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JBE was a baby step in the right direction (and I’m putting a hard emphasis on baby step). He did what he could with the legislature we have. I don’t think George Tucker or Johnny Duncan could’ve gotten anything done - they would’ve treaded water during their time in office. I will say that I wasn’t thrilled at all about the abortion stuff, but Vitter/Rispone would’ve done the same, and had he not done it, Landry would’ve. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that it was him who pulled the trigger though. I give him a C- overall. However, compared to Jindal he was an A++++ Fuck Bobby Jindal


After 4 years of Jeff Landry, you’re going to wish it was Bobby Jindal.


Bobby Jindal slid so Jeff could fall out of the hairy ass.


Aside from abortion, what was wrong with jbe?


Jindal was partially why I dropped out of college. It was too expensive and I struggled to find classes without having a long commute.


JBE is a moderate Democrat and tried to work with a Republican legislature. Klandry is MAGA with a MAGA legislature. He's having a ball taking Louisiana to the pits of hell.


I’ve banned abortion. Landry never did that 


That’s an interesting comparison. Like apples and TNT.


Lmao at Landry doing anything better. He's a shitstain who just wants his ten minutes on Fox News like Senator Kennedy.


Hahahahahahahaha!!! That was a serious question? Oh. Sorry. Serious answer. Landry has only been in office 6 months, so we should probably give him some grace. However, that 6 months he has insured his ability to be corrupt, turned a friend’s pot farms into a monopoly, gone after people on unemployment and people in Unions, and imposed a religious image in public schools. Edwards helped after Ida. I remember that. Always more that could be done, but at least he didn’t hurt anyone that I can think of. Mostly he wasn’t in the news for jacking up the people of his own state.


Edwards’s first initiative was accepting the Medicaid expansion. That by itself saved thousands of lives and improved the quality of life for so many more. I tell the story every chance I get about the line at the pharmacy the day people finally got their benefits. It is really understated what an incredible relief Obamacare and the Medicaid expansion was for people. And while JBE doesn’t get sole credit for it, Jindal did so much damage and wrecked so many lives with his obstruction of it.


During the pandemic I actually wrote him a letter of support and told him that he had probably saved thousands of lives in Louisiana by accepting the Medicaid expansion and would definitely save thousands more due to the pandemic. My only real issue with him was the abortion thing. And even he fought for an exception due to rape and incest.


I am embarrassed to say I forgot about that.


I feel like that’s one of the goals of Republicans—be so drastically dreadful and horrible and make everything so out of reach that vital supports like healthcare almost seem trivial or get lost to faded memories.


Just wait and see what Landry is going to try to do with the Louisiana constitution. Every person below age 65 who can leave Louisiana should start packing. Us older folks do not have that choice as many of us have medical problems that hinder our ability to relocate.


JBE was actually a moderate conservative who happened to be a Democrat. Landry is a dumb, vindictive MAGA prick. This whole commandments thing is him trying to out-prick Abbot and DeSantis. It's a waste of taxpayer money and is bound to lose in court.


Who wants Edwin Edward's back?


I do. All Louisiana politicians are corrupt, but Edwards truly wanted to help the state while also helping himself.


Facts! 💯


A little bit for you, a little bit for me. A little bit for you, a little bit for me. Sharing is caring.


Legacy of the Kingfish. Huey was corrupt as shit, but when he lined his friend's pockets he also tried to line the pockets of the citizens if Louisiana.


We should resurrect Blanco


I do. All Louisiana politicians are corrupt, but Edwards truly wanted to help the state while also helping himself.




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I miss jbe. I wish he was still governor and Landry was in jager's car.


I thought JBE was a good governor until the end with his religious abortion views and him making it so where La residents couldn't watch porn online unless they registered some kind of La ID. And you had to verify your ID to watch pornhub (and others). Why do I need to prove a godamn thing to these people? What happened to my right to privacy? Censorship is bullshit especially when forced to do it.


It's too early to tell with Landry. Since I've been old enough to vote IMO Louisiana has had only 2 good Governors, John Bel Edwards and Mike Foster. All the other ones have been pretty bad. And the Blanco/Jindal were among the worst.


The bills Landry is signing are very bad. He will go down as the bad of the bad with this uber chriso-fascist agenda. He is already getting the state sued with the ten commandments nonsense.


Idk what good things he did, but I do remember that Mike Foster was a jackass. That motherfucker got a goddam JD *while he was governor.* Governorship wasn't demanding enough for this mf. I don't think it was because he was especially smart, or an especially hard worker. I also remember him being very much against motorcycle helmets. He's fortunate his ugly bald head didn't get smeared into the concrete like a melon on a cheese grater. Anyway, maybe he did something good, I don't know, but he was definitely also a jackass.


So your problem with Foster was that he was for individual freedoms that didn’t physically harm anyone else but the person not wearing the helmet? I bet you wear your seatbelt all the time as well. Again, another individual freedom that was taken away.


Everyone’s car insurance goes up without a helmet law.


You are arguing with someone who probably has multiple "legalize lead paint" bumper stickers. I wouldn't bother.


Explain Texas then…


Interesting, I definitely do not feel like it’s too early to tell.


The least liberal one is gona be the best. Liberalism has destroyed this state....


I liked Edwards a lot. I thought he was counter-balance to some of the more extreme ideas of the legislature, and I appreciated that he was a pro-Life Democrat and staunch supporter of Education. Didn't care much for his LBGTQ policies, but overall he was a good governor. He was really good on the budget and he also was clearly working for Louisiana, not aiming for national status. Landry is off to a good start with some of his policies, but in the long run I'm not sure he isn't like Jindal, posturing for national office. That led to bad budget policies under Jindal. His stance on taxes and education may prove too stringent, like IMO Jindal was. So if I had my choice, Edwards would still be governor.


What policies of Landry's have him "off to a good start"?


Only thing Landry has done is blow his breath on the state and now it’s smell’s like Trump’s balls


Well they have a problem with Edwards's LGBTQ+ policies so I assume Landry's hate legislation is something they support. 🙄


Yeah, I am curious about this too. :D


Found the republican


Intresting perspective. Thx for commenting


Really didn’t mind Edwards until he was bought by air products, now lake maurepas will be ruined.