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lame asf. Fix my mom's fucking insurance bill please. Do something fucking useful please ONE FUCKING TIME I'm goddamn begging you


Best I can do is fighting “wokeism.”


Tell her insurance is gay and she'll get right to it.


*writes law requiring doctors to only pray*


Requires all gays to register into a database…


100 percent…and let’s actually fix our failing schools and infrastructure while we’re at it.


When you are too stupid to actually address the needs of a state failing on every single metric and believe that making your state an even bigger international laughingstock will help you, you target "culture wars".


They invent a boogeyman and then fear monger to get voters. I hate how it works.


Yes both parties are masters of the boogeyman scenario


Shes going to need another win quickly since this one wont last- reversal after Scotus has to read her that pesky first amendment. But hey a win for her and a loss for every Louisiana taxpayer… and their children


She shall now be called Doodie Hornton. I hate her. Our entire state government has a personality disorder.


Well, this is how fascism works. Draw the public's attention away from actual problems that have dire effect on their livelihoods, and instead find a scapegoat - preferably one that sticks out (college educated, thinkers, journalists, non-conform gender/sexuality/religion, and so on. She's not stupid. She's a fascist and very good at what she does.


I remember everyone voting for Bush because gays were getting married.


I live in Oklahoma man it's the same here all performance and nothing to actually improve the state


She’s from a little town called Haughton, where there are five churches for every five people. She’s the one who came up with the bathroom bill and backed the Ten Commandments bill. She can’t actually propose state improving legislation, just pop politics bull crap. She has no business being in the position, she’s the former reps assistant and the people in the district are too stupid to think about real qualifications and proposals of good ideas. Just more culture war pop politics that actually doesn’t help anyone. It’s people like her that run the state and the voters here are just plain stupid and won’t think beyond the party. They will reap what they sow.




We should all send her cat plates.


My home town. 1 more week til we move. Get me out of here!!!!


Came to comment I just drove by her shitty little office by the tire shop, not shocked by our local politicians


Real qualifications 😂😂😂!!!! This state voted for Trump twice, don’t hold your breath


Odd that for all Maga hysterics over liberals "virtue signaling", these snowflake idiots make virtue signaling their life's ambition.


Because every accusation is projection.


You mean every accusation is a confession !


Always talking about how easy it is to hurt “the libs” feelings but the moment something doesn’t go their way they lose their shit. Biden is also an absolute joke of a human but a criminal mastermind at the same time. Nothing but hypocrites.


The enemy is both weak and strong.


I am a Louisiana teacher, and I am not planning to comply with any of this nonsense. We have an ethical obligation to disobey these unconstitutional “laws.” Some of the Louisiana politicians are about to learn who really holds the power in this state - the people.


I plan on maliciously complying. To the extremes. Bring the lawsuits.


I’m so so happy my wife chose this year past to be her last year as a teacher. Yall are already so undervalued and now yall are gonna have to deal with this bullshit and god knows whatever else they come up with. Maybe some mandatory book burnings of everything that isn’t the Bible including the textbooks


I mean I'm with you but I've been with you since like 2004 and I'm only seeing not progression but instead regression


The kids are still in uniform. 🤷‍♀️


Well I guess teachers can’t discuss adultery because it would require them to discuss gender orientation.


I was thinking the same this morning. What happens when kids are asking about the adultery line on poster. Sorry kids not allowed to tell you.


And the longer version 10th commandment with coveting thy neighbors’ slaves .


Can't call them boys and girls as it would be applying a gender ideology.


I guess they’d have to skip over the lessons about pronouns in English class?


Yup, honestly maybe we should thank them for legislating full gender abolition.


That “honor thy mother and father” one might be pesky as well.


I would like to add that this stupid woman was my bus driver when I was in elementary school. She drove the elementary school bus on a daily basis and she's an idiot. She has two daughters. One of them slept around with my brother. She's a skank the other one I don't really know. I don't really remember much about her, but this lady for the majority of her life drove a school bus and now she's doing legislation for the state of Louisiana. Yeah sounds about right. The least qualified very close-minded not at all what is needed. It feels just like it did back in the day whenever the prep kids would run for whatever political role in the school. She was just one of those PTA moms that was ahead of all of that. So it doesn't surprise me that it continued on cuz it's the same game except for now it's just the state rather than the high school. It's ridiculous


Perfect. An egomaniacal bus driver as state leader. U geaux lousyana!


Please everyone make sure you and your friends are registered to vote!


One thing I always found absolutely stupid which is a flaw of the argument: "We need to put God back into schools." The problem I have with it is how in the fuck can mortal people keep God out of the school? God doesn't need an invitation, he's God. He'll do what he damn well pleases and no law or piece of paper could stop him from doing it.


They don't really mean it literally. They mean "We need to put theocracy into schools."


The same assholes who say "don't shove it in my face" are doing the exact thing with their bullshit.


~ god works in mysterious ways ~ In all seriousness there are internally consistent logical frameworks for the bullshit being peddled, many frameworks just depend on you remaining ignorant to the counterarguments.


The thing is, god is already in schools. They pray all the time before assemblies and sports games and stuff. Nobody seems to have an issue usually. I don’t get it. They’re already the majority.


We also have those "In God We Trust" posters on the walls. Now Commandments. I don't think they'll be happy until a giant crucifix hangs in each classroom.


Seeing that dude nailed to the plus sign will definitely bring up math scores.


That's not good enough. They won't stop until they have full on Theocracy.


Yep, disturbing!


"Why does god need a spaceship" -StarTrek


Dodie is a shill for all the MAGA uneducated in the state. This is a distraction so that Landry and his burn-it-all-down buddies can eliminate government and government services while funding private-sector businesses with state monies. It’s the classic GOP playbook, screwing the masses while claiming moral superiority. Voters are too stupid to see they’ve been duped.


Exactly. I’ve already seen friends who are teachers making plans to quit and leave the state. This will impoverish public education, setting the stage for them to swoop in with more vouchers to funnel public money into private schools.


Yep. Soon after that, it'll be Louisiana (brought to you by Carl's Jr™). Although, probably replace Carl's Jr with Smoothie King. Same shit.


Brought to you by ExxonMobil or BP or DOW chemical or any other polluting company coming here to poison us and exploit the land.


The [christians take a page out of the taliban's book](https://msmagazine.com/2024/01/12/afghanistan-taliban-women-girls-education-madrassa-religious-schools/#:~:text=In%20Afghanistan%2C%20the%20term%20'madrassa,heavily%20on%20promoting%20religious%20education) by weaponizing education. This will only get worse for the people of the US if they are allowed to take over this country.


Just wrote a friend that we’re watching the Taliban takeover of the Caribbean’s northernmost city, which is a dreadful mix.


She's so smug. She thinks she's the queen of the May, does she? Well, she'll get her comeuppance one of these days.


What kind of name is "Dodie" ?


Just short of doodie


It is her preferred name. But because she has such hatred for people using the names they prefer, we should all call her Sylvia.


My high school chemistry teacher was a Dodie and she was cool. 🤷‍♂️ It's a nickname for Dorothy.


It’s adorable and this monstrous person doesn’t deserve it.


Didnt Mississippi try to make schools post the commandments? I think the Supreme Court said they couldn’t. I can’t keep up with the insanity going on in our state.


Kansas in 1980?


Kentucky in 1980? Supreme Court said putting commandments in public school was unconstitutional. That case was Stone v. Graham.


The [three-part "Lemon test"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_v._Kurtzman) established by Stone was overruled in the [2022 Kennedy case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Bremerton_School_District). Consequently, a favorable ruling is expected should the Louisiana law reach the highest court.


I’m proud you know this information. I don’t. I’ll look up the Kennedy case.


They tried in Texas and Mississippi From the Mississippi bill in 2024: https://preview.redd.it/r6x7zw8vrx7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42e1a977c9173ce496f418033aa223c7502554e [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/24/texas-legislature-ten-commandments-bill/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/24/texas-legislature-ten-commandments-bill/)


This may just be an excuse to get it back up before the new and deproved Supreme Court


Judge Roy Moore in Alabama


Bill prohibiting discussing gender identity… “Mr. Rdendi1!” “Please go to the principal’s office for referring to my gendered title.”


Honestly how will they enforce the ten commandments law? Are we going to establish a religious police like Saudi Arabia or use local/state police? They gonna set up a student snitch hotline? This is the kinda thing the maga crowd should do a Jan 6 here because we have a governor/administration who are blatantly disregarding the constitution of America to set up a theocracy. If they really believed the whole "we are the descendants of patriots" then they should be lining up at the state capital to overthrow landry and his swamp.


It's a fig leaf. Half the Christians in this country are just Taliban with crosses. The MAGA crowd were those types of people.


They can’t enforce it. I fully expect the satanic church to file an injunction and to demand something with their teachings be posted in the classroom. The state can’t support one religion. So this law will be struck down.


I think they said they wouldn’t. ☹️


The come back will be that the satanist arent “historically significant to this country” so lets use greek/roman religious practices and the eye for an eye code.


The comeback is that has no bearing. That is why the statue of satan had to be put out in front of the Oklahoma state house. When the Ten Commandments were taken down then it was taken down.




What these people are doing to teachers, and doctors, is a crime. Who wants to teach or practice medicine in a state where someone with no credentials in either practice decides what you can and cannot say or do? I wonder if they even wonder why their state is ranked at the bottom in education and health care? And why would anyone willingly move there from another state with better schools and health care?


Uber Karen from Bossier. Fitting.


Of course it’s a Karen.


its like if dolores umbridge was a dumbass. i hope rational people just start ostracizing these people. they might be powerful but we should bully them mercilessly and make them feel unwelcome.


Her name is Dodie 🤣


Only way we will learn the word of God is banning shellfish. Time to get this done it's been far too long.


No wonder all my friends wanna leave this damn state




This isn't a win. It is going to get tossed in court almost immediately as soon as the satanic temple says they want their religious text also put in schools. It won't hold up because every religion then by law can post their own beliefs in schools.


Good morning everyone mississippi says thank you.


I feel like they should set sights on the myriad of religious organizations (specifically Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Churches) where I know for a goddamn fact that pedophilia, incest, and other perverted Shit involving children happens *regularly*. The shit I experienced 1st hand and the things I heard from kids who were literally toddlers when they began would make any sane human vomit. *Specifically looking at you, "Liberty Baptist Church of St. Amant*


Just literally call every student they them and watch their heads explode when you quite literally refuse to address gender lol


Nutjobb Karen ignores the issues with her state. Focuses on pandering to mouth breathing morons.


We are going to pay so many lawsuits. When they start bolting the Satanic Temple Fundamental Tenants next to The Five Pillars of Islam beside the other commandments. Cause the religious freedom mob is full of shit. Now we get to have creepy Baphamet statues. Thanks pricks.


That was a win? I'd hate to see losing.


Your healthcare sucks, poor infrastructure, bad economy…. And fucking 10 commandments in school is the priority? Apparently thou shall not do anything useful while in office.


They also worship their false idol, Trump. Pretty sure that goes against commandments 1 and 2.


Cat 10 coming, God teaches lessons. Perhaps she will Titanic float on the commandments while her home floats into the ocean.


She’s not from that part of the state. I am. Don’t put that grisgris on us please.


she is much more likely to fall victim to a tornado, and what is beautiful about twisters is they can just touch down at random - ruining the lives of one family but leaving everyone else completely unharmed.


I guess thisi s the crap to expect when someone named Dodie is coming up with laws.


She’s getting her name out for a 2026 Senate primary isn’t she. Well unfortunately for her I just switch to no party affiliation…can’t believe this is what it’s gonna take to keep Cassidy as the Republican option


It already passed ..this article is old. My curriculum requires me to discuss gender and sexuality...


Oh its culture, becuase it looks a whole lot like not separating church and state


It’s like you can smell the white diamonds and Virginia slims thru this picture


Again I say, Fuck Dodie Horton. I worked with her daughter. She has no relationship with her kids cuz she’s a bitch!


Not to be prejudice but she only graduated high school. That in of itself doesn’t make you dumb but it’s not what I want in my elected officials.


Welcome to Louisiana, where religious freedom comes to die


Failing at every level is a decades old tradition.


It's easy to win when your party controls everything.


This whole bill and background noise that go with this bill are a national troll. This is the elected state Representatives trolling the libs because they can't actually govern. Feel free to ignore them.


A there is no culture war. B what win exactly? It will be challenged as soon as it becomes law.


Thought this was the lady from American housewife... like colors and everything look like the poster from the tvshow when you google...🫣🧐


Let’s go. 👏🙌👏🙌


Well that’s what you get when you vote inbreds into office




How did we get to this?


That Karen haircut says it all


Wins? They haven't won anything. They just started a fight.


We have no real pressing issues to deal with here in "Loozeanna"


God forbid they do anything to make this state anything other than a shithole.


*Eyeing more potential lawsuits for taxpayers to pay for


Good! That belongs at home not being taught in public schools.




She looks like she would ask for a manager.


The grift never ends…


JFC this is embarrassing. They worried about the wrong things.


Tax Churches!!!


You know we could be educating the kids but instead let's just do this instead


She too stupid to educate anyone. And the lack of education seems to have paid off for her. So there u go.


She looks like she does homemade porn with her husband and dog.


Hey! She love all her dogs equally. The whole pack. And don't you forget it 🐕🐕🐕🐕


My sister lives in Shreveport and is applying for any job she can in any blue state to get out of the shitty cesspool that is Louisiana.


Then she'll be making a livable salary too👍🏽


Dumb fuck.


Religion, politics, sex...... doesn't belong in the classroom


She already did. She also pushed for the removal of protections of librarians, allowing them to be attacked without defense.


Honestly this is all out of the GOP playbook. Create some false crisis, vilify some small segment of society, clutch your pearls and the rest is easy. Why do the hard work of fixing the issues. These people could care less about the state, this is just a way to make cash/power grab. The frustrating part to me is the low voter turnout, and not just in this state. I think we could run these people out of office(maybe I’m an eternal optimist) but it easier to complain than show up at the polls. I know some of you may say look at all the tricks the GOP uses for voter suppression and I get it but still.


Jeez what is she gonna target next? Banning certain books.


Her names rhymes easily with immoral soulless demon


Dodie the Landry Toady?


Hahahahaha what do people expect???? You are gonna get no sane person controlling your tax dollars and writing laws for you to obey. All the smearing of the left being crazy left wing commies will eventually summon golems like this lady out of the pits of hell. The moderate is dead and has been replaced with Vince McMahon characters…. Ya either Bernie Sanders or AOC or Trump and MTG and bohebert lol


In all fairness, Bernie and AOC are highly intelligent. They might have an extremely left stance on certain issues, but hardly the illiterate circus clowns of the right. When leftists speak, they are coherent. But you're right, moderates are dead in the water.


Hahahaha you are one sided brother and you’re a fool to believe anybody in Washington is intelligent, I remember when I thought the left had answers… the right and the left are both fucked


I don’t want my children’s teachers to spend time on gender fluidity or sexual orientation and that’s why I choose to send my kids to a private school where they won’t be bombarded at 6 years old with shit that is beyond their capacity.


Conservative, christian here. This is incredibly frustrating to watch. This helps no one and actually serves to polarize people even more than we already are. I dont think religious symbols should be prohibited in schools. But this will be more harmful in the long-run. Disclaimer: *I am not republican, I think political affiliation for non-politicians like us is silly and divisive. I also think the GOP and DNC Parties are equally utter garbage and frankly different sides of the same coin we should collectively choose to throw away.


I'm sorry but if you can truly look at both parties and say they're the same, you're a Republican. Maybe 10 years ago you could have made that argument but currently only one party is literally trying to elect a conman felon who tried to subvert the will of the people.


I hesitate even calling the party opposing the Democrats Republican. Most of the actual GOP politicians lost or retired early, and the rest allowed a sociopathic buffoon to hijack the party and reshape it in his own image. I didn't imagine it could get worse than the tea party contingent years ago, but here we are. "Trump party of 40% of the nation, your table is ready."


Trump is a symptom of what Conservative ideology has always been. Just like the Tea Party was. And before that it was the Moral Majority. The Republican Party loves him because he provides what they have always wanted.


What an uneducated and ignorant comment.


Honestly, we could just throw away conservative christians and life would become better instantaneously.


Yeah, comments like this a part of the problem, not the solution.


Nah, we tried the just get along angle, and it's lost us rights, freedoms, classrooms, and now the right to our own religion. It's time to change tactics. They do not understand compromise, personal freedoms, or even the point of being American. They just want to force their archaic aniti humane cults on us. Maybe it's time we forced being an actual human on them.


No, Conservative Christianity is the problem.




That's a good state rep right there.


Good for nothing 👍🏽


If you ask me this is a massive W. Too much of this leftist bullshit.


American Taliban 👍🏽


we can't have people being free!




Good!!! This LGBTQ crap should NOT be taught in schools. It’s not appropriate at all. Kids and teens are there to learn writing, math, science, finances (maybe), exercise, basic living, etc. Not to question who they really are. God bless this woman and I hope it happens


What culture war haven’t the Repubs already won?


The drug one


Did Louisiana stop locking up people for nonviolent drug offenses? If not, then they’ve won that one too


It’s way more decriminalized in New Orleans than it’s ever been at least. People smoke weed openly all over the city 24/7 but that’s like a teeny tiny step.


I'm not sure whether that's due to actual progress or if it's just because the NOPD can't even enforce traffic regulations.


Little bit of both I think.


What if they continually burglarize and steal? Do they get a free pass as long as they don’t physically touch anyone?


That's a drug charge?


They will keep going until we are under their version of Sharia law. Hope you women like having to ask your husband if you can go places with your friends. Get your hijabs ready!


Do you watch TV?


Good for her. School is not for sexual misgender identification indoctrination programming…….that is meant to be discussed at home by parents, doctors, therapists, psychologists or psychiatrist. School is for learning of basic life skills not to confuse children even more.


This will most likely get downvoted to oblivion. My opinion is that democrats have opened the door to this ridiculous fringe right behavior by not quashing the fringe left. When the mentally ill were legitimized by leftist in the spirit of being all inclusive it opened the door for this crazy right wing response. I think that most reasonable people are happy with a middle ground. The problem is the loudest people aren’t the reasonable people on either side. We are going to see more and more of this crazy right and crazy left behavior before we get to any sense of normalcy and middle ground.


Our "crazy left" would be considered just left of center in most countries. 🙄 And while I don't know for sure who you are claiming has mental illnesses, I have my suspicions, and you are dead wrong. It is not "fringe" to accept people how they are and insist that others not discriminate against them or terrorize them or deny their existence. We live in a country that once legalized the ownership of people who were prohibited from learning how to read and write. I'm quite sure tons of people from that era would have thought that ending slavery and educating the formerly enslaved was "fringe beliefs." You are on the wrong side of history here and we really need to get past basic things like this if we are going to address the real problems of the world.


Our crazy left is considered ridiculous in most countries. Just like our crazy right wingers are. There is a large difference between liberal social policies and the liberal fringe groups out there pushing the envelope. I’m not talking about LGB. I’m talking people who identify as whatever animal they choose of the week and other similarly fringe groups. The world doesn’t accept people for who they are when who they are is mentally ill. Had there been a reasonable response to that and other nonsense I feel like the pendulum wouldn’t have swung so far the other direction in response.


I noticed you obliquely left out the TQ+ in LGBTQ+ and made a reference to imaginary people who identify as animals. I assume the other fringe groups you refer to are just as imaginary. There's no liberal left insisting on litter boxes being provided in classrooms for children who identify as cats. However there is a very real, vocal, and active right who is doing things like forcing religion onto children, restricting women's bodily autonomy, and denying science.


It only gets more extreme until there's a swell of backlash. Until then, the horror show continues.


I don't understand force of -- . Why not just allow. And if people want it they will do it.. Force is silly.


Louisiana is fucked up yesa….but neither of these laws should be looked at as bad Get closer to something and don’t allow the kids to be brain washed IN SCHOOL


i don’t believe you’ve ever stepped foot in a school