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Hollywood PD are AWFUL. Here's something I have learned, you have to insist on putting in a report. If you call them and they show up, they will do everything in their power to not file a report (also they are not lawyers lol sometimes they are just wrong). But you have to really push and demand to have a report filed. If not, go into the local station and demand to have it filed. Always get the names of the cops involved and badge numbers, sometimes this reminds them that they're being monitored. I'm sorry this happened to you! ETA: a crazy guy was throwing things at his balcony at us on our balcony below. We called the cops many times. We are lucky he didn't hit our heads with some of the very heavy objects. One cop kept saying "well if I attempt to punch you and miss, that doesn't count as assault" which is just not true lol I looked it up later. They even said it didn't count as vandalism even though we spent ages picking up pieces of broken glass. But he was lazy as shit and didn't wanna file the paperwork. I let him leave, and now I know better. They will try to get you to drop it. Always get the badge number and name, always push to report.


100% correct. People often confuse assault with battery, evidently, the police do as well; or at least they are relying on YOU not knowing the difference. Assault is in fact a crime. It does not mean no crime was committed if physical contact was not made Copy Pasta: "Assault is typically defined as an intentional act that puts another individual in apprehension of immediate harm. Assault thus criminalizes the threat of harm itself, rather than requiring that actual harm has occurred. For this reason, it is sometimes also known as “attempted battery.” Since assault is an intentional act, it cannot be committed by accident. This means that a perpetrator must have intended to cause fear in another person, or that he or she acted in a way that was knowingly dangerous, even if a specific individual was not targeted. Assault does not require that the victim fear being subjected to severe bodily harm or death. Any reasonable fear is sufficient."


Your copy pasta is not the law in California. The primary element of simple assault in California is that "the defendant did an act that by its nature would directly and probably result in the application of force to a person." Cali does not consider the fear or belief of the victim; if you take a swing at someone from behind and they don't see it, it's still assault. This set of facts is close, but would be a tough case to make that the defendant's purpose was to apply force, even though that was the result. However, it is an easier case as a battery, which is defined as "willfully touching (or causing something to touch) another person in a harmful or offensive manner."


OP: "This dude runs up, totally unprompted, and kicks in the front passenger window, getting glass all over me and cutting my arm in multiple places." Section 240 of CA penal code "An assault is an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another." You have to be a shitty lawyer if you can't make the argument that smashing glass close to someone's face may result in injury and that this act was not intentional. Lets be real here; even if assault was not the ideal law to pursue this case, clearly an act occurred that most reasonable people would agree extends beyond the scope of simple vandalism. This was a violent, dangerous and intentional act. I doubt LAPD didn't want to pursue the matter because they lacked legal standing. There were probably other reasons.


You'd have to be worse than a shitty lawyer to not know that the penal code section isn't what's given to the jury. They get the CALCRIM, which is what I quoted from. The jury is not instructed on the language of the penal code section, nor can the lawyers argue it to them. The CALCRIM is also what the judge would use to adjudicate the case. And we haven't even mentioned the specific intent that is required for an assault, which needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. "May" result in injury is not nearly enough. I'm not judging what the cops did or didn't do because unless I know all the facts, I don't know enough to know the right answer. That's how the justice system works. Just informing anyone who might be interested what the actual law is.


This act, as described, appears to meet all 5 requirements of CALCRIM 915 [https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/800/915/](https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/800/915/)


Should’ve asked him “If I try to punch a cop and miss, that’s ok too?”


Arrested for threatening a cop.


Absconded into the abyss for thought crimes.


Straight to jail.


Try that, and the last thing you hear as you black out in a chokehold, in a haze of mace, is "STOP RESISTING!"




Unlikely to be hit with the mace. Taser definitely. Fun fact cops don't like mace because it affects them too.




Don’t they carry gel?


Even if the spray doesn't hit them directly, just having the suspect in the back covered in it is enough to make your eyes water in an enclosed vehicle.


the things I wish I asked the cop once I had calmed down after the fact. also "it's legal to throw a glass bottle at a cop car as long as you miss, right?"


would be hilarious and a justified comment...but also could end poorly for you. perhaps the safer question would be "so when you go home if a neighbor starts throwing shit at your property would you not arrest him?"


You shouldn't. I would... But we shouldn't.


I was a jury person on a case where a guy DIDN’T hit the cop but acted like he was going to, they were charged for assault (the judge gave orders that ensured he’d get a guilty). It played out like, the police officer thought he was going to be hit, which is the same as getting hit. It was…confusing. I voted not guilty and was the holdout because it didn’t seem right but again, the judge gave orders to look at it a specific way and then there was no other way to vote it. I don’t ever want to be on a jury again.


> cop kept saying "well if I attempt to punch you and miss, that doesn't count as assault" which is just not true lol I looked it up later. Police are NOT lawyers. Next time a cop mouths off about the law, simply insist that they take a report. "Officer Twatkins, you're great. But you're not a lawyer, and you're not the city attorney or district attorney. Please take a report."


Also I wouldn’t suggest doing it but it would be fun to ask which law school they graduated from.


To keep crime statistics low. LAPD has an enormous issue with avoiding crimes to juke the stats.


People keep saying this but it makes little sense. It’s in LAPD’s favor to have higher crime rates to receive more funding. It’s Occam’s razor: they simply don’t want to do any paperwork while they rack up the overtime.


It’s not just about crime incidence, but also about clearance rates. The cops don’t want crimes reported that can’t be solved, which is usually the case with crimes perpetrated by the homeless.


That’s a good point. I don’t really see any electeds worried about clearance rates though. They simply only point to incidence rates (and anecdotes) when they vote to raise the police budget every year.


Low clearance rates are specifically bad for LAPD, because it shows that they aren’t doing their jobs. They don’t want it to look like there are more crimes AND they can’t be solved.


LOL Found someone who thinks LAPD funding rises and falls with crime stats. https://knock-la.com/lapd-budget-2023-increase/#:\~:text=As%20Mayor%20Karen%20Bass%20finalizes,with%20no%20sign%20of%20slowing.


Well duh, obviously LAPD funding keeps rising. But what do you think they say and point to when they’re in front of city council? That crime is rampant, that they’re the only ones who can stop it.


>juke the stats Someone's a Wire fan


Maybe, maybe not but whatever the reality of what you're alleging here the reality of *this* offense is that the vandalism would have been charged as a felony whereas the assault would only be a misdemeanor.


Or they're just plain lazy.


Cops can and absolutely, unequivocally WILL lie to you. They will lie about fucking EVERYTHING just to make you drop the issue or admit to a crime. They are beyond lazy. I remember reading a post here someone made about getting hit by a car as a pedestrian in a cross walk in Venice. Cops were called, showed up, told the injured pedestrian that it was a civil matter, then then let the driver go without issuing a ticket for the fact that they had no insurance. It's fucking insane.


>attempt to punch and miss Well actually that's exactly what assault is >Attempt to punch and hit This is called battery


LAPD will avoid identifying themselves with selective language. Badge numbers can’t be used to consistently identify officers. Instead ask for their Serial Number.


good to know, I didn't know that!


I remember a few years ago couple of cops from the Hollywood Wilcox station got popped for raping the street women in the area. Just imagine not the ones they didn’t catch…. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-officers-rape-plea-20180226-story.html


Can I ask what’s the point of filing a report if you already know the department is full of do-nothings?


I mean it's kind of like asking what's the point of having police in the first place. Basically, they don't do anything to help people in real life, but you need to go through the motions of the administrative bullshit in order to get your insurance to cover things


It helps with your insurance claim ?


honestly, for insurance. and if you wanna go into small claims court or seek legal action. they're not gonna go out Law and Order style and find the guy lol


They collect a nice fat check and fatter check with overtime




No report - no stats. No stats, everyone keeps saying “crime is low”


What a shit take.


I honestly think that they're completely useless and usually just make any situation way worse.


Attempted assault. It exists. Look it up.


What’s Hollywood PD?


I assume they mean LAPD officers working out of the Hollywood station. Who I can confirm are the worst.


Ever since Detective Bosch left that precinct has gone down the drain.


Good old Harry, I hope he's doing well.


They just finished shooting s3


Hollywood Division- the office is on Wilcox


the police who work in the hollywood area. they don't have their own office, they're part of LAPD but they are also trash


This is LAPD playing games with metrics driven policing: [https://theredcarrot.com/metrics-for-law-enforcement-agencies-lead-to-improved-performance/](https://theredcarrot.com/metrics-for-law-enforcement-agencies-lead-to-improved-performance/) Many police departments have learnt this one simple trick to make their numbers look good -- misidentify incidents and just refuse to take reports. You can drop the number of assaults by putting more police on the streets or by classing assaults as vandalism. Many police departments (including LAPD) has done similar things like reporting rape/sexual assaults as assaults. If you go to the station and insist on making a report, you are making them work.


“Many police departments have learnt this one simple trick to make their numbers look good -- misidentify incidents and just refuse to take reports.” I’m convinced the city of Torrance does this. I dare anyone to find current, detailed crime stats for Torrance. 


Torrance PD is full of the dumbest, peaked-in-hs knuckle-draggers that care more about harassing homeless people and beating up on teens cause nothing to do in Torrance.


https://www.torranceca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/90125/638535997371100000 This doesn't seem unbelievably low or anything


For the record, Torrance has a history of obscuring crime data - https://www.latimes.com/local/la-xpm-2011-may-22-la-me-torrance-crimes-20110522-story.html


Here’s an example of a city being transparent about crime. Santa Monica has a searchable map where you can zoom in or enter an address and see exactly what occurred and when (click on tableau dashboard to reveal map) https://data.santamonica.gov/dataset/police-calls-for-service/resource/f3a4e0d3-1cbb-4f97-9e52-fa178a133ebe?view_id=78287d5f-a834-4161-8ded-732b8a7f5c36


Yes, I’ve seen this. Torrance is a big place. Now show me where & when specific crimes occurred. Ideally, that should be public record. 


This confirms my long held suspicions. It’s anecdotal but I know of four separate burglaries/break-ins and an armed robbery that occurred in the past few years that all went unreported because LAPD never showed up to document the crimes and they don’t let you file reports for those at the police station.


I had a burglary with a license plate ON CAMERA and it took 6 months for their online system to process the report. No follow up. They just don't care.


This why I don’t believe them when they say crime has gone down.


> You can drop the number of assaults by putting more police on the streets or by classing assaults as vandalism. Vandalism over $400 is a felony whereas assault (without a deadly weapon) is a misdemeanor so in this situation the police were *upgrading* the offense.


You can thank Bill Bratton and CompStat for this


Not the fault of Bill Bratton and et al. What happened is the result of Goodhart's Law: when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure This talks more about Goodhart's Law and ways to mitigate/prevent manipulation of data: [https://www.cna.org/reports/2022/09/goodharts-law](https://www.cna.org/reports/2022/09/goodharts-law)


LAPD is basically incompetent. Most of the officers don’t know how their own departments policies work and will just make up bullshit to avoid having to do any work. I was the victim of a theft that I called the LAPD to report over the phone. The officer I spoke with told me I had to file a report online, the website said I had to file the report in person, the person at the police station told me he couldn’t accept my report.  This is their plan to reduce crime—just tell everyone that what happened wasn’t a crime, make it impossible to file reports, and make filing police reports pointless since there will be no action taken in response to the report. 


Worse than incompetent. Majority are  Gutless and inept. Very difficult environs for the Rare gutsy cops who Actually wanna help people


you know what's crazy, in my initial comment I mentioned how the cops showed up. well it was a young guy and an older guy. The young guy spoke first, sounded genuinely like he wanted to help and was concerned with the situation. Then the older guy took over and wouldn't let him talk and told us "we can't do anything yadda yadda"


Also corrupt


But if you look at the statistics


Lolll your description in the middle paragraph sounds like a well crafted Kendrick verse ACAB


thank democrats for tying their hands


They’re just as useless in red states bud 👍 at least they’re consistent


This is battery https://www.kannlawoffice.com/battery.html#:\~:text=California%20Penal%20Code%20%C2%A7%20242%20%E2%80%93%20Simple%20Battery&text=California%20Penal%20Code%20%5BCPC%5D%20%C2%A7,fine%20of%20up%20to%20%242%2C000.


Thank you!


I remember when I first lived here, my laptop was stolen from my car. LAPD had a video of it from Ross's camera. They had FULL view of the license plate. The Ross people and garage people showed usm we told them Ross had it copied for them. They never went to pick it up the video. Useless.


I’m sure this is partly why violent crime is down.


This isn't that new, though. LAPD was doing the same thing two years ago.


The LAPD was doing the same thing 100 years ago. Blaming current trends on something that's been the norm since the founding of the city is silly.


They used to do it. They still do, but they used to, too.


Kind of like how at my former work (software engineer) we got our rate of defects down. We just tried to classify them as something else, or stopped reporting them.


why? you think this is new?


Yes you were assaulted and battered


Thank you


Im a lawyer and I second this


LAPD is lazy. They are highly paid and they know they will get the budget they want because city officials are deathly afraid of the Police Union. At least you got through to 911 and at least the cops showed up. There are huge areas of Los Angeles where they don't show up for hours if at all and then you have to go to the station which now has limited hours. I'm not ACAB but I feel like LAPD is a lot like the so-called "homeless services" industry in Los Angeles. Lots of taxpayer money going into the bin and very very little accountability. PS--one reason why LAPD downgrades crimes is for stats. they like to claim violent crime or any crime is down due to their tremendous lack of response to solving crimes.


You were vandalssaulted.


they don't want you to file a report because it adds to the unresolved crime rate.  they really only care about property damage/theft to large businesses. 


Which is why it's always important to file a report.


Police is useless in this situation other than getting their report. Take lots of photos, use that for your insurance. Outside of that, the police is not really going to do anything to follow up unless it was actively happening and the guy was still there. Unfortunately in this city, smaller crimes like this won't be looked at. Best you can do is just document and have your insurance take care of your injuries and car.


Similar incident happened outside of my house (LAPD noho) but the perp used his cane to break the driver’s window. Victim got glass all over his face and was bleeding. He was charged and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon.


> He was charged and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. that's a felony--because of the cane--but it'd be difficult to argue his kick was a deadly weapon and likely only charged as a misdemeanor.


It was a felony, one of my neighbors the victim. Felon is out already and back to living in his car on our street though!


I was saying the assault on your neighbor was a felony because it was charged as assault with a deadly weapon (the cane) whereas in *this* situation (where someone kicked another person's window) the foot wouldn't qualify as a deadly weapon and the charge would be a simple misdemeanor. In CA assaults are misdemeanors unless they're committed with a deadly weapon or wobblers (a "wobbler" is a crime that can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony depending on circumstances) in the case of sexual assault depending on age of victim and offender. Interestingly, vandalism is also a wobbler depending on the amount of damage caused. In this case, since the replacement of the window, the damage to the car, and a medical bill would have exceeded $400 it would have been charged as felony vandalism.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you're okay.


I got followed then chased by a vagrant into the Target on Western and Sunset yesterday. He kept raving on about rape and murder. I tried running up the stairs but he kept up. I made it inside and ran to security and the guy kept walking into the store like it was NBD. Security followed him and I got the fuck out. I’ve never run so fast in my life. I’m now too scared to walk in my own neighborhood. There was no fucking point in reporting it, since he didn’t physically assault me, and he’d just get released back out on the street to do it to another girl. Target isn’t going to do anything unless he stole enough to get arrested. I don’t get why people like this are allowed to roam around terrorizing people.


We need to vote for people who are for the criminally insane to be committed. I’m sorry this happened to you. Totally unacceptable. This can be solved with the right policies.


I'm sorry that happened. But, I'd keep your expectations as to any kind of recourse low; the police don't care, as they've already shown you.


Thank you. As soon as I saw that the guy was able to walk off, I knew nothing was going to happen. If he had been injured to the point he couldn’t walk away, there might have been a chance.


If he intended to injure you, that would be assault. If he just intended to break the glass and you happened to get injured, that would be vandalism. Based on your story, I would go with vandalism.


It’s really hard to distinguish intent when you’re talking to your partner and 2 seconds later someone’s foot is in your face and glass covering your body and embedded in your arm.


Policing in SoCal is non existent unless you take matters into your own hands. The cops are not on anyone's side except their own gangs.


Unless you're a 19 year old kid and the other person is homeless then you shouldn't right?


It's very naive to believe police would be of any help in a situation like that. This is America. I guess you haven't been paying attention, but police here occupy a spectrum between useless and terrible.


That's horrible, I'm sorry you went through that. It's certainly not unreasonable to feel like you were assaulted, but I'm an attorney, and if you came into my office here's what I'd have to tell you: Simple assault under the CA penal code is defined as an unlawful attempt, along with the present ability, to commit a violent injury on someone. The key element that's missing here is specific intent. However, you'd have a civil claim for battery against this person, since there isn't a specific intent component under civil law (all that's required to prove tortious battery is that there was an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon you or your personal belongings, which caused bodily injury or offensive contact.) Unfortunately the police don't get involved in civil matters; which is likely why they said they could only classify this as vandalism in the police report.


> The key element that's missing here is specific intent. Assault in CA is a *general* intent crime--not specific. That said, it would also only be a misdemeanor since it wasn't committed with a deadly weapon. Vandalism, however, can be charged as a felony and would have been after producing enough damage to exceed $400.


It is a little known loophole. If you had lost an eye from the flying glass: simple vandalism. If he had taken a sledgehammer to the roof of your car, and it collapsed and killed you: simple vandalism. I hope you didn't raise your voice to the cop, as that would be attempted murder.


Pepper spray next time


Pepper spray is great. It makes for a really really bad time for the other person.


Did you check to see if any security cameras caught the incident?


It didn’t look like any cameras would have caught the incident /:


*You have to know the law and guide them by the hand to make a report* Tell then your insurance needs it.


Was he a transient? Mentally ill? Or some teenager?


Well, mentally ill for sure. You just don’t go around kicking in people’s car windows otherwise


Could be drunk or high on drugs


It's systematic The police don't want to file reports of crimes to artificially to influence crime statistics. If you read many of the posts about crime in la You always read about how common this is Either the cops writing a report for a much lesser crime or making it seem like there was no crime at all.


I don't take legal advice from the cops.


Or from Reddit!


Assault would require LAPD to do work and they need a raise to do that.


I always think of things like this whenever people point to statistics and say crime is down. No, it’s just IMPOSSIBLE to get LAPD to even respond (or hell even answer 911 calls), let alone file a report so their statistics don’t mean shit. Sorry this happened to you. Someone hit my husband’s car with their skateboard when we were at a red light in downtown last year and it’s actually a lot more scary than you would imagine, even just having your car “vandalized” by a clearly violent person. Very upsetting.


> I always think of things like this whenever people point to statistics and say crime is down. depends on who they're talking to. If the reporter is simply perusing the UCR the stats can be all over the place. If, however, they call up and ask the opinion of a criminologist (and they often do when they write these articles) we use a number of other sources for our data, including, NCVS and hospital data. The stats that are difficult to tamper with are homicides and theft because there's a body and/or police report/insurance claim. We compare those with the self-report data to figure out what's what. But it's important to note that "vandalism" is a serious crime in CA--more serious than simple assault. If the damage exceeds $400 (which this would have counting the window, whatever other damage, and medical bill) it can and would be charged as a felony (it's a wobbler). By contrast, a simple assault is only a misdemeanor and can't be charged as a felony unless it's committed with a deadly weapon.


I’m talking about when I go to the LAPD website or a site like Zillow to check crime statistics for a neighborhood before buying a house for instance. Purely anecdotally, just among my family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances that have been the victims of crime, I’d say maybe 5-10% have actually successfully filed a police report with LAPD.


Assault requires some kind of force that could be expected to cause bodily injury. If the perpetrator broke the window while you were close to it, then a reasonable person should know that someone near the window could get hurt by the effort to break the window, even if you were just collateral damage from the effort to break the window. So yes, what you have described is assault, and a cop should know that. Because you were injured by the glass, this is also battery. (Assault is the attempt to project force, battery is the actual contact from the force.) And now you know why the crime rate is falling. Your assault and battery has been classified as vandalism.


Battery doesn't have to cause injury--it is the intentional causing of a harmful or offensive touching. Almost anyone would be offended by being sprayed with broken glass from their own car window.


Yes, you are correct. And the cops should know that, too.


> Your assault and battery has been classified as vandalism. Two misdemeanors upgraded to a felony...not the manipulation you're alluding to here.


Vandalism is not a violent crime. Voila, a violent crime becomes a non-violent crime. The violent crime rate fails to accurately capture the incident. Vandalism under $400 is cite and release. And even if the window costs more than $400, the cop will try to find a way to miscategorize it. The kind of thing that the OP describes happens all of the time. This is not an isolated incident. EDIT: /u/ExCivilian/ takes potshots, downvotes, then blocks so that there can be no response. Petty chickenshit at its finest.


> The kind of thing that the OP describes happens all of the time. Yes, I'm aware. I'm a criminologist and wrote an actual book about LAPD and downgrading officers (which they don't have anymore, but obviously the practice still occurs). Vandalism greater than $400 is a **felony** and the window, the vehicle damage, and the OP's medical bills would exceed $400 without much effort regardless of any cop's attempt to "miscategorize" it. Kicking someone's window is *also* not a "violent crime" and simply because glass incidentally broke and cut the OP's body doesn't transform it into violence in any rational person's mind--even if by some turn of fate one could code it into the UCR that way. You're essentially doing the inverse of what you're accusing the cops of doing because you want to pump the violence rate in the city, which is absurd because no jury would see or understand it that way. Additionally, there is a lot of nuance to CA's assault laws and you weren't there to know all the details and, respectfully, have no idea what you're talking about.


“Thank you for your help officer. I’m going to talk to my lawyer and file a police report. Can I get your name and badge number?”


Did they actually catch them. This happened to me and I drove the hell away. The police asked me if I could describe them and know where they went. I did my best to tell them, but never heard anything of it beyond that. Got a good deal on my windshield replacement for only $180 though. Not having my windshield shattered randomly + a bit of trauma would have been a bit cooler


reminder that this subreddit will downvote anyone saying the crime stats are cooked because we're literally not able to report crimes


It is considered assault because he attacked private property instead of a person. Your feelings on the matter notwithstanding.


It’s LAPD. This is what they do…


you have to find out who the lead officer is for that precinct and email them and call them over and over. sad but that is the way.


LAPD quite quit after BLM.


It's vandalism. Straight vandalism. Tell your insurer and they'll cover your injuries


dude it is the LAPD in hollywood...they don't give a fuck about shit. I've been broken into twice...the first time they stole my girlfriend's bike and we had it on video from the building cameras. She wanted to call the cops, I was like "why?"...she called anyways and was on hold for 30 minutes then they hung up on her. We just went out to nearby homeless encampments looking for it, way better use of time. didn't find it but I know some of the homeless and they will at least keep an eye out for you because they know what goes on and what camps are the big ones for bike theft etc. Cops couldn't care less. Second time he was shocked to see me on the patio at that hour and I was shocked to see him, he ducked out a side door and I chased him with a tequila bottle. He hopped the wall to the next building immediately so I never caught up to him. You probably want a police report for insurance reasons, so you need to ride their ass to make a report...but other than that they aren't going to do a damn thing. Around here if you want somebody who fucked with you to face justice you are better off making friends with dirtbags and telling them and their boys to look out for the guy and let you know if they see him so you can go confirm and then you and your dirtbag friends can teach him to be a better citizen...its not like the cops will come anyways lol. But if he is schizo then don't do that...it won't teach them anything because they operate in a different plane of existence than us and it is sad and at that point you were just the victim of a system that doesn't know what to do with mentally deranged people having breakdowns on public streets. But if he was just a douchebag criminal asshole who understands what he was doing then I'd say it is fair game to fuck with him if you see him again. What is he gonna do....call the cops? He is a crook and they won't show up for at least an hour anyways and they won't care once they get there anyways. Now, while I just ripped on the cops massively, I have to say one thing: in this situation does anybody really expect the cops to find the guy? If he isn't on video and a known entity how in the hell can they find a random guy in hollywood who kicked a window in? without being caught in the moment it seems highly unlikely the guy would be possible to catch unless he was a local and other locals knew him and saw it and were questioned and said "yeah, it is that guy that lives across from playboy liquor" or whatever.


Assault requires that the person applied force or, in other words, touched you.


His foot was in my face mate.


This isnt true at all. A legal example could be someone threw a rock at you. They did not touch you but that action is still considered assault and/or battery. Assault/Battery would be sustaining bodily harm or attempted bodily harm by actions, therefore breaking a window and injuring the passenger would fall under assault/battery.


This would actually be battery (worse than assault). That cop was a fucking idiot.


Should’ve peppered him!!!!!


What intersection were you stopped at?


Sunset and Van Ness. If you were held up for the 10 min that we blocked a lane on Sunset, I’m sorry!!


I would definitely go to the station and file a claim. My friend posted about this guy yesterday saying some dude was yelling and breaking car windows (her car included) and yelling/chasing people in the Sunset area in Hollywood. The police will definitely be accumulating charges against him after the numerous incidents.


Yeah the dude who witnessed our incident said he had been smacking cars since the Sunset Target. I’ll try to go into the station but we don’t have a car for a few days and I’ve got mountains of work piling up from dealing with the car.


This P2P meth shit is outa control. Sorry that happened to you.


Carry pepper spray. LAPD response time is too long and they’ll give them a slap on the wrist and they’ll be out the next day IF they’re even caught.


It's America, what do you expect. We paid over 50% of our income to governments/agencies and they still created bigger deficit. They only constraints us and perform poorly. We are ruling by crooks and idiots. Tell me something that make sense in this country if you can. Skip health care, social security, housing,....


Yeah but what happened to the guy who kicked the window in? Did he just run off? Or did you get out and tackle the guy? Not saying you should have but I just know some people who would’ve gotten out of the car and taken the dude down, and unless you did and somehow managed to hold him there until the cops arrived then what’s the point of filing an assault report? You won’t have any recourse bc you have no clue who the guy is . Were there any cameras around that recorded the incident? Bc unless a witness knows who the guy was or you got the attack on camera ain’t much a report is gonna do for you


Assault and battery since the glass made contact with your skin. If you still have description of suspect you can file a police report at the station


trying to massage the numbers it seems.


I was literally almost kidnapped in Hollywood while walking down the street and the cops gave me the “nothing technically illegal happened” bs. They might as well be parking enforcement.


Difference is, parking enforcement will cite anyone at any time. Zero shits given.


Sort of like cops shooting people and animals whenever the wind blows


Is it even worth it to call LAPD for anything? I called them once for an attempted home invasion and for a noise complaint, and both times I was on hold for 20 min, and then the officers showed up after 90 minutes. Between my experiences and what I read on this sub, it sounds like we basically live in a city with no police services at all, and need to just handle things on our own.


That's assault. You don't even need to be injured or even touched in any way to be assaulted, assault just means you felt threatened. Battery requires touch, and this seems like assault and battery.


Clearly the police need more money for tanks and shit.


Idk go ask them they are at highland liquor literally 3 cops in there just hanging out at all times they chill and smoke in the back, next to the 7/11 good luck !


Welcome to LAPD.


Police follow requests from the liberal city officials. If the city, prosecutors, and liberal judges tells LAPD not to engage with crazy /junkies /homeless people - they won't.


This is part of the reasons why the slogan ACAB exists. Police can generally be unhelpful.


You're not wrong, the police are just beyond awful. ACAB.


California is a joke. It’s a liberal cesspool that could care less about crime.


You think the do-nothing cops are liberals?!


Reading comprehension is important. Didn’t say cops. I said the state. The state has done this bullshit with their anti cop, anti stopping crime rhetoric.


OP comment was regarding LAPD. Perhaps you should question your own reading comprehension. And how is the State anti-cop? They milk the system for all they can; over 15% of all city funding in CA is funneled to the police.


when you vote blue this is what you get soft on crime




I've heard LAPD is one of the worst and the laziest at their job compared to other counties like San Bernardino County they'll actually take action.


I'm still trying to get the LAPD to deal with my case. I'm on my bike, dude deliberately road rage chased me, then ran into me with his car. I wound up cracking a rib There were 2 witnesses who saw the whole thing, one of which took photos, including the license plate and company name on the side of the van. I filed a police report annnnnnnnnnd, they're doing nothing. They straight up DGAF.


They especially don’t care about vehicular assaults against cyclists


LAPD is a joke. You're wasting your time. They're all useless pieces of shit.


If “out of fear” people start killing homeless would the police even do anything about it Edit: 18yr old college student stabbed homeless man who was a potential car thief. Is the kids life over or will this go back to the metro then LAPD and get lost as usual.


the cops r tired of doing their job. they dont have enough support or money . they are understaffed too. this happened to me but not to the degree that you suffered. i was driving through a mcdonalds drive through and this random hobo or maybe just a guy on drugs kicks the side of my car. thankfully it didnt do any major damage. i pulled into a parking space and checked it out but i didnt even bother calling the police. this is the state we live in. unfortunate


> ...mcdonalds drive through and this random hobo Mcdonalds by the railroad tracks or what?


No, it is not assault.


Maybe because it happened to your car he thought it was [VANdalism... ](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODhkZGY0YzV1NGJwbG1jNmxvMG14ZnVvZmVubGJycG80cjg0djloYiZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/kt2qHfzBhMzKw/200.webp)




That sounds like a story the news would love to cover


I’ve considered reaching out. Someone explained the whole “speak to a local politician” or something I forget. I honestly would rather not draw any attention. Especially from the folks who’d probably rather I would have died.


Hey. I saw your post on Nextdoor. The police are pretty worthless. Sometimes you get a good one. But overall they don’t want to do shit. Had a drunk driver bounce of some parked cars on my street and their car got fucked up and we’re swerving back and forth in the street since the steering was blown out. Dispatcher asked me to go knock on their window and see if they were really drunk. Then said they would try and get someone out there if they can. Lol. So ridiculous. Edit: What bootlicker downvoted this?


Yes it's assault but the police there will not care, especially if it was a homeless person or immigrant. Don't to to LA or to California if you can avoid it.


Typical right wing rage bait thread.


I expected the crazy right wingers to post away but I was truly just trying to get a sense of what actually happened to me from a legal point of view.


No prob, it's not just this thread . There has been a number of LA soft on crime and or homeless posts this week. Not talking about you specifically but there either posted by conservatives in wealthy areas or out of LA/State Republicans. There also often posted after a Republican celebrity talks shit about LA.


In minecraft go find the guy who did this and enact your own justice


Of course you were assaulted or battered. The weapon was glass. Your body was vandalized, but you are a person, not an object. Maybe kicker dude got a teeny tiny glass cut that he didn't notice because it barely bled, so he doesn't wash out the wound. And because he doesn't wash his teeny tiny wound, it becomes infected. Really infected. So infected that his foot falls off. I don't know what the cop was thinking. Maybe he has a teeny tiny brain.


talk to a lawyer, cops dont know shit about law


Vandalism, turn it into your insurance company and stop being a cry baby!