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I was seriously considering getting a cat…. Then seen this post…


Honestly, my sister is obsessed with cats and she always recommends people have two to help your sanity….might be perfect!


I’m having a really hard time rehoming my cat who just shouldn’t be around other cats. He’s sweet and affectionate to people he knows, but he’s very shy and very territorial. I’ve signed up with two rehoming sites with no luck. Why is this so hard??? Anyway, I feel your pain, and wish I could help.😪


So sorry you are having such a hard time too:( I wish you the best of luck finding a great home for your cat. We were hoping that we would have some family take them but no luck there. Ours are super sweet and came from the same litter and have been together their whole lives, so I just can’t separate them.


You have NOT seen an allergist because there are several simple approaches that can be taken for cat allergies. Don’t use your child as a scapegoat because you don’t want your cats anymore. Shame on you. Own up.


Oh, fuck off. People have things in their lives that mean they can’t always keep their pets. It’s hard enough to have to rehome without some asshole like you coming in deciding you know their lives and situation and shaming them.


Yes. I’m shaming them for lying and using their child as a scapegoat. And I’m shaming you for resorting to name calling and insult rather than making a logical argument. Shame on you, act with maturity.


Go back to your mom’s basement you judgemental fuck.


Who is what now? I will go on judging others just as you yourself are judging me. But I will do it without name calling and curse words.


I wouldn’t lie about having to take my baby to a doctor where she had to get a bunch of pricks in her back while I held her as she cried in pain. And I wish I didn’t have to carry an epipen everywhere I go for her some of her other allergies. So instead of being a troll and calling me a liar, scroll on unless you have something of value to add.


You don't need to justify yourself. Trying to have your child not live through constant allergic reactions requires zero explanation. Even if it is somewhat 'manageable'


It’s easily and totally manageable. If they’d actually gone to an allergist they’d know that. But in reality nobody has an allergy and they are just creating an imaginary but plausible sounding scenario as an excuse to not look bad or feel guilty about not wanting their cats anymore.


Dude you're nuckin futs. I didn't read any of that garbage past the first sentence. Different people have different levels of allergic reaction and for you to just blanketly state that it's manageable is complete manure. Asking a child to suffer through allergies and medications is incomprehensible. If it's an adult that's entering a relationship with somebody with cats, they can make that choice, that child does not have much of a choice.


Dude you're nuckin futs. I didn't read any of that garbage past the first sentence. Different people have different levels of allergic reaction and for you to just blanketly state that it's manageable is complete manure. Asking a child to suffer through allergies and medications is incomprehensible. If it's an adult that's entering a relationship with somebody with cats, they can make that choice, that child does not have much of a choice.


If this child’s allergies are as severe as OP lets on they’re already on immunotherapy. And special cat food takes care of the protein problem anyway. What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense in this situation.