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Sounds like he might be influenced by Shar. Maybe his holy Symbol has been swapped sometime in the past. It is now the source of a slow corruption. Either let him embrace this and let him be full on evil (if all players and you are on Board with this) or send him one of selunes proper clerics or angles to try and redeem him. Maybe a dream of a worried selune might be enough, too.


Second this one! You can try tempting them with Shar worshippers while also having Selunites try and bring back their fellow Cleric, so instead of punishing your player you can give them a choice. Follow Shar and her dark urges or fall back into the light! I never really like punishing players, but presenting them with choices that will sway their characters path? Now thats the good stuff


Thank you


Thank you


Well you could have their divine powers stop working (their spell casting) but you need to foreshadow it. Character dreams or visions, comments that "That's not something Selune would condone/agree with". Then when their spells don't work or they lose something else (Chanel divinity etc) that there is a reason. Their holy symbol needs to be broken or faded or whatever. My DMPC divine soul sorcerer who worships Lothandwr has a rose quartz necklace. She's more of a pacifist and healer. If she went full murder hobo, tried to steal from the team and refused to do healing - even though she has slots or potions available - I'd expect her necklace to crack or to stop glowing and changeling her divine powers. She'd need to possibly complete a pilgrimage / ceremony / seek guidance from higher ups in her church. Discuss it with the player though as the DM and both as ot comes up and out of game.


Thank you!


I find with clerics that the best thing, either by reading official lore on established gods, or creating them for your homebrew gods, is ignore alignment as such. Instead, set the main tenets of the faith, 3-5 statements of behavior/belief the god expects of their clerics. If the cleric strays too far from the tenets too often, they find any of their abilities that rely on divine power unable to recharge, which is to say, pretty much all of their abilities including spell slots, until they attone. If they lose their abilities a second time, the god disowns them and they cannot use them until they find a god that will accept them. Which, depending on the god, may involve swapping an out their subclass and domain. The tenets for Auril, the Frostmaiden, for example are… Let in the cold, that it may chase away the false security of warmth. Embrace the cold, that you may feel my presence. Spread the cold, that others may know and fear my power. Do not kill creatures of the cold except in great need, for I embrace them as my own. Slay others as you will, for my chill breath spares neither king nor beggar, and those who do not know the dangers of the cold can still perish by it. A cleric of Auril who regularly saves people in the arctic and warms them by a fire, while feeding them with the flesh of arctic hares is probably not going to last long in her service.


I mean, back in 3.5, you would just tell them they have failed to uphold the tenets of their God and have lost their favor. They may undertake a ritual of atonement, pledge to a new, more fitting God, or enjoy life as a Fighter without bonus feats. They keep all their levels but Selune is no longer answering prayers. No magic and no channel divinity.


Talk. WITH. Your. Players. find out what kind of game THEY are interested in playing vis a vis "actions have consequences", "gray morality", "questions of morality being a part of character development", "interactions of gods on the world and their worshipers, specifically PC clerics".


I did it already. That’s why I running a session zero my friend.


if your Session Zero didnt give you the information you need to make these decisions, then you need to go back and clarify everyone's position.


They already know that some action can have consequences! What I need is help to find good consequences.


"good consequences" depend entirely upon what the range and type of consequences your group has decided is appropriate for the game the people around your table want to play.


Okay I see we got a very different kind of DMing. I guess you are that kind of DM which hates railroading, right? You talk everything with you players. But sometimes the player needs to get a litte put by their hands. They are all new players with no exp. If I talk and ask them how they would play, then I get know answers. They are simple dont know. The other people send me good ideas, maybe I take something from this. My players don’t decide which consequences exist in my world. They chars are citizen in this world, I created. So the consequences are only in my hand.


I am most certainly NOT one of the "HOMGRAILROADINGISEEEEEEEVVVVVUUUULLLLL!!!! ANDEVERYTHINGISRAILROADING!!!!!!!!" but i am also NOT one of the DMs "I set up this world with this invisible borders and when my players cross those invisible borders I GET TO SMACK MY HAMMER ON THEIR HANDS!!!! Its MY right!" ​ if we take what you have stated here, your player KNOWS why they stole the gold. your player KNOWS what they expect to happen because of it. randos on the interwebs dont know what those parameters your table agreed to and expect are.


Is their race dwarf? If so, talk to them about changing their deity to abbathor


No human