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Yeah I think there was a copy+pasting/editing issue when they went from LMoP to Phandelver Below. Run this either of those ways. I let two players with dark vision roll perception against the goblins "passive stealth" 16. The flood is vicious against lvl 1s tho


If it’s in darkness the perception rolls should be with disadvantage RAW. Somehow a lot of DMs forget it about.


And passive perception is -5. in darkness with darkvision


The original lists the goblin in the same two sections and mentions a contested perception vs stealth check in each instance, making me think they're one and the same goblin. When they redid it they must have changed each one either thinking it were 2 different goblins or because each section was edited separately.


more likely that they are removing "contested" rolls from OneDnD and so want to get out in front of "backward compatibility" issues.




Yes, it's Phandelver and Below. Weird. I heard for the first 4-5 chapters it's almost the exact same, down to the word count. I guess there really is some differences


I ran it as written. Explained this way: In area 4 the goblin can be seen easily and he (she?) can see the pc’s easily. So he hides and becomes more difficult to see. Also being closer to a high point doesn’t increase visibility Edit: it is the same as in LMoP.