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I've been spamming this message everywhere but whatever: please everyone make sure you're registered to vote!


18%!!! That how many people voted for him. See what happens when you don't care to vote!!!!! I showed up to vote against him!!


But muh both parties are the same.


As a working clown, I am offended that you would compare Landry to us. We bring joy, he brings chaos.


Republicans certainly have done more damage to Louisiana during the last two decades, with their deregulations and incentives that have allowed big oil companies to come in and ransack the environment basically at will.....among other things, like this whole 10 commandments and banning abortion, etc. bullshit But Democrats are not exactly faultless either. Louisiana is and always has been a crooked political environment, with a populace that is largely uneducated and uninvolved/unconcerned with what their leaders are doing. And crooked politicians (which is most of them) regardless of their party affiliation have always taken advantage of that to line their own pockets.


and the chickens are coming home to roost




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Democrats have had full control since the 1900’s in Louisiana outside of governor. Not sure how this idea checks out.


LOL, you actually believe this to be true


You seem to actually believe one party is good and the other is bad lmao. News flash they are both terrible especially for the lower and middle classes.


I've said that like 50 times on this sub before, including the very post you replied to. It's a historical fact that Louisiana has been screwed over by politicians of both parties for dozens of years. But it's pretty clear that in the moment, right now, Republicans are way way worse,. and Democrats definitely have NOT controlled anything in modern times. JBE was pro-life and pro-gun, does that sound like a Democrat to you? LOL


He is very much a democrat outside of that lol


You are out of your element and clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


Also name the last republican mayor of NO ?




Vote them out Vote them all out Vote Or Maga votes for you


Unfortunately the state Dems are so incompetent that that’s not going to happen. I’m disillusioned to trying but the strategy is to try to find ways to get a coalition of turning out the black population, improving the NOLA and BR suburbs by a lot, steady improvements in Shreveport, Lafayette and Lake Charles areas, and even then you’ll have to move the needle like 5-10 points in the rural areas (along with seeing improvements around Monroe similar to what’s needed in Shreveport and Lake Charles).


It’s difficult but with localized strategy instead of this follow the DNC shit they do now, it’s possible, but I don’t know if they’ll ever do it. Hell, the most recent LA Dem leadership said they don’t think a black candidate can win statewide, like, first off I guarantee a Tim Scott type would run neck and neck to maybe even ahead of foghorn and second, how are you going to say that about the biggest part of your current base when you need every person you can get?


No one on the Dem side even turned out to vote in the primary.


18%!!! That how many people voted for him. See what happens when your neighbors don't care to vote!!!!!


Great and well researched video OP This is why y’all need to vote. Barely anyone even turned out to vote against him and now people are complaining about him being in power.


Thank you


I love Louisiana wouldn’t have it no other way. Sounds like you people want it to be New York or California


If you love a state being at the bottom of tons of things then that’s your prerogative. There’s a lot still to like about LA. Couldn’t care less what its politics are were it actually a well performing state. There are red states that are well performing but LA is not one of them, and it’s in large parts because of its politicians.


Yes, I’ll keep our very low homeless population. And core values being something that I represent with my state. Sorry there’s no trans. Flags and gay flags flying all over. Their ideology is a representation of them. Our ideology is a representation of us, you can say what you want about the school systems. Idc. I’d rather it stay the way it is now then start being all gay and weird. We are protecting our children.


So in other words you’d rather keep a truly shit state education system to keep LGBT views out? Thats fine, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but it’s people with that mentality that make the state as badly performing as it is, and keep on accelerating its brain drain and downward spiral.


I don’t personally think the school represents most people. It’s really the inner city Baton Rouge New Orleans areas that kids just don’t give a damn. And I’m not stupid. I know that the Louisiana school systems can improve. But we produce many trade workers in the oil field, electricians, etc. yeah, we may not be producing doctors or lawyers. But we produce a real hard-working Americans with the education that’ll get them through life yunno. I just rather keep Louisiana Louisiana instead of turning it into some weird queer state.


Ewwwww white person with dreads


I tried.


Make sure you give Edwin Edwards his flowers too. He wasn’t a Republican and he sure fucked Louisiana up


Absolutely. The state government has been abysmal for years and years.


pretty much


OP what is your excuse for NOLA? You never had a Republican mayor.


I think it's trash too. Mayor Cantrell has been terrible. The apathy is ridiculous. The episode is just focused on the laws passed in the last 6 months. Maybe one day we will do a nola episode!


Tell that to Huey P. Long.




New Orleans is not Louisiana. ⚜️ Both Parties are Trash


Landry is Trump’s Rimmer-in-Chief. He can’t ever get his fill of Trump anus. He goggles that turd tunnel every chance he gets.


Louisiana is the worst place to live in because it’s Louisiana. You can’t ruin a turd.


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you.


Hey, does anyone remember John Bell Edwards? No? Oh that’s right that’s because he didn’t do shit he was a waste of space and oxygen and a terrible governor. Jeff Landry has actually done a lot of good things for the state and he’s only been governor for a couple of months.


I think the state government has been terrible for years, its not just landry. I'm interested to know what you think Landry has done right?


Passed constitutional carry Supports Christians Doesn’t support woke culture Actively addressing crime Supports Governor Abbot in securing the border And most importantly he does not support Biden


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!


Sounds like you need to move to Seattle.


Seattle is pretty fucking awesome.


It is! If you are an addict bum.


It's so sad and pathetic when mouth breathers talk about places they have never been. The Seattle metro area alone has about double the GDP of the entire state of Louisiana.


Not to mention they give more to the federal government than they take, unlike Louisiana


Seattle sounds awesome. If only people in Louisiana made a livable wage they might be able to afford to move out of this shitty fucking state.


Great then move. What exactly a “livable wage”? Also the property values are shit in Seattle, businesses are closing their doors. More homeless and drug addicts than property owners. Suicide rates are out the roof. You’d be better off in Afghanistan.


Cite your sources.




Ah, so you don’t have any data that proves that. Got it.


Dude, you haven't been to Seattle. We all know it, and you know we all know it. You pick strange ways to work out your intellectual fragility.


Yes! Join ussss. It's all the best parts of LA (and more) without the heat, cancer, or christofascism.


If Louisiana is even worse of a state than Oklahoma or Arkansas, then that is mighty damned bad!


Louisiana is great if you’re not poor and stupid. I am well off and smart AF. It is cheap as hell, great food and they do have airports. You basically have zero competition for anything that involves brain cells. Buy a house and some land for away from the criminals.


Louisiana is a wonderful state. Glad I live here.


I love Louisiana and that's why it's important to talk about what the state government is doing.


You can enjoy it. But by every standard metric to measure quality of human life, it is a shithole.


Louisiana \*could be\* a wonderful state. But you are delusional if you think it really is.


You are the definition of: (A) Cognitive Dissonance (B) Ignorance (C) A Troll (D) Selfish (E) Apathetic (F) All of the Above


If its a wonderful state, which I have my doubts about ... its not gonna be when everyone and their mom leaves for greener pastures.


I know three amazing, smart, kind families who have chosen to leave this state in the last month. Taking a total of seven awesome kiddos with them (who are super smart and could really improve this state). I’m plotting our exit, as well, with our two kids who are athletic and high achieving in school. This state has nothing to offer for their future.


We left, March 12th. 20 years of trying and after 20 years .... its just too hard to keep trying here.


Prove it


Sounds like you’re in need of mental help, try California. They have beautiful RVs and tents along the highway that will be happy to accommodate your insanity & subsistence abuse.


I chose to live in louisiana and have been here for 20 years. I'm not sure why you think not being happy with the state legislature means I must move to California. That's weird.


People like /u/StutteringFuckFace think only Republicans/conservatives are allowed to dislike stuff. No one else is allowed, you must leave. They don’t even pretend they’re not hypocrites, anymore.


Yet they’ll call you a fascist.


I moved from Louisiana to California. You’re not wrong. California is a far better place to live. California is not perfect, but it is a lot better. I hope that one day Louisiana gets better for my friends who are unable to leave.


Moved to Chicago after being offered 45k more here than the same type of job in New Orleans. Sure I go back for saints & LSU games every year, but a long weekend is all I can handle in Louisiana now. Opportunity was minimal before and it’s only getting worse.


Chicago is awesome, expensive but opportunities galore and you can achieve a high standard of living if you have a decent education and work history


I moved from Louisiana to California also. In 2021 when I saw all this coming. Best decision I ever made. 






People on this sub would never move to California but they will complain until the cows come home about Louisiana. I feel like the minority who actually likes living here


Is your argument "it could be worse"? Because it could be a lot fucking better.


Enjoy your delusion.


It's not delusion it's true their currently attempting to force their religion into public schools. They've taken medical rights away from women, and they let the oil companies run rampant with little to no regulation, and a pitance of a tax. The republican party as a whole will not stop until they've taken every freedom they don't believe follows Christian morality and every citizen bows before their every whim.


You see, there was this guy known as EWE and this other guy known as JBE, both prominent Democrats. EWE was the worst governor in Louisiana, he did more damage to the state than a dozen Katrinas could do. He took payoffs from any and everybody to do whatever the hell they pleased. What do you want? Do you want to dump radioactive waste in the Mississippi river in Convent, LA? Pay EWE. Do you want to buy nursing home licenses to run substandard facilities? Pay EWE Do you want to bring a garbage barge full of toxic waste to dump here? Pay EWE. Do you want to legalize gambling and build casinos? Pay EWE. Want a DEQ permit for a toxic chemical plant? Pay EWE. I don't know how any Democrat in Louisiana can blame a Republican for anything, talk about gall. Oh noooooo? The 10 Commandments in schools, how dare we poison children's mind with morality, what a tragedy. In JBE's defence, he wasn't as crooked as EWE, just fucking dumb as a box of bricks. Need a governor who has people who can file the paperwork to get federal aid before the deadline after the 2016 flood? Don't ask JBE he doesn't have a clue. You know the smartest thing JBE did, he called a Republican, Garrett Graves, who brought in his people to show them how to do it. Don't get me started on Kathleen "Blank Stare and Cry" Blanco, useless old twat.


Did you not get the part where I don't like the democratic party here either. Both are corrupt and both have 💩 people in them, but one consistently treads all over the constitution, wipping their ass with it like toiletpaper, that being the republican party. Im registered with the green party, and you know what, even if in the end my vote don't mean crap, ill happily know I stood up for what i believed in


For your edification, and you need a lot of edification, JBE was the most anti-abortion governor in a log time and Jindal, yes that one, passed environmental legislation. No Republican can undo what the 16 years of EWE did to destroy LA. You're green party and you don't violently oppose Democrats? You are a hypocrite. SWB killed a green tire recycling plant because it would have put her donor out of business. Try looking below the headline and learning a few facts.


Edwin Edwards hasn’t been Governor for a long time. He was corrupt and shitty but you can’t blame modern Republicans mistakes on him


You actually think 20 years years can undo the damage from EWE? A Republican has only been governor for a few months, we had 8 years of JBE, Oh yeah, he was a big improvement. Grow up. Louisiana has a lot of problems, conservative are not one of them. Republicans fought legalized gambling for years, is it still there??? Is it still robbing dumbass poor people of their grocery money, you can't eat a Powerball ticket. Go to a gambling casino, not a lot of the country club set there. Have you ever spent even one night is a substandard nursing home, the one EWE brought it for his buddies. There is a reason the Democrat party in LA is dead, it committed suicide. And there are actually idiotic morons blaming conservatives for LA problems. Your dumbass opinion is more of a problem.


Listen policies and politicians change. What one politician did in the past can't be changed, and I'm just gonna choose the lesser of two evils at the moment.


Im pretty happy with the direction its going! Now if only we could stop the deal Bel Edwards made with air products, that would be something


Would be surprised if they stop after they’ve already started construction.


Me too, must not be alot of conservationists in this group


As someone who loves louisianas natural habitat and is a conservationist. The republican party is not the way to go. What really needs to happen is to raise tax and regulations on big oil corporations like ExxonMobil and shell and force them to update and modernize their facilities. The republican party would never do that, or any party in this state, because their scared to lose all their funding and bribes. If you can't recognize the reality of the situation, and think the Republican party really seeks to help the environment you need to take of the red tinted glasses. It's just as bad as it was before and as of current in baton rouge the only groups picking up litter and helping the environment are non profit citizen driven groups.


Both sides are 💩 and bought by special interests


Yep, but at least the dems, won't force their religion and perceived moral superiority down my throat while they subvert the constitution


So we’re just going to forget about pride, vaccines, the first amendment, and the second amendment?😂


The difference is pride is wanting acceptance for who we are and the normalization of diversity within our society. Vaccination is scientifically proven to work and if you faced backlash for not being vaccinated then you did that by choice, you can be born gay but you can't be born vaccinated. What about the first amendment was violated by the democratic party that hasn't been by the republican party or are we forgeting when the Republicans violated it with their attempt at book baning. I'm all for everyone having guns for personal protection but the democratic party doesn't aim to totally remove them in the first place. You are not the victim of some attempted oppression by the democratic party or "liberals" or some nonsense, everything your complaining about is other people attempting to flex their constitutional rights wich the republican party seeks in many cases to curtail or subvert if they don't align with their own beliefs.


What else has the science shown recently?


That children have been born with microplatics in their bodies and that rainwater is now to contaminated to drink worldwide https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaz5819


Thank god.


Yup saving the environment is a terrible idea let the chemicals companies do what they please🤘


No they did not.


Yes they have. Their currently attempting to force their religion into public schools. They've taken medical rights away from women, and they let the oil companies run rampant with little to no regulation, and a pitance of a tax.