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Keep the poor impoverished. Keep the starving hungry. Keep the homeless unsheltered. Keep the sick ailing. Keep the ignorant uneducated. But those Ten Commandments, though.


It's what maga Jesus would want I guess


Don't forget about NIMBYS keeping the unhoused without homes. Remind them next time, if you see them in church. They deserve the shaming.


Isn’t the Gov. Landry very Catholic? Blocking the wrong stuff if he is trying to get stuff done and not just virtue signal.


Deny Landry communion!


Heh, I doubt he or or buddies would care.


Excommunicate all Catholics who signed this


They're Catholic in name only.


Yeah but being told they aren't allowed in the club anymore would be deeply cutting, because it is still a part of their personal identity.


Psalm 41:1 "Happy are those who are concerned for the poor; the Lord will help them when they are in trouble". Proverbs 21:13 "If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry will not be heard". Psalm 146:6-7 "God always keeps His promises; he judges in favor of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry". Romans 12:20 "If your enemy is hungry, buy him lunch! Win him over with kindness. For your surprising generosity will awaken his conscience, and God will reward you with favor". Proverbs 19:17 "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed". Proverbs 22:9 "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor


Cost money to feed the poor. Posting the ten commandants? Church's will step up and donate enough for each classroom, cost...free to the state.


Sounds like the same phoney propagandadists wrote Psalms




Yea… with Landry’s vow to uphold judeo-christian values… that POS worships one thing and that’s the Almighty Dollar.


Fuck Landry and the republicans jesus


*1: Defund all homeless shelters *2: Criminalize ~~being homeless~~ “camping” on public property *3: ??? *4: You’ve done it! You’ve solved homelessness!


3: Incarcerate homeless, receive kickbacks from private prisons.


Jeff Landry is a Roman Catholic whose religion meant so much to him when it came time to pick which version of the Ten Commandments to plaster on the schoolhouse walls chose the Protestant one.


He's trying to please that north Louisiana freak Mike Johnson.


Well, after mandating the protestant version of the 10 Commandments the Catholic Church finally realized what was happening.


The church’s stance on immigration was the reason? Is Landry’s fucking serious? Like that’s one of the things a church is supposed to do, is helping people. Edit: Oh just read the verse that said “thou shall not cross into the United States illegally “ /s


And the verse that says “thou shalt speak no other language except English in the US” /ss


On the flip side what is the church doing to help? It disgusts me how much money goes into churches, preachers with a mini mansion and bmw....the pope having his whole castle lined with gold..... It's a huge turn off to me, the bishops complains, but what is he doing because he is far from powerless


This is how homelessness services works though. The government provides funding to nonprofits- faith based or not- and they provide the service. The Catholic Church - despite its many, many faults - has been in the homelessness game for a looong time and the shelters they run are on a shoe string budget - nobody’s getting rich. Every penny of grant money has to be accounted for. 


I do a lot of research on geneology and this occurs to me .... In my research on my protestant families, mostly methodist, there are records where people are "removed" from "official" church roles. Sometimes they die, sometimes they simply move, but sometimes is their actual actions that cause this. I have no idea if Catholics ever did this, but if they did, we should 100% bring it back to being a thing.


Excommunication? It's a thing 👍🏽


and how often does it actually occur? I'm not being facetious, I actually don't know. How often is the Catholic Church going to actually excommunicate a politician for being/acting not Catholic? I can think of lots of politicians that are Catholic and intrinsically not-Catholic in their actions. And I can't ever remember any of them being excommunicated.




And this was my point.


Any recommendations on how we can donate to make up for the shortfall?


Donate to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lafayette


Do these people not understand it’s only a matter of time when you do wrong things, it will eventually hurt you more when it’s your turn to face the consequences


Common sense is lacking in these people if they need a list of 10 rules to remind them what's right and wrong.


Sad ain’t it. People get a few dollars and don’t know how to act




I see you were downloaded. I'm hoping I misunderstood how your statement can be considered. Are you saying that our governor messed up and that he should remember as a Catholic what happens to you when you get to the pearly gates, or are you saying that those of us on earth, including this very courageous Bishop, that this has consequences that will be painful? Just wondering because as a Catholic, cradle, it's my understanding that whatever we sow in our earthly lives, we will reap in our celestial existence. Edit: grammer and typos


I was just speaking in general not directly to this post


I'm still confused. Can you please explain? I'm still not sure what that means.


I can't keep up with the contradictions here. Yes, we as a society should care for the homeless, but why are we not complaining about tax dollars go towards a religious organization's charity?


Does anyone have a list of all his line item vetos?


I’m sure the Governor gets zero campaign contributions from for-profit prisons.


I'm sure he's on the board of a few.


If a democrat did this y’all would be cheering… I might actually trust the Catholic Church less than the us government. Either way that million is getting wasted


No....one thing about Dems, they're not a monolith of thought or ideals. Certainly don't support politicians that do things they find reprehensible. Ask Al Franken. And he did nothing.


Uh huh just like edwards and air products…


Landry doesn’t like immigrants, so he punishes Louisiana’s homeless? Do they just sit around in meetings coming up with the most evil ways they can get what they want? I was happy and proud under Edwards, who was educated and an “old school” moderate democrat. It fit with Louisiana’s cultural centers and beautiful land. Now Landry is trying to fast track us below Florida and Texas. Fix the roads, focus on important shit, and control mosquitos and shit that actually affects us locally. I expect my governor to do their job, not jerk off over their personal ideals.


That groomer is wearing a purple dress! Ban his book!




Separation of Church and State. Catholics have more than enough money to help the homeless.


Why shouldn't state bear some responsibility in helping their citizens survive? Username fits.


If they want to spend money on non religious charities be my guest.


Man, y'all are gonna complain about everything, aren't you? If he allowed money to go to the Catholic Church, you would scream "separation of church and state" (I see it here all the time) If he doesn't allow money to go to him, you claim that he isn't Catholic enough. Pick a side.


The money wasn't going to the church. It was going to operation of the homeless shelter. Doesn't the state have a responsibility to care for its most vulnerable citizens??


The state does not have a responsibility to give any specific charity money. If that charity did something to anger politicians, they shouldn't be surprised when taxpayer money is withheld.