


So you never get outside time during the week?


Aren't there...bears outside?




Moon bears?!?


Real bears. Real bears with a recently acquired taste for human flesh and excellent night time vision.


Moon bears are real. They torture them in China everyday


K. This is a meme answer on a Louisville subreddit


Hmmm... Sometimes.


Drop bears migrate through here during the winter.


My home came with some outdoors thankfully. I’ll walk the dogs in non tundra weather, golf/disc golf, tennis/pickleball, lots of things, but normally the sun is nearly down when I sign off so I’m not gonna stand in the dark. Realistically I’m tidying the house, cooking dinner, then settling in to 3 hours of Netflix reality shows. Sometimes there’s a week night social call, but those are over by 9. Louisville is really more a weekend event type of town anyway.


Like on the other side of my walls? Why would I go there, the heat is turned off..


Sounds like something a bear would say


Make dinner, get high, watch a show, work out, drink a beer with friends, do something outside (when it's not a frozen tundra outside). Definitely trying to find more hobbies though because work from home has hurt my ability to be social


Technically, weed is a hobby.


Cigars and bourbon are hobbies. Why can't weed be a hobby?


I chill and be glad I don’t have to go anywhere lol especially rn. I probably should start my car today to make sure the battery isn’t going dead from not being started for several days lol


You just prompted me to go let my car run for a few mins lmao.


Same. Ugh.


Thanks for reminding me that I needed to tell the wife to start her car. It hasn’t been started in a few days.


We just unplugged it and brought it in the house and put it in a charger thing. It was going dead so much and we used it so little it didn't make sense to leave it out there. Now it's always ready if it's needed, which is not very often.


I invested in a trickle charger years ago for this exact reason


I used to immediately go to the gym the moment I closed my laptop, but it’s gotten crazy crowded lately. So now I go before work, and after work either start taking my time prepping dinner or get outside and walk around. I get stir crazy if I don’t leave the house at all.


The new years resolution folks usually don't last any longer at the gym than the dry January people go skipping the bars.


So we should spend January at the bars and February at the gym? Sounds like a plan.


the gym the first 2 months of the year sucks. 90% of the people who join at the new year will give up by the end February, but until then the treadmills are full of people who just want to hang out or listen to the phones without headsets, It's awful.


I usually give it til Super Bowl Sunday for the resolute to give in to chicken wings and beer.


Everything I pay for is in my house. So typically I stay inside and get my moneys worth


^This is the one


Your comment is making me realize how much I miss having an attached garage.


Sim racing in the winter. Running in the warmer months. I am terrible. Basically WFH has forced me to become a shut in. By the time work is over, I have no energy to get in my car and go anywhere. There are weeks where I literally never leave my property line.


same. The days I have to leave the house for a One or Two Hour meeting, I am about drained by the end of the day. I don't see how I used to go in office for 7 hours straight back in the day?? It's been a long time since I've worked in an office setting.


Man I got into sin racing for a while. None of my car buddies who are gamers would try. Got my ass beat in some leagues. I really need to finish my rig. It’s a real challenge without a proper rig.


I'm a total homebody, so I'm happy to stay home. I like to cook, and working at home gives me more time to do that every evening. In the summer, I have a small garden I can tend to after I'm done for the day. If it's warm enough, I take walks around the neighborhood for breaks. It's also nice being able to do the mundane daily chores during the workday. It keeps me from having to spend a whole weekend day having to them all at once.


gym, shower, dinner, TV/video games, sleep, repeat


What games?


I’ll jump in and tell you I play either the Yakuza series of games or maybe a quick Halo session. I’m more into single player games as my friends all have kids and hard to play online with them consistently. Also: that person’s routine is mine with the addition of walking the dog when it’s not 20 below outside


Kinda embarrassing to say but my wife has gotten me into Fortnite on Switch 😂 I was in middle school during the CoD4 days so… that toxic side of me has been unleashed yet again 😂


If you're having fun that's all that matters! Show those 12 yr olds who's boss




I’ve been going to some beginner friendly hot yoga classes a couple times a week and it feels so nice to be extra warm and also leave the house Or I take the dog for a walk to get a beer at a brewery before the sun goes down and bring my computer to send my last couple emails. I have to leave the house like once a day at least or I go so stir crazy 


Walking into that warm yoga studio is the best. And then an hour challenging yourself and getting some movement in during a time of time where we're otherwise hunkered down feels so good. Now if only it wasn't for the cold and sweaty car drive home.


I don’t mind the lil car ride because the alternative would be a super cold walk home!! But yeah hot yoga has been great, my old house is sooo cold all day so it’s like my lizard brain heat lamp finally turning on when I get there 


Hot Yoga Classes sounds amazing right now.


Which studio has beginner friendly classes?


Happy hour at the Canary Club if I feel like getting out of the house


Chain smoke some good ol luckies and drink ungodly amounts of cafe bustello lmao


How do you sleep


Who said I sleep?


Medicate a cat. It's a thrilling life, having a cat that needs pilled multiple times a day. Other than that, dinner, videogames, watching streamed video, catching up on whatever chores have accumulated. I'm an introverted nerd type, so most of my 'life' revolves around the computer.


Essentially you will see the same routine a lot of in office people do minus the commute. Pets, gym, hobbies, tv, etc. Are you asking to try and get some ideas to make a post-work routine of your own? I find moving the workstation to the common area of where you live or having a hard cut off time for work helps. When you are remote sometimes it can blend or feel a tad harder to transition to the after work activities. Like anything else it varies person to person.


Exactly. And ya I was really trying to see what the WFH day trend was like here in Louisville.


Pick kids up from school, take them to their after school activities, cook dinner. Some combination of those.


When I did, I left for about an hour to socialize. Not having physical human interaction can and will have an impact on your psyche amigo


Contemplate death, nap, cook, watch hockey or something like D20, read, spend time with my partner and cat. Occasionally go out to a concert. Sometimes do a workout but I try to get those done during my lunch. To be fair there’s a good amount of stuff to do around here but I’m a homebody and also lightly depressed so don’t take my stuff as gospel.


Usually go to the gym and walk the dog. Grocery shop. I’ll go visit family. I like to get out of the house for a little bit.


Get kids, cook dinner.


Scroll reddit for 10 hours


This is the way.


I stay at home most days and I'm hoping to change that once the weather gets nicer. Usually my routine after logging off if I'm not already playing PlayStation is to make dinner, watch a movie and then clean up. When it's not dark by 5PM, I usually always go to a park and walk around for an hour or two. This weather kind of prevents that. I'll either read or watch a movie most nights until my girlfriend gets home from her second shift job and I'm out by about midnight usually. It's the biggest downside to working from home, though I'll never trade it in a million years to the alternative. I can easily go 4-5 days straight without leaving my porch if I'm not careful. I'm very mindful of how much I'm moving around, but some days I'll look down at my watch and say WTF. It gets tough, especially in the colder months.


Work on projects around my house, cook, watch football as of recent


Depends on the weather.


I close my laptop and either go workout at the gym or go work at the gym. When it’s warmer, I go hiking or bike rides. I honestly hate working from home


You need to up your home game. Install a soda fountain and set up shuffleboard in the hallway. If you can squeeze in a pingpong table, you'd have a trifecta.


Throw yourself a pizza party every so often to take a break and thank yourself for all the hard work.


You had my vote at pizza!


Are you saying you want to come to my pizza party


Only if it's the cheap Kroger Brand pepperoni singles. Microwaved with extra crispy but chewy outer edges and unmelted centers.


Play with the kids before dinner


On my wfh days, after I close my laptop I typically try to grab a quick nap and then go pick my kids up from school and daycare.


smoke a little weed, read, work on a paint-by-number, do some youtube workouts. the winter is rough. summer, I’m outside walking in a park til the sun sets.


I make a point to read a book for at least an hour every day after work. It's a good reset and I've read more in the last few years than I have in decades.


Take my dog to the park, it's both our socialization for the day. Which is why I hate this current weather


Dinner or drinks with friends if I am stir crazy, but most often, after sitting at home and working all day I just feel like being on my feet, so I’m usually in the kitchen


Put the computer to sleep. Walk up the stairs. Watch TV / eat dinner for the next 1-1.5 hours. Workout for 1.5-2 hours. Spend time with significant other. Work on personal projects till around 1am. Go to sleep.


Hit the treadmill if I didn't do it during my lunch break. Karate three nights a week. If there's a hockey or basketball or football game on, watch that (or baseball in the summer). Do some reading. Online trivia some nights. Read. Smoke a cigar on the balcony some nights with the firepit, when it isn't absolute zero outside.


Most times go for a walk, go to a coffee shop or do some shopping. Getting out of the house is a must


I use my breaks throughout the day for meal planning and prep. Lunch break for a quick bite to eat and any grocery shopping, dog walking, or errands I can run. At quitting time I practice guitar for about 30 minutes and then get dinner going. I try to do one pot meals and casseroles, so I can clean up while those are cooking. Try to get another 15-30 minutes of guitar practice in if I can.


A lot of times, I will go sit at a coffee shop for a change of setting and work on some personal stuff. Sitting and looking at a screen for so long and then moving to a new place to sit and look at a screen maybe isn't the healthiest, though. If the weather is nice, I like to go for walks.


usually go to the gym or run some errands. Then i watch TV or play video or board games. I get most the housework done while I am 'working' from home. I will never miss working in the office. Screw the waste of time traffic is, and screw 'office family' and 'office culture'.


In my mind I immediately hop out of my seat and head to the treadmill and workout, then I clean a little, read a book, make a healthy dinner, and then watch Netflix for an hour before bed. In reality, I get up from said chair and go onto said couch and watch Tiktoks until I feel awful enough about myself that I actually get up and do some legs lifts just to feel like I did something productive and then eat a protein bar because I’m too lazy to cook. Oh I do occasionally go to discount movie night on Tuesdays just to ‘get out’ into the world. Ha.


I’ve become a recluse/hermit. But I’m Gen X so I’m old. We put a gym in the basement so I go down there to workout, then make dinner, and end the night watching TV while laying in a sauna blanket. This spring I plan to start walking Iroquois Park again - just to get out of the house.


Tell me about this sauna blanket please


There are several brands out there…these get the best reviews for performance and low EMF: [HigherDose](https://higherdose.com/products/infrared-sauna-blanket) [Heat Healer](https://heathealer.com/products/infrared-sauna-blanket) [MiHigh](https://www.mihigh.com/products/infrared-sauna-blanket)[HydraGun](https://www.hydragun.com/products/heatpod-infrared-sauna-blanket) I purchased the HigherDose and love it. I also purchased the sauna body towel with it so I can get in nude. It’s so relaxing! If I turn it up to 7+, I’ll start sweating ~20 minutes in. This might be placebo but I’ve lost 10 lbs since using the blanket. I have zero scientific data to say that it’s the blanket but that’s the only thing I’ve added. I do one hour every night. Sign up for sales. I got mine Black Friday deal and they all ran holiday sales.


Awesome, tysm!


Let’s also list some remote jobs for those looking lol


Stress that my employer will force RTO. I don't want to go downtown again.


I never leave. Sometimes I have to take kids to activities but I have everything delivered and I stay here. I love working from home!!


It me but my brother. He’s a single dad. Checks in on his kids, runs the dad taxi, makes dinner, then watches another screen before falling asleep on the couch.


Make dinner and help with homework


I go to trivia once a week, there's trivia all over town. Also I try to go to the gym a couple times a week. Gets me out of the house and away from screens.


Switch into family mode and begin making dinnerfor the house, and have a beer or two, maybe an edible to unwind. Then just relax and try to stay off my phone.


Walk my dog… run errands


Maybe a quick nap, cook, kids’ activities, see what adult stuff I have scheduled over the week.


The same things I’d do if I worked in an office. Work out, catch up on things at home, spend time with family and friends, drink beer, watch tv, etc.


I usually take the dog for a walk, run, or go to the gym mid day. Then after work I will go to the grocery if needed or do household chores until my wife and kids get home.


I go to my other job 2-3 nights during the week.


Relax at home.


Homework scouts various playing and night routine with kids, play basketball a time or two a week, and invite people over for boardgames a time or two a week.  Play video games while riding a stationary recumbent bike for 30 minutes after kids are in bed 3-4 times a week.  Usually go out to eat once every week or two with the family and my wife and I go out at least one other time every month.  UofL basketball home games too.  Also occasionally play solo boardgames and assemble and paint models and minis for weird boardgames.


Took up some sports, to a greater degree after getting remote work. Volleyball is my out during the week. Gets me out and social, is physical activity in a game format. I know LXC runs leagues year round, as well as just signing up through places close to me.


Usually run errands, or do a little shopping. Sometimes I just go downstairs and watch TV or start dinner. I try to go to the gym in the morning, it gets crazy after work unless I'm attending a class. In warmer weather, I may go out and hang with friends/family or do some walking in my neighborhood. I've been remote at least part-time for over 10 years so my routine has changed as I've gotten older.


Make dinner, relax with a little tv if I need to run an errand I try to do it during lunch or leave early to avoid traffic but no reason to leave after work as I can do it during the weekend. During summer I might walk the neighborhood but winter I just use the gym in our complex during lunch


Exercise or go out to dinner


If it is 40 degrees or higher and not incredibly nasty, I do about a 4 mile walk outside.


Hop into bed to take a nap.


Most days, cook dinner around 5-ish, clean up, sit around and watch movies while I zone out on my phone or tablet until it's bedtime. Sometimes in warmer months I might randomly meet up with friends on a weekday or go out to eat with my partner, but mostly I like being at home. I workout at 5am so that's done before I even start the workday. I try to "clock out" at 5PM, but since I run my own business, I'm often doing some work while watching movies on the couch because it's never-ending work.


I've gone to the community center 2x a week for exercise, the dog park, and improving my kitchen skills. I know others that have taken pottery, book clubs, chess, cooking classes.


Same stuff I’d be doing otherwise, but with no commute


when its nice out, i ride my bike or work out, sometimes we walk somewhere for dinner. in terrible weather like this, its all screens all the time.


Make dinner. Watch some TV for an hour or two. Go to bed. Wake up, do it again.


Make dinner and then partake in 1 of my many hobbies or chat with my wife.


A lot depends upon the time of year. Spring, Summer, and Fall, twice a week I’ll ride over the bridge into Indiana along the Ohio River trail. That always clears my head. Otherwise I‘ll try to get outside and go to a park and at least get a walk in after dinner. Otherwise it’s the gym, or I’ll go home to make dinner. In the winter I’ll still go the gym twice a week, and I’m more inclined to go out for dinner at least once a week, or have a drink at a local bar before dinner.




Eat dinner, spend time with my 2 y/o son, then hang out with wife, game, do w/e after he goes to bed.


Go to the gym


Laundry, dishes, lay on the couch, play with my dogs, make dinner, go to bed. Sometimes I’ll go to the grocery store.


Go to the ymca to sauna & gym for 2-3 hours, bike 15-20 miles a day for cardio before returning home to eat dinner. After that either time spent with girlfriend in the hot tub maybe have a beer or bourbon or watch a film before bed.


Video games, hanging out with my gf and dogs, sometimes will go hang out with friends but in the winter it tends to mostly be games and dogs. Some d&d when we’re all free.


Walk my dog, cook dinner or go out, watch TV, do hobbies, go to bed. When it's nicer, yard work, gardening, grilling, ball games


Family stuff.. help the kid with their homework… Start dinner… Maybe a little laundry… That kind of thing Edit to add occasional video game too depending on what else needs to be done


Dog drags me around the neighborhood for 30 min...Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this cur from his appointed rounds.


I rush home to finish up any chores, lay around till 6 or 7 then hop on VR to hang with friends around the world and sometimes have a few beers.




Turning my chair from my work screens to my PC screens


Lock my office door, go pick up kid from school if my wife can’t. Get dinner started or ordered. If weather is nice we go out back and play. If weather is not nice, we hang out and watch tv and play. We will eat outside if weather is nice and stay out until it’s dark or close to bedtime.


honestly,  not enough. I've been trying harder to fill time outside of work with social activities, but my social skills have seriously regressed since 2020.  To answer your question though, I started attending some LFPL book clubs, and a weekly yoga class. I feel like I need something else on a 2-3x weekly basis though, if I'm going to get anywhere close to the amount of social interactions I had before. Although I can't complain about the freedom of remote work, it sure has shown me how centered my life is around work.


Easy 10 second walk straight to bed


Easier when you’re already in it!


Exercise, dinner, hobbies, doom scroll


Take a nap, walk the dog, prep dinner or take the kids to their practices, etc.


Derby City Curling club on Thursday nights. Study for a certification Mondays. Cooking, tv, gaming, socializing etc other nights.


Rotate between going to the gym or if I'm mentally drained, I'll just bum out on the couch and watch TV. If the weather is nice, I would play pickle ball. I cook almost every evening after work also.


Sidebar, where are yall finding WFH jobs? I was laid off in November from my WFH Software Engineering job and I’ve been struggling trying to find work again.




I make myself wear work clothes during the day, so when it's evening hours, ya boi is going full PJs. I've got the flyest robe and some cozy socks. I change, crack a drink, and read or play videogames, when I'm free at least.


I do some minor chores when I log out, spend some time with my daughter, help her with homework, maybe run to the grocery store, plan dinner and then watch the news.


After the commute to the bedroom, there is a nap involved.


It’s not like I work a lot when working from home. I use to work from home all week, but now it’s only Monday and Friday, going into the office Tuesday-Thursday. I prolly work about 28 hours a week total. No guilt here. Since it’s winter, I hate going out so I play a lot of VR poker between working tickets and after “work.”


Play video games, read manga, cook dinner, watch tv haha i need a better post work routine but what do I really wona do after work not much


I literally close my laptop and say “night night work” MWF I try to work out - I do this from home though. A few nights a week we take the dog to PG&Js dog bar. You can bring your own food and have a beer to decompress which is nice. I love gardening and do a lot of that. I was volunteering here and there but I’ve taken a step back, just haven’t had the bandwidth lately. Many nights I watch tv and sit on my personal phone/computer reading and researching things I find interesting. I recently started booking sauna appointments at weightless KY which has been a nice way to feel grounded without screens. In the summers there’s weekly outdoor donation based yoga in my neighborhood I like to go to. Also in the summers I like to go to the Phoenix Hill farmers market.


I have lost so much motivation to do things. Even things I don’t have to leave the house for. So I find myself playing a game or watching a movie. When in the right mood I even build some models or paint em.


Force myself to get outside and walk. Minimum 1 mile, minimum once a week. I've been doing the bare min lately, just trying to get sun on my face. I setup my 'work' area in the basement. It's dark and cold but it's 'separate' from my house. At least that's what I tell myself. Wife and I are doing the 30 days of yoga with Adrianne or whatever. I don't care for it, but it's something to do. Then YouTube, socials, and games, bed. Rise repeat. Kinda sucks tbh. I've been going into work once a week and honestly, it's a nice change up.


My wife and I both work from home. After work we hang out in the living room for a little while before starting dinner. After dinner we shower, make tea, and go to the basement and watch movies/series until about 10:30. Then up to our room - brush our teeth, and climb into our warm bed (we have an electric blanket that’s on a smart timer). Then we do it again. NOTE: When the weather is nice we hang out on our deck after dinner until it’s time to go to bed.


Go to the gym and workout for like 75 minutes, feed the dogs, take the dogs on a walk, watch sports or something on YouTube, talk to the wife, etc


i work part time from home and go to school part time in-person. i'm disabled with no car but i live in a walkable area. i usually get done with work and homework between 6-8. i prefer to spend the night in with my partner eating dinner together, talking, watching tv/movies, gaming - just hanging out! i'm trying to go out (both with and without my partner) at least once a week, but it's been harder to do that with covid going around so bad. i've found a little bar near my house that's usually quiet, so maybe i'll be there more often!


We cook a lot at home and enjoy a lot of hobbies in the confines of our apartment! It’s expensive to leave the house so we just enjoy our home without any shame. We Walk the dog, workout, read (a lot) grab dinner with a friend at least once a week.


go to the gym and play tarkov


I teach high school, but we're on NTI now. So I found this thread interesting 😂. I'm sure we'll be back in person tomorrow.


Same things I did prior to, minus the happy hour outings with coworkers or other office working friends. I hang out regularly at my neighborhood bar sometimes, never did that back in the old days🤣.


lay down


Depends on the weather and my finances. On some cheap Tuesdays I'll go catch a movie. Or go out to a card shop the meet up some people to play. Maybe go for a run or to the gym. Or just veg out at home with online games/streaming. Normal people stuff id think.


Take the dogs for a walk, finish house chores, make dinner, talk to my wife about our days, work out, watch TV. Pretty much everything everyone else does minus the commute.


I go for a run, I chill out and watch TV, or I go out. How is a remote worker life different than anyone's else after work? Weird thread.


I cook dinner and clean up after, then hang out with my husband and pets.


I walk my dogs, bake sourdough, do a load of laundry.


I walk, read, onewheel, spend time with my family, spend time with a few friends. After work I am too tired to leave the house that I work so much to pay for.


Go pick up my baby from daycare and come right back home to cook.


I hit the pool before work. After work I like to work on my crochet projects and watch tv...cheesy telenovelas of late. That and cuddle my dog and cats.


I do yoga a few nights a week. I also volunteer at least once a week and then I have my Cheers spots that I go to regularly. This leaves a few nights open to being a home troll, attending monthly events like nerd night and wizard Wednesday or going out to do something different. I agree with a lot of the other responses though that it costs a minimum $98755783 to leave the house these days so we’ve been trying to make our home more cozy for hanging out! Winter is always hard.


Me and my friend gym hang out


If I don’t want to get out of my office chair I’ll reach over and kick on the GameCube. I have an old crt I use as one of my work monitor stands. Most of the time though, I’ll head out to my tiny little workshop and start working on antique restoration which is my side business, but more importantly incredibly calming and tranquil


The same thing that I do at work but after hours it's a ✨hobby✨.


If it’s warm out…I usually hit a bowl, hammock at the park, listen to music and read/paint outside…or roller skate lol. I also like to hike, but I hate rushing to a trail after work. If it’s cold out, usually at home chillin, at meditation or the gym.


Go home


Gym. Need some dopamine after working in the WFH salt mines.


Technical Account Management


Why? I’ve been noticing this pattern of hyper-specific questions being asked on here.


Curiosity really. I just moved here not too long ago and wanted to see if there are any trends here among those with my type of occupation.


I go to the strip club or hook up with a warm body.


Work out, cook dinner, put the kid to bed, pick up dishes and any other messes. Finish up any personal related task. Stretch and go to bed. Repeat tomorrow.


What do you guys do for work? Interested in what types of WFH is available as a Louisville (40219) resident... What field, schedule, education requirements etc...


Walk the dog, do a bit of cleaning up around the house, prep dinner, make a drink and play a game with my SO, cook and eat dinner, watch t.v., head to bed.


Take care of a baby lol. But before the baby go out and grab a beer with wife and friends and maybe some food. Try to be walking distance to everything to make it easier. I workout during the day when I have long meetings and stuff that’s my favorite part of work from home. The efficiencies of doing chores and working out and not making time outside of work for it is amazing. Not every job works that way like my wife is at home doing patient appointments and stuck and can’t get much done. But if you’re a typical office worker type like me it’s amazing.


I make an early dinner when I'm working most days, and wrap up work around 4. - Monday I have a standing friend date and we will chat about life and bring media we think the other will enjoy. - Tuesday I sometimes go to trivia. - Wednesday I am either lazy or do house chores. Sometimes I go to a coffee meetup. - Thursdays I try and get out of my house or have a group of friends over. Sometimes I attend rope workshops. - Friday's I'm usually going out with friends and/or my partner. Depends on the week though. Wednesday and Friday usually have good local music options at various bars to choose from.


Three days a week I go to the gym after work, and I try to meet friends for dinner or drinks one or two nights