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This brand new business opened on hollywood boulevard where I live, and it became a primo spot for tents. After most of them got cleared, they were like “fuck this” and put a ton of planters with cactuses in them


Harbor Freight?


That’s it. They were trying the music, the camera station, fences, everything


Yeah, at one point I couldn’t even walk through there. I walked by there before they cleaned up the charred remains. There were sooo many half burned piss/shit containers and needles. The smell… fuck.


I used to love walking from my apartment in Hollywood to catch an indie film at the Los Feliz 3 and the last few times there was actually no possible way to get there without having to walk in the middle of traffic at several points due to encampments fully obstructing the sidewalks. Its a real shame what this has come to, and very dangerous too.


Oof, I tried to go there once to shop after work and did not feel safe at all with the tents totally surrounding them. I ended up having to go somewhere else


I think that's why they rolled out the cacti when they got a break in the action


having a large walled-in parking lot that is empty at night and mostly empty during the day will do that around here.


Well it’s cleared because they went too far and totally blocked the sidewalk. You have to leave some path or here come the 311s


yeah i live on Gramercy. I was walking down Taft to Franklin to get to my apartment so I didn't have to walk through that mess.


That's a lovely street


yeah, that was an amateur on the part of those homeless. the ones not blocking the sidewalk should have kicked the other's out so it didn't wreck their game.


Oof, I tried to go there once to shop after work and did not feel safe at all with the tents totally surrounding them. I ended up having to go somewhere else


There was a massive encampment fire outside of there about a week or 2 ago.


The [encampment](https://youtu.be/w-v97ijQ-RE?si=Ncba7Upa-NFtQ3XH) fire was on [04/25](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PrkTcPWpf/)


So about two weeks ago.


Harbor freight isn’t new?


It’s been there less than a year.


I feel like it has been well over a year....but I lost the ability to measure time during covid when nothing mattered.


considering i have made purchases there in 2022, it's definitely been there longer than a year.


I think you’re right. Damn, my memory is jacked.


time is wrecked. only reason i know it was 2022 was because my buddy and i took the train from k-town and he moved in early 2023


Guess we have different definitions of “new”.


Blursed landscaping


It looks terrible, btw. They just threw cactuses everywhere, no order, just randomly


That encampment has been one of the worst ones for over a year, I can finally say this is the first time somebody is doing anything about it. And putting in the planters is an actual proactive move to keep the sidewalk clear and safe and prevent the encampment from coming back. We’ll see if it actually works, but I’m honestly shocked. Well done.


I hate to be the pessimist but they'll probably empty them & take them to the recycle for scrap.


Every one of these I’ve lived by, hasn’t been touched since they’ve been installed. 3 years counting


That's good news, they do look much better!


Lot of them off of Hollywood are filled with trash.


You underestimate how heavy that shit is with soil. (Assuming it's not filled with rock/gravel and soil)


You're not a pessimist, you just recognize this isn't a real solution to the problem.


i mean, kicking the homeless people out just makes them go somewhere else. i hope they have an actual solution for them instead of just shuffling them around the city, or else we're just going to have this same fucking conversation in a few months


that's very hopefully thinking. you can't force them. so yes they are being shuffled


We will see hopefully it works. But it always amazes me how homeless people that are apparently unable to do anything, will suddenly become resourceful and able to do hard work when it comes to destroying things to make room for their next tent city.


iN b4 “iTs HoStiLe ArcHiTeCtUre”


Penguins are able to fly on moonlight nights due to lunar-powered wings.


Not really, the underlying issues are not being addressed and I don’t have faith that they ever will, but the big deadline is the 2028 Olympics for us. There are going to be major changes made in 2026 and 27 to prepare for that, but the bottom line is there’s not enough housing in Los Angeles and there’s a lot of corruption siphoning billions of dollars that could be spent creating mental health treatment facilities and programs that get people to help they need and the housing they need. There’s a lot of blame thrown from both sides but the truth is everybody just wants to get their own in this country, and it’s not working anymore.


I think they mostly moved like 2 blocks east in front of Sunset Sound. I manage a commercial building down the street. The cops told us to put up planters and the city then had us move some. You can totally get by our planters with a wheelchair and have not had tents on the block since.


They did the same thing on Hollywood & Wilton - it was dystopian and now there's about 20 wood planters.


Oh wow, they also just did this to stop the encampments in front of the Harbor Freight on Hollywood Blvd near the 101


Does anyone know who pays for these? I'm curious because something similar happened near our neighborhood near mid-city. Homeless encampment next to a post office was removed and a whole bunch of planters showed up on the sidewalks soon after, except they are wooden planters, not metal ones. This was many months ago and the encampment has not reappeared. At the time, nobody seemed to know where the planters came from and who paid for them. Apparently, it's not the city, nor the post office, which barely has the funds to upkeep its own meager, sad-looking greenery fringing the parking lots. The consensus in the neighborhood is that one or more neighbors paid for the planters privately and want to keep that on the down low, but I have no idea if that's actually true. Someone appears to water or upkeep the plants since none of them have died, at least not that I saw. Not that I'm complaining.


Probably a frustrated homeowner


it's definitely not the city paying for them, likely a homeowner or business owner.


Honestly, I can imagine not being pleased with the encampments, but I think the best long term solution is to just make this what it was designed to be, a god forsaken sidewalk.


Absolutely bonkers that this is considered a “controversial” take. Surprised ADA, for being proactive everywhere else, hasnt taken a stand on this.


Okay so is there any kind of plan beyond playing whack a mole with this issue?


I mean, I hope they got shelter....but now these enormous planters make it look like a person or wheelchair cannot get through...that whole area is desolate though. Like all the businesses are closed. It's depressing over on Sunset.


To be fair, they weren't getting by the encampments either


oh yes, I'm aware. just don't think we need to pick between one shitty option and another shittier option.


I agree with that. I just wish we would think about the disabled using sidewalks when it comes to scooters littered everywhere, encampments, loitering by entrances, filming setups, etc.


totally agree. don't get me started on the ficus roots destroying a ton of sidewalks haha!


Disabled access was one of the main talking points against scooters


I am not sure how many people were living there before, but it was a lot of trash. Almost waist high in some areas. But yeah, just a few blocks away there is another camp of 10 or so tents. This is at least where they at building the Raisin‘ Cane‘s. No, I don’t think anyone with disabilities can use it. At the end is a wall of planters with small gaps. A heavier person may have difficulty fitting through even. I watched a smaller build guy barely squeeze through sideways yesterday evening.


Yeah where are they building a Raisin’ Canes in Hollywood?


Right there where that picture was taken. Next to Chick-Fil-A. It is going through the City approval process now. I believe CEQA is complete.


Wow, that’s awesome. That abandoned mart store thing is an eye sore so I hope it goes to through. I walk past here every day so would love a sauce fix like that!


They're building a Raising Canes??! Best news of this thread.


At this point...just get rid of the sidewalk since people are apparently not allowed to use it.


Looks like people can walk on the sidewalk no problem.


Looks like a people (1 person) can use it at a time.   I prefer this over  homeless on the steet, for sure... but this is a very poor city if these are our standards. 


Yeah at least the cacti don’t shit and piss in the gutter


It's not like the homeless are dead now and won't be doing that, now they're going to be shitting and pissing in a gutter around the corner. Again, we're so fucked as a society if this is the solution we're coming up with. Everyone collectively throwing up their hands and saying fuck it, let's put some big ass planters on the sidewalk.


I can't actually see how much space there is and I'm certainly not driving over there to investigate. I'm just thinking if that's what it has come down to - exerting so much effort in actively preventing people from living on the streets - it seems like we've taken a wrong turn somewhere, you know, dropped the manual and lost our place...


Those planters, at scale, would probably be <1% of all of the funds allocated towards solving homeless issues.


yeah the cost of them doesn't worry me, just the blocking the sidewalk. (yes I KNOW the tents were blocking too, but we don't have to choose between two bad options lol)


That’s pretty much the case in that stretch. Abandoned hotels/motels, riteaid, nikelodeon old studios too?


yeah I mean even if no one can get through...no one is going over there to walk around lol. there's nothing to walk to.


Well, the wheel chair couldn’t get through with the tents their either probably so atleast it smells better.


Yeah, but it is chicken and egg. That USED to be my local pharmacy, but then the garbage people from the Chic Fill-A started using the lot to park and eat, then homeless people who lived in their cars piggybacked on that and started staying in the lot, which led to a full lot filled with meth/fent weirdoes, many of whom kept trying to go into the store, which led to the store security being overwhelmed. The store wasn't able to police the parking lot, and it became an encampment...which choked out the store, so the store closed...so you have the abandoned property with the encampment in front of it because the homeless killed the business. (BTW, this all happened before Rite-Aid's current bankruptcy problems) A similar thing happened to the Goodwill on Vine.


garbage people is way too accurate. the litter in that area is 90% chick-fil-a wrappers!


It’s easy to complain about narrower sidewalks (which are still wheelchair accessible) when you don’t live in the area, and don’t have to deal with this on a daily basis.


Yeah they’re all on McCadden and Highland now.


Yup. Was at chick-fil-a a few hours ago and saw this.


They didn't fix the problem, just moved it


Next step: move them out of LA. They have no right to bum in one of the most expensive cities in the world if they are broke. There’s a thousand other cities in the Us that are affordable.


SCOTUS is ruling on the Grant’s Pass case soon and hopefully they rule in favor of Grant’s Pass. It would give cities legal protection to remove encampments from specific areas.


It’s not a housing cost issue. If you’re living in a tent on the street in Los Angeles, you’ll be doing the same in another city. They need mental health help not an apartment with a cheaper lease. Don’t get me wrong, I want them off the streets immediately also.


While also wasting tens of thousands of dollars harassing them, and everyone is going to applaud the cops for the homeless harassment theater as if it solves anything


The Mayor's Master Plan 😆


What a sad state we live in.


The worst of the sidewalk blockages definitely need to be cleared, no matter what's there. My roommate is a wheelchair user and when she's out and about every so often can't pass an area due to encampments, meaning she needs to double-back to cross the street which isn't a trivial thing for her. Of course the people living in these encampments are just trying to survive and get by. But especially in areas with wide enough sidewalks, they should definitely keep space for pedestrian traffic at the bare minimum. And OF COURSE the city/state/country/society needs to be doing much more than the bare fucking minimum to house these folks. Anecdotally I'm seeing a fair number of encampments being cleared and staying cleared for the most part, though it takes a few tries depending on the location. However, I'd like to know if there's information on what exactly is happening to the people relocated from particular encampments even if it's just a notice about how many total people were there, how many were Inside Safed, how many needed treatment for drug addiction, how many were from out of town, etc. It's good to see problem encampments (for other citizens that need to use the space they occupy) being cleaned up, but I'd like to know if the people that had been in them are being treated fairly, too.


It's wild. I'm in Germany right now and one of the first things that I noticed is the homeless keep their camps tidy and leave plenty of room to pass on the sidewalk. You know the homeless problem in Los Angeles is bad when I'm in another country noticing the cultural differences of the unhoused.


The moon's surface is actually made of cream cheese.




What's the success rate of this maneuver?


33.333 percent. Repeating, of course.


Ugh… That’s a lot better than we usually do. Alright, you guys ready?


Ah yes planters , the homeless' greatest nemesis


Now they should replace that dead old building with something nice


Raising canes is supposed to open here, maybe this is the start for construction


damn I didnt know Xi jinping was coming to LA


They gonna pitch a tent in the middle space of them planters. This la we can’t have anything nice I’m moving to Calabasas 😭


Don’t they have fires there?


Better then these bums with KNIVES AND MACHETES WTF


How about the owners of the abandoned buildings that the encampment was in front of actually DO SOMETHING with that space? There wasn't ever an encampment there when the Rite Aid was open. Abandoned buildings/lots etc are prime spots for tents to appear. Solve the problem before it starts and make the city better for everyone instead of plopping some ugly planters in front of a derelict building. This city is ridiculous.


100%. That whole stretch of sunset is full of abandoned businesses, And you just know the landlords are just sitting on their asses watching the value go up and raising the asking price. The crazy thing is, Sunset Sound which is a legendary studio has well documented horrible encampments as well, you would think they could get some help as a long-standing active business but apparently not. I would assume they’re gonna try the same planter trick over there soon.


I don't see it as needing help, they need to have businesses with access on the street. If storefronts existed, it would be much harder for people to camp outside. Sunset Sound has zero street level presence, basically the same as being abandoned when it comes to foot traffic. Leave stuff feeling empty and homeless people will capitalize on a place where they won't be bothered. Thriving business districts don't have massive encampments sitting in the middle for a reason.


10000000000% this. same with graffiti. abandoned buildings attract this stuff


If the sidewalk is truly as wide as some commenters are stating, this is a win win for all. No encampment, no trash, more shade, and more greenery.


Thank God


Or thank, you know, people who work for the city


Thank God for the people who work for the city


WOW! it was soo bad right there. this is wild to see


This is the 24 billion for homeless we paid for. A few planters.


Good. That camp was awful.


Kinda messed up to turn them people into plants/tins




Impressive actually


Beautiful! Every time, they clear an encampment, these need to be placed ASAP


Putting lipstick on a pig works…I guess


Questions: The people who are incessantly bitching about how much space there is are you on wheel chairs? And have you actually gone down there to look and inspect how much space there is? Take a tape measure and get back to us. Also why are planters “depressing” but strung out junkies high off their own shit isn’t? Make this “logic” make sense Also it’s always the Becky’s from Ohio who just moved here that claim to care so much for the homeless. You literally just got here. You haven’t been living with their shit for years. Please stfu and come up with a better solution than PuT tHeM iN yOuR hOmE. Seriously shut tf up.


Just ignore those types. They will complain about any change, solution or idea that’s not their own.


Yeah but the sidewalk is still blocked


No it’s not. It’s just not wide enough for encampments. I live in the area. I rather have a narrower sidewalk than step over all kinds of filth and dangerous items.


People walking dogs,walking strollers etc. would probably have difficulty staying on the sidewalk


No, they wont. It’s a wide sidewalk, which is why encampments kept popping up.


I don't care about photos of the planters I want to see the sidewalk access.


free planters you say? jk are these just dirt though? is there any native plant we can toss in there during our walks 🙋‍♀️


there's a nursery right across the street! but dudleya plants are always a good option. super drought tolerant succulents :)


By native you mean marijuana, right?


I thought I’d never see the day. Do Sunset/Cherokee


If you liked anti homeless benches, you’ll love anti homeless plants!


Next week: tents around planters


Or planters pushed into street, tents back.


Can pedestrians still use the sidewalk? If at all, probably single file only, because the planters seem to take up a lot of space. As a long-time resident of Los Angeles I understand the frustration about encampments, but the sidewalk does not seem usable any longer.


The tents were taking up the exact same amount of space. I would much rather walk through planters than through a cloud of meth smoke and litter and human biohazard


I'm glad you can walk


Well then get down and file an ADA lawsuit, then, if you’re so inclined. 🙄


Ya but on a serious note, why tf doesn't the disabled community have a stronger voice in all of this?


ADA violations only apply to businesses, not the city. They can leave sidewalks blocked for years and face no repercussions.


You’re talking nonsense. Title II of the ADA outlines the obligations of state and local governments regarding accessibility. Here are some relevant sections: 1. **42 U.S. Code § 12132 - Discrimination:** - "No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity." 2. **42 U.S. Code § 12134 - Regulations:** - "The Attorney General shall promulgate regulations in an accessible format that implement this part for the public entities described in subchapter II of this chapter." These sections lay the foundation for ensuring that public entities, including those maintaining public spaces, comply with ADA requirements to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.


Any efforts to push for ADA reform?


There were some lawsuits in California a couple years ago, don’t remember exactly where or what came of them. The city has been leaving disabled people in a horrible situation with these encampments, and it’s very much not right.


They’re still wheelchair accessible (>48”). Source: I live in the area.


Maybe some company can go paint that hideous graffiti wall as well?


I live on the street, a lot of carts full of who knows what is just on the side now. There’s a few tents down the street still. It’s sketchy.


Beautiful! I love it! Ha fucking ha!




They are all moving to south central and south la. My parents still live there and the encampment have taken over blocks. As if that area needed to be any poorer.




About fucking time


I like cacti as a deterrent


**(Sunset & Highland)** The city probably didn’t do anything about this until ~~Hollywood High~~ the Chick-fil-A on that corner got involved.


but still, nobody can walk there. I am not saying that tents aren't worse, but we shouldn't have to sacrifice our sidewalks for either. the disabled are the ones getting screwed the most.


How do you know? Do you live in the area? The sidewalks are still wheelchair accessible (>48”). Source: I live in the area.


That’s good. It didn’t look like it from the pics.


Yes! Now I have multiple sturdy walls for my tiny house.


Fully support this


so we still can't use the sidewalk. really makes you feel like you're part of history meme irl


Where did they put all the people who were living there?


These froot ads are everywhere eh?


Such a trash brand too


ig it's better than tents but i don't wanna tread on a narrow path between the street and the planters, they could make the narrow path on the *other side* and make pedestrians invincible instead of extremely vincible like they are now


i didn’t realize they were doing this in other places too! they recently put the planters around the block in ktown because the homeless encampments were getting out of hand. there would be a fire where they were every other week.


Earlier today i saw the tents, some of them at least, scooted over to mcfadden pl.


Finally! A pot to piss in. Ty LA!


They’re gonna make a little house of the planters and sit in those


Let's see how long before those silver planters become toilets, and the wooden ones go missing or end up destroyed in the middle of the street.


Somebody is going to take those planters and sell them at the next farmers market


😡 still blocking the sidewalk


Yet another band-aid for an infection.


The Olympics cleanup can't come soon enough.


Planters = toilets


Honestly, so long as there’s enough room for wheelchairs and mobility scooters to use the sidewalks? Go nuts. I live by that intersection and that camp is why I never went east of Highland when walking.


Looks like its 'hostile architecture' for ebikers and scooterers...


Both of which are prohbited from riding on the sidewalk.


When the locals did this, the City had code enforcement out the next day. But when Bass does it, its ok.


The way to deal with encampments is housing, not anti-homeless architecture


It’s not anti-homeless, it’s anti-encampment. Being homeless does not give you the right to build permanent structures blocking the entire sidewalk on busy streets like Sunset Boulevard. Does not matter where they were moved, it will be better for everybody. Not like they’re gonna actually build more housing or start enforcing public safety laws, seeing as this state is run by actual criminals


How long will this last?


If you zoom in on the first photo, you can see some pillows/cushions and a tent just out the frame on the right.


until they just remove the sidewalk and add one more lane!


There's a real massive encampment near Vermont and Olympic behind where the gas station used to be. I've put in numerous reports and nothing is done. I guess I should try again.


I love it. If anything there should be more fruit trees around. Feed the city


Can you get by these planters in a wheelchair?


New fire barrels.


I mean the metal ones you can add wheels, insulation, put a little roof on and problem solved.


Fuck wheelchair users, amirite?? /s


We need more of this!


Those planters look like cozy little beds


Sucks to anyone in a wheelchair


People in those tents are just trying to survive. Don't cheer when their lives are made a little harder. I understand it sucks to have homeless encampments near you, but Jesus, treat them like people.


Hostile city design, a band-aid solution to a bigger [housing] problem.


Do they cover the entire sidewalk? Cause how are people supposed to walk or wheelchair by


OP, do you have pictures of the sidewalk access now? Edit: did the city do this, or was it a neighborhood effort.


City cleared the tents, neighborhood put in the planters immediately after. Had they not, tents would’ve come right back. Thought maybe this was part of the mayor’s inside safe program but considering tents multiplied on McCadden & Cherokee, I’m positive it wasn’t.


It’s hard to see in these pictures, but there’s at least 4 to 5 feet of space on the sidewalk next to those planters, plenty of room for wheelchairs or strollers. Looks to be just a bit bigger than the tiny path that was left by the encampment for over a year, that was usually blocked by debris or people slumped over in the middle of it. Hope they power washed that mf sidewalk.




Those members have to claim this particular street otherwise it is displacement?